Titan Core Initial Contribution
[deliverable/titan.core.git] / core / LegacyLogger.cc
1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Copyright (c) 2000-2014 Ericsson Telecom AB
3 // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4 // are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6 // http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
7 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 #include "LegacyLogger.hh"
10 #include "TitanLoggerApi.hh"
11 #include "Component.hh"
13 #include "ILoggerPlugin.hh"
14 #include "LoggingBits.hh"
15 #include "Communication.hh"
16 #include "Runtime.hh"
17 #include "Logger.hh"
18 #include "../common/version_internal.h"
20 #include <errno.h>
21 #include <assert.h>
22 #include <unistd.h>
23 #include <sys/types.h>
24 #include <sys/stat.h>
25 #include <sys/wait.h>
26 // for WIFEXITED & co.
28 #include <pwd.h>
30 #ifdef SOLARIS
31 typedef long suseconds_t;
32 #endif
34 extern "C"
35 {
36 // It's a static plug-in, destruction is done in the destructor. We need
37 // `extern "C"' for some reason.
38 ILoggerPlugin *create_legacy_logger() { return new LegacyLogger(); }
39 }
42 static char *event_to_str(const TitanLoggerApi::TitanLogEvent& event,
43 bool without_header = false);
44 static char *append_header(char *ret_val, const struct timeval& timestamp,
45 const TTCN_Logger::Severity severity,
46 const char *sourceinfo);
48 static void timer_event_str(char *& ret_val, const TitanLoggerApi::TimerEvent_choice& tec);
49 static void defaultop_event_str(char *& ret_val, const TitanLoggerApi::DefaultEvent_choice& dec);
50 static void executor_event_str(char *& ret_val, const TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorEvent_choice& eec);
51 static void portevent_str(char *& ret_val, const TitanLoggerApi::PortEvent_choice& pec);
52 //void extcommand_str(char *& ret_val, const TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorEvent_choice& choice);
53 static void matchingop_str(char *& ret_val, const TitanLoggerApi::MatchingEvent_choice& choice);
54 static void parallel_str(char *& ret_val, const TitanLoggerApi::ParallelEvent_choice& choice);
55 static void testcaseop_str(char *& ret_val, const TitanLoggerApi::TestcaseEvent_choice& choice);
56 static void verdictop_str(char *& ret_val, const TitanLoggerApi::VerdictOp_choice& choice);
57 static void statistics_str(char *& ret_val, const TitanLoggerApi::StatisticsType_choice& choice);
59 namespace API = TitanLoggerApi;
61 // Defined in Logger.cc. Compares the name or the component identifier.
62 extern bool operator==(const component_id_t& left,
63 const component_id_t& right);
65 LegacyLogger* LegacyLogger::myself = 0;
67 LegacyLogger::LegacyLogger()
68 : log_fp_(NULL), er_(NULL), logfile_bytes_(0), logfile_size_(0), logfile_number_(1),
69 logfile_index_(1), filename_skeleton_(NULL), skeleton_given_(false),
70 append_file_(false), is_disk_full_(false), format_c_present_(false),
71 format_t_present_(false), current_filename_(NULL)
72 {
73 if (myself != 0) {
74 // Whoa, déjà vu!
75 // A déjà vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix.
76 // It happens when they change something.
77 fputs("Only one LegacyLogger allowed! Aborting.\n", stderr);
78 abort(); // Don't use TTCN_error. Debugging infinite recursion is not fun.
79 }
80 else {
81 myself = this;
82 }
83 this->name_ = mputstr(this->name_, "LegacyLogger");
84 this->help_ = mputstr(this->help_, "LegacyLogger");
85 this->disk_full_action_.type = TTCN_Logger::DISKFULL_ERROR;
86 this->disk_full_action_.retry_interval = 0;
87 }
89 LegacyLogger::~LegacyLogger()
90 {
91 assert(this->name_ && this->help_);
92 Free(this->name_);
93 Free(this->help_);
94 this->name_ = NULL;
95 this->help_ = NULL;
96 Free(this->filename_skeleton_);
97 this->filename_skeleton_ = NULL;
98 Free(this->current_filename_);
99 this->current_filename_ = NULL;
101 myself = 0;
102 }
104 void LegacyLogger::reset()
105 {
106 this->disk_full_action_.type = TTCN_Logger::DISKFULL_ERROR;
107 this->disk_full_action_.retry_interval = 0;
108 this->logfile_size_ = 0;
109 this->logfile_number_ = 1;
110 this->logfile_bytes_ = 0;
111 this->logfile_index_ = 1;
112 this->is_disk_full_ = false;
113 this->skeleton_given_ = false;
114 this->append_file_ = false;
115 this->is_configured_ = false;
116 }
118 void LegacyLogger::init(const char */*options*/)
119 {
120 // Print some version information, handle general options etc. later...
121 }
123 void LegacyLogger::fini()
124 {
125 close_file();
126 }
128 void LegacyLogger::fatal_error(const char *err_msg, ...)
129 {
130 fputs("Fatal error during logging: ", stderr);
131 va_list p_var;
132 va_start(p_var, err_msg);
133 vfprintf(stderr, err_msg, p_var);
134 va_end(p_var);
135 if (errno != 0) {
136 const char *error_string = strerror(errno);
137 if (error_string != NULL) fprintf(stderr, " (%s)", error_string);
138 else fprintf(stderr, " (Unknown error: errno = %d)", errno);
139 errno = 0;
140 }
141 fputs(" Exiting.\n", stderr);
142 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
143 }
145 /** @brief Log a message to the log file and console (if required).
147 For logging to file:
149 If the log file is open (\c is_configured is TRUE), it calls
150 should_log_to_file() to decide whether logging to file is wanted; calls
151 log_file(), which calls log_to_file() if affirmative.
153 If the log file is not open (\c is_configured is FALSE), it stores the
154 message until the file is opened.
156 For logging to the console:
158 If should_log_to_console() returns TRUE, sends the log message to the main
159 controller via TTCN_Communication::send_log() and possibly writes it to
160 the standard error depending on the return value.
162 @param [in] event
163 @param [in] log_buffered
164 **/
165 void LegacyLogger::log(const TitanLoggerApi::TitanLogEvent& event,
166 bool log_buffered, bool separate_file, bool use_emergency_mask)
167 {
168 const TTCN_Logger::Severity& severity = (const TTCN_Logger::Severity)(int)event.severity();
170 if (separate_file) {
171 log_file_emerg(event);
172 } else {
173 if (use_emergency_mask) {
174 if (TTCN_Logger::should_log_to_emergency(severity)
175 ||
176 TTCN_Logger::should_log_to_file(severity))
177 {
178 log_file(event, log_buffered);
179 }
180 if (TTCN_Logger::should_log_to_console(severity)) {
181 log_console(event, severity);
182 }
184 } else {
185 if (TTCN_Logger::should_log_to_file(severity)) {
186 log_file(event, log_buffered);
187 }
188 if (TTCN_Logger::should_log_to_console(severity)) {
189 log_console(event, severity);
190 }
191 }
192 }
193 }
195 bool LegacyLogger::log_file_emerg(const TitanLoggerApi::TitanLogEvent& event)
196 {
197 bool write_success = true;
198 char *event_str = event_to_str(event);
199 if (event_str == NULL) {
200 TTCN_warning("No text for event");
201 return true;
202 }
203 size_t bytes_to_log = mstrlen(event_str);
205 if (er_ == NULL) {
206 char *filename_emergency = get_file_name(0);
208 if (filename_emergency == NULL) {
209 // Valid filename is not available, use specific one.
210 filename_emergency = mcopystr("emergency.log");
211 } else {
212 filename_emergency = mputprintf(filename_emergency, "_emergency");
213 }
214 er_ = fopen(filename_emergency, "w");
216 if (er_ == NULL)
217 fatal_error("Opening of log file `%s' for writing failed.",
218 filename_emergency);
220 Free(filename_emergency);
221 }
223 write_success = true;
225 if (bytes_to_log > 0 && fwrite(event_str, bytes_to_log, 1, er_) != 1)
226 write_success = false;
228 fputc('\n', er_);
230 fflush(er_);
232 Free(event_str);
234 return write_success;
235 }
237 /** @brief Logs a message to the already opened log file.
238 @pre The log file is already open.
240 Writes the timestamp in the appropriate format, the event type (severity)
241 if needed, the source information if available, the message and a newline.
243 @param [in] event a properly initialized TITAN log event
244 @param [in] log_buffered TRUE if this is a buffered message, used to avoid
245 possible recursion of log_to_file() -> open_file() ->
246 log_to_file() -> open_file() -> ...
247 **/
248 bool LegacyLogger::log_file(const TitanLoggerApi::TitanLogEvent& event,
249 bool log_buffered)
250 {
251 if (!this->log_fp_) return false;
253 struct timeval event_timestamp = { (time_t)event.timestamp().seconds(),
254 (suseconds_t)event.timestamp().microSeconds() };
255 if (this->is_disk_full_) {
256 if (this->disk_full_action_.type == TTCN_Logger::DISKFULL_RETRY) {
257 struct timeval diff;
258 // If the specified time period has elapsed retry logging to file.
259 if (event_timestamp.tv_usec < this->disk_full_time_.tv_usec) {
260 diff.tv_sec = event_timestamp.tv_sec -
261 this->disk_full_time_.tv_sec - 1;
262 diff.tv_usec = event_timestamp.tv_usec +
263 (1000000L - this->disk_full_time_.tv_usec);
264 } else {
265 diff.tv_sec = event_timestamp.tv_sec - this->disk_full_time_.tv_sec;
266 diff.tv_usec = event_timestamp.tv_usec -
267 this->disk_full_time_.tv_usec;
268 }
269 if ((size_t)diff.tv_sec >= this->disk_full_action_.retry_interval)
270 this->is_disk_full_ = false;
271 else return false;
272 } else {
273 return false;
274 }
275 }
277 // Check if there is a size limitation and the file is not empty, if the
278 // file is still empty the size limitation is ignored. If the size
279 // limitation is reached open a new log file and check the file number
280 // limitation. When writing the buffered messages the file size limitation
281 // is ignored. TODO: Replace length calculation with custom function call.
