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[deliverable/titan.core.git] / regression_test / XML / XmlWorkflow / XmlTest_protocolXSDs / MGW / IntegratedSite.xsd
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3abe9331 3 Copyright (c) 2000-2015 Ericsson Telecom AB
5 All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
6 are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
7 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
9 -->
10<xs:schema targetNamespace=""
11 xmlns:IntegratedSite=""
12 xmlns:xs=""
13 xmlns:confd=""
14 xmlns:IsTypes=""
15 elementFormDefault="qualified"
16 attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
17 xml:lang="en">
18 <xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="XMLSchema.xsd"/>
19 <xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="confd.xsd"/>
20 <xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="IsTypes.xsd"/>
21 <xs:complexType name="dataModelVersionType-10">
22 <xs:sequence>
23 <xs:element name="major" type="xs:integer"/>
24 <xs:element name="minor" type="xs:integer"/>
25 </xs:sequence>
26 </xs:complexType>
27 <xs:complexType name="FtpData">
28 <xs:annotation>
29 <xs:documentation>
31 Data to specify FTP server info.
33 </xs:documentation>
34 </xs:annotation>
35 <xs:sequence>
36 <xs:element name="host" type="xs:token" >
37 <xs:annotation>
38 <xs:documentation>
40 Hostname to FTP server.
42 </xs:documentation>
43 </xs:annotation>
44 </xs:element>
45 <xs:element name="user" type="xs:token" >
46 <xs:annotation>
47 <xs:documentation>
49 Username to FTP server.
51 </xs:documentation>
52 </xs:annotation>
53 </xs:element>
54 <xs:element name="password" type="xs:token" >
55 <xs:annotation>
56 <xs:documentation>
58 Password to FTP server.
60 </xs:documentation>
61 </xs:annotation>
62 </xs:element>
63 <xs:element name="path" type="xs:token" >
64 <xs:annotation>
65 <xs:documentation>
67 Absolute path including filename.
69 </xs:documentation>
70 </xs:annotation>
71 </xs:element>
72 </xs:sequence>
73 </xs:complexType>
74 <xs:complexType name="bsProdFilterType-1">
75 <xs:sequence>
76 <xs:element name="prodNo" type="xs:token" >
77 <xs:annotation>
78 <xs:documentation>
80 The blade system product number (CSA product number).
82 </xs:documentation>
83 </xs:annotation>
84 </xs:element>
85 <xs:element name="prodRev" type="xs:token" >
86 <xs:annotation>
87 <xs:documentation>
89 The revision of the blade system product (CSA product revision).
91 </xs:documentation>
92 </xs:annotation>
93 </xs:element>
94 </xs:sequence>
95 </xs:complexType>
96 <xs:complexType name="JobData">
97 <xs:annotation>
98 <xs:documentation>
100 Data to specify job status during its execution.
101 A description of "jobs" can be found in the document "Service Guide - Software",
102 6/154 43-CNA 113 13 Uen.
104 </xs:documentation>
105 </xs:annotation>
106 <xs:sequence>
107 <xs:element name="jobDateOrdered" type="xs:dateTime" >
108 <xs:annotation>
109 <xs:documentation>
111 Date and time when the job was ordered.
113 </xs:documentation>
114 </xs:annotation>
115 </xs:element>
116 <xs:element name="jobStatus" type="IntegratedSite:jobStatusType-34" >
117 <xs:annotation>
118 <xs:documentation>
120 Indicator of job status.
122 </xs:documentation>
123 </xs:annotation>
124 </xs:element>
125 <xs:element name="jobResult" type="IntegratedSite:jobResultType-35" >
126 <xs:annotation>
127 <xs:documentation>
129 Possible result of a job action.
131 </xs:documentation>
132 </xs:annotation>
133 </xs:element>
134 <xs:element name="jobInfo" type="xs:token" >
135 <xs:annotation>
136 <xs:documentation>
138 Textual description of additional info about the job.
140 </xs:documentation>
141 </xs:annotation>
142 </xs:element>
143 <xs:element name="jobProgress" type="xs:unsignedInt" >
144 <xs:annotation>
145 <xs:documentation>
147 Current progress step of the job. This parameter is used
148 together with jobLastStep to
149 be able to present rough progress tracking to the user.
150 For example: "'jobProgress' of 'jobLastStep' steps complete"
152 </xs:documentation>
153 </xs:annotation>
154 </xs:element>
155 <xs:element name="jobLastStep" type="xs:unsignedInt" >
156 <xs:annotation>
157 <xs:documentation>
159 Last progress step of the job. This parameter is used
160 together with jobProgress to
161 be able to present rough progress tracking to the user.
162 For example: "'jobProgress' of 'jobLastStep' steps complete"
164 </xs:documentation>
165 </xs:annotation>
166 </xs:element>
167 <xs:element name="jobProgressReport" type="xs:boolean" >
168 <xs:annotation>
169 <xs:documentation>
171 Determines if progress reports should be issued during the job.
172 If this parameter is true, progress reports will be issued at
173 each step of the job. If this parameter is false, no progress
174 reports are issued. When a job finishes, a report describing
175 the result of the job is however always issued.
177 </xs:documentation>
178 </xs:annotation>
179 </xs:element>
180 </xs:sequence>
181 </xs:complexType>
182 <xs:simpleType name="dnsDomainType-14">
183 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
184 <xs:pattern value="[a-zA-Z]+(\.[a-zA-Z]*)*"/>
185 </xs:restriction>
186 </xs:simpleType>
187 <xs:simpleType name="InterSubrackLink_HwmIslType">
188 <xs:annotation>
189 <xs:documentation>
191 Inter-subrack link type definition. The valid values
192 corresponds to using a inter-subrack link board
193 or connecting the subracks using MXB front ports.
195 </xs:documentation>
196 </xs:annotation>
197 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
198 <xs:pattern value="islb|frontPort"/>
199 </xs:restriction>
200 </xs:simpleType>
201 <xs:simpleType name="HwmKnockOutPreference">
202 <xs:annotation>
203 <xs:documentation>
205 The knock-out preference of a blade.
206 \"protected\" reflects a mode where the blade
207 is immune to shutdown or lock requests.
209 </xs:documentation>
210 </xs:annotation>
211 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
212 <xs:pattern value="normal|protected"/>
213 </xs:restriction>
214 </xs:simpleType>
215 <xs:simpleType name="updateModeType-9">
216 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
217 <xs:pattern value="unsafe|readOnly|safe|preliminary"/>
218 </xs:restriction>
219 </xs:simpleType>
220 <xs:simpleType name="HwmRedundancyGroups">
221 <xs:annotation>
222 <xs:documentation>
224 This datatype defines the valid redundancy groups for bs blades.
226 </xs:documentation>
227 </xs:annotation>
228 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
229 <xs:pattern value="0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9"/>
230 </xs:restriction>
231 </xs:simpleType>
232 <xs:simpleType name="Slot_HwmSlotState">
233 <xs:annotation>
234 <xs:documentation>
236 HwmSlotState type definition. This type describes the different slot states.
237 Used and unused corresponds to whether the slot is assigned to a blade within
238 a blade system and vice versa.Occupied and empty corresponds to whether a
239 physical blade is inserted in the slot and vice versa.
241 </xs:documentation>
242 </xs:annotation>
243 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
244 <xs:pattern value="unusedEmpty|usedEmpty|unusedOccupied|usedOccupied"/>
245 </xs:restriction>
246 </xs:simpleType>
247 <xs:simpleType name="relatedSDPsType-32">
248 <xs:list itemType="confd:objectRef"/>
249 </xs:simpleType>
250 <xs:simpleType name="subrack1IdType-22">
251 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
252 <xs:maxInclusive value="31"/>
253 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
254 </xs:restriction>
255 </xs:simpleType>
256 <xs:simpleType name="rlspLinkDownThresholdType-12">
257 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
258 <xs:maxInclusive value="65535"/>
259 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
260 </xs:restriction>
261 </xs:simpleType>
262 <xs:simpleType name="subrackIdType-3">
263 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
264 <xs:maxInclusive value="31"/>
265 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
266 </xs:restriction>
267 </xs:simpleType>
268 <xs:simpleType name="subrack2IdType-26">
269 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
270 <xs:maxInclusive value="31"/>
271 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
272 </xs:restriction>
273 </xs:simpleType>
274 <xs:simpleType name="identityType-7">
275 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
276 <xs:maxInclusive value="4096"/>
277 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
278 </xs:restriction>
279 </xs:simpleType>
280 <xs:simpleType name="numberType-21">
281 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
282 <xs:maxInclusive value="25"/>
283 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
284 </xs:restriction>
285 </xs:simpleType>
286 <xs:simpleType name="slotNoType-4">
287 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
288 <xs:maxInclusive value="25"/>
289 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
290 </xs:restriction>
291 </xs:simpleType>
292 <xs:simpleType name="physicalAddrPlug0Type-18">
293 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
294 <xs:maxInclusive value="15"/>
295 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
296 </xs:restriction>
297 </xs:simpleType>
298 <xs:simpleType name="HwmOperationalState">
299 <xs:annotation>
300 <xs:documentation>
302 The operational state of blades and blade systems.
303 This state reflects if the entity is on or off.
305 </xs:documentation>
306 </xs:annotation>
307 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
308 <xs:pattern value="disabled|enabled"/>
309 </xs:restriction>
310 </xs:simpleType>
311 <xs:simpleType name="physicalAddrPlug1Type-19">
312 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
313 <xs:maxInclusive value="15"/>
314 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
315 </xs:restriction>
316 </xs:simpleType>
317 <xs:simpleType name="SwmMatchStrategy">
318 <xs:annotation>
319 <xs:documentation>
321 Describes how to interpret a given file name and path when
322 downloading files.
323 For exact file match strategy, all files that exactly
324 match the given file name will match.
325 For prefix file match strategy, all files that match
326 the given prefix will match.
327 If exact or prefix has been selected and if the path ends
328 with a directory name, all files in that directory will match.
329 The value unknown is deprecated.
331 </xs:documentation>
332 </xs:annotation>
333 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
334 <xs:pattern value="exact|prefix|unknown"/>
335 </xs:restriction>
336 </xs:simpleType>
337 <xs:simpleType name="bladeSwgRefsType-2">
338 <xs:list itemType="confd:objectRef"/>
339 </xs:simpleType>
340 <xs:simpleType name="HwmValidNameCharacters">
341 <xs:annotation>
342 <xs:documentation>
344 This datatype defines the valid characters of name attributes.
346 </xs:documentation>
347 </xs:annotation>
348 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
349 <xs:pattern value="[-a-zA-Z0-9_\\\(\) \.:;]*"/>
350 </xs:restriction>
351 </xs:simpleType>
352 <xs:simpleType name="HwmBusType">
353 <xs:annotation>
354 <xs:documentation>
356 The bus type used by a blade.
358 </xs:documentation>
359 </xs:annotation>
360 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
361 <xs:pattern value="ipmi|mbus"/>
362 </xs:restriction>
363 </xs:simpleType>
364 <xs:simpleType name="subrack1XslotType-23">
365 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
366 <xs:enumeration value="25"/>
367 <xs:enumeration value="0"/>
368 </xs:restriction>
369 </xs:simpleType>
370 <xs:simpleType name="subrack1PslotType-24">
371 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
372 <xs:maxInclusive value="25"/>
373 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
374 </xs:restriction>
375 </xs:simpleType>
376 <xs:simpleType name="jobResultType-35">
377 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
378 <xs:pattern value="ok|inputError|executionError|unknown"/>
379 </xs:restriction>
380 </xs:simpleType>
381 <xs:simpleType name="subrack2XslotType-27">
382 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
383 <xs:enumeration value="25"/>
384 <xs:enumeration value="0"/>
385 </xs:restriction>
386 </xs:simpleType>
387 <xs:simpleType name="subrack2PslotType-28">
388 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
389 <xs:maxInclusive value="25"/>
390 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
391 </xs:restriction>
392 </xs:simpleType>
393 <xs:simpleType name="physicalAddrPlug3Type-20">
394 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
395 <xs:maxInclusive value="15"/>
396 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
397 </xs:restriction>
398 </xs:simpleType>
399 <xs:simpleType name="statusType-33">
400 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
401 <xs:pattern value="complete|incomplete|inconsistent"/>
402 </xs:restriction>
403 </xs:simpleType>
404 <xs:simpleType name="jobStatusType-34">
405 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
406 <xs:pattern value="notStarted|ongoing|complete"/>
407 </xs:restriction>
408 </xs:simpleType>
409 <xs:simpleType name="DummyEmptyType">
410 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
411 <xs:enumeration value=""/>
412 </xs:restriction>
413 </xs:simpleType>
414 <xs:simpleType name="widthType-16">
415 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
416 <xs:maxInclusive value="12"/>
417 <xs:minInclusive value="1"/>
418 </xs:restriction>
419 </xs:simpleType>
420 <xs:simpleType name="maskType-5">
421 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
422 <xs:maxInclusive value="32"/>
423 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
424 </xs:restriction>
425 </xs:simpleType>
426 <xs:simpleType name="maskType-6">
427 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
428 <xs:maxInclusive value="32"/>
429 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
430 </xs:restriction>
431 </xs:simpleType>
432 <xs:simpleType name="rlspLinkUpThresholdType-13">
433 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
434 <xs:maxInclusive value="65535"/>
435 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
436 </xs:restriction>
437 </xs:simpleType>
438 <xs:simpleType name="HwmAvailabilityStatus">
439 <xs:annotation>
440 <xs:documentation>
442 The availability status of blades and blade systems.
443 This status is set by the system, depending on the
444 availability conditions of the concerned unit.
