Titan Core Initial Contribution
[deliverable/titan.core.git] / compiler2 / functionref.c
1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Copyright (c) 2000-2014 Ericsson Telecom AB
3 // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4 // are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6 // http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
7 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 #include <string.h>
9 #include "../common/memory.h"
10 #include "functionref.h"
11 #include "encdec.h"
13 #include "main.hh"
14 #include "error.h"
16 void defFunctionrefClass(const funcref_def *fdef, output_struct *output)
17 {
18 char *def = NULL, *src = NULL;
19 const char *name = fdef->name;
20 const char *dispname = fdef->dispname;
22 const char *return_type, *fat_string;
24 if (fdef->return_type != NULL) return_type = fdef->return_type;
25 else return_type = "void";
27 switch (fdef->type) {
28 case FUNCTION:
29 fat_string = "function";
30 break;
31 case ALTSTEP:
32 fat_string = "altstep";
33 break;
34 case TESTCASE:
35 fat_string = "testcase";
36 break;
37 default:
38 fat_string = NULL;
39 FATAL_ERROR("defFunctionrefClass(): invalid type");
40 }
42 /* class declaration code */
43 output->header.class_decls = mputprintf(output->header.class_decls,
44 "class %s;\n", name);
46 /* class definition */
47 def = mputprintf(def,
48 #ifndef NDEBUG
49 "// written by %s in " __FILE__ " at %d\n"
50 #endif
51 "class %s : public Base_Type {\n"
52 "public:\n"
53 #ifndef NDEBUG
54 , __FUNCTION__, __LINE__
55 #endif
56 , name);
58 switch(fdef->type){
59 case FUNCTION:
60 def = mputstr(def, "typedef ");
61 /* work-around for GCC versions earlier than 3.4:
62 * parse error occurs within the typedef if the return type is the same
63 * as the function type itself */
64 if (!strcmp(name, return_type)) def = mputstr(def, "class ");
65 def = mputprintf(def, "%s (*function_pointer)(%s);\n"
66 "typedef void (*start_pointer)(const COMPONENT& "
67 "component_reference", return_type, fdef->formal_par_list);
68 if (fdef->formal_par_list[0] != '\0') def = mputstr(def, ", ");
69 def = mputprintf(def, "%s);\n", fdef->formal_par_list);
70 break;
71 case ALTSTEP:
72 def = mputprintf(def, "typedef void (*standalone_pointer)(%s);\n"
73 "typedef Default_Base* (*activate_pointer)(%s);\n"
74 "typedef alt_status (*function_pointer)(%s);\n", fdef->formal_par_list,
75 fdef->formal_par_list, fdef->formal_par_list);
76 break;
77 case TESTCASE:
78 def = mputprintf(def, "typedef verdicttype (*function_pointer)(%s);\n",
79 fdef->formal_par_list);
80 break;
81 }
83 def = mputprintf(def,
84 "private:\n"
85 "friend class %s_template;\n"
86 "friend boolean operator==(%s::function_pointer value, "
87 "const %s& other_value);\n"
88 "function_pointer referred_function;\n"
89 , name, name, name);
91 /* default constructor */
92 def = mputprintf(def,"public:\n"
93 "%s();\n", name);
94 src = mputprintf(src,"%s::%s()\n"
95 "{\n"
96 "referred_function = NULL;\n"
97 "}\n\n", name, name);
99 def = mputprintf(def,"%s(function_pointer other_value);\n", name);
100 src = mputprintf(src,"%s::%s(function_pointer other_value)\n"
101 "{\n"
102 "referred_function = other_value;\n"
103 "}\n\n", name, name);
105 /* copy constructor */
106 def = mputprintf(def,"%s(const %s& other_value);\n", name, name);
107 src = mputprintf(src,"%s::%s(const %s& other_value)\n"
108 ": Base_Type()" /* call the *default* constructor as before */
109 "{\n"
110 "other_value.must_bound(\"Copying an unbound %s value.\");\n"
111 "referred_function = other_value.referred_function;\n"
112 "}\n\n", name, name, name, dispname);
114 /* operator= */
115 def =mputprintf(def,"%s& operator=(function_pointer other_value);\n", name);