282 // Event buffering is not necessarily implemented in the plug-ins.
283 char *event_str = event_to_str(event);
284 if (event_str == NULL) {
285 TTCN_warning("No text for event");
286 return true;
287 }
288 size_t bytes_to_log = mstrlen(event_str) + 1;
289 if (this->logfile_size_ != 0 && this->logfile_bytes_ != 0 && !log_buffered) {
290 if ((bytes_to_log + this->logfile_bytes_ + 1023) / 1024 > this->logfile_size_) {
291 // Close current log file and open the next one.
292 close_file();
293 this->logfile_index_++;
294 // Delete oldest log file if there is a file number limitation.
295 if (this->logfile_number_ > 1) {
296 if (this->logfile_index_ > this->logfile_number_) {
297 char* filename_to_delete =
298 get_file_name(this->logfile_index_ - this->logfile_number_);
299 remove(filename_to_delete);
300 Free(filename_to_delete);
301 }
302 }
303 open_file(false);
304 }
305 }
307 if (!log_buffered && (this->format_c_present_ || this->format_t_present_)) {
308 switch (TTCN_Runtime::get_state()) {
309 case TTCN_Runtime::HC_EXIT:
310 case TTCN_Runtime::MTC_EXIT:
311 case TTCN_Runtime::PTC_EXIT:
312 // Can't call get_filename(), because it may call
313 // TTCN_Runtime::get_host_name(), and TTCN_Runtime::clean_up() (which is
314 // called once) has already happened.
315 break;
316 default: {
317 char *new_filename = get_file_name(this->logfile_index_);
318 if (strcmp(new_filename, this->current_filename_)) {
319 // Different file name, have to switch. Reuse timestamp etc. of the
320 // current event.
321 expstring_t switched = mprintf("Switching to log file `%s'",
322 new_filename);
323 TitanLoggerApi::TitanLogEvent switched_event;
324 switched_event.timestamp() = event.timestamp();
325 switched_event.sourceInfo__list() = event.sourceInfo__list();
326 switched_event.severity() = (int)TTCN_Logger::EXECUTOR_RUNTIME;
327 switched_event.logEvent().choice().unhandledEvent() =
328 CHARSTRING(switched);
329 log_file(switched_event, true);
330 Free(switched);
331 close_file();
332 open_file(false); // calls get_filename again :(
333 }
334 Free(new_filename);
335 break; }
336 }
337 }
339 // Write out the event_str, if it failed assume that the disk is full, then
340 // act according to DiskFullAction.
341 bool print_success = log_to_file(event_str);
342 if (!print_success) {
343 switch (this->disk_full_action_.type) {
344 case TTCN_Logger::DISKFULL_ERROR:
345 fatal_error("Writing to log file failed.");
346 case TTCN_Logger::DISKFULL_STOP:
347 this->is_disk_full_ = true;
348 break;
349 case TTCN_Logger::DISKFULL_RETRY:
350 this->is_disk_full_ = true;
351 // Time of failure. TODO: Find a better way to transfer the timestamp.
352 this->disk_full_time_.tv_sec = event.timestamp().seconds();
353 this->disk_full_time_.tv_usec = event.timestamp().microSeconds();
354 break;
355 case TTCN_Logger::DISKFULL_DELETE:
356 // Try to delete older logfiles while writing fails, must leave at least
357 // two log files. Stop with error if cannot delete more files and
358 // cannot write log.
359 if (this->logfile_number_ == 0)
360 this->logfile_number_ = this->logfile_index_;
361 while (!print_success && this->logfile_number_ > 2) {
362 this->logfile_number_--;
363 if (this->logfile_index_ > this->logfile_number_) {
364 char *filename_to_delete =
365 get_file_name(this->logfile_index_ - this->logfile_number_);
366 int remove_ret_val = remove(filename_to_delete);
367 Free(filename_to_delete);
368 // File deletion failed.
369 if (remove_ret_val != 0) break;
370 print_success = log_to_file(event_str);
371 }
372 }
373 if (!print_success)
374 fatal_error("Writing to log file failed.");
375 else this->logfile_bytes_ += bytes_to_log;
376 break;
377 default:
378 fatal_error("LegacyLogger::log(): invalid DiskFullAction type.");
379 }
380 } else {
381 this->logfile_bytes_ += bytes_to_log;
382 }
383 Free(event_str);
384 return true;
385 }
387 bool LegacyLogger::log_console(const TitanLoggerApi::TitanLogEvent& event,
388 const TTCN_Logger::Severity& severity)
389 {
390 char *event_str = event_to_str(event, true);
391 if (event_str == NULL) {
392 TTCN_warning("No text for event");
393 return false;
394 }
395 size_t event_str_len = mstrlen(event_str);
396 if (!TTCN_Communication::send_log((time_t)event.timestamp().seconds(),
397 (suseconds_t)event.timestamp().microSeconds(), severity,
398 event_str_len, event_str)) {
399 // The event text shall be printed to stderr when there is no control
400 // connection towards MC (e.g. in single mode or in case of network
401 // error).
402 if (event_str_len > 0) {
403 // Write the location info to the console for user logs only.
404 // TODO: some switch to turn on/off source info on console.
405 // Perhaps None/User/All?
406 int stackdepth;
407 if (TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED == severity && ':' == *event_str
408 && (stackdepth = event.sourceInfo__list().lengthof()) > 0) {
409 API::LocationInfo const& loc = event.sourceInfo__list()[stackdepth-1];
410 if (fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d", (const char*)loc.filename(), (int)loc.line()) < 0)
411 fatal_error("fprintf(sourceinfo) call failed on stderr. %s",
412 strerror(errno));
413 }
415 if (fwrite(event_str, event_str_len, 1, stderr) != 1)
416 fatal_error("fwrite(message) call failed on stderr. %s",
417 strerror(errno));
418 }
419 if (putc('\n', stderr) == EOF)
420 fatal_error("putc() call failed on stderr. %s", strerror(errno));
421 }
422 Free(event_str);
423 // It's always...
424 return true;
425 }
427 bool LegacyLogger::log_to_file(const char *message_ptr)
428 {
429 // Retry and Delete: To avoid writing partial messages remember the initial
430 // file position to be able to remove partial message if writing failed.
431 fpos_t initial_pos;
432 int fgetpos_ret_val = 0;
433 if (this->disk_full_action_.type == TTCN_Logger::DISKFULL_RETRY ||
434 this->disk_full_action_.type == TTCN_Logger::DISKFULL_DELETE) {
435 fgetpos_ret_val = fgetpos(this->log_fp_, &initial_pos);
436 }
437 size_t message_len = strlen(message_ptr);
438 bool write_success = true;
439 if (message_len > 0 &&
440 fwrite(message_ptr, message_len, 1, this->log_fp_) != 1)
441 write_success = false;
442 if (write_success && putc('\n', this->log_fp_) == EOF) write_success = false;
443 if (write_success && fflush(this->log_fp_)) write_success = false;
444 if ((this->disk_full_action_.type == TTCN_Logger::DISKFULL_RETRY ||
445 this->disk_full_action_.type == TTCN_Logger::DISKFULL_DELETE) &&
446 !write_success && fgetpos_ret_val == 0) {
447 // Overwrite with spaces until EOF.
448 fsetpos(this->log_fp_, &initial_pos);
449 while (!feof(this->log_fp_)) if (putc(' ', this->log_fp_) == EOF) break;
450 fsetpos(this->log_fp_, &initial_pos);
451 }
452 return write_success;
453 }
455 char *append_header(char *ret_val,
456 const struct timeval& timestamp, const TTCN_Logger::Severity severity,
457 const char *sourceinfo)
458 {
459 ret_val = TTCN_Logger::mputstr_timestamp(ret_val,
460 TTCN_Logger::get_timestamp_format(), &timestamp);
461 ret_val = mputc(ret_val, ' ');
463 if (TTCN_Logger::get_log_event_types() != TTCN_Logger::LOGEVENTTYPES_NO) {
464 ret_val = TTCN_Logger::mputstr_severity(ret_val, severity);
465 if (TTCN_Logger::get_log_event_types() ==
467 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "_%s",
468 TTCN_Logger::severity_subcategory_names[severity]);
469 ret_val = mputc(ret_val, ' ');
470 }
472 if (sourceinfo != NULL)
473 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "%s ", sourceinfo);
475 return ret_val;
476 }
478 #if HAVE_GCC(4,6)
479 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
480 #pragma GCC diagnostic error "-Wswitch-enum"
481 // Use the compiler to verify that all enum values are handled in switches.
482 // Wswitch-enum will report those even if there is a "default" label.