446 </xs:documentation>
447 </xs:annotation>
448 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
449 <xs:pattern value="available|failed|offLine|dependency|degraded|upgrading|startingUp|goingOffLine|notInstalled|powerOff"/>
450 </xs:restriction>
451 </xs:simpleType>
452 <xs:simpleType name="HwmAdministrativeState">
453 <xs:annotation>
454 <xs:documentation>
456 The administrative state of blades and blade systems.
457 This state reflects what the administrator has done.
459 </xs:documentation>
460 </xs:annotation>
461 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
462 <xs:pattern value="locked|shuttingDown|unlocked"/>
463 </xs:restriction>
464 </xs:simpleType>
465 <xs:simpleType name="pbitsType-8">
466 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
467 <xs:maxInclusive value="7"/>
468 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
469 </xs:restriction>
470 </xs:simpleType>
471 <xs:simpleType name="islTypeType-30">
472 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
473 <xs:pattern value="islb|frontPort"/>
474 </xs:restriction>
475 </xs:simpleType>
476 <xs:simpleType name="typeType-31">
477 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
478 <xs:pattern value="bladeSystemInformation|bladeInformation|application|rootFileSystem|kernel|correction|ipmi"/>
479 </xs:restriction>
480 </xs:simpleType>
481 <xs:simpleType name="subrack1PortType-25">
482 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
483 <xs:maxInclusive value="6"/>
484 <xs:minInclusive value="1"/>
485 </xs:restriction>
486 </xs:simpleType>
487 <xs:simpleType name="idType-17">
488 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
489 <xs:maxInclusive value="31"/>
490 <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
491 </xs:restriction>
492 </xs:simpleType>
493 <xs:simpleType name="subrack2PortType-29">
494 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
495 <xs:maxInclusive value="6"/>
496 <xs:minInclusive value="1"/>
497 </xs:restriction>
498 </xs:simpleType>
499 <xs:simpleType name="modeType-15">
500 <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
501 <xs:pattern value="prepare|publish|accept|reject|purge"/>
502 </xs:restriction>
503 </xs:simpleType>
504 <xs:simpleType name="rlspMarkerGenerateIntervalType-11">
505 <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
506 <xs:maxInclusive value="200"/>
507 <xs:minInclusive value="10"/>
508 </xs:restriction>
509 </xs:simpleType>
510 <xs:element name="IntegratedSite">
511 <xs:annotation>
512 <xs:documentation>
514 Management information model for the integrated site.
515 This also the top model in the configuration structure under which all
516 blade system specific models are mounted.
518 Hardware management, software management and network configuration are the
519 services that are available through this model in IS 2.0 perspective.
521 </xs:documentation>
522 </xs:annotation>
523 <xs:complexType>
524 <xs:sequence>
525 <xs:element name="AdministrativeData">
526 <xs:annotation>
527 <xs:documentation>
529 A collection of administrative data for the entire site.
531 </xs:documentation>
532 </xs:annotation>
533 <xs:complexType>
534 <xs:sequence>
535 <xs:element name="siteAlias" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
536 <xs:annotation>
537 <xs:documentation>
539 Human-readable name for the site.
541 </xs:documentation>
542 </xs:annotation>
543 </xs:element>
544 <xs:element name="ipb" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
545 <xs:annotation>
546 <xs:documentation>
548 IS Customer identification code.
550 </xs:documentation>
551 </xs:annotation>
552 </xs:element>
553 <xs:element name="SystemRestart">
554 <xs:annotation>
555 <xs:documentation>
557 System restart.
559 </xs:documentation>
560 </xs:annotation>
561 <xs:complexType>
562 <xs:sequence>
563 <xs:element name="sisSRSongoing" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
564 <xs:annotation>
565 <xs:documentation>
567 Returns true if a SIS sequential restart is ongoing, otherwise false.
569 </xs:documentation>
570 </xs:annotation>
571 </xs:element>
572 </xs:sequence>
573 </xs:complexType>
574 </xs:element>
575 </xs:sequence>
576 </xs:complexType>
577 </xs:element>
578 <xs:element name="BladeSystems">
579 <xs:annotation>
580 <xs:documentation>
582 Parent of all blade systems.
584 </xs:documentation>
585 </xs:annotation>
586 <xs:complexType>
587 <xs:sequence>
588 <xs:element name="BladeSystem" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
589 <xs:annotation>
590 <xs:documentation>
592 This class describes a blade system.
593 It serves as a mount point for the blade system specific model.
595 </xs:documentation>
596 </xs:annotation>
597 <xs:complexType>
598 <xs:sequence>
599 <xs:element name="name" type="IntegratedSite:HwmValidNameCharacters" >
600 <xs:annotation>
601 <xs:documentation>
603 A required user friendly blade system name. The name must be unique within the site
604 and can only be set once.
606 </xs:documentation>
607 </xs:annotation>
608 </xs:element>
609 <xs:element name="alias" type="IntegratedSite:HwmValidNameCharacters" minOccurs="0" >
610 <xs:annotation>
611 <xs:documentation>
613 An optional blade system alias. The default value of the alias is the blade system name.
614 The alias can be updated as long as the blade system state is enabled/available.
616 </xs:documentation>
617 </xs:annotation>
618 </xs:element>
619 <xs:element name="number" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0" >
620 <xs:annotation>
621 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
622 <xs:documentation>
624 An identifier for the blade system. This number increases in steps of 1 for each
625 created blade system.
627 </xs:documentation>
628 </xs:annotation>
629 </xs:element>
630 <xs:element name="typeName" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
631 <xs:annotation>
632 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
633 <xs:documentation>
635 Name of the blade system type.
637 </xs:documentation>
638 </xs:annotation>
639 </xs:element>
640 <xs:element name="swgRef" type="confd:objectRef" >
641 <xs:annotation>
642 <xs:documentation>
644 Reference to the software group (SWG) that the blade system implements.
646 </xs:documentation>
647 </xs:annotation>
648 </xs:element>
649 <xs:element name="scpRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
650 <xs:annotation>
651 <xs:documentation>
653 Optional reference to the software correction package (SCP) applied to the software group.
655 </xs:documentation>
656 </xs:annotation>
657 </xs:element>
658 <xs:element name="admState" type="IntegratedSite:HwmAdministrativeState" minOccurs="0" >
659 <xs:annotation>
660 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
661 <xs:documentation>
662 The administrative state of the blade system.
663 </xs:documentation>
664 </xs:annotation>
665 </xs:element>
666 <xs:element name="opState" type="IntegratedSite:HwmOperationalState" minOccurs="0" >
667 <xs:annotation>
668 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
669 <xs:documentation>
670 The operational state of the blade system.
671 </xs:documentation>
672 </xs:annotation>
673 </xs:element>
674 <xs:element name="availStatus" type="IntegratedSite:HwmAvailabilityStatus" minOccurs="0" >
675 <xs:annotation>
676 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
677 <xs:documentation>
678 The availability status of the blade system.
679 </xs:documentation>
680 </xs:annotation>
681 </xs:element>
682 <xs:element name="bsdRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
683 <xs:annotation>
684 <xs:documentation>
686 Optional reference to the blade system domain that the blade system belongs to.
687 A blade system domain is a purely logical concept that enables
688 grouping of blade systems.
690 </xs:documentation>
691 </xs:annotation>
692 </xs:element>
693 <xs:element name="bsomAddress" type="confd:inetAddressIPv4" minOccurs="0" >
694 <xs:annotation>
695 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
696 <xs:documentation>
698 IP address of the blade system OAM Master.
700 </xs:documentation>
701 </xs:annotation>
702 </xs:element>
703 <xs:element name="externalBootServerRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
704 <xs:annotation>
705 <xs:documentation>
707 The reference to the external boot server class (if any) that
708 this blade system has:
709 /IntegratedSite/NetworkConfiguration/ExternalBootServer
711 </xs:documentation>
712 </xs:annotation>
713 </xs:element>
714 <xs:element name="autoCreatePrivateNetwork" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" >
715 <xs:annotation>
716 <xs:documentation>
718 A flag which tells if a private network should be
719 automatically created when the bladesystem is created.
721 </xs:documentation>
722 </xs:annotation>
723 </xs:element>
724 <xs:element name="namespace" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
725 <xs:annotation>
726 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
727 <xs:documentation>
729 If the blade system has a management information model, this
730 attributes shows the namespace for the currently active software
731 on the blade system. If the blade system does not have a management
732 information model, this attribute does not have a value.
734 </xs:documentation>
735 </xs:annotation>
736 </xs:element>
737 <xs:element name="Blade" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
738 <xs:annotation>
739 <xs:documentation>
741 This class describes a blade.
742 A blade is identified by a subrack number and a slot number.
744 </xs:documentation>
745 </xs:annotation>
746 <xs:complexType>
747 <xs:sequence>
748 <xs:element name="subrackId" type="IntegratedSite:subrackIdType-3" >
749 <xs:annotation>
750 <xs:documentation>
752 A reference to the associated subrack, which is the value of 'subrackId'
753 for the associated subrack. The subrack identifier, where the blade is located at.
755 </xs:documentation>
756 </xs:annotation>
757 </xs:element>
758 <xs:element name="slotNo" type="IntegratedSite:slotNoType-4" >
759 <xs:annotation>
760 <xs:documentation>
761 The slot number for this blade within the subrack.
762 </xs:documentation>
763 </xs:annotation>
764 </xs:element>
765 <xs:element name="slotLabel" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
766 <xs:annotation>
767 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
768 <xs:documentation>
770 The slot label of the blade. It will only be set at creation.
771 This should be used in alarms related to the slot to inform the
772 operator of what position in the subrack the blade is localised.
773 For E-GEM (Enhanced Generic Ericsson Magazine) subracks it will result in
774 a string, for example X02 for slot 0 up to X80 for slot 25.
776 </xs:documentation>
777 </xs:annotation>
778 </xs:element>
779 <xs:element name="typeRef" type="confd:objectRef" >
780 <xs:annotation>
781 <xs:documentation>
783 Reference to the type of the blade.
785 </xs:documentation>
786 </xs:annotation>
787 </xs:element>
788 <xs:element name="requiredSwgRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
789 <xs:annotation>
790 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
791 <xs:documentation>
792 Reference to the software group with the lowest allowed revision for the blade.
793 </xs:documentation>
794 </xs:annotation>
795 </xs:element>
796 <xs:element name="bladeSwgRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
797 <xs:annotation>
798 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
799 <xs:documentation>
800 Reference to the software group installed on the blade.
801 </xs:documentation>
802 </xs:annotation>
803 </xs:element>
804 <xs:element name="bsom" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" >
805 <xs:annotation>
806 <xs:documentation>
808 Indicates if this blade is a BSOM candidate.
810 </xs:documentation>
811 </xs:annotation>
812 </xs:element>
813 <xs:element name="knockOutPreference" type="IntegratedSite:HwmKnockOutPreference" minOccurs="0" >
814 <xs:annotation>
815 <xs:documentation>
817 Set to protected if the blade should not be locked or shutdown before the
818 main switch blade.
820 </xs:documentation>
821 </xs:annotation>
822 </xs:element>
823 <xs:element name="userLabel" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
824 <xs:annotation>
825 <xs:documentation>
827 An optional user friendly blade name, which is always possible to set.
828 Default value for non-infrastructure blades is an empty string.
829 MXB blade user label defaults to blade type and subrack-slot, for example
830 \"MXB 0-0\"
832 </xs:documentation>
833 </xs:annotation>
834 </xs:element>
835 <xs:element name="admState" type="IntegratedSite:HwmAdministrativeState" minOccurs="0" >
836 <xs:annotation>
837 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
838 <xs:documentation>
840 The administrative state of the blade.
842 </xs:documentation>
843 </xs:annotation>
844 </xs:element>
845 <xs:element name="opState" type="IntegratedSite:HwmOperationalState" minOccurs="0" >
846 <xs:annotation>
847 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
848 <xs:documentation>
849 The operational state of the blade.
850 </xs:documentation>
851 </xs:annotation>
852 </xs:element>
853 <xs:element name="availStatus" type="IntegratedSite:HwmAvailabilityStatus" minOccurs="0" >
854 <xs:annotation>
855 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
856 <xs:documentation>
857 The availability status of the blade.
858 </xs:documentation>
859 </xs:annotation>
860 </xs:element>
861 <xs:element name="busType" type="IntegratedSite:HwmBusType" minOccurs="0" >
862 <xs:annotation>
863 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
864 <xs:documentation>
865 The type of maintenance bus on the connected blade.
866 </xs:documentation>
867 </xs:annotation>
868 </xs:element>
869 <xs:element name="prodNo" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
870 <xs:annotation>
871 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
872 <xs:documentation>
873 The product number of the blade.
874 </xs:documentation>
875 </xs:annotation>
876 </xs:element>
877 <xs:element name="prodRev" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
878 <xs:annotation>
879 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
880 <xs:documentation>
881 The product revision of the blade.
882 </xs:documentation>
883 </xs:annotation>
884 </xs:element>
885 <xs:element name="serialNo" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
886 <xs:annotation>
887 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
888 <xs:documentation>
889 The serial number of the blade.
890 </xs:documentation>
891 </xs:annotation>
892 </xs:element>
893 <xs:element name="prodName" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
894 <xs:annotation>
895 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
896 <xs:documentation>
897 The product name of the blade.
898 </xs:documentation>
899 </xs:annotation>
900 </xs:element>
901 <xs:element name="vendor" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
902 <xs:annotation>
903 <xs:documentation>
904 The vendor name of the blade.
905 </xs:documentation>
906 </xs:annotation>
907 </xs:element>
908 <xs:element name="mfgDate" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
909 <xs:annotation>
910 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
911 <xs:documentation>
912 The manufacturing date of the blade.
913 </xs:documentation>
914 </xs:annotation>
915 </xs:element>
916 <xs:element name="macAddressAggregate" type="IsTypes:MacAddress" minOccurs="0" >
917 <xs:annotation>
918 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
919 <xs:documentation>
920 The aggregated MAC address of the blade.
921 </xs:documentation>
922 </xs:annotation>
923 </xs:element>
924 <xs:element name="macAddressLeft" type="IsTypes:MacAddress" minOccurs="0" >
925 <xs:annotation>
926 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
927 <xs:documentation>
929 The left link MAC address of the blade. Only used by some blades.
931 </xs:documentation>
932 </xs:annotation>
933 </xs:element>
934 <xs:element name="macAddressRight" type="IsTypes:MacAddress" minOccurs="0" >
935 <xs:annotation>
936 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
937 <xs:documentation>
939 The right link MAC address of the found Blade. Only used by some blades.
941 </xs:documentation>
942 </xs:annotation>
943 </xs:element>
944 <xs:element name="changeDate" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
945 <xs:annotation>
946 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
947 <xs:documentation>
948 The date when the blade was last changed.
949 </xs:documentation>
950 </xs:annotation>
951 </xs:element>
952 <xs:element name="redundancyGroup" type="IntegratedSite:HwmRedundancyGroups" minOccurs="0" >
953 <xs:annotation>
954 <xs:documentation>
956 The redundancy group for this blade within the blade system.
957 This parameter is used to protect the last blade in the blade system
958 from getting restarted by LanFM.