116 src =mputprintf(src,"%s& %s::operator=(function_pointer other_value)\n"
117 "{\n"
118 "referred_function = other_value;\n"
119 "return *this;\n"
120 "}\n\n", name, name);
122 def = mputprintf(def,"%s& operator=(const %s& other_value);\n",
123 name, name);
124 src = mputprintf(src,"%s& %s::operator=(const %s& other_value)\n"
125 "{\n"
126 "other_value.must_bound(\"Assignment of an unbound value.\");\n"
127 "referred_function = other_value.referred_function;\n"
128 "return *this;\n"
129 "}\n\n", name, name, name);
131 /* operator ==*/
132 def = mputstr(def,"boolean operator==(function_pointer other_value) "
133 "const;\n");
134 src = mputprintf(src,"boolean %s::operator==(function_pointer other_value) "
135 "const\n"
136 "{\n"
137 "must_bound(\"Unbound left operand of %s comparison.\");\n"
138 "return referred_function == other_value;\n"
139 "}\n\n", name, dispname);
140 def = mputprintf(def,"boolean operator==(const %s& other_value) const;\n"
141 , name);
142 src = mputprintf(src,"boolean %s::operator==(const %s& other_value) const\n"
143 "{\n"
144 "must_bound(\"Unbound left operand of %s comparison.\");\n"
145 "other_value.must_bound(\"Unbound right operand of %s comparison.\");\n"
146 "return referred_function == other_value.referred_function;\n"
147 "}\n\n", name, name, dispname, dispname);
149 /* operator != */
150 def = mputprintf(def,"inline boolean operator!=(function_pointer other_value)"
151 " const\n"
152 "{ return !(*this == other_value); }\n"
153 "inline boolean operator!=(const %s& other_value) const\n"
154 "{ return !(*this == other_value); }\n\n", name);
156 switch(fdef->type) {
157 case FUNCTION:
158 def = mputprintf(def,"%s invoke(%s) const;\n"
159 , return_type, fdef->formal_par_list);
160 src = mputprintf(src,"%s %s::invoke(%s) const\n"
161 "{\n"
162 "must_bound(\"Call of unbound function.\");\n"
163 "if(referred_function == "
164 "(%s::function_pointer)Module_List::get_fat_null())\n"
165 "TTCN_error(\"null reference cannot be invoked.\");\n"
166 "%sreferred_function(%s);\n"
167 "}\n\n", return_type, name, fdef->formal_par_list, name
168 , fdef->return_type!= NULL? "return ": "", fdef->actual_par_list);
169 if(fdef->is_startable) {
170 def = mputprintf(def,"void start(const COMPONENT& component_reference%s"
171 "%s) const;\n", strcmp(fdef->formal_par_list,"")?", ":""
172 , fdef->formal_par_list);
173 src = mputprintf(src,"void %s::start(const COMPONENT& "
174 "component_reference%s%s) const\n{\n"
175 "((%s::start_pointer)Module_List::lookup_start_by_function_address"
176 "((genericfunc_t)referred_function))(component_reference%s%s);\n"
177 "}\n\n", name, strcmp(fdef->formal_par_list,"")?", ":""
178 , fdef->formal_par_list, name, strcmp(fdef->formal_par_list,"")?", ":""
179 , fdef->actual_par_list);
180 }
181 break;
182 case ALTSTEP:
183 def = mputprintf(def,"void invoke_standalone(%s) const;\n",
184 fdef->formal_par_list);
185 src = mputprintf(src,"void %s::invoke_standalone(%s) const\n"
186 "{\n"
187 "((%s::standalone_pointer)"
188 "Module_List::lookup_standalone_address_by_altstep_address("
189 "(genericfunc_t)referred_function))(%s);\n"
190 "}\n\n", name, fdef->formal_par_list, name, fdef->actual_par_list);
192 def = mputprintf(def,"Default_Base *activate(%s) const;\n"
193 , fdef->formal_par_list);
194 src = mputprintf(src,"Default_Base *%s::activate(%s) const\n"
195 "{\n"
196 "return ((%s::activate_pointer)"
197 "Module_List::lookup_activate_address_by_altstep_address("
198 "(genericfunc_t)referred_function))(%s);\n"
199 "}\n\n", name, fdef->formal_par_list, name, fdef->actual_par_list);
201 def = mputprintf(def,"alt_status invoke(%s) const;\n"
202 , fdef->formal_par_list);
203 src = mputprintf(src,"alt_status %s::invoke(%s) const\n"
204 "{\n"
