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[deliverable/titan.core.git] / etc / autotest / product_handler.py
2# Copyright (c) 2000-2014 Ericsson Telecom AB
3# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
5# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6# http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
8import os, re
9import titan_publisher, utils
11MAKEFILE_PATCH = 'makefile_patch.sh'
13class product_handler:
14 """ It is assumed that the VOB is reachable (e.g. through an SSHFS mounted
15 directory) on the master machine. The source package is copied to all
16 slaves with SCP. It is assumed that the logger is always set.
18 Saving stdout and stderr of product actions is optional. During
19 publishing these files should be linked or copied to somewhere under
20 `public_html'.
21 """
22 def __init__(self, logger = None, config = None):
23 self._logger = logger
24 self._config = config
26 def config_products(self, target_path):
27 """ Localize first in the following order: `test', `demo'. If neither of
28 these directories are found the `src' will be copied, it's a must
29 have. If there's a Makefile or .prj in `test', `demo', the list of
30 files will be gathered from there. Otherwise the contents of these
31 directories excluding the Makefile will be copied to the target
32 directory. A new Makefile will be generated for the copied files.
33 Configspec 129 is used. It's assumed that the ClearCase access is
34 working and all files are accessible through SSHFS etc. The `test'
35 directory always has higher priority than `demo'. However, `demo' is
36 the one released to the customer and not `test', but we're using the
37 TCC_Common VOB anyway.
39 We generate single mode Makefiles here for simplicity. We can grep
40 through the sources for a `create' call, but it's so ugly. It is
41 assumed that the files enumerated in Makefiles or .prj files are all
42 relative to the current directory. The source and target paths are
43 class parameters. It is assumed that the Makefile and the project
44 file are all in the `test' directory. The Makefile will be ignored if
45 there's a project file in the same directory.
47 The distribution of the VOB package is the job of the master.
48 Configuring the products with `ttcn3_makefilegen' is the job of the
49 slaves.
51 Returns:
52 0 if everything went fine and the VOB package is ready for
53 distribution. 1 otherwise.
54 """
55 utils.run_cmd('rm -rf ' + target_path)
56 for kind, products in self._config.products.iteritems():
57 for product in products:
58 product_name = product['name'].strip()
59 local_src_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(self._config.common['vob'], kind), product_name)
60 src_dir = os.path.join(local_src_path, 'src')
61 test_dir = os.path.join(local_src_path, 'test')
62 demo_dir = os.path.join(local_src_path, 'demo')
63 if not os.path.isdir(src_dir):
64 self._logger.error('Missing `src\' directory for product `%s\' ' \
65 'in %s, skipping product' % (product_name, local_src_path))
66 continue
67 else:
68 dirs_to_copy = []
69 files_to_copy = []
70 if os.path.isdir(test_dir):
71 dirs_to_copy.append(test_dir)
72 elif os.path.isdir(demo_dir):
73 dirs_to_copy.append(demo_dir)
74 else:
75 # No `demo' or `test'. The `src' is copied only if the other
76 # directories are missing. There can be junk files as well. The
77 # Makefile patch script must have a fixed name
78 # `makefile_patch.sh'.
79 dirs_to_copy.append(src_dir)
80 self._logger.debug('Product `%s\' in %s doesn\'t have the `demo\' or `test\' directories'
81 % (product_name, local_src_path))
82 product_target_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(target_path, kind), product_name)
83 utils.run_cmd('mkdir -p ' + product_target_path)
84 has_prj_file = False
85 for dir in dirs_to_copy:
86 for dir_path, dir_names, file_names in os.walk(dir):
87 if not has_prj_file and \
88 len([file_name for file_name in file_names \
89 if file_name.endswith('.prj')]) > 0: has_prj_file = True
90 for file_name in file_names:
91 if not has_prj_file: # Trust the project file if we have one.
