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[deliverable/titan.core.git] / compiler2 / compiler.1
1 .TH compiler 1 "October 2014" "Ericsson Telecom AB" "TTCN-3 Tools"
3 compiler \- TTCN-3 and ASN.1 to C++ translator
5 .B compiler
6 .RB "[\| " \-abcdfgijlLpqrRsStuwxXyY " \|]"
7 .RB "[\| " \-V
8 .IR " verb_level" " \|]"
9 .RB "[\| " \-K
10 .IR " file" " \|]"
11 .RB "[\| " \-o
12 .IR " dir" " \|]"
13 .RB "[\| " \-P
14 .IR " top_level_pdu" " \|] ..."
15 .RB "[\| " \-Q
16 .IR "n" " \|] "
17 .RB "[\| " \-U
18 .IR "none|type" " \|] "
19 .RB "[\| " \-T " \|]"
20 module.ttcn ...
21 .RB "[\| " \-A " \|]"
22 module.asn ...
23 [\| \- module.ttcn ... module.asn ... \|]
24 .br
25 or
26 .br
27 .B compiler
28 .B \-v
29 .br
30 or
31 .br
32 .B compiler \-\-ttcn2json
33 .RB "[\| " \-jf " \|]"
34 .RB "[\| " \-T " \|]"
35 module.ttcn ...
36 .RB "[\| " \-A " \|]"
37 module.asn ...
38 .RB "[\| " \-
39 schema.json
40 .RB " \|]"
42 This manual page is a quick reference for the TTCN-3 and ASN.1 to C++ (or JSON schema)
43 compiler of the TTCN-3 Test Executor. It only summarizes the meaning of
44 all command line options. For more details please consult the
45 .B Programmer's Technical Reference for TITAN TTCN-3 Test Executor.
47 The following options are supported (in alphabetical order):
48 .TP 10
49 .BI \-A " file"
50 Forces the interpretation of
51 .I file
52 as an
53 .I ASN.1 module.
54 It is useful when automatic module type detection fails
55 due to some strange language constructs. The option takes exactly one file
56 name as argument. The option must be repeated when used with multiple files.
57 See also: option
58 .B \-T.
59 .TP
60 .B \-a
61 Force
62 .I XER
63 in ASN.1 files
64 .TP
65 .B \-b
66 Disables the generation of
67 .I BER
68 encoder/decoder routines for all ASN.1 types.
69 .TP
70 .B \-c
71 Write out
72 .I checksums
73 in case of error
74 .TP
75 .B \-d
76 Treat ASN.1
78 fields with DEFAULT values as
79 .I omit
80 in TTCN-3.
81 .TP
82 .B \-f
83 Forces the compiler to
84 .I overwrite
85 the output files even if they exist or are unchanged.
86 .TP
87 .B \-g
88 The compiler error/warning messages will contain only the starting
89 line number and column, in a format compatible with th GNU compiler (gcc).
90 .B \-g
91 takes precedence over
92 .B \-i
93 if both are specified.
94 .TP
95 .B \-i
96 The compiler error/warning messages
97 will contain only the
98 .I line numbers,
99 the column numbers will remain hidden. This option provides backward
100 compatibility with the error message format of earlier versions.
101 .TP
102 .B \-j
103 Disables JSON encoder/decoder functions.
104 .TP
105 .BI \-K " file"
106 Enables selective code coverage.
107 .TP
108 .B \-l
109 Instructs the compiler to generate source file and line information (i.e.
110 .I #line
111 directives) into the output C++ code so that the C++ compiler error
112 messages refer back to the lines of original TTCN-3 input module.
113 .br
114 This option is
115 .I obsolete
116 and will be removed in future versions as the
117 compiler does not generate erroneous C++ code because of the full
118 semantic analysis.
119 .TP
120 .B \-L
121 Instructs the compiler to add source file and line
122 .I source file
123 and
124 .I line number
125 information into the generated code to be included in the
126 .I log
127 during execution.