205 "must_bound(\"Call of an unbound altstep.\");\n"
206 "if(referred_function == "
207 "(%s::function_pointer)Module_List::get_fat_null())\n"
208 "TTCN_error(\"null reference cannot be invoked.\");\n"
209 "return referred_function(%s);\n"
210 "}\n", name, fdef->formal_par_list, name, fdef->actual_par_list);
212 break;
213 case TESTCASE:
214 def = mputprintf(def,"verdicttype execute(%s) const;\n",
215 fdef->formal_par_list);
216 src = mputprintf(src,"verdicttype %s::execute(%s) const\n"
217 "{\n"
218 "must_bound(\"Call of unbound testcase.\");\n"
219 "if(referred_function == "
220 "(%s::function_pointer)Module_List::get_fat_null())\n"
221 "TTCN_error(\"null reference cannot be executed.\");\n"
222 "return referred_function(%s);\n"
223 "}\n\n", name, fdef->formal_par_list, name, fdef->actual_par_list);
224 break;
225 }
227 /* bound check */
228 def = mputstr(def,"inline boolean is_bound() "
229 "const { return referred_function != NULL; }\n");
230 /* value check */
231 def = mputstr(def,"inline boolean is_value() "
232 "const { return referred_function != NULL; }\n");
233 def = mputstr(def,"inline void clean_up() "
234 "{ referred_function = NULL; }\n");
235 def = mputstr(def,"inline void must_bound(const char *err_msg) const\n"
236 "{ if (referred_function == NULL) TTCN_error(\"%s\", err_msg); }\n\n");
241 if (use_runtime_2) {
242 /* functions in alternative runtime */
243 def = mputstr(def,
244 "boolean is_equal(const Base_Type* other_value) const;\n"
245 "void set_value(const Base_Type* other_value);\n"
246 "Base_Type* clone() const;\n"
247 "const TTCN_Typedescriptor_t* get_descriptor() const;\n");
248 src = mputprintf(src,
249 "boolean %s::is_equal(const Base_Type* other_value) const "
250 "{ return *this == *(static_cast<const %s*>(other_value)); }\n"
251 "void %s::set_value(const Base_Type* other_value) "
252 "{ *this = *(static_cast<const %s*>(other_value)); }\n"
253 "Base_Type* %s::clone() const { return new %s(*this); }\n"
254 "const TTCN_Typedescriptor_t* %s::get_descriptor() const "
255 "{ return &%s_descr_; }\n",
256 name, name,
257 name, name,
258 name, name,
259 name, name);
260 } else {
261 def = mputstr(def,
262 "inline boolean is_present() const { return is_bound(); }\n");
263 }
265 /* log */
266 def = mputstr(def,"void log() const;\n");
267 src = mputprintf(src,"void %s::log() const\n"
268 "{\n"
269 "Module_List::log_%s((genericfunc_t)referred_function);\n"
270 "}\n\n",name, fat_string);
272 /* set_param */
273 def = mputstr(def,"void set_param(Module_Param& param);\n");
274 src = mputprintf(src,"void %s::set_param(Module_Param& param)\n"
275 "{\n"
276 " param.error(\"Not supported.\");\n"
277 "}\n\n", name);
279 /* encode_text / decode_text */
280 def = mputstr(def,"void encode_text(Text_Buf& text_buf) const;\n");
281 src = mputprintf(src,"void %s::encode_text(Text_Buf&", name);
282 if (fdef->runs_on_self) {
283 src = mputprintf(src, ") const\n"
284 "{\n"
285 "TTCN_error(\"Values of type %s cannot be sent to "
286 "other test components.\");\n", dispname);
287 } else {
288 src = mputprintf(src, " text_buf) const\n"
289 "{\n"
290 "Module_List::encode_%s(text_buf,"
291 "(genericfunc_t)referred_function);\n", fat_string);
292 }
293 src = mputstr(src,"}\n\n");
294 def = mputstr(def,"void decode_text(Text_Buf& text_buf);\n");
295 src = mputprintf(src,"void %s::decode_text(Text_Buf&", name);
296 if (fdef->runs_on_self) {
297 src = mputprintf(src, ")\n"
298 "{\n"
299 "TTCN_error(\"Values of type %s cannot be received "
300 "from other test components.\");\n", dispname);
301 } else {
302 src = mputprintf(src, " text_buf)\n"
303 "{\n"
304 "Module_List::decode_%s(text_buf,"
305 "(genericfunc_t*)&referred_function);\n", fat_string);
306 }