92 files_to_copy.append(os.path.join(dir_path, file_name))
93 if (file_name == 'Makefile' and not has_prj_file) or file_name.endswith('.prj'):
94 (makefile_patch, extracted_files) = \
95 self.extract_files(dir_path, os.path.join(dir_path, file_name))
96 files_to_copy.extend(extracted_files)
97 if makefile_patch:
98 utils.run_cmd('cp -Lf %s %s' \
99 % (makefile_patch, os.path.join(product_target_path, MAKEFILE_PATCH)))
100 utils.run_cmd('cp -Lf %s %s' % (' '.join(files_to_copy), product_target_path))
101 utils.run_cmd('chmod 644 * ; chmod 755 *.sh', product_target_path)
102 self._logger.debug('Product `%s\' was configured successfully ' \
103 'with %d files' % (product_name, len(files_to_copy)))
104 return 0
106 def build_products(self, proddir, logdir, config, rt2 = False):
107 """ Build the products provided in the list. Simple `compiler -s' etc.
108 commands are executed from the directories of the products. The
109 actions must be synchronized with the product configuration files.
110 The stderr and stdout of actions is captured here, but it's optional.
112 Arguments:
113 The directory of the products, the actual build configuration and
114 runtime.
116 Returns:
117 The build results in the following format:
119 results['kind1'] = [
120 {'name1':{'action1':(1, o1, e1), 'action2':-1}},
121 {'name2':{'action1':(1, o1, e1), 'action2':-1}},
122 {'name3':-1}
123 ]
125 The standard output and error channels are returned for each action
126 with the return value. The return value is usually the exit status
127 of `make' or the `compiler'. If the element is a simple integer
128 value the action was disabled for the current product. The output
129 of this function is intended to be used by the presentation layer.
130 """
131 results = {}
132 if not os.path.isdir(logdir):
133 utils.run_cmd('mkdir -p %s' % logdir)
134 for kind, products in self._config.products.iteritems():
135 results[kind] = []
136 for product in products:
137 product_name = product['name'].strip()
138 product_dir = os.path.join(proddir, os.path.join(kind, product_name))
139 if not os.path.isdir(product_dir):
140 # No `src' was found for the product. Maybe a list would be better
141 # instead.
142 results[kind].append({product_name:-1})
143 continue
144 info = {product_name:{}}
145 for product_key in product.iterkeys():
146 files = ' '.join(filter(lambda file: file.endswith('.ttcn') \
147 or file.endswith('.asn'), \
148 os.listdir(product_dir)))
149 cmd = None
150 if product_key == 'semantic':
151 if product[product_key]:
152 cmd = '%s/bin/compiler -s %s %s' % (config['installdir'], rt2 and '-R' or '', files)
153 else:
154 info[product_name][product_key] = -1
155 continue
156 elif product_key == 'translate':
157 if product[product_key]:
158 cmd = '%s/bin/compiler %s %s' % (config['installdir'], rt2 and '-R' or '', files)
159 else:
160 info[product_name][product_key] = -1
161 continue
162 elif product_key == 'compile' or product_key == 'run':
163 if product[product_key]:
164 utils.run_cmd('cd %s && %s/bin/ttcn3_makefilegen ' \
165 '-fp %s *' % (product_dir, config['installdir'], rt2 and '-R' or ''))
166 if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(product_dir, MAKEFILE_PATCH)):
167 self._logger.debug('Patching Makefile of product `%s\' for the %s runtime'
168 % (product_name, rt2 and 'function-test' or 'load-test'))
169 utils.run_cmd('cd %s && mv Makefile Makefile.bak' % product_dir)
170 utils.run_cmd('cd %s && ./%s Makefile.bak Makefile' % (product_dir, MAKEFILE_PATCH))
171 cmd = 'make clean ; make dep ; make -j4 ; %s' % (product_key == 'run' and 'make run' or '')
172 else:
173 info[product_name][product_key] = -1
174 continue
175 else:
176 # Skip `name' or other things.