960 </xs:documentation>
961 </xs:annotation>
962 </xs:element>
963 <xs:element name="isbsAddress" type="confd:inetAddressIPv4" minOccurs="0" >
964 <xs:annotation>
965 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
966 <xs:documentation>
968 IP address on the IS Boot (ISBS) subnet.
970 </xs:documentation>
971 </xs:annotation>
972 </xs:element>
973 <xs:element name="isobAddress" type="confd:inetAddressIPv4" minOccurs="0" >
974 <xs:annotation>
975 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
976 <xs:documentation>
978 IP address on the IS OAM Boot (ISOB) subnet.
980 </xs:documentation>
981 </xs:annotation>
982 </xs:element>
983 <xs:element name="islctAddress" type="confd:inetAddressIPv4" minOccurs="0" >
984 <xs:annotation>
985 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
986 <xs:documentation>
988 IP address on the IS Local Craft (ISLCT) subnet.
990 </xs:documentation>
991 </xs:annotation>
992 </xs:element>
993 <xs:element name="LinkSap" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
994 <xs:annotation>
995 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
996 <xs:documentation>
998 A Blade may have one or more resilient interfaces
999 to the backplane. Such an interface is called a
1000 Link Service Access Point, which is the
1001 point where you access layer 2. Link Service Access Points are
1002 automatically created and deleted along with the
1003 hosting blade.
1005 </xs:documentation>
1006 </xs:annotation>
1007 <xs:complexType>
1008 <xs:sequence>
1009 <xs:element name="id" type="xs:integer" >
1010 <xs:annotation>
1011 <xs:documentation>
1013 The id of a LinkSap is a number from 0 to X within the slot.
1015 </xs:documentation>
1016 </xs:annotation>
1017 </xs:element>
1018 </xs:sequence>
1019 </xs:complexType>
1020 </xs:element>
1021 </xs:sequence>
1022 </xs:complexType>
1023 <!--
1024 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_BladeSystems_BladeSystem_Blade_LinkSap">
1025 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:LinkSap"/>
1026 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:id"/>
1027 </xs:key>
1028 -->
1029 </xs:element>
1030 <xs:element name="BsNetworkConfiguration">
1031 <xs:annotation>
1032 <xs:documentation>
1034 The MO branch where the blade system specific
1035 Network resources are mapped to common Integrated Site
1036 resources. This mapping activity must be performed before
1037 a new blade or blade system successfully can be
1038 unlocked via the Hardware service. Some blade
1039 systems have partly pre-registered
1040 network requirements, while others demand that
1041 you read the corresponding information from
1042 separate Operation Procedure Instructions and
1043 manually register the blade system network
1044 requirements. The pre-registered network
1045 requirements automates parts of the blade
1046 system-specific configuration activity.
1048 In an Integrated Site, the blade systems obtain
1049 their actual network configuration dynamically in
1050 runtime. When you change the network
1051 configuration it will affect blade systems. In
1052 order to minimize the disturbance of active blade
1053 systems, the changes are normally applied in a
1054 separate storage which is not visible to the
1055 blade systems. In order to make use of the new
1056 unpublished configuration, it must explicitly be
1057 published by altering the updateMode. If the new
1058 settings introduces severe problems the
1059 configuration can be reverted to the old settings
1060 by altering the updateMode.
1062 The common Network configuration including
1063 updateMode and its publish mechanism is specified
1064 in class /IntegratedSite/NetworkConfiguration.
1066 </xs:documentation>
1067 </xs:annotation>
1068 <xs:complexType>
1069 <xs:sequence>
1070 <xs:element name="BsIpTrafficClass" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1071 <xs:annotation>
1072 <xs:documentation>
1074 A BS IP Traffic Class is the
1075 requirement a blade system has of an IS IP
1076 Traffic Class.
1078 BS IP Traffic Classes can either be created
1079 manually by the operator or they can be automatically
1080 created from pre-registered network requirements
1081 bundled with the blade system software. Regardless
1082 of how they are created, each one needs to be
1083 mapped to an IS IP Traffic Class before the blades
1084 can be unlocked via the Hardware service. The
1085 mapping is done with the 'isIpTrafficClassRef'
1086 attribute.
1088 Different instances of a blade system type may
1089 call their BS IP Traffic Classes the same thing but
1090 in the end the IS Site Designer may choose to
1091 map them to the same or different IS IP Traffic
1092 Classes.
1094 </xs:documentation>
1095 </xs:annotation>
1096 <xs:complexType>
1097 <xs:sequence>
1098 <xs:element name="name" type="xs:token" >
1099 <xs:annotation>
1100 <xs:documentation>
1102 The name of the BS IP Traffic Class. It is
1103 unique within the blade system.
1105 </xs:documentation>
1106 </xs:annotation>
1107 </xs:element>
1108 <xs:element name="description" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
1109 <xs:annotation>
1110 <xs:documentation>
1112 A short description of The BS IP Traffic Class.
1114 </xs:documentation>
1115 </xs:annotation>
1116 </xs:element>
1117 <xs:element name="isIpTrafficClassRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
1118 <xs:annotation>
1119 <xs:documentation>
1121 The mapping to a corresponding IS IP Traffic
1122 Class. This mapping must be done before the
1123 blades of the blade system can be unlocked.
1124 Mapped to:
1125 /IntegratedSite/NetworkConfiguration/IsIpTrafficClass
1127 </xs:documentation>
1128 </xs:annotation>
1129 </xs:element>
1130 </xs:sequence>
1131 </xs:complexType>
1132 </xs:element>
1133 <xs:element name="BsLanTrafficClass" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1134 <xs:annotation>
1135 <xs:documentation>
1137 A BS LAN Traffic Class is the
1138 requirement a blade system has of an IS LAN
1139 Traffic Class. Different instances of a Blade
1140 System type may call their BS Traffic Classes
1141 the same thing but in the end the IS Site
1142 Designer may choose to map them to the same or
1143 different IS LAN Traffic Classes.
1145 BS LAN Traffic Classes can either be created
1146 manually by the operator or they can be automatically
1147 created from pre-registered network requirements
1148 bundled with the blade system software. Regardless
1149 of how they are created, each one needs to be
1150 mapped to an IS LAN Traffic Class before the blades
1151 can be unlocked via the Hardware service. The
1152 mapping is done with the 'isLanTrafficClassRef'
1153 attribute.
1155 </xs:documentation>
1156 </xs:annotation>
1157 <xs:complexType>
1158 <xs:sequence>
1159 <xs:element name="name" type="xs:token" >
1160 <xs:annotation>
1161 <xs:documentation>
1163 Name of the BS LAN Traffic Class. It is unique within the blade system.
1165 </xs:documentation>
1166 </xs:annotation>
1167 </xs:element>
1168 <xs:element name="description" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
1169 <xs:annotation>
1170 <xs:documentation>
1172 Short description of the BS LAN Traffic Class.
1174 </xs:documentation>
1175 </xs:annotation>
1176 </xs:element>
1177 <xs:element name="isLanTrafficClassRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
1178 <xs:annotation>
1179 <xs:documentation>
1181 The mapping to a corresponding IS LAN Traffic
1182 Class. This mapping must be done before the
1183 blades of the blade system can be unlocked.
1184 Mapped to:
1185 /IntegratedSite/NetworkConfiguration/IsLanTrafficClass
1187 </xs:documentation>
1188 </xs:annotation>
1189 </xs:element>
1190 </xs:sequence>
1191 </xs:complexType>
1192 </xs:element>
1193 <xs:element name="BsLogicalNetwork" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1194 <xs:annotation>
1195 <xs:documentation>
1197 A BS Logical Network is associated to
1198 one IS Logical Network. A BS Logical Network
1199 is the requirement a blade system has of an
1200 IS Logical Network.
1202 BS Logical Networks can either be created
1203 manually by the operator or they can be
1204 automatically created from pre-registered
1205 network requirements bundled with the Blade
1206 System software. Regardless of how they are
1207 created, each one needs to be mapped to an IS
1208 Logical Network before the blades can be
1209 unlocked. The mapping is done with the
1210 'isLogicalNetworkRef' attribute.
1212 Different instances of a blade system type may call
1213 their BS Logical Networks the same thing but in
1214 the end the IS Site Designer can choose to map
1215 them to the same or different IS Logical
1216 Network.
1218 </xs:documentation>
1219 </xs:annotation>
1220 <xs:complexType>
1221 <xs:sequence>
1222 <xs:element name="name" type="xs:token" >
1223 <xs:annotation>
1224 <xs:documentation>
1226 Name of the BS logical network. It is unique within the blade system.
1228 </xs:documentation>
1229 </xs:annotation>
1230 </xs:element>
1231 <xs:element name="description" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
1232 <xs:annotation>
1233 <xs:documentation>
1235 Short description of the BS Logical Network.
1237 </xs:documentation>
1238 </xs:annotation>
1239 </xs:element>
1240 <xs:element name="private" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" >
1241 <xs:annotation>
1242 <xs:documentation>
1244 Flag that shows whether the BS Logical Network
1245 is private for this blade system or if it may
1246 be shared among several blade systems.
1248 </xs:documentation>
1249 </xs:annotation>
1250 </xs:element>
1251 <xs:element name="isLogicalNetworkRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
1252 <xs:annotation>
1253 <xs:documentation>
1255 The mapping to a corresponding IS Logical Network. This
1256 mapping must be done before the blades of the
1257 blade system can be unlocked.
1258 Mapped to:
1259 /IntegratedSite/NetworkConfiguration/IsLogicalNetwork
1261 </xs:documentation>
1262 </xs:annotation>
1263 </xs:element>
1264 <xs:element name="BsSubnet" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1265 <xs:annotation>
1266 <xs:documentation>
1268 A BS Subnet is associated to one IS
1269 Subnet. A BS Subnet is the requirement a
1270 blade system has of an IS Subnet.
1272 BS Subnets can either be created manually by the
1273 operator or they can be automatically created
1274 from pre-registered network requirements bundled
1275 with the blade system software. Regardless of
1276 how they are created, each one needs to be
1277 mapped to both a BS VLan and an IS Subnet before
1278 blades can be unlocked via the Hardware service.
1279 The mappings are done with the
1280 'bsVlanRef' and 'isSubnetRef' attributes.Each BS
1281 Subnet contains one or more BS Subnet
1282 Segments.
1284 Different instances of a blade system type may
1285 call their BS Subnets the same thing but in the
1286 end the IS Site Designer can choose to map them
1287 to the same or different IS Subnet.
1289 </xs:documentation>
1290 </xs:annotation>
1291 <xs:complexType>
1292 <xs:sequence>
1293 <xs:element name="name" type="xs:token" >
1294 <xs:annotation>
1295 <xs:documentation>
1297 Name of the BS Subnet. It is unique within the BS Logical Network.
1299 </xs:documentation>
1300 </xs:annotation>
1301 </xs:element>
1302 <xs:element name="description" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
1303 <xs:annotation>
1304 <xs:documentation>
1306 Short description of the BS Subnet.
1308 </xs:documentation>
1309 </xs:annotation>
1310 </xs:element>
1311 <xs:element name="bsVlanRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
1312 <xs:annotation>
1313 <xs:documentation>
1315 The mapping to a corresponding BS Vlan. This
1316 mapping must be done before the blades of the
1317 blade system can be unlocked. Mapped to class:
1318 /IntegratedSite/BladeSystems/BladeSystem/BsNetworkConfiguration/BsVlan
1320 </xs:documentation>
1321 </xs:annotation>
1322 </xs:element>
1323 <xs:element name="isSubnetRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
1324 <xs:annotation>
1325 <xs:documentation>
1327 The mapping to a corresponding IS Subnet. This
1328 mapping must be done before the blades of the
1329 blade system can be unlocked. Mapped to:
1330 /IntegratedSite/NetworkConfiguration/IsLogicalNetwork/IsSubnet
1332 </xs:documentation>
1333 </xs:annotation>
1334 </xs:element>
1335 <xs:element name="BsSubnetSegment" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1336 <xs:annotation>
1337 <xs:documentation>
1339 A BS Subnet Segment is associated to one
1340 IS Subnet Segment. A BS Subnet Segment is the
1341 requirement a blade system has of an IS Subnet
1342 Segment.
1344 BS Subnet Segments can either be created manually
1345 by the operator or they can be automatically created from
1346 pre-registered network requirements bundled with
1347 the blade system software. Regardless of how they
1348 are created, each one needs to be mapped to an IS
1349 Subnet Segment before the blades can be unlocked
1350 via the Hardware service. The mapping is done
1351 with the 'isSubnetSegmentRef' attribute.
1353 Different instances of a blade system type may
1354 call their BS Subnet Segments the same thing but
1355 in the end the IS Site Designer can choose to
1356 map them to the same or different IS Subnet
1357 Segment.
1359 </xs:documentation>
1360 </xs:annotation>
1361 <xs:complexType>
1362 <xs:sequence>
1363 <xs:element name="name" type="xs:token" >
1364 <xs:annotation>
1365 <xs:documentation>
1367 Name of the BS Subnet Segment. It is unique within the BS Subnet.
1369 </xs:documentation>
1370 </xs:annotation>
1371 </xs:element>
1372 <xs:element name="description" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
1373 <xs:annotation>
1374 <xs:documentation>
1376 Short description of the BS Subnet Segment.
1378 </xs:documentation>
1379 </xs:annotation>
1380 </xs:element>
1381 <xs:element name="numOfIpaddresses" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0" >
1382 <xs:annotation>
1383 <xs:documentation>
1385 Required number of IP addresses in the corresponding IS Subnet Segment.
1387 </xs:documentation>
1388 </xs:annotation>
1389 </xs:element>
1390 <xs:element name="dhcpEnabled" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" >
1391 <xs:annotation>
1392 <xs:documentation>
1394 Flag that controls whether the corresponding IS
1395 Subnet Segment is required to have DHCP enabled
1396 or not.
1398 </xs:documentation>
1399 </xs:annotation>
1400 </xs:element>
1401 <xs:element name="routerRequired" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" >
1402 <xs:annotation>
1403 <xs:documentation>
1405 Flag that controls whether the corresponding IS
1406 Subnet Segment is required to have a router
1407 configured or not.
1409 </xs:documentation>
1410 </xs:annotation>
1411 </xs:element>
1412 <xs:element name="isSubnetSegmentRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
1413 <xs:annotation>
1414 <xs:documentation>
1416 The mapping to a corresponding IS Subnet
1417 Segment. The mapping here must be done before
1418 the blades of the blade system can be unlocked.