483 #endif
485 void timer_event_str(char *& ret_val, const TitanLoggerApi::TimerEvent_choice& tec)
486 {
487 switch (tec.get_selection()) {
488 case TitanLoggerApi::TimerEvent_choice::ALT_readTimer: {
489 const TitanLoggerApi::TimerType& timer = tec.readTimer();
490 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Read timer %s: %g s",
491 (const char *)timer.name(), (double)timer.value__());
492 break; }
494 case TitanLoggerApi::TimerEvent_choice::ALT_startTimer: {
495 const TitanLoggerApi::TimerType& timer = tec.startTimer();
496 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Start timer %s: %g s",
497 (const char *)timer.name(), (double)timer.value__());
498 break; }
500 case TitanLoggerApi::TimerEvent_choice::ALT_guardTimer: {
501 const TitanLoggerApi::TimerGuardType& timer = tec.guardTimer();
502 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Test case guard timer was set to %g s.",
503 (double)timer.value__());
504 break; }
506 case TitanLoggerApi::TimerEvent_choice::ALT_stopTimer: {
507 const TitanLoggerApi::TimerType& timer = tec.stopTimer();
508 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Stop timer %s: %g s",
509 (const char *)timer.name(), (double)timer.value__());
510 break; }
512 case TitanLoggerApi::TimerEvent_choice::ALT_timeoutTimer: {
513 const TitanLoggerApi::TimerType& timer = tec.timeoutTimer();
514 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Timeout %s: %g s",
515 (const char *)timer.name(), (double)timer.value__());
516 break; }
518 case TitanLoggerApi::TimerEvent_choice::ALT_timeoutAnyTimer: {
519 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Operation `any timer.timeout' was successful.");
520 break; }
522 case TitanLoggerApi::TimerEvent_choice::ALT_unqualifiedTimer: {
523 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, (const char *)tec.unqualifiedTimer());
524 break; }
526 case TitanLoggerApi::TimerEvent_choice::UNBOUND_VALUE:
527 default:
528 ret_val = NULL;
529 return;
530 }
531 }
533 void defaultop_event_str(char *& ret_val, const TitanLoggerApi::DefaultEvent_choice& dec)
534 {
535 switch (dec.get_selection()) {
536 case TitanLoggerApi::DefaultEvent_choice::ALT_defaultopActivate: {
537 TitanLoggerApi::DefaultOp const& dflt = dec.defaultopActivate();
538 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Altstep %s was activated as default, id %u",
539 (const char*)dflt.name(), (int)dflt.id());
540 break; }
541 case TitanLoggerApi::DefaultEvent_choice::ALT_defaultopDeactivate: {
542 TitanLoggerApi::DefaultOp const& dflt = dec.defaultopDeactivate();
543 if (dflt.name().lengthof()) ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
544 "Default with id %u (altstep %s) was deactivated.",
545 (int)dflt.id(), (const char*)dflt.name());
546 else ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
547 "Deactivate operation on a null default reference was ignored.");
548 break; }
549 case TitanLoggerApi::DefaultEvent_choice::ALT_defaultopExit: {
550 TitanLoggerApi::DefaultOp const& dflt = dec.defaultopExit();
551 // First the common part
552 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Default with id %u (altstep %s) ",
553 (int)dflt.id(), (const char*)dflt.name());
555 // Now the specific
556 switch (dflt.end()) {
557 case TitanLoggerApi::DefaultEnd::UNBOUND_VALUE:
558 case TitanLoggerApi::DefaultEnd::UNKNOWN_VALUE:
559 // Something has gone horribly wrong
560 ret_val = NULL;
561 return;
562 case TitanLoggerApi::DefaultEnd::finish:
563 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "finished. Skipping current alt statement "
564 "or receiving operation.");
565 break;
566 case TitanLoggerApi::DefaultEnd::break__:
567 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "has reached a repeat statement.");
568 break;
569 case TitanLoggerApi::DefaultEnd::repeat__:
570 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "has reached a break statement."
571 " Skipping current alt statement or receiving operation.");
572 break;
573 }
574 break; }
576 case TitanLoggerApi::DefaultEvent_choice::UNBOUND_VALUE:
577 default:
578 ret_val = NULL;
579 return;
580 }
581 }
583 void executor_event_str(char *& ret_val, const TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorEvent_choice& eec)
584 {
585 switch (eec.get_selection()) {
586 case API::ExecutorEvent_choice::ALT_executorRuntime: {
587 TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime const& rt = eec.executorRuntime();
588 // another monster-switch
589 switch (rt.reason()) {
590 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::UNBOUND_VALUE:
591 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::UNKNOWN_VALUE:
592 ret_val = NULL;
593 return;
594 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::connected__to__mc:
595 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Connected to MC.");
596 break;
597 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::disconnected__from__mc:
598 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Disconnected from MC.");
599 break;
600 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::initialization__of__modules__failed:
601 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Initialization of modules failed.");
602 break;
603 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::exit__requested__from__mc__hc:
604 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Exit was requested from MC. Terminating HC.");
605 break;
606 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::exit__requested__from__mc__mtc:
607 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Exit was requested from MC. Terminating MTC.");
608 break;
609 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::stop__was__requested__from__mc:
610 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Stop was requested from MC.");
611 break;
612 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::stop__was__requested__from__mc__ignored__on__idle__mtc:
613 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Stop was requested from MC. Ignored on idle MTC.");
614 break;
615 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::stop__was__requested__from__mc__ignored__on__idle__ptc:
616 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Stop was requested from MC. Ignored on idle PTC.");
617 break;
618 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::executing__testcase__in__module:
619 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Executing test case %s in module %s.",
620 (const char *)rt.testcase__name()(), (const char *)rt.module__name()());
621 break;
622 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::performing__error__recovery:
623 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Performing error recovery.");
624 break;
625 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::executor__start__single__mode:
626 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "TTCN-3 Test Executor "
627 "started in single mode. Version: " PRODUCT_NUMBER ".");
628 break;
629 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::executor__finish__single__mode:
630 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "TTCN-3 Test Executor finished in single mode.");
631 break;
632 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::exiting:
633 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Exiting");
634 break;
635 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::fd__limits:
636 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Maximum number of open file descriptors: %i,"
637 " FD_SETSIZE = %li", (int)rt.pid()(), (long)rt.fd__setsize()());
638 break;
639 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::host__controller__started:
640 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "TTCN-3 Host Controller started on %s."
641 " Version: " PRODUCT_NUMBER ".", (const char *)rt.module__name()());
642 break;
643 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::host__controller__finished:
644 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "TTCN-3 Host Controller finished.");
645 break;
646 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::initializing__module:
647 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Initializing module %s.",
648 (const char *)rt.module__name()());
649 break;
650 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::initialization__of__module__finished:
651 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Initialization of module %s finished.",
652 (const char *)rt.module__name()());
653 break;
654 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::mtc__created:
655 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "MTC was created. Process id: %ld.",
656 (long)rt.pid()());
657 break;
658 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::overload__check:
659 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Trying to create a dummy child process"
660 " to verify if the host is still overloaded.");
661 break;
662 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::overload__check__fail:
663 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Creation of the dummy child process failed.");
664 break;
665 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::overloaded__no__more:
666 // FIXME ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "");
667 break;
668 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::resuming__execution:
669 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Resuming execution.");
670 break;
671 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::stopping__control__part__execution:
672 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Resuming control part execution.");
673 break;
674 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::stopping__current__testcase:
675 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Stopping current testcase.");
676 break;
677 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::stopping__test__component__execution:
678 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Stopping test component execution.");
679 break;
680 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::terminating__execution:
681 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Terminating execution.");
682 break;
683 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::user__paused__waiting__to__resume:
684 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "User has paused execution. Waiting for continue.");
685 break;
686 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason::waiting__for__ptcs__to__finish:
687 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Waiting for PTCs to finish.");
688 break;
689 }
690 break; }
692 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorEvent_choice::ALT_executorConfigdata: {
693 TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorConfigdata const& cfg = eec.executorConfigdata();
694 switch (cfg.reason()) {
695 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorConfigdata_reason::UNBOUND_VALUE:
696 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorConfigdata_reason::UNKNOWN_VALUE:
697 ret_val = NULL;
698 return;
700 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorConfigdata_reason::received__from__mc:
701 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Processing configuration data received from MC.");
702 break;
703 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorConfigdata_reason::processing__failed:
704 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Processing of configuration data failed.");
705 break;
706 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorConfigdata_reason::processing__succeeded:
707 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Configuration data was processed successfully.");
708 break;
709 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorConfigdata_reason::module__has__parameters:
710 // TODO: module logs its own parameters directly, change it ?
711 break;
712 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorConfigdata_reason::using__config__file:
713 ret_val = mputprintf( ret_val, "Using configuration file: `%s'.",
714 (const char *)cfg.param__()());
715 break;
716 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorConfigdata_reason::overriding__testcase__list:
717 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Overriding testcase list: %s.",
718 (const char *)cfg.param__()());
719 break;
720 }
721 break; } // executorConfigdata
723 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorEvent_choice::ALT_executorComponent: {
724 TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorComponent const& cm = eec.executorComponent();
725 switch (cm.reason()) {
726 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorComponent_reason::UNBOUND_VALUE:
727 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorComponent_reason::UNKNOWN_VALUE:
728 default:
729 ret_val = NULL;
730 return;
732 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorComponent_reason::mtc__started:
733 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "TTCN-3 Main Test Component started on %s."