307 src = mputstr(src,"}\n\n");
308 def = mputstr(def, "};\n\n");
310 def = mputprintf(def,"extern boolean operator==(%s::function_pointer value,"
311 " const %s& other_value);\n", name, name);
312 src = mputprintf(src,"boolean operator==(%s::function_pointer value, "
313 "const %s& other_value)\n"
314 "{\n"
315 "other_value.must_bound(\"Unbound right operand of %s comparison.\");\n"
316 "return value == other_value.referred_function;\n"
317 "}\n\n", name, name, dispname);
318 def = mputprintf(def,"inline boolean operator!=(%s::function_pointer value,"
319 " const %s& other_value)\n"
320 "{ return !(value == other_value); } \n\n", name, name);
322 output->header.class_defs = mputstr(output->header.class_defs, def);
323 Free(def);
325 output->source.methods = mputstr(output->source.methods, src);
326 Free(src);
327 }
329 void defFunctionrefTemplate(const funcref_def *fdef, output_struct *output)
330 {
331 char *def = NULL, *src = NULL;
332 const char *name = fdef->name;
333 const char *dispname = fdef->dispname;
334 char *fat_string = NULL;
336 switch(fdef->type) {
337 case FUNCTION:
338 fat_string = mputstr(fat_string, "function");
339 break;
340 case ALTSTEP:
341 fat_string = mputstr(fat_string, "altstep");
342 break;
343 case TESTCASE:
344 fat_string = mputstr(fat_string, "testcase");
345 break;
346 }
348 /* class declaration */
349 output->header.class_decls = mputprintf(output->header.class_decls,
350 "class %s_template;\n", name);
352 /* class definition */
353 def = mputprintf(def,"class %s_template : public Base_Template {\n"
354 "union {\n"
355 "%s::function_pointer single_value;\n"
356 "struct {\n"
357 "unsigned int n_values;\n"
358 "%s_template *list_value;\n"
359 "} value_list;\n"
360 "};\n\n", name, name, name);
362 /* copy template */
363 def = mputprintf(def," void copy_template(const %s_template& other_value);\n"
364 , name);
365 src = mputprintf(src,"void %s_template::copy_template(const %s_template& "
366 "other_value)\n"
367 "{\n"
368 "switch(other_value.template_selection) {\n"
369 "case SPECIFIC_VALUE:\n"
370 "single_value = other_value.single_value;\n"
371 "break;\n"
372 "case OMIT_VALUE:\n"
373 "case ANY_VALUE:\n"
374 "case ANY_OR_OMIT:\n"
375 "break;\n"
376 "case VALUE_LIST:\n"
378 "value_list.n_values = other_value.value_list.n_values;\n"
379 "value_list.list_value = new %s_template[value_list.n_values];\n"
380 "for(unsigned int i = 0; i < value_list.n_values; i++)\n"
381 "value_list.list_value[i] = other_value.value_list.list_value[i];\n"
382 "break;\n"
383 "default:\n"
384 "TTCN_error(\"Copying an unitialized/unsupported %s template.\");\n"
385 "}\n"
386 "set_selection(other_value);\n"
387 "}\n\n", name, name, name, dispname);
389 /* constructors */
390 def = mputprintf(def,"public:\n"
391 "%s_template();\n", name);
392 src = mputprintf(src,"%s_template::%s_template()\n"
393 "{\n}\n\n", name, name);
394 def = mputprintf(def,"%s_template(template_sel other_value);\n", name);
395 src = mputprintf(src,"%s_template::%s_template(template_sel other_value)\n"
396 " : Base_Template(other_value)\n"
397 "{\n"
398 "check_single_selection(other_value);\n"
399 "}\n\n", name, name);
400 def = mputprintf(def,"%s_template(%s::function_pointer other_value);\n"
401 , name, name);
402 src = mputprintf(src,"%s_template::%s_template(%s::function_pointer "
403 "other_value)\n"
404 " : Base_Template(SPECIFIC_VALUE)\n"
405 "{\n"
406 "single_value = other_value;\n"
407 "}\n\n", name, name, name);
408 def = mputprintf(def,"%s_template(const %s& other_value);\n", name, name);
409 src = mputprintf(src,"%s_template::%s_template(const %s& other_value)\n"
410 " :Base_Template(SPECIFIC_VALUE)\n"
411 "{\n"
412 "other_value.must_bound(\"Creating a template from an unbound %s value."