1419 Mapped to:
1420 /IntegratedSite/NetworkConfiguration/IsLogicalNetwork/IsSubnet/IsSubnetSegment
1422 </xs:documentation>
1423 </xs:annotation>
1424 </xs:element>
1425 </xs:sequence>
1426 </xs:complexType>
1427 </xs:element>
1428 </xs:sequence>
1429 </xs:complexType>
1430 <!--
1431 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_BladeSystems_BladeSystem_BsNetworkConfiguration_BsLogicalNetwork_BsSubnet_BsSubnetSegment">
1432 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:BsSubnetSegment"/>
1433 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:name"/>
1434 </xs:key>
1435 -->
1436 </xs:element>
1437 </xs:sequence>
1438 </xs:complexType>
1439 <!--
1440 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_BladeSystems_BladeSystem_BsNetworkConfiguration_BsLogicalNetwork_BsSubnet">
1441 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:BsSubnet"/>
1442 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:name"/>
1443 </xs:key>
1444 -->
1445 </xs:element>
1446 <xs:element name="BsVlan" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1447 <xs:annotation>
1448 <xs:documentation>
1450 A BS VLAN is mapped to one IS VLAN. A BS VLAN is
1451 the requirement a blade system has of an IS
1452 VLAN. Different instances of a blade system type
1453 may call their BS VLANs the same thing but in the
1454 end the IS Site Designer can choose to map them
1455 to the same or different IS VLAN.
1457 BS VLANs can either be created manually by the
1458 operator or they can be automatically created
1459 from pre-registered network requirements bundled
1460 with the blade system software. Regardless of
1461 how they are created, each one needs to be
1462 mapped to an IS VLAN before the blades can be
1463 unlocked. The mapping is done with the
1464 'isVlanRef' attribute.
1466 </xs:documentation>
1467 </xs:annotation>
1468 <xs:complexType>
1469 <xs:sequence>
1470 <xs:element name="name" type="xs:token" >
1471 <xs:annotation>
1472 <xs:documentation>
1474 Name of the BS VLAN. It is unique within the blade system.
1476 </xs:documentation>
1477 </xs:annotation>
1478 </xs:element>
1479 <xs:element name="description" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
1480 <xs:annotation>
1481 <xs:documentation>
1483 Short description of the BS VLAN.
1485 </xs:documentation>
1486 </xs:annotation>
1487 </xs:element>
1488 <xs:element name="private" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" >
1489 <xs:annotation>
1490 <xs:documentation>
1492 Setting the private attribute to true, means
1493 that the corresponding IS VLAN can not be
1494 used by other blade systems. The IS VLAN is
1495 private for this particular blade system.
1497 </xs:documentation>
1498 </xs:annotation>
1499 </xs:element>
1500 <xs:element name="isVlanRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
1501 <xs:annotation>
1502 <xs:documentation>
1504 The mapping to a corresponding IS VLAN. This
1505 mapping must be done before the blades of the
1506 blade system can be unlocked. Mapped to class:
1507 /IntegratedSite/NetworkConfiguration/IsVlan
1509 </xs:documentation>
1510 </xs:annotation>
1511 </xs:element>
1512 <xs:element name="BsVlanSap" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1513 <xs:annotation>
1514 <xs:documentation>
1516 There is a BS VLAN Service Access Point (BSVSAP)
1517 for each Link Service Access Point that an IS
1518 VLAN straddles. It is per BS VLAN Service Access
1519 Point that certain VLAN properties are configured
1520 (such as if it is mandatory to enable isolation protection).
1522 BS VLAN Service Access Points can either be
1523 created manually by the operator or they can be
1524 automatically created from pre-registered network
1525 requirements bundled with the blade system
1526 software. Regardless of how they are created,
1527 each one needs to be mapped to a Link SAP before
1528 the blades can be unlocked. The mapping is done
1529 with the 'linkSapRef' attribute.
1531 </xs:documentation>
1532 </xs:annotation>
1533 <xs:complexType>
1534 <xs:sequence>
1535 <xs:element name="name" type="xs:token" >
1536 <xs:annotation>
1537 <xs:documentation>
1539 Name of the BS VLAN SAP. It is unique within the BS VLAN.
1541 </xs:documentation>
1542 </xs:annotation>
1543 </xs:element>
1544 <xs:element name="description" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
1545 <xs:annotation>
1546 <xs:documentation>
1548 Short description of the BS VLAN SAP.
1550 </xs:documentation>
1551 </xs:annotation>
1552 </xs:element>
1553 <xs:element name="static" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" >
1554 <xs:annotation>
1555 <xs:documentation>
1557 Flag which controls whether this BS VLAN SAP
1558 makes static or dynamic use of the
1559 corresponding IS VLAN.
1561 </xs:documentation>
1562 </xs:annotation>
1563 </xs:element>
1564 <xs:element name="protected" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" >
1565 <xs:annotation>
1566 <xs:documentation>
1568 Flag which controls whether this BS VLAN SAP should be
1569 isolation protected or not.
1571 </xs:documentation>
1572 </xs:annotation>
1573 </xs:element>
1574 <xs:element name="linkSapRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
1575 <xs:annotation>
1576 <xs:documentation>
1578 A mapping to the corresponding Link Service Access Point.
1579 Mapped to:
1580 /IntegratedSite/BladeSystems/BladeSystem/Blade/LinkSap
1582 </xs:documentation>
1583 </xs:annotation>
1584 </xs:element>
1585 </xs:sequence>
1586 </xs:complexType>
1587 </xs:element>
1588 </xs:sequence>
1589 </xs:complexType>
1590 <!--
1591 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_BladeSystems_BladeSystem_BsNetworkConfiguration_BsVlan_BsVlanSap">
1592 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:BsVlanSap"/>
1593 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:name"/>
1594 </xs:key>
1595 -->
1596 </xs:element>
1597 </xs:sequence>
1598 </xs:complexType>
1599 <!--
1600 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_BladeSystems_BladeSystem_BsNetworkConfiguration_BsIpTrafficClass">
1601 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:BsIpTrafficClass"/>
1602 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:name"/>
1603 </xs:key>
1604 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_BladeSystems_BladeSystem_BsNetworkConfiguration_BsLanTrafficClass">
1605 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:BsLanTrafficClass"/>
1606 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:name"/>
1607 </xs:key>
1608 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_BladeSystems_BladeSystem_BsNetworkConfiguration_BsLogicalNetwork">
1609 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:BsLogicalNetwork"/>
1610 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:name"/>
1611 </xs:key>
1612 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_BladeSystems_BladeSystem_BsNetworkConfiguration_BsVlan">
1613 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:BsVlan"/>
1614 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:name"/>
1615 </xs:key>
1616 -->
1617 </xs:element>
1618 </xs:sequence>
1619 </xs:complexType>
1620 <!--
1621 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_BladeSystems_BladeSystem_Blade">
1622 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:Blade"/>
1623 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:subrackId"/>
1624 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:slotNo"/>
1625 </xs:key>
1626 -->
1627 </xs:element>
1628 </xs:sequence>
1629 </xs:complexType>
1630 <!--
1631 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_BladeSystems_BladeSystem">
1632 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:BladeSystem"/>
1633 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:name"/>
1634 </xs:key>
1635 -->
1636 </xs:element>
1637 <xs:element name="Hardware">
1638 <xs:annotation>
1639 <xs:documentation>
1641 The purpose of the Hardware Management function is to make it possible to manage
1642 the Hardware Inventory (HWI) for the Integrated Site and to present its content via ISM
1643 and Common Management Framework (CMF).
1645 </xs:documentation>
1646 </xs:annotation>
1647 <xs:complexType>
1648 <xs:sequence>
1649 <xs:element name="activeSis" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
1650 <xs:annotation>
1651 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
1652 <xs:documentation>
1654 The subrack and slot of the active SIS (OM role). The format is "subrack.slot".
1656 </xs:documentation>
1657 </xs:annotation>
1658 </xs:element>
1659 <xs:element name="BladeSystemDomain" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1660 <xs:annotation>
1661 <xs:documentation>
1663 This class describes a blade system domain.A blade system domain
1664 is a purely logical concept that enables grouping of blade systems.
1666 </xs:documentation>
1667 </xs:annotation>
1668 <xs:complexType>
1669 <xs:sequence>
1670 <xs:element name="name" type="IntegratedSite:HwmValidNameCharacters" >
1671 <xs:annotation>
1672 <xs:documentation>
1673 The blade system domain name.
1674 </xs:documentation>
1675 </xs:annotation>
1676 </xs:element>
1677 <xs:element name="description" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
1678 <xs:annotation>
1679 <xs:documentation>
1680 The description of the blade system domain.
1681 </xs:documentation>
1682 </xs:annotation>
1683 </xs:element>
1684 </xs:sequence>
1685 </xs:complexType>
1686 </xs:element>
1687 <xs:element name="BladeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1688 <xs:annotation>
1689 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
1690 <xs:documentation>
1692 This class describes a blade type. A blade type points out pairs of blade hardware product
1693 identity (ROJ-number) and blade software groups (BL-SWG) comprising the kernel and
1694 root file system. Blade types are registered when downloading blade system software.
1696 </xs:documentation>
1697 </xs:annotation>
1698 <xs:complexType>
1699 <xs:sequence>
1700 <xs:element name="type" type="xs:token" >
1701 <xs:annotation>
1702 <xs:documentation>
1703 The blade type product number, for example \"CNA12801\"
1704 </xs:documentation>
1705 </xs:annotation>
1706 </xs:element>
1707 <xs:element name="swgProdNo" type="xs:token" >
1708 <xs:annotation>
1709 <xs:documentation>
1710 The blade software group identifier, for example \"CXS10138\"
1711 </xs:documentation>
1712 </xs:annotation>
1713 </xs:element>
1714 <xs:element name="swgProdRev" type="xs:token" >
1715 <xs:annotation>
1716 <xs:documentation>
1717 The blade software group revision, for example \"R4A01\"
1718 </xs:documentation>
1719 </xs:annotation>
1720 </xs:element>
1721 <xs:element name="bladeSwgRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
1722 <xs:annotation>
1723 <xs:documentation>
1724 Reference to corresponding blade software group,
1725 for example with id \"CXS10138\" and revision \"R4A01\". This is the installed
1726 software of the blade type but not necessarily the active software.
1728 </xs:documentation>
1729 </xs:annotation>
1730 </xs:element>
1731 <xs:element name="name" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
1732 <xs:annotation>
1733 <xs:documentation>
1734 The name of the blade type, for example \"EXB\"
1735 </xs:documentation>
1736 </xs:annotation>
1737 </xs:element>
1738 <xs:element name="width" type="IntegratedSite:widthType-16" minOccurs="0" >
1739 <xs:annotation>
1740 <xs:documentation>
1741 The width of the blade. The data type unit is number of slots
1742 </xs:documentation>
1743 </xs:annotation>
1744 </xs:element>
1745 <xs:element name="oneGLinks" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
1746 <xs:annotation>
1747 <xs:documentation>
1749 The 1G links used by the blade type, for example \"0,1\". Start counting from the leftmost backplane position.
1751 </xs:documentation>
1752 </xs:annotation>
1753 </xs:element>
1754 <xs:element name="linkAggregates" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
1755 <xs:annotation>
1756 <xs:documentation>
1758 The 1G links used for link aggregation by the blade type, for example \"0-1\". Start counting from the leftmost backplane position.
1760 </xs:documentation>
1761 </xs:annotation>
1762 </xs:element>
1763 <xs:element name="tenGLinks" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
1764 <xs:annotation>
1765 <xs:documentation>
1767 The 10G links used by the blade type, for example \"0,1\". Start counting from the leftmost backplane position.
1769 </xs:documentation>
1770 </xs:annotation>
1771 </xs:element>
1772 <xs:element name="hasHwData" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" >
1773 <xs:annotation>
1774 <xs:documentation>
1776 True if possible to read product info via the maintenance bus.
1778 </xs:documentation>
1779 </xs:annotation>
1780 </xs:element>
1781 <xs:element name="isMxb" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" >
1782 <xs:annotation>
1783 <xs:documentation>
1784 True if this is a MXB type.
1785 </xs:documentation>
1786 </xs:annotation>
1787 </xs:element>
1788 <xs:element name="availOneGSlots" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
1789 <xs:annotation>
1790 <xs:documentation>
1792 Deprecated. Kept for backwards compatibility.
1793 Only valid for MXBs. A list of slots that have 1G links.
1794 Could be a single slot or a range or a combination thereof.
1795 Examples: \"1-24\" or \"1,3-13,15-24\".
1797 </xs:documentation>
1798 </xs:annotation>
1799 </xs:element>
1800 <xs:element name="aggregateRanges" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
1801 <xs:annotation>
1802 <xs:documentation>
1804 Deprecated. Kept for backwards compatibility.
1805 Only valid for MXBs. Specifies which slots can be used
1806 for link aggregation. Ranges are specified in the form \"1-12,13-24\".
1808 </xs:documentation>
1809 </xs:annotation>
1810 </xs:element>
1811 <xs:element name="usesExternalBootServer" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" >
1812 <xs:annotation>
1813 <xs:documentation>
1814 True if the blade uses external boot server.
1815 </xs:documentation>
1816 </xs:annotation>
1817 </xs:element>
1818 </xs:sequence>
1819 </xs:complexType>
1820 </xs:element>
1821 <xs:element name="InterSubrackLink" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1822 <xs:annotation>
1823 <xs:documentation>
1825 This class describes an inter-subrack link.
1827 </xs:documentation>
1828 </xs:annotation>
1829 <xs:complexType>
1830 <xs:sequence>
1831 <xs:element name="subrack1Id" type="IntegratedSite:subrack1IdType-22" >
1832 <xs:annotation>
1833 <xs:documentation>
1834 The identifier of the first subrack.
1835 </xs:documentation>
1836 </xs:annotation>
1837 </xs:element>
1838 <xs:element name="subrack1Xslot" type="IntegratedSite:subrack1XslotType-23" >
1839 <xs:annotation>
1840 <xs:documentation>
1842 The position of the main switch board that terminates
1843 the inter-subrack link in the first subrack.
1845 </xs:documentation>
1846 </xs:annotation>
1847 </xs:element>
1848 <xs:element name="subrack1Pslot" type="IntegratedSite:subrack1PslotType-24" >
1849 <xs:annotation>
1850 <xs:documentation>
1852 The position of the physical board that terminates
1853 the inter-subrack link in the first subrack. The value
1854 of this attribute is equal to subrack1Xslot if the link
1855 is configured with MXB front ports.
1857 </xs:documentation>
1858 </xs:annotation>
1859 </xs:element>
1860 <xs:element name="subrack1Port" type="IntegratedSite:subrack1PortType-25" >
1861 <xs:annotation>
1862 <xs:documentation>
1864 The termination port on the physical board indentified
1865 by subrack1Pslot.