734 " Version: " PRODUCT_NUMBER ".", TTCN_Runtime::get_host_name());
735 break;
737 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorComponent_reason::mtc__finished:
738 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "TTCN-3 Main Test Component finished.");
739 break;
741 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorComponent_reason::ptc__started:
742 break;
744 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorComponent_reason::ptc__finished:
745 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "TTCN-3 Parallel Test Component finished.");
746 break;
748 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorComponent_reason::component__init__fail:
749 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Component type initialization failed. PTC terminates.");
750 break;
751 }
752 break; } // executorComponent
754 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorEvent_choice::ALT_executorMisc: {
755 TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorUnqualified const& ex = eec.executorMisc();
756 const char *name = ex.name(), *ip_addr_str = ex.addr();
757 switch (ex.reason()) {
758 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorUnqualified_reason::UNBOUND_VALUE:
759 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorUnqualified_reason::UNKNOWN_VALUE:
760 default:
761 ret_val = NULL;
762 return;
763 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorUnqualified_reason::address__of__mc__was__set:
764 if (strcmp(name, ip_addr_str)) { // the IP address has a canonical name
765 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "The address of MC was set to %s[%s]:%d.",
766 name, ip_addr_str, (int)ex.port__());
767 } else { // the IP address does not have a canonical name
768 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "The address of MC was set to %s:%d.",
769 ip_addr_str, (int)ex.port__());
770 }
771 break;
772 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorUnqualified_reason::address__of__control__connection:
773 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
774 "The local IP address of the control connection to MC is %s.",
775 ip_addr_str);
776 break;
777 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorUnqualified_reason::host__support__unix__domain__sockets:
778 if (ex.port__() == 0) { // success
779 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "This host supports UNIX domain sockets for local communication.");
780 }
781 else { // failed with the errno
782 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val,
783 "This host does not support UNIX domain sockets for local communication.");
784 // TODO errno
785 }
786 break;
787 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorUnqualified_reason::local__address__was__set:
788 if (strcmp(name, ip_addr_str)) { // the IP address has a canonical name
789 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
790 "The local address was set to %s[%s].", name, ip_addr_str);
791 } else { // the IP address does not have a canonical name
792 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
793 "The local address was set to %s.", ip_addr_str);
794 }
795 break;
796 }
797 break; }
799 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorEvent_choice::ALT_logOptions: {
800 // Append plug-in specific settings to the logger options. It's still a
801 // plain string with no structure.
802 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, eec.logOptions());
803 char * pso = LegacyLogger::plugin_specific_settings();
804 //FindPlugin
805 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, pso);
806 Free(pso);
807 break; }
809 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorEvent_choice::ALT_extcommandStart:
810 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Starting external command `%s'.",
811 (const char*)eec.extcommandStart());
812 break;
813 case TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorEvent_choice::ALT_extcommandSuccess:
814 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
815 "External command `%s' was executed successfully (exit status: 0).",
816 (const char*)eec.extcommandSuccess());
817 break;
819 case API::ExecutorEvent_choice::UNBOUND_VALUE:
820 default:
821 ret_val = NULL;
822 return;
823 }
824 }
826 char *LegacyLogger::plugin_specific_settings()
827 {
828 const char *disk_full_action_type_names[] =
829 { "Error", "Stop", "Retry", "Delete" };
830 char *disk_full_action_str = NULL;
831 char *ret_val;
832 if (myself->disk_full_action_.type == TTCN_Logger::DISKFULL_RETRY)
833 disk_full_action_str = mprintf("Retry(%lu)",
834 (unsigned long)myself->disk_full_action_.retry_interval);
835 else
836 disk_full_action_str = mcopystr(
837 disk_full_action_type_names[myself->disk_full_action_.type]);
838 ret_val = mprintf(
839 " LogFileSize:=%lu; LogFileNumber:=%lu; DiskFullAction:=%s",
840 (unsigned long)myself->logfile_size_,
841 (unsigned long)myself->logfile_number_,
842 disk_full_action_str);
843 Free(disk_full_action_str);
844 return ret_val;
845 }
847 void portevent_str(char *& ret_val, const TitanLoggerApi::PortEvent_choice& pec)
848 {
849 switch (pec.get_selection()) {
850 case TitanLoggerApi::PortEvent_choice::ALT_portQueue: {
851 TitanLoggerApi::Port__Queue const& pq = pec.portQueue();
852 switch (pq.operation()) {
853 case API::Port__Queue_operation::UNKNOWN_VALUE:
854 case API::Port__Queue_operation::UNBOUND_VALUE:
855 default:
856 ret_val = NULL;
857 return; // can't happen
858 case API::Port__Queue_operation::enqueue__msg:
859 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Message");
860 goto enqueue_common;
861 break;
862 case API::Port__Queue_operation::enqueue__call:
863 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Call");
864 goto enqueue_common;
865 break;
866 case API::Port__Queue_operation::enqueue__reply:
867 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Reply");
868 goto enqueue_common;
869 break;
870 case API::Port__Queue_operation::enqueue__exception:
871 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Exception");
872 enqueue_common: {
873 char * cmpts = COMPONENT::get_component_string(pq.compref());
874 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, " enqueued on %s from %s%s%s id %u",
875 (const char*)pq.port__name(), cmpts,
876 (const char*)pq.address__(), (const char*)pq.param__(),
877 (unsigned int)pq.msgid()
878 );
879 Free(cmpts);
880 break; }
881 case API::Port__Queue_operation::extract__msg:
882 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Message");
883 goto extract_common;
884 break;
885 case API::Port__Queue_operation::extract__op:
886 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Operation");
887 extract_common:
888 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, " with id %u was extracted from the queue of %s.",
889 (unsigned int)pq.msgid(), (const char*)pq.port__name());
890 break;
891 }
892 break; }
894 case API::PortEvent_choice::ALT_portState: {
895 API::Port__State const& ps = pec.portState();
896 const char *what = NULL;
897 switch (ps.operation()) {
898 case API::Port__State_operation::UNKNOWN_VALUE:
899 case API::Port__State_operation::UNBOUND_VALUE:
900 default:
901 ret_val = NULL;
902 return; // can't happen
904 case API::Port__State_operation::started:
905 what = "started";
906 break;
907 case API::Port__State_operation::stopped:
908 what = "stopped";
909 break;
910 case API::Port__State_operation::halted:
911 what = "halted";
912 break;
913 }
914 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Port %s was %s.",
915 (const char*)ps.port__name(), what);
916 break; }
918 case API::PortEvent_choice::ALT_procPortSend: { // PORTEVENT_P[MC]OUT
919 API::Proc__port__out const& ps = pec.procPortSend();
920 const char * dest;
921 if (ps.compref() == SYSTEM_COMPREF) { // it's mapped
922 dest = ps.sys__name();
923 }
924 else {
925 dest = COMPONENT::get_component_string(ps.compref());
926 }
928 switch (ps.operation()) {
929 case API::Port__oper::UNBOUND_VALUE:
930 case API::Port__oper::UNKNOWN_VALUE:
931 default:
932 ret_val = NULL;
933 return;
935 case API::Port__oper::call__op:
936 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Called");
937 break;
939 case API::Port__oper::reply__op:
940 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Replied");
941 break;
943 case API::Port__oper::exception__op:
944 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Raised");
945 break;
946 }
947 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, " on %s to %s %s",
948 (const char*)ps.port__name(),
949 dest,
950 (const char*)ps.parameter());
951 if (ps.compref() != SYSTEM_COMPREF) Free(const_cast<char*>(dest));
952 break; }
954 case API::PortEvent_choice::ALT_procPortRecv: { // PORTEVENT_P[MC]IN
955 API::Proc__port__in const& ps = pec.procPortRecv();
956 const char *op2;
957 switch (ps.operation()) {
958 case API::Port__oper::UNBOUND_VALUE:
959 case API::Port__oper::UNKNOWN_VALUE:
960 default:
961 ret_val = NULL;
962 return;
964 case API::Port__oper::call__op:
965 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, ps.check__() ? "Check-getcall" : "Getcall");
966 op2 = "call";
967 break;
969 case API::Port__oper::reply__op:
970 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, ps.check__() ? "Check-getreply" : "Getreply");
971 op2 = "reply";
972 break;
974 case API::Port__oper::exception__op:
975 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, ps.check__() ? "Check-catch" : "Catch");
976 op2 = "exception";
977 break;
978 }
980 const char *source = COMPONENT::get_component_string(ps.compref());
981 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, " operation on port %s succeeded, %s from %s: %s id %d",
982 (const char*)ps.port__name(), op2, source, (const char*)ps.parameter(),
983 (int)ps.msgid());
984 Free(const_cast<char*>(source));
985 break; }
987 case API::PortEvent_choice::ALT_msgPortSend: { // PORTEVENT_M[MC]SEND
988 API::Msg__port__send const& ms = pec.msgPortSend();
990 const char *dest = COMPONENT::get_component_string(ms.compref());
991 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Sent on %s to %s%s",
992 (const char*)ms.port__name(), dest, (const char*)ms.parameter());
993 //if (ms.compref() != SYSTEM_COMPREF)
994 Free(const_cast<char*>(dest));
995 break; }
997 case API::PortEvent_choice::ALT_msgPortRecv: { // PORTEVENT_M[MC]RECV
998 API::Msg__port__recv const& ms = pec.msgPortRecv();
999 switch (ms.operation()) {
1000 case API::Port__oper::UNBOUND_VALUE:
1001 case API::Port__oper::UNKNOWN_VALUE:
1002 default:
1003 ret_val = NULL;
1004 return;
1005 case API::Msg__port__recv_operation::receive__op:
1006 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Receive");
1007 break;
1008 case API::Msg__port__recv_operation::check__receive__op:
1009 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Check-receive");
1010 break;
1011 case API::Msg__port__recv_operation::trigger__op:
1012 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Trigger");
1013 break;
1014 }
1015 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, " operation on port %s succeeded, message from ",
1016 (const char *)ms.port__name());
1018 if (ms.compref() == SYSTEM_COMPREF) { // mapped
1019 const char *sys = ms.sys__name(); // not dynamic alloc
1020 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "system(%s)", sys);
1021 } else {
1022 const char *sys = COMPONENT::get_component_string(ms.compref()); // dynamic alloc
1023 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, sys);
1024 Free(const_cast<char *>(sys));
1025 }
1026 const char *ms_parameter = (const char *)ms.parameter();
1027 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "%s id %d", ms_parameter, (int)ms.msgid());
1028 // Inconsistent dot...