413 "\");\n"
414 "single_value = other_value.referred_function;\n"
415 "}\n\n", name, name, name, dispname);
416 def = mputprintf(def,"%s_template(const OPTIONAL<%s>& other_value);\n"
417 , name, name);
418 src = mputprintf(src,"%s_template::%s_template(const OPTIONAL<%s>& "
419 "other_value)\n"
420 "{\n"
421 "if(other_value.ispresent()) {\n"
422 "set_selection(SPECIFIC_VALUE);\n"
423 "single_value = ((const %s&)other_value()).referred_function;\n"
424 "} else set_selection(OMIT_VALUE);\n"
425 "}\n\n", name, name, name, name);
426 def = mputprintf(def,"%s_template(const %s_template& other_value);\n"
427 , name, name);
428 src = mputprintf(src,"%s_template::%s_template(const %s_template& "
429 "other_value)\n"
430 " :Base_Template()\n" /* yes, the default constructor */
431 "{\n"
432 "copy_template(other_value);\n"
433 "}\n\n", name, name, name);
435 /* destructor */
436 def = mputprintf(def,"~%s_template();\n", name);
437 src = mputprintf(src,"%s_template::~%s_template()\n"
438 "{\n"
439 " clean_up();\n"
440 "}\n\n", name, name);
442 /* clean up */
443 def = mputstr(def,"void clean_up();\n");
444 src = mputprintf(src,"void %s_template::clean_up()"
445 "{\n"
446 "if(template_selection == VALUE_LIST ||\n"
447 "template_selection == COMPLEMENTED_LIST)\n"
448 "delete[] value_list.list_value;\n"
449 "template_selection = UNINITIALIZED_TEMPLATE;\n"
450 "}\n\n", name);
452 /* operator = */
453 def = mputprintf(def,"%s_template& operator=(template_sel other_value);\n"
454 , name);
455 src = mputprintf(src,"%s_template& %s_template::operator=(template_sel "
456 "other_value)\n"
457 "{\n"
458 "check_single_selection(other_value);\n"
459 "clean_up();\n"
460 "set_selection(other_value);\n"
461 "return *this;\n"
462 "}\n\n", name, name);
463 def = mputprintf(def,"%s_template& operator=(%s::function_pointer "
464 "other_value);\n", name, name);
465 src = mputprintf(src,"%s_template& %s_template::operator="
466 "(%s::function_pointer other_value)\n"
467 "{\n"
468 "clean_up();\n"
469 "set_selection(SPECIFIC_VALUE);\n"
470 "single_value = other_value;\n"
471 "return *this;"
472 "}\n\n", name, name, name);
473 def = mputprintf(def,"%s_template& operator=(const %s& other_value);\n"
474 , name, name);
475 src = mputprintf(src,"%s_template& %s_template::operator="
476 "(const %s& other_value)\n"
477 "{\n"
478 "other_value.must_bound(\"Assignment of an unbound %s value to a "
479 "template.\");\n"
480 "clean_up();\n"
481 "set_selection(SPECIFIC_VALUE);\n"
482 "single_value = other_value.referred_function;\n"
483 "return *this;\n"
484 "}\n\n", name, name, name, dispname);
485 def = mputprintf(def,"%s_template& operator=(const OPTIONAL<%s>& "
486 "other_value);\n", name, name);
487 src = mputprintf(src,"%s_template& %s_template::operator=(const "
488 "OPTIONAL<%s>& other_value)\n"
489 "{\n"
490 "clean_up();\n"
491 "if(other_value.ispresent()) { \n"
492 "set_selection(SPECIFIC_VALUE);\n"
493 "single_value = ((const %s&)other_value()).referred_function;\n"
494 "} else set_selection(OMIT_VALUE);\n"
495 "return *this;"
496 "}\n\n", name, name, name, name);
497 def = mputprintf(def,"%s_template& operator=(const %s_template& "
498 "other_value);\n", name, name);
499 src = mputprintf(src,"%s_template& %s_template::operator=(const %s_template& "
500 "other_value)\n"
501 "{\n"
502 "if(&other_value != this) {\n"
503 "clean_up();"
504 "copy_template(other_value);\n"
505 "}\n"
506 "return *this;\n"
507 "}\n\n", name ,name, name);
509 /* match functions */
510 def = mputprintf(def,"boolean match(%s::function_pointer "
511 "other_value) const;\n", name);
512 src = mputprintf(src,"boolean %s_template::match(%s::function_pointer "
513 "other_value) const\n"
514 "{\n"
515 "switch(template_selection) {\n"
516 "case SPECIFIC_VALUE:\n"
517 "return single_value == other_value;\n"
518 "case OMIT_VALUE:\n"
519 "return FALSE;\n"
520 "case ANY_VALUE:\n"
521 "case ANY_OR_OMIT:\n"
522 "return TRUE;\n"
523 "case VALUE_LIST:\n"
525 "for(unsigned int i = 0; i < value_list.n_values; i++)\n"
526 "if(value_list.list_value[i].match(other_value))\n"
527 "return template_selection == VALUE_LIST;\n"
528 "return template_selection == COMPLEMENTED_LIST;\n"
529 "default:\n"
530 "TTCN_error(\"Matching with an unitialized/unsupported %s template."