1867 </xs:documentation>
1868 </xs:annotation>
1869 </xs:element>
1870 <xs:element name="subrack2Id" type="IntegratedSite:subrack2IdType-26" >
1871 <xs:annotation>
1872 <xs:documentation>
1873 The identifier of the second subrack.
1874 </xs:documentation>
1875 </xs:annotation>
1876 </xs:element>
1877 <xs:element name="subrack2Xslot" type="IntegratedSite:subrack2XslotType-27" >
1878 <xs:annotation>
1879 <xs:documentation>
1880 The position of the main switch board that terminates
1881 the inter-subrack link in the second subrack.
1883 </xs:documentation>
1884 </xs:annotation>
1885 </xs:element>
1886 <xs:element name="subrack2Pslot" type="IntegratedSite:subrack2PslotType-28" >
1887 <xs:annotation>
1888 <xs:documentation>
1890 The position of the physical board that terminates
1891 the inter-subrack link in the second subrack. The value
1892 of this attribute is equal to subrack2Xslot if the link
1893 is configured with MXB front ports.
1895 </xs:documentation>
1896 </xs:annotation>
1897 </xs:element>
1898 <xs:element name="subrack2Port" type="IntegratedSite:subrack2PortType-29" >
1899 <xs:annotation>
1900 <xs:documentation>
1902 The termination port on the physical board indentified
1903 by subrack2Pslot.
1905 </xs:documentation>
1906 </xs:annotation>
1907 </xs:element>
1908 <xs:element name="islType" type="IntegratedSite:islTypeType-30" minOccurs="0" >
1909 <xs:annotation>
1910 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
1911 <xs:documentation>
1913 Type definition of the inter-subrack link.
1915 </xs:documentation>
1916 </xs:annotation>
1917 </xs:element>
1918 <xs:element name="islName" type="IntegratedSite:HwmValidNameCharacters" minOccurs="0" >
1919 <xs:annotation>
1920 <xs:documentation>
1921 An optional user friendly inter-subrack link name.
1922 </xs:documentation>
1923 </xs:annotation>
1924 </xs:element>
1925 </xs:sequence>
1926 </xs:complexType>
1927 </xs:element>
1928 <xs:element name="Subrack" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
1929 <xs:annotation>
1930 <xs:documentation>
1932 This class describes a subrack.
1934 </xs:documentation>
1935 </xs:annotation>
1936 <xs:complexType>
1937 <xs:sequence>
1938 <xs:element name="id" type="IntegratedSite:idType-17" >
1939 <xs:annotation>
1940 <xs:documentation>
1941 The subrack identifier.
1942 </xs:documentation>
1943 </xs:annotation>
1944 </xs:element>
1945 <xs:element name="type" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
1946 <xs:annotation>
1947 <xs:documentation>
1948 The subrack type, for example \"EGEM\"
1949 </xs:documentation>
1950 </xs:annotation>
1951 </xs:element>
1952 <xs:element name="userLabel" type="IntegratedSite:HwmValidNameCharacters" minOccurs="0" >
1953 <xs:annotation>
1954 <xs:documentation>
1955 An optional user friendly subrack name.
1956 </xs:documentation>
1957 </xs:annotation>
1958 </xs:element>
1959 <xs:element name="position" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
1960 <xs:annotation>
1961 <xs:documentation>
1962 The subrack position in the cabinet.
1963 </xs:documentation>
1964 </xs:annotation>
1965 </xs:element>
1966 <xs:element name="cabinetPosition" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
1967 <xs:annotation>
1968 <xs:documentation>
1969 The cabinet position in the site.
1970 </xs:documentation>
1971 </xs:annotation>
1972 </xs:element>
1973 <xs:element name="location" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
1974 <xs:annotation>
1975 <xs:documentation>
1976 The site location, for example the visiting address.
1977 </xs:documentation>
1978 </xs:annotation>
1979 </xs:element>
1980 <xs:element name="availableOneGSlots" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
1981 <xs:annotation>
1982 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
1983 <xs:documentation>
1985 Available slots for 1G switch links. Information is read from the type
1986 of MXB that is created in the subrack.
1988 </xs:documentation>
1989 </xs:annotation>
1990 </xs:element>
1991 <xs:element name="availableTenGSlots" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
1992 <xs:annotation>
1993 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
1994 <xs:documentation>
1996 Available slots for 10G switch links. Information is read from the type
1997 of MXB that is created in the subrack.
1999 </xs:documentation>
2000 </xs:annotation>
2001 </xs:element>
2002 <xs:element name="aggregateSlots" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
2003 <xs:annotation>
2004 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
2005 <xs:documentation>
2007 Links ranges for (1G) link aggregation. Information is read from the
2008 type of MXB that is created in the subrack.
2010 </xs:documentation>
2011 </xs:annotation>
2012 </xs:element>
2013 <xs:element name="physicalAddrPlug0" type="IntegratedSite:physicalAddrPlug0Type-18" >
2014 <xs:annotation>
2015 <xs:documentation>
2017 The value of the physical plug 0.
2019 </xs:documentation>
2020 </xs:annotation>
2021 </xs:element>
2022 <xs:element name="physicalAddrPlug1" type="IntegratedSite:physicalAddrPlug1Type-19" >
2023 <xs:annotation>
2024 <xs:documentation>
2026 The value of the physical plug 1.
2028 </xs:documentation>
2029 </xs:annotation>
2030 </xs:element>
2031 <xs:element name="physicalAddrPlug3" type="IntegratedSite:physicalAddrPlug3Type-20" >
2032 <xs:annotation>
2033 <xs:documentation>
2035 The value of the physical plug 3.
2037 </xs:documentation>
2038 </xs:annotation>
2039 </xs:element>
2040 <xs:element name="leftMxbBsSwgRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
2041 <xs:annotation>
2042 <xs:documentation>
2044 Reference to the blade system SWG of the left MXB in the subrack.
2045 If not given the system will use the same as the
2046 MXB in subrack 0.
2048 </xs:documentation>
2049 </xs:annotation>
2050 </xs:element>
2051 <xs:element name="leftMxbScpRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
2052 <xs:annotation>
2053 <xs:documentation>
2055 Optional reference to the blade system SCP of the left MXB in the subrack.
2056 If not given the system will use the same as the
2057 MXB in subrack 0.
2059 </xs:documentation>
2060 </xs:annotation>
2061 </xs:element>
2062 <xs:element name="leftMxbBladeSwgRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
2063 <xs:annotation>
2064 <xs:documentation>
2066 Reference to the blade SWG of the left MXB in the subrack.
2067 If not given the system will use the same as the
2068 MXB in subrack 0.
2070 </xs:documentation>
2071 </xs:annotation>
2072 </xs:element>
2073 <xs:element name="rightMxbBsSwgRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
2074 <xs:annotation>
2075 <xs:documentation>
2077 Reference to the blade system SWG of the right MXB in the subrack.
2078 If not given the system will use the same as the
2079 MXB in subrack 0.
2081 </xs:documentation>
2082 </xs:annotation>
2083 </xs:element>
2084 <xs:element name="rightMxbScpRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
2085 <xs:annotation>
2086 <xs:documentation>
2088 Optional reference to the blade system SCP of the right
2089 MXB in the subrack. If not given the system will use
2090 the same as the MXB in subrack 0.
2092 </xs:documentation>
2093 </xs:annotation>
2094 </xs:element>
2095 <xs:element name="rightMxbBladeSwgRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
2096 <xs:annotation>
2097 <xs:documentation>
2099 Reference to the blade SWG of the right MXB in the subrack.
2100 If not given the system will use the same as the
2101 MXB in subrack 0.
2103 </xs:documentation>
2104 </xs:annotation>
2105 </xs:element>
2106 <xs:element name="Slot" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2107 <xs:annotation>
2108 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
2109 <xs:documentation>
2111 This class corresponds to slots, there is one instance
2112 for each slot. The slots are grouped per subrack. A slot is
2113 identified by the subrack identifier and slot number.
2115 </xs:documentation>
2116 </xs:annotation>
2117 <xs:complexType>
2118 <xs:sequence>
2119 <xs:element name="number" type="IntegratedSite:numberType-21" >
2120 <xs:annotation>
2121 <xs:documentation>
2123 The value of this attribute identifies the
2124 slot position within the subrack.
2126 </xs:documentation>
2127 </xs:annotation>
2128 </xs:element>
2129 <xs:element name="state" type="IntegratedSite:Slot_HwmSlotState" minOccurs="0" >
2130 <xs:annotation>
2131 <xs:documentation>
2133 See HwmSlotState description.
2135 </xs:documentation>
2136 </xs:annotation>
2137 </xs:element>
2138 <xs:element name="bsRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
2139 <xs:annotation>
2140 <xs:documentation>
2142 Optional reference to the blade system that uses this
2143 slot. The value of this attribute will only have meaning in a
2144 conceptual row if the value of hwmSlotState instance is either
2145 usedOccupied or usedEmpty in the same conceptual row,
2146 which means that there is a blade system created using this slot.
2148 </xs:documentation>
2149 </xs:annotation>
2150 </xs:element>
2151 </xs:sequence>
2152 </xs:complexType>
2153 </xs:element>
2154 </xs:sequence>
2155 </xs:complexType>
2156 <!--
2157 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_Hardware_Subrack_Slot">
2158 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:Slot"/>
2159 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:number"/>
2160 </xs:key>
2161 -->
2162 </xs:element>
2163 </xs:sequence>
2164 </xs:complexType>
2165 <!--
2166 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_Hardware_BladeSystemDomain">
2167 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:BladeSystemDomain"/>
2168 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:name"/>
2169 </xs:key>
2170 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_Hardware_BladeType">
2171 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:BladeType"/>
2172 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:type"/>
2173 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:swgProdNo"/>
2174 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:swgProdRev"/>
2175 </xs:key>
2176 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_Hardware_InterSubrackLink">
2177 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:InterSubrackLink"/>
2178 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:subrack1Id"/>
2179 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:subrack1Xslot"/>
2180 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:subrack1Pslot"/>
2181 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:subrack1Port"/>
2182 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:subrack2Id"/>
2183 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:subrack2Xslot"/>
2184 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:subrack2Pslot"/>
2185 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:subrack2Port"/>
2186 </xs:key>
2187 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_Hardware_Subrack">
2188 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:Subrack"/>
2189 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:id"/>
2190 </xs:key>
2191 -->
2192 </xs:element>
2193 <xs:element name="NetworkConfiguration">
2194 <xs:annotation>
2195 <xs:documentation>
2197 The MO branch where the common Network resources are configured.
2199 The Network configuration service provides support for
2200 configuration of various network properties of an
2201 Integrated Site. It contains the following configuration
2202 parts:
2204 * Blade system specific configuration - mapping blade
2205 system network requirements to common Integrated Site
2206 resources. This activity must be performed before a
2207 new blade or blade system successfully can be unlocked
2208 via the Hardware service. Some blade systems
2209 have partly pre-registered network requirements,
2210 while others demand that you read the corresponding
2211 information from separate BS specific
2212 instructions and manually configure the blade system
2213 network requirements. The pre-registered network
2214 requirements automates parts of the blade
2215 system-specific configuration activity. The blade
2216 system specific configuration is specified in a
2217 separate class, BladeSystems/BladeSystem/BsNetworkConfiguration.
2219 * Common configuration - configuration of common
2220 Integrated Site resources, such as subnets, VLANs,
2221 traffic classes, and so on. Blade system network requirements
2222 are mapped to these common resources.
2224 * Publish configuration changes - publish updated
2225 configuration. In an Integrated Site, the blade
2226 systems obtain their actual network configuration
2227 dynamically in runtime. When you change the network
2228 configuration it will affect blade systems. In order to
2229 minimize the disturbance of active blade systems, the
2230 changes are normally applied in a separate storage,
2231 which is not visible to the blade systems. In order to
2232 make use of the new unpublished configuration, it must be
2233 explicitly published by altering the updateMode. If
2234 the new settings introduce severe problems, the
2235 configuration can be reverted to the old settings by
2236 altering the updateMode.
2238 * External Boot Server - configuration of External Boot Server
2239 for Blade Systems that do not want to boot from the SIS, but
2240 instead fetch their boot files from a server outside the IS
2241 rack.
2243 </xs:documentation>
2244 </xs:annotation>
2245 <xs:complexType>
2246 <xs:sequence>
2247 <xs:element name="ExternalBootServer" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2248 <xs:annotation>
2249 <xs:documentation>
2251 An external boot server is a concept for blade systems
2252 that do not want to download boot files internally from the SIS
2253 TFTP server. Instead, they download the files from an external
2254 server, via a proxy agent implemented in SIS.
2256 </xs:documentation>
2257 </xs:annotation>
2258 <xs:complexType>
2259 <xs:sequence>
2260 <xs:element name="name" type="xs:token" >
2261 <xs:annotation>
2262 <xs:documentation>
2264 A unique name of the boot server
2266 </xs:documentation>
2267 </xs:annotation>
2268 </xs:element>
2269 <xs:element name="description" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
2270 <xs:annotation>
2271 <xs:documentation>
2273 Short description of the boot server.
2275 </xs:documentation>
2276 </xs:annotation>
2277 </xs:element>
2278 <xs:element name="path" type="xs:token" >
2279 <xs:annotation>
2280 <xs:documentation>
2282 The path to the files on the external boot server. Must start with /.
2284 </xs:documentation>
2285 </xs:annotation>
2286 </xs:element>
2287 <xs:element name="fileName" type="xs:token" >
2288 <xs:annotation>
2289 <xs:documentation>
2291 The name of the file to download.
2293 </xs:documentation>
2294 </xs:annotation>
2295 </xs:element>
2296 <xs:element name="proxyIp" type="confd:inetAddressIPv4" minOccurs="0" >
2297 <xs:annotation>
2298 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
2299 <xs:documentation>
2301 The ip address to use when accessing the external server. This is generated automatically.
2303 </xs:documentation>
2304 </xs:annotation>
2305 </xs:element>
2306 <xs:element name="pingInterval" type="xs:integer" >
2307 <xs:annotation>
2308 <xs:documentation>
2310 At what interval SIS pings the external boot server,
2311 for supervising the connection to it.
