swtbot: Help stabilize SWTChart tests by waiting for number of series
[deliverable/tracecompass.git] / analysis / org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.ui.swtbot.tests / src / org / eclipse / tracecompass / analysis / os / linux / ui / swtbot / tests / latency / SystemCallLatencyScatterChartViewTest.java
2 * Copyright (c) 2016 Ericsson
3 *
4 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
5 * made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
6 * accompanies this distribution, and is available at
7 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
8 *
9 * Contributors:
10 * Matthew Khouzam - Initial API and implementation
11 *******************************************************************************/
13package org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.ui.swtbot.tests.latency;
15import static org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.SWTBotAssert.assertVisible;
16import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
17import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
18import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
19import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
21import java.io.IOException;
23import org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender;
24import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
25import org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayout;
26import org.eclipse.core.runtime.FileLocator;
27import org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder.SWTWorkbenchBot;
28import org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder.widgets.SWTBotView;
29import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.exceptions.WidgetNotFoundException;
30import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.finders.UIThreadRunnable;
31import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.junit.SWTBotJunit4ClassRunner;
32import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.matchers.WidgetOfType;
33import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.results.Result;
34import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.utils.SWTBotPreferences;
35import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.AbstractSWTBotControl;
36import org.eclipse.tracecompass.internal.analysis.os.linux.ui.views.latency.SystemCallLatencyScatterView;
37import org.eclipse.tracecompass.testtraces.ctf.CtfTestTrace;
38import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui.swtbot.tests.shared.ConditionHelpers;
39import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui.swtbot.tests.shared.SWTBotUtils;
40import org.eclipse.ui.IViewPart;
41import org.eclipse.ui.IViewReference;
42import org.junit.After;
43import org.junit.Before;
44import org.junit.BeforeClass;
45import org.junit.Test;
46import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
47import org.swtchart.Chart;
48import org.swtchart.ILineSeries;
49import org.swtchart.ISeries;
50import org.swtchart.ISeriesSet;
51import org.swtchart.Range;
54 * Tests of the scatter chart view
55 *
56 * @author Matthew Khouzam
57 */
59public class SystemCallLatencyScatterChartViewTest {
61 private static final String TRACE_TYPE = "org.eclipse.linuxtools.lttng2.kernel.tracetype";
62 private static final String PROJECT_NAME = "test";
63 private static final String VIEW_ID = SystemCallLatencyScatterView.ID;
65 /** The Log4j logger instance. */
66 private static final Logger fLogger = Logger.getRootLogger();
67 private Chart fScatterChart;
69 /**
70 * Things to setup
71 */
72 @BeforeClass
73 public static void beforeClass() {
75 SWTBotUtils.initialize();
76 Thread.currentThread().setName("SWTBotTest");
77 /* set up for swtbot */
78 SWTBotPreferences.TIMEOUT = 20000; /* 20 second timeout */
79 SWTBotPreferences.KEYBOARD_LAYOUT = "EN_US";
80 fLogger.removeAllAppenders();
81 fLogger.addAppender(new ConsoleAppender(new SimpleLayout(), ConsoleAppender.SYSTEM_OUT));
82 SWTWorkbenchBot bot = new SWTWorkbenchBot();
83 SWTBotUtils.closeView("welcome", bot);
84 /* Switch perspectives */
85 SWTBotUtils.switchToTracingPerspective();
86 /* Finish waiting for eclipse to load */
87 SWTBotUtils.waitForJobs();
89 }
91 /**
92 * Opens a latency scatter chart
93 *
94 * @throws SecurityException
95 * If a security manager is present and any the wrong class is
96 * loaded or the class loader is not the same as its ancestor's
97 * loader.
98 *
99 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
100 * the object is not the correct class type
101 *
102 *
103 */
104 @Before
105 public void createScatterViewer() throws SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException {
106 /*
107 * Open latency view
108 */
109 SWTBotUtils.openView(VIEW_ID);
110 SWTWorkbenchBot bot = new SWTWorkbenchBot();
111 SWTBotView viewBot = bot.viewById(VIEW_ID);
112 final IViewReference viewReference = viewBot.getViewReference();
113 IViewPart viewPart = UIThreadRunnable.syncExec(new Result<IViewPart>() {
114 @Override
115 public IViewPart run() {
116 return viewReference.getView(true);
117 }
118 });
119 assertNotNull(viewPart);
120 if (!(viewPart instanceof SystemCallLatencyScatterView)) {
121 fail("Could not instanciate view");
122 }
123 fScatterChart = viewBot.bot().widget(WidgetOfType.widgetOfType(Chart.class));
124 assertNotNull(fScatterChart);
125 }
127 /**
128 * Closes the view
129 */
130 @After
131 public void closeDensityViewer() {
132 final SWTWorkbenchBot swtWorkbenchBot = new SWTWorkbenchBot();
133 SWTBotView viewBot = swtWorkbenchBot.viewById(VIEW_ID);
134 viewBot.close();
135 }
137 /**
138 * Test with an actual trace, this is more of an integration test than a
139 * unit test. This test is a slow one too. If some analyses are not well
140 * configured, this test will also generates null pointer exceptions. These
141 * will be logged.
142 *
143 * @throws IOException
144 * trace not found?
145 * @throws SecurityException
146 * If a security manager is present and any the wrong class is
147 * loaded or the class loader is not the same as its ancestor's
148 * loader.
149 *
150 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
151 * the object is not the correct class type
152 *
153 */
154 @Test
155 public void testWithTrace() throws IOException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException {
156 String tracePath;
157 tracePath = FileLocator.toFileURL(CtfTestTrace.ARM_64_BIT_HEADER.getTraceURL()).getPath();
158 SWTWorkbenchBot bot = new SWTWorkbenchBot();
159 SWTBotView view = bot.viewById(VIEW_ID);
160 view.close();
161 bot.waitUntil(ConditionHelpers.ViewIsClosed(view));
162 SWTBotUtils.createProject(PROJECT_NAME);
163 SWTBotUtils.openTrace(PROJECT_NAME, tracePath, TRACE_TYPE);
164 SWTBotUtils.waitForJobs();
165 createScatterViewer();
166 SWTBotUtils.waitForJobs();
168 final Chart scatterChart = fScatterChart;
169 assertNotNull(scatterChart);
170 bot.waitUntil(ConditionHelpers.numberOfSeries(scatterChart, 1));
172 SWTBotChart chartBot = new SWTBotChart(scatterChart);
173 assertVisible(chartBot);
174 assertEquals("", chartBot.getToolTipText());
175 final Range range = scatterChart.getAxisSet().getXAxes()[0].getRange();
176 assertEquals(100000000, range.upper - range.lower, 0);
177 ISeriesSet seriesSet = fScatterChart.getSeriesSet();
178 assertNotNull(seriesSet);
179 ISeries[] series = seriesSet.getSeries();
180 assertNotNull(series);
182 // Verify that the chart has 1 series
183 assertEquals(1, series.length);
184 // Verify that each series is a ILineSeries
185 for (int i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
186 assertTrue(series[i] instanceof ILineSeries);
187 }
188 bot.closeAllEditors();
189 SWTBotUtils.deleteProject(PROJECT_NAME, bot);
190 }
192 private static class SWTBotChart extends AbstractSWTBotControl<Chart> {
193 public SWTBotChart(Chart w) throws WidgetNotFoundException {
194 super(w);
195 }
196 }
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