531 "\");\n"
532 "};\n"
533 "return FALSE;\n"
534 "}\n\n", name, name, dispname);
535 def = mputprintf(def,"boolean match(const %s& other_value) const;\n", name);
536 src = mputprintf(src,"boolean %s_template::match(const %s& other_value) "
537 "const\n"
538 "{\n"
539 " if (!other_value.is_bound()) return FALSE;\n"
540 "return match(other_value.referred_function);\n"
541 "}\n\n", name, name);
543 /* value of function */
544 def = mputprintf(def,"%s valueof() const;\n", name);
545 src = mputprintf(src,"%s %s_template::valueof() const\n"
546 "{\n"
547 "if(template_selection != SPECIFIC_VALUE || is_ifpresent)\n"
548 "TTCN_error(\"Performing a valueof or send operation on a "
549 "non-specific %s template.\");\n"
550 "return single_value;\n}\n\n", name, name, dispname);
552 /* set type */
553 def = mputstr(def,"void set_type(template_sel template_type, "
554 "unsigned int list_length);\n");
555 src = mputprintf(src,"void %s_template::set_type(template_sel template_type, "
556 "unsigned int list_length)\n"
557 "{\n"
558 "if(template_type != VALUE_LIST && "
559 "template_type != COMPLEMENTED_LIST)\n"
560 "TTCN_error(\"Setting an invalid type for an %s template.\");\n"
561 "clean_up();\n"
562 "set_selection(template_type);\n"
563 "value_list.n_values = list_length;\n"
564 "value_list.list_value = new %s_template[list_length];\n"
565 "}\n\n", name, dispname, name);
567 /* list item */
568 def = mputprintf(def,"%s_template& list_item(unsigned int list_index) "
569 "const;\n", name);
570 src = mputprintf(src,"%s_template& %s_template::list_item("
571 "unsigned int list_index) const\n"
572 "{\n"
573 "if(template_selection != VALUE_LIST && "
574 "template_selection != COMPLEMENTED_LIST)\n"
575 "TTCN_error(\"Accessing a list element of a non-list template of "
576 "type %s\");\n"
577 "if(list_index >= value_list.n_values)\n"
578 "TTCN_error(\"Index overflow in a value list template of type %s."