2313 </xs:documentation>
2314 </xs:annotation>
2315 </xs:element>
2316 <xs:element name="sideAExternalBootIp" type="confd:inetAddressIPv4" >
2317 <xs:annotation>
2318 <xs:documentation>
2320 The A side IP address for the external server.
2322 </xs:documentation>
2323 </xs:annotation>
2324 </xs:element>
2325 <xs:element name="sideAIsIp" type="confd:inetAddressIPv4" >
2326 <xs:annotation>
2327 <xs:documentation>
2329 The A side IP address for the IS.
2331 </xs:documentation>
2332 </xs:annotation>
2333 </xs:element>
2334 <xs:element name="sideABsSegment" type="confd:objectRef" >
2335 <xs:annotation>
2336 <xs:documentation>
2338 The A side subnet segment for the IS.
2339 A reference to a Managed Object of type
2340 /IntegratedSite/BladeSystems/BladeSystem/BsNetworkConfiguration/BsLogicalNetwork/BsSubnet/BsSubnetSegment
2342 </xs:documentation>
2343 </xs:annotation>
2344 </xs:element>
2345 <xs:element name="sideBExternalBootIp" type="confd:inetAddressIPv4" >
2346 <xs:annotation>
2347 <xs:documentation>
2349 The B side IP address for the external server.
2351 </xs:documentation>
2352 </xs:annotation>
2353 </xs:element>
2354 <xs:element name="sideBIsIp" type="confd:inetAddressIPv4" >
2355 <xs:annotation>
2356 <xs:documentation>
2358 The B side IP address for the IS.
2360 </xs:documentation>
2361 </xs:annotation>
2362 </xs:element>
2363 <xs:element name="sideBBsSegment" type="confd:objectRef" >
2364 <xs:annotation>
2365 <xs:documentation>
2367 The B side subnet segment for the IS.
2368 A reference to a Managed Object of type
2369 /IntegratedSite/BladeSystems/BladeSystem/BsNetworkConfiguration/BsLogicalNetwork/BsSubnet/BsSubnetSegment
2371 </xs:documentation>
2372 </xs:annotation>
2373 </xs:element>
2374 </xs:sequence>
2375 </xs:complexType>
2376 </xs:element>
2377 <xs:element name="IsIpTrafficClass" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2378 <xs:annotation>
2379 <xs:documentation>
2381 An IS IP Traffic Class is a homogenous type of
2382 (layer 3) traffic that has consistent requirements for
2383 Quality of Service and security, for example circuit switched
2384 payload. One Integrated Site constitutes one DiffServ
2385 domain. For each DiffServ code point that will be used
2386 within the site, there should be a configured mapping
2387 to corresponding priority bits (pbits) to be used
2388 within the site. All traffic of the same class uses the
2389 same priority bits (pbits). The pbits is defined in an
2390 IS LAN Traffic Class. Each DiffServ code point that is
2391 used within the site shall be defined in an IS IP
2392 Traffic Class. When the traffic is routed outside the
2393 site the routers may remap the DiffServ code points to
2394 values valid in other DiffServ domains. An IS IP
2395 Traffic Class has a site unique name. IS IP Traffic
2396 Classes and IS Subnets are orthogonal concepts.
2398 </xs:documentation>
2399 </xs:annotation>
2400 <xs:complexType>
2401 <xs:sequence>
2402 <xs:element name="name" type="xs:token" >
2403 <xs:annotation>
2404 <xs:documentation>
2406 Name of the IS IP Traffic Class.
2407 Unique within the entire Integrated Site.
2409 </xs:documentation>
2410 </xs:annotation>
2411 </xs:element>
2412 <xs:element name="description" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
2413 <xs:annotation>
2414 <xs:documentation>
2416 Short description of the IS IP Traffic Class.
2418 </xs:documentation>
2419 </xs:annotation>
2420 </xs:element>
2421 <xs:element name="dscp" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0" >
2422 <xs:annotation>
2423 <xs:documentation>
2425 DiffServ Code Point setting for this IS IP Traffic Class.
2426 If there are two IS IP Traffic Classes with the same DSCP, they
2427 both must refer to an IS LAN Traffic Class with identical P-bit setting.
2429 </xs:documentation>
2430 </xs:annotation>
2431 </xs:element>
2432 <xs:element name="isLanTrafficClass" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
2433 <xs:annotation>
2434 <xs:documentation>
2436 Reference to a Managed Object of type
2437 /IntegratedSite/NetworkConfiguration/ISLanTrafficClass.
2439 </xs:documentation>
2440 </xs:annotation>
2441 </xs:element>
2442 </xs:sequence>
2443 </xs:complexType>
2444 </xs:element>
2445 <xs:element name="IsLanTrafficClass" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2446 <xs:annotation>
2447 <xs:documentation>
2449 An IS LAN Traffic Class is a homogenous type
2450 of (layer 2) traffic that has consistent requirements
2451 for Class of Service, for example circuit switched
2452 payload. All traffic of the same class uses the same
2453 priority bits (pbits). An IS LAN Traffic Class has a
2454 site unique name. IS LAN Traffic Classes and IS VLANs
2455 are orthogonal concepts. An IS LAN Traffic Class may be
2456 shared between several Blade Systems.
2458 </xs:documentation>
2459 </xs:annotation>
2460 <xs:complexType>
2461 <xs:sequence>
2462 <xs:element name="name" type="xs:token" >
2463 <xs:annotation>
2464 <xs:documentation>
2466 Name of the IS LAN Traffic Class.
2467 Unique within the entire Integrated Site.
2469 </xs:documentation>
2470 </xs:annotation>
2471 </xs:element>
2472 <xs:element name="description" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
2473 <xs:annotation>
2474 <xs:documentation>
2476 Short description of the IS LAN Traffic Class.
2478 </xs:documentation>
2479 </xs:annotation>
2480 </xs:element>
2481 <xs:element name="pbits" type="IntegratedSite:pbitsType-8" minOccurs="0" >
2482 <xs:annotation>
2483 <xs:documentation>
2485 P-bit setting for this IS LAN Traffic Class.
2487 </xs:documentation>
2488 </xs:annotation>
2489 </xs:element>
2490 </xs:sequence>
2491 </xs:complexType>
2492 </xs:element>
2493 <xs:element name="IsLogicalNetwork" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2494 <xs:annotation>
2495 <xs:documentation>
2497 An IS Logical Network (ISLN) is an IP network
2498 with unconstrained network layer connectivity. Note
2499 that there is no room for NAT (Network Address
2500 Translation) in an IS Logical Network. An Integrated
2501 Site will take part in multiple IS Logical Networks
2502 simultaneously. An IS Logical Network may span several
2503 Integrated Sites. Naming of such IS Logical Networks
2504 should (but does not have to) be coordinated between
2505 sites. Inside a site, an IS Logical Network merely
2506 serves as a place holder for subnets and their
2507 associated VLANs. In some cases it may hold several
2508 subnets. An IS Logical Network may be shared between
2509 several Blade Systems.
2511 </xs:documentation>
2512 </xs:annotation>
2513 <xs:complexType>
2514 <xs:sequence>
2515 <xs:element name="name" type="xs:token" >
2516 <xs:annotation>
2517 <xs:documentation>
2519 Name of the IS Logical Network.
2520 Unique within the entire Integrated Site.
2522 </xs:documentation>
2523 </xs:annotation>
2524 </xs:element>
2525 <xs:element name="description" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
2526 <xs:annotation>
2527 <xs:documentation>
2529 Short description of the IS Logical network.
2531 </xs:documentation>
2532 </xs:annotation>
2533 </xs:element>
2534 <xs:element name="IsSubnet" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2535 <xs:annotation>
2536 <xs:documentation>
2538 An IS Subnet is an IP subnet. An IS
2539 Subnet has a starting address for the IP network, a
2540 netmask (we use prefix length notation) and a broadcast
2541 address. It is also connected to one IS VLAN. Each IS
2542 Subnet is divided into one or more segments, so called
2543 IS Subnet Segments. In many cases, the IS Subnet
2544 contains only one IS Subnet Segment. The name of an IS
2545 Subnet is unique only within its IS Logical Network.
2546 An IS Subnet may be shared between several Blade Systems.
2548 </xs:documentation>
2549 </xs:annotation>
2550 <xs:complexType>
2551 <xs:sequence>
2552 <xs:element name="name" type="xs:token" >
2553 <xs:annotation>
2554 <xs:documentation>
2556 Name of the IS Subnet. Unique within the IS Logical Network.
2558 </xs:documentation>
2559 </xs:annotation>
2560 </xs:element>
2561 <xs:element name="description" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
2562 <xs:annotation>
2563 <xs:documentation>
2565 Short description of the IS Subnet.
2567 </xs:documentation>
2568 </xs:annotation>
2569 </xs:element>
2570 <xs:element name="address" type="confd:inetAddressIPv4" minOccurs="0" >
2571 <xs:annotation>
2572 <xs:documentation>
2574 IP network address of the IS Subnet.
2576 </xs:documentation>
2577 </xs:annotation>
2578 </xs:element>
2579 <xs:element name="mask" type="IntegratedSite:maskType-5" minOccurs="0" >
2580 <xs:annotation>
2581 <xs:documentation>
2582 Prefix length of the IP network address.
2583 </xs:documentation>
2584 </xs:annotation>
2585 </xs:element>
2586 <xs:element name="longMask" type="confd:inetAddressIPv4" minOccurs="0" >
2587 <xs:annotation>
2588 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
2589 <xs:documentation>
2591 IP network mask of the IS Subnet.
2593 </xs:documentation>
2594 </xs:annotation>
2595 </xs:element>
2596 <xs:element name="broadcastAddress" type="confd:inetAddressIPv4" minOccurs="0" >
2597 <xs:annotation>
2598 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
2599 <xs:documentation>
2601 Broadcast address of the IS Subnet.
2603 </xs:documentation>
2604 </xs:annotation>
2605 </xs:element>
2606 <xs:element name="isVlanRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
2607 <xs:annotation>
2608 <xs:documentation>
2610 A reference to a Managed Object of type
2611 /IntegratedSite/NetworkConfiguration/IsVlan
2613 </xs:documentation>
2614 </xs:annotation>
2615 </xs:element>
2616 <xs:element name="IsSubnetSegment" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2617 <xs:annotation>
2618 <xs:documentation>
2620 An IS Subnet Segment is a segment of a
2621 subnet and is mainly used when hosts on the IS
2622 Subnet want to use different default gateways
2623 and still be able to send packets between each
2624 other without passing any gateway. The DHCP
2625 server will associate a subnet section with
2626 each IS Subnet Segment that is configured to
2627 be enabled for DHCP. Each IS Subnet Segment
2628 that is intended to handle traffic that should
2629 be routed, has an IP address configured for its router.
2630 The IS Subnet Segments for ISBS,
2631 ISOB, and ISOS are link local and do not have
2632 an associated router. The name of an IS Subnet
2633 Segment is unique only within its IS Subnet.
2634 An IS Subnet Segment may be shared between
2635 several Blade Systems.
2637 </xs:documentation>
2638 </xs:annotation>
2639 <xs:complexType>
2640 <xs:sequence>
2641 <xs:element name="name" type="xs:token" >
2642 <xs:annotation>
2643 <xs:documentation>
2645 Name of the IS Subnet Segment. Unique within the IS Subnet.
2647 </xs:documentation>
2648 </xs:annotation>
2649 </xs:element>
2650 <xs:element name="description" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
2651 <xs:annotation>
2652 <xs:documentation>
2654 Short description of the IS Subnet Segment.
2656 </xs:documentation>
2657 </xs:annotation>
2658 </xs:element>
2659 <xs:element name="address" type="confd:inetAddressIPv4" minOccurs="0" >
2660 <xs:annotation>
2661 <xs:documentation>
2663 IP network address of the IS Subnet Segment.
2665 </xs:documentation>
2666 </xs:annotation>
2667 </xs:element>
2668 <xs:element name="mask" type="IntegratedSite:maskType-6" minOccurs="0" >
2669 <xs:annotation>
2670 <xs:documentation>
2672 Prefix length of the IP network address.
2674 </xs:documentation>
2675 </xs:annotation>
2676 </xs:element>
2677 <xs:element name="longMask" type="confd:inetAddressIPv4" minOccurs="0" >
2678 <xs:annotation>
2679 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
2680 <xs:documentation>
2682 IP network mask of the IS Subnet Segment.
2684 </xs:documentation>
2685 </xs:annotation>
2686 </xs:element>
2687 <xs:element name="routerAddress" type="confd:inetAddressIPv4" minOccurs="0" >
2688 <xs:annotation>
2689 <xs:documentation>
2691 Router address for the IS Subnet Segment.
2693 </xs:documentation>
2694 </xs:annotation>
2695 </xs:element>
2696 <xs:element name="dhcpEnabled" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" >
2697 <xs:annotation>
2698 <xs:documentation>
2700 Flag that controls whether DHCP should be enabled or not for this
2701 IS Subnet Segment.
2703 </xs:documentation>
2704 </xs:annotation>
2705 </xs:element>
2706 </xs:sequence>
2707 </xs:complexType>
2708 </xs:element>
2709 </xs:sequence>
2710 </xs:complexType>
2711 <!--
2712 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_NetworkConfiguration_IsLogicalNetwork_IsSubnet_IsSubnetSegment">
2713 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:IsSubnetSegment"/>
2714 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:name"/>
2715 </xs:key>
2716 -->
2717 </xs:element>
2718 </xs:sequence>
2719 </xs:complexType>
2720 <!--
2721 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_NetworkConfiguration_IsLogicalNetwork_IsSubnet">
2722 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:IsSubnet"/>
2723 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:name"/>
2724 </xs:key>
2725 -->
2726 </xs:element>
2727 <xs:element name="IsVariables">
2728 <xs:annotation>
2729 <xs:documentation>
2731 Miscellaneous global variable settings.
2733 </xs:documentation>
2734 </xs:annotation>
2735 <xs:complexType>
2736 <xs:sequence>
2737 <xs:element name="updateMode" type="IntegratedSite:updateModeType-9" minOccurs="0" >
2738 <xs:annotation>
2739 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
2740 <xs:documentation>
2742 The updateMode is a global attribute which controls
2743 how updates of the network configuration is handled.
2745 The updateMode can have the following persistent
2746 states:
2748 * Safe - In Safe mode, all updates are placed in a
2749 separate storage, which is not visible to the blade
2750 systems. Updates are not published automatically.
2752 * Preliminary - In Preliminary mode no updates of the
2753 separate storage are allowed. This mode is a temporary
2754 mode that is used only while a new parameter setting
2755 is being tried out.
2757 * ReadOnly - In ReadOnly mode, no updates are allowed at all.
2759 * Unsafe - In Unsafe mode, all updates are immediately
2760 published to the blade systems without any possibility
2761 to undo the changes. You should avoid this mode.
2763 </xs:documentation>
2764 </xs:annotation>
2765 </xs:element>
2766 <xs:element name="dataModelVersion" minOccurs="0" type="IntegratedSite:dataModelVersionType-10">
2767 <xs:annotation>
2768 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
2769 <xs:documentation>
2771 The data model version consists of a major and a
2772 minor part. The minor part is incremented when the data
2773 model (the structure of the data) is extended. The
2774 major part is incremented when the data model is not
2775 backwards compatible with the previous version.