1029 if (ms_parameter == NULL || strlen(ms_parameter) == 0)
1030 ret_val = mputc(ret_val, '.');
1031 break; }
1033 case API::PortEvent_choice::ALT_dualMapped: {
1034 API::Dualface__mapped const& dual = pec.dualMapped();
1035 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "%s message was mapped to %s : %s",
1036 (dual.incoming() ? "Incoming" : "Outgoing"),
1037 (const char*)dual.target__type(), (const char*)dual.value__());
1039 if (dual.incoming()) {
1040 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, " id %d", (int)dual.msgid());
1041 }
1042 break; }
1044 case API::PortEvent_choice::ALT_dualDiscard: {
1045 API::Dualface__discard const& dualop = pec.dualDiscard();
1046 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "%s message of type %s ",
1047 (dualop.incoming() ? "Incoming" : "Outgoing"),
1048 (const char*)dualop.target__type());
1050 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, (dualop.unhandled()
1051 ? "could not be handled by the type mapping rules on port %s."
1052 " The message was discarded."
1053 : "was discarded on port %s."),
1054 (const char*) dualop.port__name());
1055 break; }
1057 case API::PortEvent_choice::ALT_portMisc: {
1058 API::Port__Misc const& pmisc = pec.portMisc();
1059 const char *comp_str = COMPONENT::get_component_string(pmisc.remote__component());
1060 switch (pmisc.reason()) {
1061 case API::Port__Misc_reason::UNBOUND_VALUE:
1062 case API::Port__Misc_reason::UNKNOWN_VALUE:
1063 default:
1064 ret_val = NULL;
1065 return;
1067 case API::Port__Misc_reason::removing__unterminated__connection:
1068 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1069 "Removing unterminated connection between port %s and %s:%s.",
1070 (const char*)pmisc.port__name(), comp_str, (const char*)pmisc.remote__port());
1071 break;
1072 case API::Port__Misc_reason::removing__unterminated__mapping:
1073 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1074 "Removing unterminated mapping between port %s and system:%s.",
1075 (const char*)pmisc.port__name(), (const char*)pmisc.remote__port());
1076 break;
1077 case API::Port__Misc_reason::port__was__cleared:
1078 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Port %s was cleared.",
1079 (const char*)pmisc.port__name());
1080 break;
1081 case API::Port__Misc_reason::local__connection__established:
1082 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1083 "Port %s has established the connection with local port %s.",
1084 (const char*)pmisc.port__name(), (const char*)pmisc.remote__port());
1085 break;
1086 case API::Port__Misc_reason::local__connection__terminated:
1087 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1088 "Port %s has terminated the connection with local port %s.",
1089 (const char*)pmisc.port__name(), (const char*)pmisc.remote__port());
1090 break;
1091 case API::Port__Misc_reason::port__is__waiting__for__connection__tcp:
1092 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1093 "Port %s is waiting for connection from %s:%s on TCP port %s:%d.",
1094 (const char*)pmisc.port__name(), comp_str, (const char*)pmisc.remote__port(),
1095 (const char*)pmisc.ip__address(), (int)pmisc.tcp__port());
1096 break;
1097 case API::Port__Misc_reason::port__is__waiting__for__connection__unix:
1098 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1099 "Port %s is waiting for connection from %s:%s on UNIX pathname %s.",
1100 (const char*)pmisc.port__name(), comp_str, (const char*)pmisc.remote__port(),
1101 (const char*)pmisc.ip__address());
1102 break;
1103 case API::Port__Misc_reason::connection__established:
1104 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1105 "Port %s has established the connection with %s:%s using transport type %s.",
1106 (const char*)pmisc.port__name(), comp_str, (const char*)pmisc.remote__port(),
1107 (const char*)pmisc.ip__address());
1108 break;
1109 case API::Port__Misc_reason::destroying__unestablished__connection:
1110 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1111 "Destroying unestablished connection of port %s to %s:%s"
1112 " because the other endpoint has terminated.",
1113 (const char*)pmisc.port__name(), comp_str, (const char*)pmisc.remote__port());
1114 break;
1115 case API::Port__Misc_reason::terminating__connection:
1116 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1117 "Terminating the connection of port %s to %s:%s."
1118 " No more messages can be sent through this connection.",
1119 (const char*)pmisc.port__name(), comp_str, (const char*)pmisc.remote__port());
1120 break;
1121 case API::Port__Misc_reason::sending__termination__request__failed:
1122 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Sending the connection termination request"
1123 " on port %s to remote endpoint %s:%s failed.",
1124 (const char*)pmisc.port__name(), comp_str, (const char*)pmisc.remote__port());
1125 break;
1126 case API::Port__Misc_reason::termination__request__received:
1127 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1128 "Connection termination request was received on port %s from %s:%s."
1129 " No more data can be sent or received through this connection.",
1130 (const char*)pmisc.port__name(), comp_str, (const char*)pmisc.remote__port());
1131 break;
1132 case API::Port__Misc_reason::acknowledging__termination__request__failed:
1133 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1134 "Sending the acknowledgment for connection termination request"
1135 " on port %s to remote endpoint %s:%s failed.",
1136 (const char*)pmisc.port__name(), comp_str, (const char*)pmisc.remote__port());
1137 break;
1138 case API::Port__Misc_reason::sending__would__block:
1139 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1140 "Sending data on the connection of port %s to %s:%s would block execution."
1141 " The size of the outgoing buffer was increased from %d to %d bytes.",
1142 (const char*)pmisc.port__name(), comp_str, (const char*)pmisc.remote__port(),
1143 (int)pmisc.tcp__port(), (int)pmisc.new__size());
1144 break;
1145 case API::Port__Misc_reason::connection__accepted:
1146 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Port %s has accepted the connection from %s:%s.",
1147 (const char*)pmisc.port__name(), comp_str, (const char*)pmisc.remote__port());
1148 break;
1149 case API::Port__Misc_reason::connection__reset__by__peer:
1150 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Connection of port %s to %s:%s was reset by the peer.",
1151 (const char*)pmisc.port__name(), comp_str, (const char*)pmisc.remote__port());
1152 break;
1153 case API::Port__Misc_reason::connection__closed__by__peer:
1154 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1155 "Connection of port %s to %s:%s was closed unexpectedly by the peer.",
1156 (const char*)pmisc.port__name(), comp_str, (const char*)pmisc.remote__port());
1157 break;
1158 case API::Port__Misc_reason::port__disconnected:
1159 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Port %s was disconnected from %s:%s.",
1160 (const char*)pmisc.port__name(), comp_str, (const char*)pmisc.remote__port());
1161 break;
1162 case API::Port__Misc_reason::port__was__mapped__to__system:
1163 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Port %s was mapped to system:%s.",
1164 (const char*)pmisc.port__name(), (const char*)pmisc.remote__port());
1165 break;
1166 case API::Port__Misc_reason::port__was__unmapped__from__system:
1167 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Port %s was unmapped from system:%s.",
1168 (const char*)pmisc.port__name(), (const char*)pmisc.remote__port());
1169 break;
1171 }
1172 Free(const_cast<char*>(comp_str));
1173 break; }
1176 default:
1177 case TitanLoggerApi::PortEvent_choice::UNBOUND_VALUE:
1178 break;
1179 }
1180 }
1182 void matchingop_str(char *& ret_val, const TitanLoggerApi::MatchingEvent_choice& choice)
1183 {
1184 switch (choice.get_selection()) {
1185 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingEvent_choice::ALT_matchingDone: {
1186 TitanLoggerApi::MatchingDoneType const& md = choice.matchingDone();
1187 switch (md.reason()) {
1188 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingDoneType_reason::UNBOUND_VALUE:
1189 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingDoneType_reason::UNKNOWN_VALUE:
1190 default:
1191 ret_val = NULL;
1192 return;
1193 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingDoneType_reason::done__failed__no__return:
1194 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Done operation with type %s on PTC %d"
1195 " failed: The started function did not return a value.",
1196 (const char*)md.type__(), (int)md.ptc());
1197 break;
1198 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingDoneType_reason::done__failed__wrong__return__type:
1199 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Done operation with type %s on PTC %d"
1200 " failed: The started function returned a value of type %s.",
1201 (const char*)md.type__(), (int)md.ptc(), (const char*)md.return__type());
1202 break;
1203 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingDoneType_reason::any__component__done__successful:
1204 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Operation 'any component.done' was successful.");
1205 break;
1206 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingDoneType_reason::any__component__done__failed:
1207 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Operation 'any component.done' "
1208 "failed because no PTCs were created in the testcase.");
1209 break;
1210 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingDoneType_reason::all__component__done__successful:
1211 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Operation 'all component.done' was successful.");
1212 break;
1213 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingDoneType_reason::any__component__killed__successful:
1214 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Operation 'any component.killed' was successful.");
1215 break;
1216 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingDoneType_reason::any__component__killed__failed:
1217 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Operation 'any component.killed' "
1218 "failed because no PTCs were created in the testcase.");
1219 break;
1220 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingDoneType_reason::all__component__killed__successful:
1221 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Operation 'all component.killed' was successful.");
1222 break;
1223 }
1224 break; }
1226 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingEvent_choice::ALT_matchingFailure: {
1227 boolean is_call = FALSE;
1228 TitanLoggerApi::MatchingFailureType const& mf = choice.matchingFailure();
1229 switch (mf.reason()) {
1230 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingFailureType_reason::UNBOUND_VALUE:
1231 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingFailureType_reason::UNKNOWN_VALUE:
1232 default:
1233 ret_val = NULL;
1234 return; // can't happen