579 "\");\n"
580 "return value_list.list_value[list_index];\n"
581 "}\n\n", name, name, dispname, dispname);
583 if (use_runtime_2) {
584 /* functions in alternative runtime */
585 def = mputstr(def,
586 "void valueofv(Base_Type* value) const;\n"
587 "void set_value(template_sel other_value);\n"
588 "void copy_value(const Base_Type* other_value);\n"
589 "Base_Template* clone() const;\n"
590 "const TTCN_Typedescriptor_t* get_descriptor() const;\n"
591 "boolean matchv(const Base_Type* other_value) const;\n"
592 "void log_matchv(const Base_Type* match_value) const;\n");
593 src = mputprintf(src,
594 "void %s_template::valueofv(Base_Type* value) const "
595 "{ *(static_cast<%s*>(value)) = valueof(); }\n"
596 "void %s_template::set_value(template_sel other_value) "
597 "{ *this = other_value; }\n"
598 "void %s_template::copy_value(const Base_Type* other_value) "
599 "{ *this = *(static_cast<const %s*>(other_value)); }\n"
600 "Base_Template* %s_template::clone() const "
601 "{ return new %s_template(*this); }\n"
602 "const TTCN_Typedescriptor_t* %s_template::get_descriptor() const "
603 "{ return &%s_descr_; }\n"
604 "boolean %s_template::matchv(const Base_Type* other_value) const "
605 "{ return match(*(static_cast<const %s*>(other_value))); }\n"
606 "void %s_template::log_matchv(const Base_Type* match_value) const "
607 " { log_match(*(static_cast<const %s*>(match_value))); }\n",
608 name, name,
609 name,
610 name, name,
611 name, name,
612 name, name,
613 name, name,
614 name, name);
615 }
617 /* log function */
618 def = mputstr(def,"void log() const;\n");
619 src = mputprintf(src,"void %s_template::log() const\n"
620 "{\n"
621 "switch(template_selection) {\n"
622 "case SPECIFIC_VALUE:\n"
623 "Module_List::log_%s((genericfunc_t)single_value);\n"
624 "break;\n"
626 "TTCN_Logger::log_event_str(\"complement \");\n"
627 "case VALUE_LIST:\n"
628 "TTCN_Logger::log_char('(');\n"
629 "for(unsigned int i = 0; i < value_list.n_values; i++) {\n"
630 "if(i > 0) TTCN_Logger::log_event_str(\", \");\n"
631 "value_list.list_value[i].log();\n"
632 "}\n"
633 "TTCN_Logger::log_char(')');\n"
634 "break;\n"
635 "default:\n"
636 "log_generic();\n"
637 "}\n"
638 "log_ifpresent();\n"
639 "}\n\n", name, fat_string);
641 /* log_match function */
642 def = mputprintf(def,"void log_match(const %s& match_value) const;\n", name);
643 src = mputprintf(src,"void %s_template::log_match(const %s& match_value) "
644 "const\n"
645 "{\n"
646 "log();\n"
647 "TTCN_Logger::log_event_str(\" with \");\n"
648 "match_value.log();\n"
649 "if(match(match_value)) TTCN_Logger::log_event_str(\" matched\");\n"
650 "else TTCN_Logger::log_event_str(\" unmatched\");\n"
651 "}\n\n", name, name);
653 /* encode_text / decode_text */
654 def = mputstr(def,"void encode_text(Text_Buf& text_buf) const;\n");
655 src = mputprintf(src,"void %s_template::encode_text(Text_Buf&", name);
656 if (fdef->runs_on_self) {
657 src = mputprintf(src, ") const\n"
658 "{\n"
659 "TTCN_error(\"Templates of type %s cannot be sent to "
660 "other test components.\");\n", dispname);
661 } else {
662 src = mputprintf(src, " text_buf) const\n"
663 "{\n"
664 "encode_text_base(text_buf);\n"
665 "switch(template_selection) {\n"
666 "case OMIT_VALUE:\n"
667 "case ANY_VALUE:\n"
668 "case ANY_OR_OMIT:\n"
669 "break;\n"
670 "case SPECIFIC_VALUE:\n"
671 "Module_List::encode_%s(text_buf, (genericfunc_t)single_value);\n"
672 "break;\n"
673 "case VALUE_LIST:\n"
675 "text_buf.push_int(value_list.n_values);\n"
676 "for(unsigned int i = 0; i < value_list.n_values; i++)\n"
677 "value_list.list_value[i].encode_text(text_buf);\n"
678 "break;\n"
679 "default:\n"
680 "TTCN_error(\"Text encoder: Encoding an uninitialized/unsupported template "