128 .br
129 This option is only a prerequisite for logging the source code information.
130 Options
131 .I SourceInfoFormat
132 and
133 .I LogEntityName
134 have also to be set appropriately in section
135 .I [LOGGING]
136 of the run-time configuration file.
137 .br
138 Usage of this option a bit enlarges the size of the generated code and slightly
139 reduces execution speed. This flag is not recommended when the TTCN-3 test
140 suite is used for load generation.
141 .TP
142 .BI \-o " dir"
143 The output files (including Test Port skeletons) will be placed into
144 the directory specified by
145 .I dir.
146 The current working directory is the default otherwise.
147 .TP
148 .B \-p
149 Instructs the compiler only to
150 .I parse
151 the given TTCN-3 and ASN.1 modules. This will detect only the syntax errors
152 because semantic checkings are
153 .I not
154 performed. The presence of all imported modules is not necessary thus it is
155 allowed (and recommended) to parse the modules one-by-one.
156 .br
157 All options that influence the code generation are silently ignored when used
158 together with
159 .B \-p.
160 .br
161 .B Note:
162 This option includes complete syntax checks for TTCN-3 modules, but in ASN.1
163 there are some special constructs (e.g. the user-defined syntaxes) that cannot
164 be even parsed without semantic analysis. So there is no guarantee that an ASN.1
165 module is free of syntax errors if it was analyzed with compiler using the
166 .B -p
167 flag.
168 .TP
169 .BI \-P " top_level_pdu" ...
170 Defines a top-level pdu.
171 .I top_level_pdu
172 must have the following format:
173 .I modulename.identifier.
174 If this switch is used, then only the defined top-level PDU(s) and the
175 referenced assignments are checked and included in code generation, the
176 other ASN.1 assignments are skipped.
177 .TP
178 .B \-q
179 .I Quiet
180 mode. Equivalent with
181 .B \-V 0.
182 .TP
183 .B \-Qn
184 .I Quits
185 after
186 .B n
187 errors.
188 .TP
189 .B \-r
190 Disables the generation of
191 .I RAW
192 encoder/decoder routines for all TTCN-3 types.
193 .TP
194 .B \-R
195 Use function test runtime (TITAN_RUNTIME_2). The compiler will generate source
196 code for use with function test runtime.
197 .TP
198 .B \-s
199 Instructs the compiler to parse the given TTCN-3 and ASN.1 modules and perform
200 .I semantic analysis
201 on them, but
202 .I not
203 to generate C++ output. The list of given modules shall be complete so it is
204 not allowed to import from a module that is not in the list. All options that
205 influence the code generation are silently ignored when used together with
206 .B \-s.
207 .TP
208 .B \-S
209 .I Suppresses
210 context information.
211 .TP
212 .B \-t
213 Generates
214 .I Test Port
215 skeleton header and source files for all port types that can be found in
216 TTCN-3 modules. Existing Test Port files will not be overwritten unless the
217 .B \-f
218 option is used.
219 .TP
220 .BI \-T " file"
221 Forces the interpretation of
222 .I file
223 as a
224 .I TTCN-3 module.
225 See also: option
226 .B \-A.
227 .TP
228 .B \-u
229 Forces the compiler to do
230 .I duplicate underscore
231 characters in all output file names. This option turns on the
232 compatibility mode with versions 1.1 or earlier.
233 .TP
234 .BI \-U " none|type"
235 Selects code splitting mode for the generated C++ code.
236 .TP
237 .B \-v
238 Prints
239 .I version
240 and license key information and exits.
241 .TP
242 .BI \-V " verb_level"
243 Sets the verbosity bit-mask directly to
244 .I verb_level
245 (where
246 .I verb_level
247 is a decimal value between 0 and 65535).
248 .br
249 .sp 1
250 Meaning of bits:
251 .P
252 .RS 10
253 .PD 0
254 .TP 10
255 .B 1:
256 "NOT SUPPORTED" messages.