1235 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingFailureType_reason::message__does__not__match__template:
1236 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1237 "Matching on port %s "
1238 "%s: First message in the queue does not match the template: ",
1239 (const char*)mf.port__name(), (const char*)mf.info());
1240 break;
1241 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingFailureType_reason::exception__does__not__match__template:
1242 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1243 "Matching on port %s failed: "
1244 "The first exception in the queue does not match the template: %s",
1245 (const char*)mf.port__name(), (const char*)mf.info());
1246 break;
1247 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingFailureType_reason::parameters__of__call__do__not__match__template:
1248 is_call = TRUE; // fall through
1249 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingFailureType_reason::parameters__of__reply__do__not__match__template:
1250 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1251 "Matching on port %s failed: "
1252 "The parameters of the first %s in the queue do not match the template: %s",
1253 (is_call ? "call" : "reply"),
1254 (const char*)mf.port__name(), (const char*)mf.info());
1255 break;
1256 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingFailureType_reason::sender__does__not__match__from__clause:
1257 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1258 "Matching on port %s failed: "
1259 "Sender of the first entity in the queue does not match the from clause: %s",
1260 (const char*)mf.port__name(), (const char*)mf.info());
1261 break;
1262 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingFailureType_reason::sender__is__not__system:
1263 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1264 "Matching on port %s failed: "
1265 "Sender of the first entity in the queue is not the system.",
1266 (const char*)mf.port__name());
1267 break;
1268 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingFailureType_reason::not__an__exception__for__signature:
1269 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1270 "Matching on port %s failed: "
1271 "The first entity in the queue is not an exception for signature %s.",
1272 (const char*)mf.port__name(), (const char*)mf.info());
1273 break;
1274 }
1275 break; }
1277 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingEvent_choice::ALT_matchingSuccess: {
1278 TitanLoggerApi::MatchingSuccessType const& ms = choice.matchingSuccess();
1279 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Matching on port %s succeeded: %s",
1280 (const char*)ms.port__name(), (const char*)ms.info());
1281 break; }
1283 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingEvent_choice::ALT_matchingProblem: {
1284 TitanLoggerApi::MatchingProblemType const& mp = choice.matchingProblem();
1285 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Operation `");
1286 if (mp.any__port()) ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "any port.");
1287 if (mp.check__()) ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "check(");
1288 switch (mp.operation()) {
1289 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingProblemType_operation::UNBOUND_VALUE:
1290 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingProblemType_operation::UNKNOWN_VALUE:
1291 ret_val = NULL;
1292 return;
1293 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingProblemType_operation::receive__:
1294 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "receive");
1295 break;
1296 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingProblemType_operation::trigger__:
1297 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "trigger");
1298 break;
1299 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingProblemType_operation::getcall__:
1300 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "getcall");
1301 break;
1302 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingProblemType_operation::getreply__:
1303 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "getreply");
1304 break;
1305 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingProblemType_operation::catch__:
1306 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "catch");
1307 break;
1308 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingProblemType_operation::check__:
1309 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "check");
1310 break;
1311 }
1312 if (mp.check__()) ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, ")");
1313 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "' ");
1315 if (mp.port__name().is_bound()) ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1316 "on port %s ", (const char*)mp.port__name());
1317 // we could also check that any__port is false
1319 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "failed: ");
1321 switch (mp.reason()) {
1322 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingProblemType_reason::UNBOUND_VALUE:
1323 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingProblemType_reason::UNKNOWN_VALUE:
1324 ret_val = NULL;
1325 return;
1326 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingProblemType_reason::component__has__no__ports:
1327 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "The test component does not have ports.");
1328 break;
1329 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingProblemType_reason::no__incoming__signatures:
1330 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "The port type does not have any incoming signatures.");
1331 break;
1332 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingProblemType_reason::no__incoming__types:
1333 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "The port type does not have any incoming message types.");
1334 break;
1335 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingProblemType_reason::no__outgoing__blocking__signatures:
1336 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "The port type does not have any outgoing blocking signatures.");
1337 break;
1338 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingProblemType_reason::no__outgoing__blocking__signatures__that__support__exceptions:
1339 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "The port type does not have any outgoing blocking signatures that support exceptions.");
1340 break;
1341 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingProblemType_reason::port__not__started__and__queue__empty:
1342 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Port is not started and the queue is empty.");
1343 break;
1344 }
1345 break; } // matchingProblem
1347 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingEvent_choice::ALT_matchingTimeout: {
1348 TitanLoggerApi::MatchingTimeout const& mt = choice.matchingTimeout();
1349 if (mt.timer__name().ispresent()) {
1350 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Timeout operation on timer %s failed:"
1351 " The timer is not started.", (const char*)mt.timer__name()());
1352 }
1353 else {
1354 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Operation `any timer.timeout' failed:"
1355 " The test component does not have active timers.");
1356 }
1357 break; }
1359 case TitanLoggerApi::MatchingEvent_choice::UNBOUND_VALUE:
1360 default:
1361 ret_val = NULL;
1362 return;
1363 }
1364 }
1366 void parallel_str(char *& ret_val, const TitanLoggerApi::ParallelEvent_choice& choice)
1367 {
1368 switch (choice.get_selection()) {
1369 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelEvent_choice::ALT_parallelPTC: {
1370 TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC const& ptc = choice.parallelPTC();
1371 switch (ptc.reason()) {
1372 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::UNKNOWN_VALUE:
1373 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::UNBOUND_VALUE:
1374 default:
1375 ret_val = NULL;
1376 return;
1377 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::init__component__start:
1378 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1379 "Initializing variables, timers and ports of component type %s.%s",
1380 (const char*)ptc.module__(), (const char*)ptc.name());
1381 if (ptc.tc__loc().lengthof()) ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1382 " inside testcase %s", (const char*)ptc.tc__loc());
1383 ret_val = mputc(ret_val, '.');
1384 break;
1385 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::init__component__finish:
1386 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Component type %s.%s was initialized.",
1387 (const char*)ptc.module__(), (const char*)ptc.name());
1388 break;
1389 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::terminating__component:
1390 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Terminating component type %s.%s.",
1391 (const char*)ptc.module__(), (const char*)ptc.name());
1392 break;
1393 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::component__shut__down:
1394 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Component type %s.%s was shut down",
1395 (const char*)ptc.module__(), (const char*)ptc.name());
1396 if (ptc.tc__loc().lengthof()) ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1397 " inside testcase %s", (const char*)ptc.tc__loc());
1398 ret_val = mputc(ret_val, '.');
1399 break;
1400 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::error__idle__ptc:
1401 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val,
1402 "Error occurred on idle PTC. The component terminates.");
1403 break;
1404 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::ptc__created:
1405 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "PTC was created."
1406 " Component reference: %d, alive: %s, type: %s.%s",
1407 (int)ptc.compref(), (ptc.alive__pid() ? "yes" : "no"),
1408 (const char*)ptc.module__(), (const char*)ptc.name());
1409 // The "testcase" member is used for the component name
1410 if (ptc.compname().lengthof() != 0) ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1411 ", component name: %s", (const char*)ptc.compname());
1412 if (ptc.tc__loc().lengthof() != 0) ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1413 ", location: %s", (const char*)ptc.tc__loc());
1414 ret_val = mputc(ret_val, '.');
1415 break;
1417 case API::ParallelPTC_reason::ptc__created__pid:
1418 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "PTC was created. Component reference: %d, "
1419 "component type: %s.%s", (int)ptc.compref(),
1420 (const char*)ptc.module__(), (const char*)ptc.name());
1421 if (ptc.compname().lengthof() != 0) ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1422 ", component name: %s", (const char*)ptc.compname());
1423 if (ptc.tc__loc().lengthof() != 0) ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1424 ", testcase name: %s", (const char*)ptc.tc__loc());
1425 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, ", process id: %d.", (int)ptc.alive__pid());
1426 break;
1428 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::function__started:
1429 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Function was started.");
1430 break;
1431 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::function__stopped:
1432 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Function %s was stopped. PTC terminates.",
1433 (const char*)ptc.name());
1434 break;
1435 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::function__finished:
1436 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Function %s finished. PTC %s.",
1437 (const char*)ptc.name(),
1438 ptc.alive__pid() ? "remains alive and is waiting for next start" : "terminates");
1439 break;
1440 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::function__error:
1441 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Function %s finished with an error. PTC terminates.",
1442 (const char*)ptc.name());
1443 break;
1444 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::ptc__done:
1445 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "PTC with component reference %d is done.",
1446 (int)ptc.compref());
1447 break;
1448 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::ptc__killed:
1449 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "PTC with component reference %d is killed.",
1450 (int)ptc.compref());
1451 break;
1452 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::stopping__mtc:
1453 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Stopping MTC. The current test case will be terminated.");
1454 break;
1455 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::ptc__stopped:
1456 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "PTC with component reference %d was stopped.",
1457 (int)ptc.compref());
1458 break;
1459 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::all__comps__stopped:
1460 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "All components were stopped.");
1461 break;
1462 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::ptc__was__killed:
1463 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "PTC with component reference %d was killed.",
1464 (int)ptc.compref());
1465 break;
1466 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::all__comps__killed:
1467 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "All components were killed.");
1468 break;
1469 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::kill__request__frm__mc:
1470 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Kill was requested from MC. Terminating idle PTC.");
1471 break;
1472 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::mtc__finished:
1473 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "MTC finished.");
1474 goto mpt_ptc_together;
1475 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::ptc__finished: {
1476 if (ptc.compname().lengthof() != 0) {
1477 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "PTC %s(%d) finished.",
1478 (const char*)ptc.compname(), (int)ptc.compref());
1479 } else {
1480 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "PTC with component reference %d "
1481 "finished.", (int)ptc.compref());
1482 }
1483 mpt_ptc_together:
1484 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, " Process statistics: { "
1485 "process id: %d, ", (int)ptc.alive__pid());
1486 int statuscode = ptc.status();
1487 if (WIFEXITED(statuscode)) {
1488 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "terminated normally, "
1489 "exit status: %d, ", WEXITSTATUS(statuscode));
1490 } else if (WIFSIGNALED(statuscode)) {
1491 int signal_number = WTERMSIG(statuscode);
1492 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "terminated by a signal, "
1493 "signal number: %d (%s), ", signal_number,
1494 TTCN_Runtime::get_signal_name(signal_number));
1495 #ifdef WCOREDUMP
1496 // this macro is not available on all platforms
1497 if (WCOREDUMP(statuscode))
1498 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "core dump was created, ");
1499 #endif
1500 } else {
1501 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "termination reason and status is "
1502 "unknown: %d, ", statuscode);
1503 }
1504 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, (const char*)ptc.tc__loc());
1505 break; }
1506 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelPTC_reason::starting__function:
1507 break;
1508 }
1509 break; } // parallelPTC
1511 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelEvent_choice::ALT_parallelPTC__exit: {
1512 TitanLoggerApi::PTC__exit const& px = choice.parallelPTC__exit();
1513 const int compref = px.compref();
1514 if (compref == MTC_COMPREF) {
1515 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "MTC finished.");
1516 } else {
1517 const char *comp_name = COMPONENT::get_component_name(px.compref());
1518 if (comp_name) ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "PTC %s(%d) finished.",
1519 comp_name, compref);
1520 else ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "PTC with component reference %d "
1521 "finished.", compref);
1522 }
1523 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, " Process statistics: { process id: %d, ",
1524 (int)px.pid());
1526 //ret_val =
1527 break; }
1529 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelEvent_choice::ALT_parallelPort: {
1530 TitanLoggerApi::ParPort const& pp = choice.parallelPort();
1531 const char *direction = "on";
1532 const char *preposition = "and";
1533 switch(pp.operation()) {
1534 case API::ParPort_operation::UNBOUND_VALUE:
1535 case API::ParPort_operation::UNKNOWN_VALUE:
1536 default:
1537 ret_val = NULL;
1538 return;
1539 case API::ParPort_operation::connect__:
1540 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Connect");
1541 break;
1542 case API::ParPort_operation::disconnect__:
1543 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Disconnect");
1544 break;
1545 case API::ParPort_operation::map__:
1546 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Map");
1547 direction = "of";
1548 preposition = "to";
1549 break;
1550 case API::ParPort_operation::unmap__:
1551 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Unmap");
1552 direction = "of";
1553 preposition = "from";
1554 break;
1555 }
1556 char *src = COMPONENT::get_component_string(pp.srcCompref());
1557 char *dst = COMPONENT::get_component_string(pp.dstCompref());
1558 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, " operation %s %s:%s %s %s:%s finished.",
1559 direction, src, (const char*)pp.srcPort(), preposition,
1560 dst, (const char*)pp.dstPort());
1561 Free(src);
1562 Free(dst);
1563 break; }
1565 case TitanLoggerApi::ParallelEvent_choice::UNBOUND_VALUE:
1566 default:
1567 ret_val = NULL;
1568 return;
1569 }
1570 }
1572 void testcaseop_str(char *& ret_val, const TitanLoggerApi::TestcaseEvent_choice& choice)
1573 {
1574 switch (choice.get_selection()) {
1575 case TitanLoggerApi::TestcaseEvent_choice::ALT_testcaseStarted: {
1576 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Test case %s started.",
1577 (const char *)choice.testcaseStarted().testcase__name());
1578 break; }
1580 case TitanLoggerApi::TestcaseEvent_choice::ALT_testcaseFinished: {
1581 const TitanLoggerApi::TestcaseType& testcase = choice.testcaseFinished();
1582 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Test case %s finished. Verdict: %s",
1583 (const char *)testcase.name().testcase__name(),
1584 verdict_name[testcase.verdict()]);
1585 if (testcase.reason().lengthof() > 0) {
1586 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, " reason: %s", (const char *)testcase.reason());
1587 }
1588 break; }
1590 case TitanLoggerApi::TestcaseEvent_choice::UNBOUND_VALUE:
1591 default:
1592 ret_val = NULL;
1593 return;
1594 }
1595 }
1597 void verdictop_str(char *& ret_val, const TitanLoggerApi::VerdictOp_choice& choice)
1598 {
1599 switch (choice.get_selection()) {
1600 case TitanLoggerApi::VerdictOp_choice::ALT_setVerdict: {
1601 const TitanLoggerApi::SetVerdictType& set = choice.setVerdict();
1602 if (set.newVerdict() > set.oldVerdict()) { // the verdict is changing
1603 if (!set.oldReason().ispresent() && !set.newReason().ispresent()) {
1604 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "setverdict(%s): %s -> %s",
1605 verdict_name[set.newVerdict()], verdict_name[set.oldVerdict()],
1606 verdict_name[set.localVerdict()]);
1607 } else {
1608 // The reason text (oldReason() and newReason()) is always the same
1609 // for some reason. Why?
1610 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "setverdict(%s): %s -> %s reason: "
1611 "\"%s\", new component reason: \"%s\"",
1612 verdict_name[set.newVerdict()], verdict_name[set.oldVerdict()],
1613 verdict_name[set.localVerdict()], (const char *)set.oldReason()(),
1614 (const char *)set.newReason()());
1615 }
1616 } else {
1617 if (!set.oldReason().ispresent() && !set.newReason().ispresent()) {
1618 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "setverdict(%s): %s -> %s, component "
1619 "reason not changed", verdict_name[set.newVerdict()],
1620 verdict_name[set.oldVerdict()], verdict_name[set.localVerdict()]);
1621 } else {
1622 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "setverdict(%s): %s -> %s reason: "
1623 "\"%s\", component reason not changed",
1624 verdict_name[set.newVerdict()], verdict_name[set.oldVerdict()],
1625 verdict_name[set.localVerdict()], (const char *)set.oldReason()());
1626 }
1627 }
1628 break; }
1630 case TitanLoggerApi::VerdictOp_choice::ALT_getVerdict: {
1631 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "getverdict: %s",
1632 verdict_name[choice.getVerdict()]);
1633 break; }
1635 case TitanLoggerApi::VerdictOp_choice::ALT_finalVerdict: {
1636 switch (choice.finalVerdict().choice().get_selection()) {
1637 case TitanLoggerApi::FinalVerdictType_choice::ALT_info: {
1638 const TitanLoggerApi::FinalVerdictInfo& info = choice.finalVerdict().choice().info();
1639 if (info.is__ptc()) {
1640 if ((int)info.ptc__compref().ispresent() && (int)info.ptc__compref()() != UNBOUND_COMPREF) {
1641 if (info.ptc__name().ispresent() && info.ptc__name()().lengthof() > 0) {
1642 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Local verdict of PTC %s(%d): ",
1643 (const char *)info.ptc__name()(), (int)info.ptc__compref()());
1644 } else {
1645 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Local verdict of PTC with "
1646 "component reference %d: ", (int)info.ptc__compref()());
1647 }
1648 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "%s (%s -> %s)",
1649 verdict_name[info.ptc__verdict()], verdict_name[info.local__verdict()],
1650 verdict_name[info.new__verdict()]);
1651 if (info.verdict__reason().ispresent() &&
1652 info.verdict__reason()().lengthof() > 0)
1653 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, " reason: \"%s\"",
1654 (const char *)info.verdict__reason()());
1655 } else {
1656 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Final verdict of PTC: %s",
1657 verdict_name[info.local__verdict()]);
1658 if (info.verdict__reason().ispresent() &&
1659 info.verdict__reason()().lengthof() > 0) {