681 "of type %s.\");\n"
682 "}\n", fat_string, dispname);
683 }
684 src = mputstr(src,"}\n\n");
685 def = mputstr(def,"void decode_text(Text_Buf& text_buf);\n");
686 src = mputprintf(src,"void %s_template::decode_text(Text_Buf&", name);
687 if (fdef->runs_on_self) {
688 src = mputprintf(src, ")\n"
689 "{\n"
690 "TTCN_error(\"Templates of type %s cannot be received "
691 "from other test components.\");\n", dispname);
692 } else {
693 src = mputprintf(src, " text_buf)\n"
694 "{\n"
695 "clean_up();\n"
696 "decode_text_base(text_buf);\n"
697 "switch(template_selection) {\n"
698 "case OMIT_VALUE:\n"
699 "case ANY_VALUE:\n"
700 "case ANY_OR_OMIT:\n"
701 "break;\n"
702 "case SPECIFIC_VALUE:\n"
703 "Module_List::decode_%s(text_buf,(genericfunc_t*)&single_value);\n"
704 "break;\n"
705 "case VALUE_LIST:\n"
707 "value_list.n_values = text_buf.pull_int().get_val();\n"
708 "value_list.list_value = new %s_template[value_list.n_values];\n"
709 "for(unsigned int i = 0; i < value_list.n_values; i++)\n"
710 "value_list.list_value[i].decode_text(text_buf);\n"
711 "default:\n"
712 "TTCN_error(\"Text decoder: An unknown/unsupported selection was received "
713 "in a template of type %s.\");\n"
714 "}\n", fat_string, name, dispname);
715 }
716 src = mputstr(src,"}\n\n");
718 /* TTCN-3 ispresent() function */
719 def = mputstr(def, "boolean is_present() const;\n");
720 src = mputprintf(src,
721 "boolean %s_template::is_present() const\n"
722 "{\n"
723 "if (template_selection==UNINITIALIZED_TEMPLATE) return FALSE;\n"
724 "return !match_omit();\n"
725 "}\n\n", name);
727 /* match_omit() */
728 def = mputstr(def, "boolean match_omit() const;\n");
729 src = mputprintf(src,
730 "boolean %s_template::match_omit() const\n"
731 "{\n"
732 "if (is_ifpresent) return TRUE;\n"
733 "switch (template_selection) {\n"
734 "case OMIT_VALUE:\n"
735 "case ANY_OR_OMIT:\n"
736 "return TRUE;\n"
737 "case VALUE_LIST:\n"
739 "for (unsigned int i=0; i<value_list.n_values; i++)\n"
740 "if (value_list.list_value[i].match_omit())\n"
741 "return template_selection==VALUE_LIST;\n"
742 "return template_selection==COMPLEMENTED_LIST;\n"
743 "default:\n"
744 "return FALSE;\n"
745 "}\n"
746 "return FALSE;\n"
747 "}\n\n", name);
749 /* set_param */
750 def = mputstr(def,"void set_param(Module_Param& param);\n");
751 src = mputprintf(src,"void %s_template::set_param(Module_Param& param)\n"
752 "{\n"
753 " param.error(\"Not supported.\");\n"
754 "}\n\n", name);
756 if (!use_runtime_2) {
757 /* check template restriction */
758 def = mputstr(def, "void check_restriction(template_res t_res, "
759 "const char* t_name=NULL) const;\n");
760 src = mputprintf(src,
761 "void %s_template::check_restriction"
762 "(template_res t_res, const char* t_name) const\n"
763 "{\n"
764 "if (template_selection==UNINITIALIZED_TEMPLATE) return;\n"
765 "switch ((t_name&&(t_res==TR_VALUE))?TR_OMIT:t_res) {\n"
766 "case TR_VALUE:\n"
767 "if (!is_ifpresent && template_selection==SPECIFIC_VALUE) return;\n"
768 "break;\n"
769 "case TR_OMIT:\n"
770 "if (!is_ifpresent && (template_selection==OMIT_VALUE || "
771 "template_selection==SPECIFIC_VALUE)) return;\n"
772 "break;\n"
773 "case TR_PRESENT:\n"
774 "if (!match_omit()) return;\n"
775 "break;\n"
776 "default:\n"
777 "return;\n"
778 "}\n"
779 "TTCN_error(\"Restriction `%%s' on template of type %%s violated.\", "
780 "get_res_name(t_res), t_name ? t_name : \"%s\");\n"
781 "}\n\n", name, dispname);
782 }
784 def = mputstr(def,"};\n\n");
786 Free(fat_string);
788 output->header.class_defs = mputstr(output->header.class_defs, def);
789 Free(def);
791 output->source.methods = mputstr(output->source.methods, src);
792 Free(src);
793 }
This page took 0.052768 seconds and 6 git commands to generate.