257 .TP
258 .B 2:
259 WARNING messages.
260 .TP
261 .B 4:
262 NOTIFY messages.
263 .TP
264 .B 32|16|8:
265 DEBUG messages.
266 .br
267 The debug-bits act like a 3-bits-length number, so the debug level has
268 a value between 0 and 7. It is useful in case of abnormal program termination.
269 .PD
270 .RE
271 .P
272 .TP 10
273 .B \-w
274 Suppresses all
275 .I warning
276 messages. Equivalent with
277 .B \-V 4.
278 .TP
279 .B \-x
280 Disables the generation of
281 .I TEXT
282 encoder/decoder routines for all TTCN-3 types.
283 .TP
284 .B \-X
285 Disable
286 .I XER
287 encoder/decoder functions
288 .TP
289 .B \-y
290 Disable
291 .I subtype
292 checking
293 .TP
294 .B \-Y
295 Enforces legacy behaviour of the "out" function parameters (see refguide).
296 .TP
297 .B \-
298 The single dash character as command line argument controls the
299 .I selective code generation
300 option.
301 After the list of all TTCN-3 and ASN.1 modules a subset of these files can
302 be given separated by a dash. This option instructs the compiler to parse all
303 modules, perform the semantic analysis on the entire module hierarchy, but
304 generate code
305 .I only
306 for those modules that are listed after the dash again.
307 .br
308 It is not allowed to specify a file name after the dash that was not present
309 in the list before the dash. If the single dash is not present in the command
310 line the compiler will generate code for
311 .I all
312 modules.
313 .TP
314 .B \-\-ttcn2json
315 Generates a JSON schema from the types defined in the specified TTCN-3 and ASN.1 modules.
316 Must always be the first compiler option. From the previously listed options only
317 .B \-T
318 and
319 .B \-A
320 can be used, instead the JSON schema generator has options of its own:
321 .TP
322 .B \-j
323 Only types that have JSON coding enabled are included in the schema.
324 .TP
325 .B \-f
326 The schema only validates types that have a JSON encoding or decoding method declared.
327 .TP
328 .BI \- " file"
329 The single dash character as command line argument specifies the name of the generated
330 JSON schema file. If it is not present, then the schema file name is generated from
331 the name of the first input file (by replacing its suffix with
332 .I \.json
333 or appending
334 .I \.json
335 to the end of the file).
337 The compiler exits with a status of zero when no errors were encountered
338 during its operation. A status of one will be returned if syntax or
339 semantic errors were detected in the input modules.
341 .TP
342 .SM
344 The installation directory where the uncompressed binary package of
345 TTCN-3 Test Executor can be found.
346 .TP
347 .SM
349 It shall point to the
350 .I file
351 .RB ( NB:
352 .I not
353 to its directory) that contains the personalized license key for the
354 current user or host.
355 .SH BUGS
356 The compiler does not support all constructs of TTCN-3 Core Language and ASN.1.
357 It reports an error when encountering an unsupported language element.
358 The detailed list of deficiencies and language extensions can be found in the
359 referenced documentation.
360 .LP
361 For trouble reporting use the tool
362 .BR "MHWEB" "."
363 For TR writers guide please visit the web page:
364 .I
366 .TP
367 .SM
368 Ericsson document 2/198 17-CRL 113 200 Uen:
369 .B Programmer's Technical Reference for TITAN TTCN-3 Test Executor
370 .TP
371 .SM
372 ETSI Standard ES 201-873-1:
373 .B Testing and Test Control Notation: TTCN-3 Core Language
374 .TP
375 .SM
376 ITU-T Recommendations X.680-683:
377 .B Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)
379 This manpage is written by Janos Zoltan Szabo, Ericsson Telecom AB
380 .br
381 Copyright (c) 2000-2014 Ericsson Telecom AB
382 .br
383 All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
384 are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
385 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
386 .br
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