177 continue
178 (retval, stdout, stderr) = utils.run_cmd(cmd, product_dir, 900)
179 prod_stdout = os.path.join(logdir, '%s_%s_%s_stdout.%s' \
180 % (kind, product_name, product_key, rt2 and 'rt2' or 'rt1'))
181 prod_stderr = os.path.join(logdir, '%s_%s_%s_stderr.%s' \
182 % (kind, product_name, product_key, rt2 and 'rt2' or 'rt1'))
183 output_files = (prod_stdout, prod_stderr)
184 try:
185 out_file = open(prod_stdout, 'wt')
186 err_file = open(prod_stderr, 'wt')
187 if 'vobtest_logs' not in config or config['vobtest_logs']:
188 out_file.write(' '.join(stdout))
189 err_file.write(' '.join(stderr))
190 out_file.close()
191 err_file.close()
192 except IOError, (errno, strerror):
193 self._logger.error('Error while dumping product results: %s (%s)' \
194 % (strerror, errno))
195 info[product_name][product_key] = (retval, output_files, stdout, stderr)
196 results[kind].append(info)
197 return results
199 def extract_files(self, path, filename):
200 """ Extract the files need to be copied all around from a given Makefile
201 or .prj file. It handles wrapped lines (i.e. '\') in Makefiles. """
203 # Interesting patterns in Makefiles and .prj files. Tuples are faster
204 # than lists, use them for storing constants.
205 prj_matches = ( \
206 '<Module>\s*(.+)\s*</Module>', \
207 '<TestPort>\s*(.+)\s*</TestPort>', \
208 '<Config>\s*(.+)\s*</Config>', \
209 '<Other>\s*(.+)\s*</Other>', \
210 '<Other_Source>\s*(.+)\s*</Other_Source>', \
211 '<File path="\s*(.+)\s*"', \
212 '<File_Group path="\s*(.+)\s*"' )
214 makefile_matches = ( \
215 '^TTCN3_MODULES =\s*(.+)', \
216 '^ASN1_MODULES =\s*(.+)', \
217 '^USER_SOURCES =\s*(.+)', \
218 '^USER_HEADERS =\s*(.+)', \
219 '^OTHER_FILES =\s*(.+)' )
221 try:
222 file = open(filename, 'rt')
223 except IOError:
224 self._logger.error('File `%s\' cannot be opened for reading' % filename)
225 return (None, [])
227 files = []
228 makefile_patch = None
229 if re.search('.*[Mm]akefile$', filename):
230 multi_line = False
231 for line in file:
232 line = line.strip()
233 if multi_line:
234 files.extend(map(lambda f: os.path.join(path, f), line.split()))
235 multi_line = line.endswith('\\')
236 if multi_line:
237 files.pop()
238 else:
239 for line_match in makefile_matches:
240 matched = re.search(line_match, line)
241 if matched:
242 files.extend(map(lambda f: os.path.join(path, f),
243 matched.group(1).split()))
244 multi_line = line.endswith('\\')
245 if multi_line:
246 files.pop()
247 elif re.search('.*\.prj$', filename) or re.search('.*\.grp', filename):
248 files_to_exclude = []
249 for line in file:
250 # Only basic support for Makefile patching, since it doesn't have a
251 # bright future in its current form...
252 matched = re.search('<ScriptFile_AfterMake>\s*(.+)\s*</ScriptFile_AfterMake>', line)
253 if matched:
254 makefile_patch = os.path.join(path, matched.group(1))
255 continue
256 matched = re.search('<UnUsed_List>\s*(.+)\s*</UnUsed_List>', line)
257 if matched:
258 files_to_exclude.extend(matched.group(1).split(','))
259 continue
260 for line_match in prj_matches:
261 matched = re.search(line_match, line)
262 if matched and matched.group(1) not in files_to_exclude:
263 file_to_append = os.path.join(path, matched.group(1))
264 files_to_append = []
265 if file_to_append != filename and file_to_append.endswith('.grp'):
266 self._logger.debug('Group file `%s\' found' % file_to_append)
267 last_slash = file_to_append.rfind('/')
268 if last_slash != -1:
269 grp_dir = file_to_append[:last_slash]
270 if path.startswith('/'):
271 grp_dir = os.path.join(path, grp_dir)
272 (not_used, files_to_append) = self.extract_files(grp_dir, file_to_append)
273 else:
274 self._logger.warning('Skipping contents of `%s\', check ' \
275 'this file by hand' % file_to_append)
276 files.append(file_to_append)
277 files.extend(files_to_append)
278 break
279 else:
280 self._logger.error('Unsupported project description file: %s\n' % filename)
281 file.close()
282 return (makefile_patch, files)
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