2777 </xs:documentation>
2778 </xs:annotation>
2779 </xs:element>
2780 <xs:element name="rlspMarkerGenerateInterval" type="IntegratedSite:rlspMarkerGenerateIntervalType-11" minOccurs="0" >
2781 <xs:annotation>
2782 <xs:documentation>
2784 The RLSP marker generate interval in milliseconds.
2785 It is recommended that the interval should be
2786 increased in steps of 10.
2788 Note that after publishing an update of this value,
2789 a total site restart is necessary.
2791 This is an advanced option that should only be
2792 changed by Ericsson personnel.
2794 </xs:documentation>
2795 </xs:annotation>
2796 </xs:element>
2797 <xs:element name="rlspLinkDownThreshold" type="IntegratedSite:rlspLinkDownThresholdType-12" minOccurs="0" >
2798 <xs:annotation>
2799 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
2800 <xs:documentation>
2802 Threshold for the number of consecutive RLSP marker
2803 PDUs that needs to be missing before the link is
2804 regarded as down.
2806 </xs:documentation>
2807 </xs:annotation>
2808 </xs:element>
2809 <xs:element name="rlspLinkUpThreshold" type="IntegratedSite:rlspLinkUpThresholdType-13" minOccurs="0" >
2810 <xs:annotation>
2811 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
2812 <xs:documentation>
2814 Threshold for the number of consecutive RLSP marker
2815 PDUs that needs to be received before the link
2816 is regarded as up.
2818 </xs:documentation>
2819 </xs:annotation>
2820 </xs:element>
2821 <xs:element name="timezoneDstRule" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
2822 <xs:annotation>
2823 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
2824 <xs:documentation>
2826 The Daylight Saving Time (DST) rule (timezone_dst_rule)
2827 has a syntax that is described in IEEE 1003.11. With
2828 the information in this string, Blade Systems can
2829 configure their clock to comply with the local time
2830 zone. On Posix compatible blades its value fits nicely
2831 into the TZ environment variable.
2833 Here follows a condensed summary of the time zone
2834 syntax described in IEEE 1003.1. The timezone_dst_rule
2835 val has a syntax like std offset or std offset dst
2836 [offset],start[/time],end[/time] where the first format
2837 is used when there is no Daylight Saving Time in the
2838 local time zone. The std string specifies the name of
2839 the time zone. The offset specifies the time value you
2840 must add to the local time to get a Coordinated
2841 Universal Time value. For example, here is how we would
2842 specify Eastern Standard Time, but without any Daylight
2843 Saving Time alternative: "EST+5". The second format is
2844 used when there is Daylight Saving Time. The dst string
2845 and offset specify the name and offset for the
2846 corresponding Daylight Saving Time zone; if the offset
2847 is omitted, it defaults to one hour ahead of standard
2848 time.The remainder of the specification describes when
2849 Daylight Saving Time is in effect. The start field is
2850 when Daylight Saving Time goes into effect and the end
2851 field is when the change is made back to standard
2852 time. The following formats are recognized for these
2853 fields: Jn specifies the Julian day, with n between
2854 1 and 365. February 29 is never counted, even in leap
2855 years. n specifies the Julian day, with n between 0and
2856 365. February 29 is counted in leap years. Mm.w.d
2857 specifies day d of week w of month m. The day d must be
2858 between 0 (Sunday) and 6. The week must be between
2859 1 and 5; week 1 is the first week in which day d occurs,
2860 and week 5 specifies the last d day in the month. The
2861 month m should be between 1 and 12. The time fields
2862 specify when, in the local time currently in effect,
2863 the change to the other time occurs. If omitted, the
2864 default is 02:00:00.
2866 For example "EST+5EDT,M4.1.0/2,M10.5.0/2", specifies
2867 the Eastern time zone in the United States, including
2868 the appropriate Daylight Saving Time and its dates of
2869 applicability. The normal offset from UTC is 5 hours;
2870 since this is west of the prime meridian, the sign is
2871 positive. Summer time begins on the first Sunday in
2872 April at 2:00am, and ends on the last Sunday in October
2873 at 2:00am.
2875 </xs:documentation>
2876 </xs:annotation>
2877 </xs:element>
2878 <xs:element name="dnsDomain" type="IntegratedSite:dnsDomainType-14" minOccurs="0" >
2879 <xs:annotation>
2880 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
2881 <xs:documentation>
2883 The DNS domain used by IS in the DNS-server.
2885 </xs:documentation>
2886 </xs:annotation>
2887 </xs:element>
2888 <xs:element name="notifyAfter" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0" >
2889 <xs:annotation>
2890 <xs:documentation>
2892 Number of seconds from when a new network
2893 configuration has been published until the
2894 Blade Systems will apply the changes.
2896 This is an advanced option that should only be
2897 changed by Ericsson personnel.
2899 </xs:documentation>
2900 </xs:annotation>
2901 </xs:element>
2902 <xs:element name="defaultDhcpLeaseTime" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0" >
2903 <xs:annotation>
2904 <xs:documentation>
2906 The default DHCP lease time in seconds.
2908 This is an advanced option that should only be
2909 changed by Ericsson personnel.
2911 </xs:documentation>
2912 </xs:annotation>
2913 </xs:element>
2914 <xs:element name="lifeTimeDhcpLeaseTime" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0" >
2915 <xs:annotation>
2916 <xs:documentation>
2918 The lifetime of a DHCP lease in seconds.
2920 This is an advanced option that should only be
2921 changed by Ericsson personnel.
2923 </xs:documentation>
2924 </xs:annotation>
2925 </xs:element>
2926 </xs:sequence>
2927 </xs:complexType>
2928 </xs:element>
2929 <xs:element name="IsVlan" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
2930 <xs:annotation>
2931 <xs:documentation>
2933 An IS VLAN is just a VLAN (Virtual LAN).
2934 It may be shared between several Blade Systems.
2936 </xs:documentation>
2937 </xs:annotation>
2938 <xs:complexType>
2939 <xs:sequence>
2940 <xs:element name="identity" type="IntegratedSite:identityType-7" >
2941 <xs:annotation>
2942 <xs:documentation>
2944 Identity of the IS VLAN. Unique within the entire Integrated Site.
2946 </xs:documentation>
2947 </xs:annotation>
2948 </xs:element>
2949 <xs:element name="description" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
2950 <xs:annotation>
2951 <xs:documentation>
2953 Short description of the IS VLAN
2955 </xs:documentation>
2956 </xs:annotation>
2957 </xs:element>
2958 </xs:sequence>
2959 </xs:complexType>
2960 </xs:element>
2961 </xs:sequence>
2962 </xs:complexType>
2963 <!--
2964 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_NetworkConfiguration_ExternalBootServer">
2965 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:ExternalBootServer"/>
2966 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:name"/>
2967 </xs:key>
2968 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_NetworkConfiguration_IsIpTrafficClass">
2969 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:IsIpTrafficClass"/>
2970 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:name"/>
2971 </xs:key>
2972 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_NetworkConfiguration_IsLanTrafficClass">
2973 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:IsLanTrafficClass"/>
2974 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:name"/>
2975 </xs:key>
2976 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_NetworkConfiguration_IsLogicalNetwork">
2977 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:IsLogicalNetwork"/>
2978 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:name"/>
2979 </xs:key>
2980 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_NetworkConfiguration_IsVlan">
2981 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:IsVlan"/>
2982 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:identity"/>
2983 </xs:key>
2984 -->
2985 </xs:element>
2986 <xs:element name="Software">
2987 <xs:annotation>
2988 <xs:documentation>
2990 Describes the Software management service
2991 in the Integrated Site services Management Function Area (MFA).
2993 </xs:documentation>
2994 </xs:annotation>
2995 <xs:complexType>
2996 <xs:sequence>
2997 <xs:element name="SoftwareInventory">
2998 <xs:annotation>
2999 <xs:documentation>
3001 This class includes actions to download files and import backups
3002 into the software inventory.
3004 </xs:documentation>
3005 </xs:annotation>
3006 <xs:complexType>
3007 <xs:sequence>
3008 <xs:element name="Backup" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3009 <xs:annotation>
3010 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
3011 <xs:documentation>
3013 An instance of a backup that is stored locally.
3015 </xs:documentation>
3016 </xs:annotation>
3017 <xs:complexType>
3018 <xs:sequence>
3019 <xs:element name="id" type="xs:unsignedInt" >
3020 <xs:annotation>
3021 <xs:documentation>
3023 The site local backup identity.
3025 </xs:documentation>
3026 </xs:annotation>
3027 </xs:element>
3028 <xs:element name="name" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
3029 <xs:annotation>
3030 <xs:documentation>
3032 A backup name selected by the user or a generated name.
3034 </xs:documentation>
3035 </xs:annotation>
3036 </xs:element>
3037 <xs:element name="bsRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
3038 <xs:annotation>
3039 <xs:documentation>
3041 A reference to the blade system that this backup was created from.
3043 </xs:documentation>
3044 </xs:annotation>
3045 </xs:element>
3046 <xs:element name="date" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0" >
3047 <xs:annotation>
3048 <xs:documentation>
3050 The date and time when this backup was created.
3052 </xs:documentation>
3053 </xs:annotation>
3054 </xs:element>
3055 <xs:element name="size" type="xs:unsignedInt" minOccurs="0" >
3056 <xs:annotation>
3057 <xs:documentation>
3059 The size of the backup file in kilobytes. If the backup file
3060 size is smaller than 0,5 kbyte the value will be 0.
3062 </xs:documentation>
3063 </xs:annotation>
3064 </xs:element>
3065 </xs:sequence>
3066 </xs:complexType>
3067 </xs:element>
3068 <xs:element name="SoftwareAlarm" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3069 <xs:annotation>
3070 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
3071 <xs:documentation>
3073 Represents an alarm related to software.
3074 This class can be used for listing software alarms.
3076 </xs:documentation>
3077 </xs:annotation>
3078 <xs:complexType>
3079 <xs:sequence>
3080 <xs:element name="id" type="xs:unsignedInt" >
3081 <xs:annotation>
3082 <xs:documentation>
3084 The alarm identity.
3086 </xs:documentation>
3087 </xs:annotation>
3088 </xs:element>
3089 <xs:element name="bsRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
3090 <xs:annotation>
3091 <xs:documentation>
3093 A reference to the blade system affected by the alarm
3095 </xs:documentation>
3096 </xs:annotation>
3097 </xs:element>
3098 <xs:element name="cause" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
3099 <xs:annotation>
3100 <xs:documentation>
3102 Textual description of the cause of the alarm.
3104 </xs:documentation>
3105 </xs:annotation>
3106 </xs:element>
3107 <xs:element name="info" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
3108 <xs:annotation>
3109 <xs:documentation>
3111 Textual description providing additional information about the alarm.
3113 </xs:documentation>
3114 </xs:annotation>
3115 </xs:element>
3116 </xs:sequence>
3117 </xs:complexType>
3118 </xs:element>
3119 <xs:element name="SoftwareDeliveryPackage" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3120 <xs:annotation>
3121 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
3122 <xs:documentation>
3124 Container of files of data, or binary executables, needed to run
3125 the system.
3127 </xs:documentation>
3128 </xs:annotation>
3129 <xs:complexType>
3130 <xs:sequence>
3131 <xs:element name="prodNo" type="xs:token" >
3132 <xs:annotation>
3133 <xs:documentation>
3135 Product number of the software delivery package.
3137 </xs:documentation>
3138 </xs:annotation>
3139 </xs:element>
3140 <xs:element name="prodRev" type="xs:token" >
3141 <xs:annotation>
3142 <xs:documentation>
3144 Product revision of the software delivery package.
3146 </xs:documentation>
3147 </xs:annotation>
3148 </xs:element>
3149 <xs:element name="prodName" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
3150 <xs:annotation>
3151 <xs:documentation>
3153 Product name of the software delivery package.
3155 </xs:documentation>
3156 </xs:annotation>
3157 </xs:element>
3158 <xs:element name="type" type="IntegratedSite:typeType-31" minOccurs="0" >
3159 <xs:annotation>
3160 <xs:documentation>
3162 Type of the software delivery package.
3164 </xs:documentation>
3165 </xs:annotation>
3166 </xs:element>
3167 </xs:sequence>
3168 </xs:complexType>
3169 </xs:element>
3170 <xs:element name="SoftwareGroup" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3171 <xs:annotation>
3172 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
3173 <xs:documentation>
3175 Contains one or more SoftwareDeliveryPackage.
3177 </xs:documentation>
3178 </xs:annotation>
3179 <xs:complexType>
3180 <xs:sequence>
3181 <xs:element name="prodNo" type="xs:token" >
3182 <xs:annotation>
3183 <xs:documentation>
3185 Product number of the software group.
3187 </xs:documentation>
3188 </xs:annotation>
3189 </xs:element>
3190 <xs:element name="prodRev" type="xs:token" >
3191 <xs:annotation>
3192 <xs:documentation>
3194 Product revision of the software group.
3196 </xs:documentation>
3197 </xs:annotation>
3198 </xs:element>
3199 <xs:element name="prodName" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
3200 <xs:annotation>
3201 <xs:documentation>
3203 Product name of the software group.
3205 </xs:documentation>
3206 </xs:annotation>
3207 </xs:element>
3208 <xs:element name="bsProdNo" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
3209 <xs:annotation>
3210 <xs:documentation>
3212 Blade system product number of the software group.
3214 </xs:documentation>
3215 </xs:annotation>
3216 </xs:element>
3217 <xs:element name="bsProdRev" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
3218 <xs:annotation>
3219 <xs:documentation>
3221 Blade system revision of the software group.
3223 </xs:documentation>
3224 </xs:annotation>
3225 </xs:element>
3226 <xs:element name="bsProdName" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
3227 <xs:annotation>
3228 <xs:documentation>
3230 Blade system name of the software group.
3232 </xs:documentation>
3233 </xs:annotation>
3234 </xs:element>
3235 <xs:element name="integratedSystemProdNo" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
3236 <xs:annotation>
3237 <xs:documentation>
3239 Integrated system product number of the software group.
3241 </xs:documentation>
3242 </xs:annotation>
3243 </xs:element>
3244 <xs:element name="integratedSystemProdRev" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
3245 <xs:annotation>
3246 <xs:documentation>
3248 Integrated system revision of the software group.
3250 </xs:documentation>
3251 </xs:annotation>
3252 </xs:element>
3253 <xs:element name="integratedSystemProdName" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
3254 <xs:annotation>
3255 <xs:documentation>
3257 Integrated system name of the software group.
3259 </xs:documentation>
3260 </xs:annotation>
3261 </xs:element>
3262 <xs:element name="relatedSDPs" type="IntegratedSite:relatedSDPsType-32" minOccurs="0" >
3263 <xs:annotation>
3264 <xs:documentation>
3266 Software delivery packages related to this software group.
3267 A related software delivery package can be a CXP or
3268 a software correction package, CXR.
3269 A related software delivery package does not necessarily have
3270 to be active.
3272 </xs:documentation>
3273 </xs:annotation>
3274 </xs:element>
3275 <xs:element name="status" type="IntegratedSite:statusType-33" minOccurs="0" >
3276 <xs:annotation>
3277 <xs:documentation>
3279 Indicates status of a software group. A software group is
3280 complete if all included load module containers have been
3281 downloaded and unpacked correctly, if not, it is incomplete.
3282 A software group is inconsistent if the checksums of the load
3283 module containers do not match the information in the system
3284 information CXP, or if the XML data could not be registered.
3286 </xs:documentation>
3287 </xs:annotation>
3288 </xs:element>
3289 </xs:sequence>
3290 </xs:complexType>
3291 </xs:element>
3292 </xs:sequence>
3293 </xs:complexType>
3294 <!--
3295 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_Software_SoftwareInventory_Backup">
3296 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:Backup"/>
3297 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:id"/>
3298 </xs:key>
3299 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_Software_SoftwareInventory_SoftwareAlarm">
3300 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:SoftwareAlarm"/>
3301 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:id"/>
3302 </xs:key>
3303 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_Software_SoftwareInventory_SoftwareDeliveryPackage">
3304 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:SoftwareDeliveryPackage"/>
3305 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:prodNo"/>
3306 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:prodRev"/>
3307 </xs:key>
3308 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_Software_SoftwareInventory_SoftwareGroup">
3309 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:SoftwareGroup"/>
3310 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:prodNo"/>
3311 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:prodRev"/>
3312 </xs:key>
3313 -->
3314 </xs:element>
3315 <xs:element name="SoftwareJobs">
3316 <xs:annotation>
3317 <xs:documentation>
3319 Contains system created data through ordered job actions.
3321 </xs:documentation>
3322 </xs:annotation>
3323 <xs:complexType>
3324 <xs:sequence>
3325 <xs:element name="BackupCreateJob" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3326 <xs:annotation>
3327 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
3328 <xs:documentation>
3330 This class handles creation of backups.
3332 </xs:documentation>
3333 </xs:annotation>
3334 <xs:complexType>
3335 <xs:sequence>
3336 <xs:element name="jobName" type="xs:token" >
3337 <xs:annotation>
3338 <xs:documentation>
3340 Given or system generated name of the backup job.
3342 </xs:documentation>
3343 </xs:annotation>
3344 </xs:element>
3345 <xs:element name="jobData" minOccurs="0" type="IntegratedSite:JobData">
3346 <xs:annotation>
3347 <xs:documentation>
3349 Reference to a data type representing job status
3350 during the job execution.
3352 </xs:documentation>
3353 </xs:annotation>
3354 </xs:element>
3355 <xs:element name="backupRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
3356 <xs:annotation>
3357 <xs:documentation>
3359 Reference to the site local backup identity.
3361 </xs:documentation>
3362 </xs:annotation>
3363 </xs:element>
3364 <xs:element name="bsRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
3365 <xs:annotation>
3366 <xs:documentation>
3368 Reference to the blade system the backup was created from.
3370 </xs:documentation>
3371 </xs:annotation>
3372 </xs:element>
3373 <xs:element name="backupName" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
3374 <xs:annotation>
3375 <xs:documentation>
3377 The name of the backup.
3379 </xs:documentation>
3380 </xs:annotation>
3381 </xs:element>
3382 </xs:sequence>
3383 </xs:complexType>
3384 </xs:element>
3385 <xs:element name="BackupExportJob" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3386 <xs:annotation>
3387 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
3388 <xs:documentation>
3390 This class handles export of locally stored backup files to
3391 an FTP server.
3393 </xs:documentation>
3394 </xs:annotation>
3395 <xs:complexType>
3396 <xs:sequence>
3397 <xs:element name="jobName" type="xs:token" >
3398 <xs:annotation>
3399 <xs:documentation>
3401 Given or system created name of the backup job.
3403 </xs:documentation>
3404 </xs:annotation>
3405 </xs:element>
3406 <xs:element name="jobData" minOccurs="0" type="IntegratedSite:JobData">
3407 <xs:annotation>
3408 <xs:documentation>
3410 Reference to a data type representing job status
3411 during the job execution.
3413 </xs:documentation>
3414 </xs:annotation>
3415 </xs:element>
3416 <xs:element name="ftpData" minOccurs="0" type="IntegratedSite:FtpData">
3417 <xs:annotation>
3418 <xs:documentation>
3420 Reference to a data type representing the
3421 FTP details.
3423 </xs:documentation>
3424 </xs:annotation>
3425 </xs:element>
3426 <xs:element name="backupRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
3427 <xs:annotation>
3428 <xs:documentation>
3430 Reference to the backup to be exported.
3432 </xs:documentation>
3433 </xs:annotation>
3434 </xs:element>
3435 <xs:element name="backupName" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
3436 <xs:annotation>
3437 <xs:documentation>
3439 This name is set to be the file name of the backup.
3441 </xs:documentation>
3442 </xs:annotation>
3443 </xs:element>
3444 </xs:sequence>
3445 </xs:complexType>
3446 </xs:element>
3447 <xs:element name="BackupImportJob" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3448 <xs:annotation>
3449 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
3450 <xs:documentation>
3452 This class handles import of backup files from the FTP server.
3453 The backup file is stored locally, but not loaded into the system.
3455 </xs:documentation>
3456 </xs:annotation>
3457 <xs:complexType>
3458 <xs:sequence>
3459 <xs:element name="jobName" type="xs:token" >
3460 <xs:annotation>
3461 <xs:documentation>
3463 Given or system created name of the backup job.
3465 </xs:documentation>
3466 </xs:annotation>
3467 </xs:element>
3468 <xs:element name="jobData" minOccurs="0" type="IntegratedSite:JobData">
3469 <xs:annotation>
3470 <xs:documentation>
3472 Reference to a data type representing job status
3473 during the job execution.
3475 </xs:documentation>
3476 </xs:annotation>
3477 </xs:element>
3478 <xs:element name="ftpData" minOccurs="0" type="IntegratedSite:FtpData">
3479 <xs:annotation>
3480 <xs:documentation>
3482 Reference to a data type representing the
3483 FTP details.
3485 </xs:documentation>
3486 </xs:annotation>
3487 </xs:element>
3488 </xs:sequence>
3489 </xs:complexType>
3490 </xs:element>
3491 <xs:element name="BackupRestoreJob" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3492 <xs:annotation>
3493 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
3494 <xs:documentation>
3496 This class handles restore of backups of the system.
3498 </xs:documentation>
3499 </xs:annotation>
3500 <xs:complexType>
3501 <xs:sequence>
3502 <xs:element name="jobName" type="xs:token" >
3503 <xs:annotation>
3504 <xs:documentation>
3506 Given or system created name of the backup job.
3508 </xs:documentation>
3509 </xs:annotation>
3510 </xs:element>
3511 <xs:element name="jobData" minOccurs="0" type="IntegratedSite:JobData">
3512 <xs:annotation>
3513 <xs:documentation>
3515 Reference to a data type representing job status
3516 during the job execution.
3518 </xs:documentation>
3519 </xs:annotation>
3520 </xs:element>
3521 <xs:element name="backupRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
3522 <xs:annotation>
3523 <xs:documentation>
3525 Reference to the backup to be restored.
3527 </xs:documentation>
3528 </xs:annotation>
3529 </xs:element>
3530 <xs:element name="bsRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
3531 <xs:annotation>
3532 <xs:documentation>
3534 Reference to the blade system that should be restored.
3536 </xs:documentation>
3537 </xs:annotation>
3538 </xs:element>
3539 <xs:element name="backupName" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" >
3540 <xs:annotation>
3541 <xs:documentation>
3543 The name of the backup.
3545 </xs:documentation>
3546 </xs:annotation>
3547 </xs:element>
3548 </xs:sequence>
3549 </xs:complexType>
3550 </xs:element>
3551 <xs:element name="SoftwareChangeJob" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3552 <xs:annotation>
3553 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
3554 <xs:documentation>
3556 This class handles software change jobs toward the system.
3558 </xs:documentation>
3559 </xs:annotation>
3560 <xs:complexType>
3561 <xs:sequence>
3562 <xs:element name="jobName" type="xs:token" >
3563 <xs:annotation>
3564 <xs:documentation>
3566 Given or system generated name of the backup job.
3568 </xs:documentation>
3569 </xs:annotation>
3570 </xs:element>
3571 <xs:element name="jobData" minOccurs="0" type="IntegratedSite:JobData">
3572 <xs:annotation>
3573 <xs:documentation>
3575 Reference to a data type representing job status
3576 during the job execution.
3578 </xs:documentation>
3579 </xs:annotation>
3580 </xs:element>
3581 <xs:element name="bsRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
3582 <xs:annotation>
3583 <xs:documentation>
3585 Reference to the blade system that should change software.
3587 </xs:documentation>
3588 </xs:annotation>
3589 </xs:element>
3590 <xs:element name="swgRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
3591 <xs:annotation>
3592 <xs:documentation>
3594 Reference to the blade system software group to be
3595 used in the software change.
3597 </xs:documentation>
3598 </xs:annotation>
3599 </xs:element>
3600 <xs:element name="scpRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
3601 <xs:annotation>
3602 <xs:documentation>
3604 Reference to the software correction package to be
3605 used in the software change.
3607 </xs:documentation>
3608 </xs:annotation>
3609 </xs:element>
3610 <xs:element name="maxTime" type="xs:unsignedInt" minOccurs="0" >
3611 <xs:annotation>
3612 <xs:documentation>
3614 The maximum time allowed for the software change
3615 job to finish. After this time, the job will be interrupted.
3616 The value 0 means that maxTime will be given the
3617 timer value registered with the blade system software group.
3618 If no such value has been registered,
3619 maxTime will be given a system default timer value.
3621 </xs:documentation>
3622 </xs:annotation>
3623 </xs:element>
3624 <xs:element name="SoftwareChangeJobBladeInfo" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3625 <xs:annotation>
3626 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
3627 <xs:documentation>
3629 This class handles blade information for a blade involved in
3630 a software change job.
3632 </xs:documentation>
3633 </xs:annotation>
3634 <xs:complexType>
3635 <xs:sequence>
3636 <xs:element name="subrackId" type="xs:unsignedInt" >
3637 <xs:annotation>
3638 <xs:documentation>
3640 The subrack ID for the blade.
3642 </xs:documentation>
3643 </xs:annotation>
3644 </xs:element>
3645 <xs:element name="slotNo" type="xs:unsignedInt" >
3646 <xs:annotation>
3647 <xs:documentation>
3649 The slot number for the blade.
3651 </xs:documentation>
3652 </xs:annotation>
3653 </xs:element>
3654 <xs:element name="bladeSwgRef" type="confd:objectRef" minOccurs="0" >
3655 <xs:annotation>
3656 <xs:documentation>
3658 Reference to the blade software group to be used
3659 in the software change.
3661 </xs:documentation>
3662 </xs:annotation>
3663 </xs:element>
3664 </xs:sequence>
3665 </xs:complexType>
3666 </xs:element>
3667 </xs:sequence>
3668 </xs:complexType>
3669 <!--
3670 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_Software_SoftwareJobs_SoftwareChangeJob_SoftwareChangeJobBladeInfo">
3671 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:SoftwareChangeJobBladeInfo"/>
3672 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:subrackId"/>
3673 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:slotNo"/>
3674 </xs:key>
3675 -->
3676 </xs:element>
3677 <xs:element name="SoftwareDownloadJob" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
3678 <xs:annotation>
3679 <xs:appinfo confd:config="false"/>
3680 <xs:documentation>
3682 This class contains information about requested, ongoing,
3683 and completed software file download jobs.
3685 </xs:documentation>
3686 </xs:annotation>
3687 <xs:complexType>
3688 <xs:sequence>
3689 <xs:element name="jobName" type="xs:token" >
3690 <xs:annotation>
3691 <xs:documentation>
3693 Given or system generated name of the download job.
3695 </xs:documentation>
3696 </xs:annotation>
3697 </xs:element>
3698 <xs:element name="jobData" minOccurs="0" type="IntegratedSite:JobData">
3699 <xs:annotation>
3700 <xs:documentation>
3702 Reference to a data type representing job status
3703 during the job execution.
3705 </xs:documentation>
3706 </xs:annotation>
3707 </xs:element>
3708 <xs:element name="ftpData" minOccurs="0" type="IntegratedSite:FtpData">
3709 <xs:annotation>
3710 <xs:documentation>
3712 Reference to a data type representing the
3713 FTP details.
3715 </xs:documentation>
3716 </xs:annotation>
3717 </xs:element>
3718 <xs:element name="matchStrategy" type="IntegratedSite:SwmMatchStrategy" minOccurs="0"/>
3719 </xs:sequence>
3720 </xs:complexType>
3721 </xs:element>
3722 </xs:sequence>
3723 </xs:complexType>
3724 <!--
3725 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_Software_SoftwareJobs_BackupCreateJob">
3726 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:BackupCreateJob"/>
3727 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:jobName"/>
3728 </xs:key>
3729 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_Software_SoftwareJobs_BackupExportJob">
3730 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:BackupExportJob"/>
3731 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:jobName"/>
3732 </xs:key>
3733 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_Software_SoftwareJobs_BackupImportJob">
3734 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:BackupImportJob"/>
3735 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:jobName"/>
3736 </xs:key>
3737 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_Software_SoftwareJobs_BackupRestoreJob">
3738 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:BackupRestoreJob"/>
3739 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:jobName"/>
3740 </xs:key>
3741 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_Software_SoftwareJobs_SoftwareChangeJob">
3742 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:SoftwareChangeJob"/>
3743 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:jobName"/>
3744 </xs:key>
3745 <xs:key name="key_IntegratedSite_Software_SoftwareJobs_SoftwareDownloadJob">
3746 <xs:selector xpath="IntegratedSite:SoftwareDownloadJob"/>
3747 <xs:field xpath="IntegratedSite:jobName"/>
3748 </xs:key>
3749 -->
3750 </xs:element>
3751 </xs:sequence>
3752 </xs:complexType>
3753 </xs:element>
3754 </xs:sequence>
3755 </xs:complexType>
3756 </xs:element>
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