1660 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, " reason: \"%s\"",
1661 (const char *)info.verdict__reason()());
1662 }
1663 }
1664 } else {
1665 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Local verdict of MTC: %s",
1666 verdict_name[info.local__verdict()]);
1667 if (info.verdict__reason().ispresent() &&
1668 info.verdict__reason()().lengthof() > 0) {
1669 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, " reason: \"%s\"",
1670 (const char *)info.verdict__reason()());
1671 }
1672 }
1673 break; }
1674 case TitanLoggerApi::FinalVerdictType_choice::ALT_notification:
1675 switch (choice.finalVerdict().choice().notification()) {
1676 case TitanLoggerApi::FinalVerdictType_choice_notification::no__ptcs__were__created:
1677 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "No PTCs were created.");
1678 break;
1679 case TitanLoggerApi::FinalVerdictType_choice_notification::setting__final__verdict__of__the__test__case:
1680 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "Setting final verdict of the test case.");
1681 break;
1682 case TitanLoggerApi::FinalVerdictType_choice_notification::UNBOUND_VALUE:
1683 case TitanLoggerApi::FinalVerdictType_choice_notification::UNKNOWN_VALUE:
1684 default:
1685 ret_val = NULL;
1686 break; }
1687 break;
1688 case TitanLoggerApi::FinalVerdictType_choice::UNBOUND_VALUE:
1689 default:
1690 ret_val = NULL;
1691 break; }
1692 break; }
1694 case TitanLoggerApi::VerdictOp_choice::UNBOUND_VALUE:
1695 default:
1696 ret_val = NULL;
1697 return;
1698 }
1699 }
1701 void statistics_str(char *& ret_val, const TitanLoggerApi::StatisticsType_choice& choice)
1702 {
1703 switch (choice.get_selection()) {
1704 case TitanLoggerApi::StatisticsType_choice::ALT_verdictStatistics: {
1705 const TitanLoggerApi::StatisticsType_choice_verdictStatistics& statistics =
1706 choice.verdictStatistics();
1707 unsigned long none_count = (size_t)statistics.none__(),
1708 pass_count = (size_t)statistics.pass__(),
1709 inconc_count = (size_t)statistics.inconc__(),
1710 fail_count = (size_t)statistics.fail__(),
1711 error_count = (size_t)statistics.error__();
1712 if (none_count > 0 || pass_count > 0 || inconc_count > 0 ||
1713 fail_count > 0 || error_count > 0) {
1714 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val,
1715 "Verdict statistics: %lu none (%.2f %%), %lu pass (%.2f %%), %lu inconc "
1716 "(%.2f %%), %lu fail (%.2f %%), %lu error (%.2f %%).",
1717 none_count, (float)statistics.nonePercent(),
1718 pass_count, (float)statistics.passPercent(),
1719 inconc_count, (float)statistics.inconcPercent(),
1720 fail_count, (float)statistics.failPercent(),
1721 error_count, (float)statistics.errorPercent());
1722 } else {
1723 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val,
1724 "Verdict statistics: 0 none, 0 pass, 0 inconc, 0 fail, 0 error.");
1725 }
1726 break; }
1728 case TitanLoggerApi::StatisticsType_choice::ALT_controlpartStart:
1729 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Execution of control part in module %s %sed.",
1730 (const char*)choice.controlpartStart(), "start");
1731 break;
1733 case TitanLoggerApi::StatisticsType_choice::ALT_controlpartFinish:
1734 // The compiler might fold the two identical format strings
1735 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Execution of control part in module %s %sed.",
1736 (const char*)choice.controlpartFinish(), "finish");
1737 break;
1739 case TitanLoggerApi::StatisticsType_choice::ALT_controlpartErrors:
1740 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Number of errors outside test cases: %u",
1741 (unsigned int)choice.controlpartErrors());
1742 break;
1744 case TitanLoggerApi::StatisticsType_choice::UNBOUND_VALUE:
1745 default:
1746 ret_val = NULL;
1747 return;
1748 }
1749 }
1751 char *event_to_str(const TitanLoggerApi::TitanLogEvent& event,
1752 bool without_header)
1753 {
1754 char *ret_val = NULL;
1755 if (!without_header) {
1756 struct timeval timestamp = { (time_t)event.timestamp().seconds(),
1757 (suseconds_t)event.timestamp().microSeconds() };
1758 char *sourceinfo = NULL;
1759 if (event.sourceInfo__list().is_bound()) {
1760 TTCN_Logger::source_info_format_t source_info_format =
1761 TTCN_Logger::get_source_info_format();
1762 int stack_size = event.sourceInfo__list().size_of();
1763 if (stack_size > 0) {
1764 int i = 0;
1765 switch (source_info_format) {
1766 case TTCN_Logger::SINFO_NONE:
1767 i = stack_size; // start == end; nothing printed
1768 break;
1769 case TTCN_Logger::SINFO_SINGLE:
1770 i = stack_size - 1; // print just the last one
1771 break;
1772 case TTCN_Logger::SINFO_STACK:
1773 // do nothing, start from the beginning
1774 break;
1775 }
1777 for (; i < stack_size; ++i) {
1778 API::LocationInfo const& loc = event.sourceInfo__list()[i];
1780 if (sourceinfo) sourceinfo = mputstr(sourceinfo, "->");
1781 const char *file_name = loc.filename();
1782 int line_number = loc.line();
1783 const char *entity_name = loc.ent__name();
1784 API::LocationInfo_ent__type entity_type = loc.ent__type();
1785 sourceinfo = mputprintf(sourceinfo, "%s:%u", file_name, line_number);
1786 if (TTCN_Logger::get_log_entity_name()) {
1787 switch (entity_type) {
1788 case API::LocationInfo_ent__type::controlpart:
1789 sourceinfo = mputprintf(sourceinfo, "(controlpart:%s)", entity_name);
1790 break;
1791 case API::LocationInfo_ent__type::testcase__:
1792 sourceinfo = mputprintf(sourceinfo, "(testcase:%s)", entity_name);
1793 break;
1794 case API::LocationInfo_ent__type::altstep__:
1795 sourceinfo = mputprintf(sourceinfo, "(altstep:%s)", entity_name);
1796 break;
1797 case API::LocationInfo_ent__type::function__:
1798 sourceinfo = mputprintf(sourceinfo, "(function:%s)", entity_name);
1799 break;
1800 case API::LocationInfo_ent__type::external__function:
1801 sourceinfo = mputprintf(sourceinfo, "(externalfunction:%s)", entity_name);
1802 break;
1803 case API::LocationInfo_ent__type::template__:
1804 sourceinfo = mputprintf(sourceinfo, "(template:%s)", entity_name);
1805 break;
1806 case API::LocationInfo_ent__type::UNBOUND_VALUE:
1807 case API::LocationInfo_ent__type::UNKNOWN_VALUE:
1808 case API::LocationInfo_ent__type::unknown:
1809 default:
1810 break;
1811 }
1812 }
1813 }
1814 } else {
1815 if (source_info_format == TTCN_Logger::SINFO_SINGLE ||
1816 source_info_format == TTCN_Logger::SINFO_STACK)
1817 sourceinfo = mputc(sourceinfo, '-');
1818 }
1819 }
1821 ret_val = append_header(ret_val, timestamp,
1822 (const TTCN_Logger::Severity)(int)event.severity(), sourceinfo);
1823 Free(sourceinfo);
1824 }
1826 // Big, ugly switch to append the event message.
1827 // TODO: We need a fancier implementation.
1828 const TitanLoggerApi::LogEventType_choice& choice = event.logEvent().choice();
1829 switch (choice.get_selection()) {
1830 case TitanLoggerApi::LogEventType_choice::UNBOUND_VALUE:
1831 return NULL;
1833 case TitanLoggerApi::LogEventType_choice::ALT_unhandledEvent: {
1834 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val,
1835 (const char *)choice.unhandledEvent());
1836 break; }
1838 case API::LogEventType_choice::ALT_timerEvent:
1839 timer_event_str(ret_val, choice.timerEvent().choice());
1840 break;
1842 case TitanLoggerApi::LogEventType_choice::ALT_statistics:
1843 statistics_str(ret_val, choice.statistics().choice());
1844 break;
1846 case TitanLoggerApi::LogEventType_choice::ALT_verdictOp:
1847 verdictop_str(ret_val, choice.verdictOp().choice());
1848 break;
1851 case TitanLoggerApi::LogEventType_choice::ALT_testcaseOp:
1852 testcaseop_str(ret_val, choice.testcaseOp().choice());
1853 break;
1855 case TitanLoggerApi::LogEventType_choice::ALT_actionEvent:
1856 // fall through
1857 case TitanLoggerApi::LogEventType_choice::ALT_userLog: {
1858 API::Strings_str__list const& slist =
1859 (choice.get_selection() == TitanLoggerApi::LogEventType_choice::ALT_userLog)
1860 ? choice.userLog().str__list()
1861 : choice.actionEvent().str__list();
1862 for (int i = 0, size = slist.size_of(); i < size; ++i) {
1863 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, (const char *)slist[i]);
1864 }
1865 break; }
1867 case TitanLoggerApi::LogEventType_choice::ALT_debugLog: {
1868 // TODO: We support multiple type of DEBUG_* events.
1869 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, (const char *)choice.debugLog().text());
1870 break; }
1872 case TitanLoggerApi::LogEventType_choice::ALT_errorLog: {
1873 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, (const char *)choice.errorLog().text());
1874 break; }
1876 case TitanLoggerApi::LogEventType_choice::ALT_warningLog: {
1877 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, (const char *)choice.warningLog().text());
1878 break; }
1880 case TitanLoggerApi::LogEventType_choice::ALT_defaultEvent:
1881 defaultop_event_str(ret_val, choice.defaultEvent().choice());
1882 break;
1884 case TitanLoggerApi::LogEventType_choice::ALT_executionSummary: {
1885 // FIXME why is this empty?
1886 break; }
1888 case TitanLoggerApi::LogEventType_choice::ALT_executorEvent: {
1889 // En Taro Adun, executor!
1890 executor_event_str(ret_val, choice.executorEvent().choice());
1891 break; } // executorRuntime
1893 case TitanLoggerApi::LogEventType_choice::ALT_matchingEvent:
1894 matchingop_str(ret_val, choice.matchingEvent().choice());
1895 break;
1897 case TitanLoggerApi::LogEventType_choice::ALT_functionEvent:
1898 switch (choice.functionEvent().choice().get_selection()) {
1899 case TitanLoggerApi::FunctionEvent_choice::ALT_random: {
1900 TitanLoggerApi::FunctionEvent_choice_random const& ra = choice.functionEvent().choice().random();
1901 switch (ra.operation()) {
1902 case TitanLoggerApi::RandomAction::seed: {
1903 long integer_seed = ra.intseed();
1904 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Random number generator was initialized with seed %f: "
1905 "srand48(%ld).", (double)ra.retval(), integer_seed);
1906 break; }
1907 case TitanLoggerApi::RandomAction::read__out:
1908 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "Function rnd() returned %f.", (double)ra.retval());
1909 break;
1910 case TitanLoggerApi::RandomAction::UNBOUND_VALUE:
1911 case TitanLoggerApi::RandomAction::UNKNOWN_VALUE:
1912 default:
1913 return NULL; // something went wrong
1914 break;
1915 }
1916 break; }
1918 case TitanLoggerApi::FunctionEvent_choice::ALT_unqualified:
1919 break;
1921 case TitanLoggerApi::FunctionEvent_choice::UNBOUND_VALUE:
1922 default:
1923 break;
1924 }
1925 break;
1927 case TitanLoggerApi::LogEventType_choice::ALT_parallelEvent:
1928 parallel_str(ret_val, choice.parallelEvent().choice());
1929 break;
1931 case TitanLoggerApi::LogEventType_choice::ALT_portEvent:
1932 portevent_str(ret_val, choice.portEvent().choice());
1933 break;
1935 default:
1936 return NULL; // can't happen
1937 } // the big ugly switch
1938 return ret_val;
1939 }
1941 #if HAVE_GCC(4,6)
1942 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
1943 #endif
1945 void LegacyLogger::open_file(bool is_first)
1946 {
1947 if (is_first) {
1948 chk_logfile_data();
1949 if (!this->skeleton_given_)
1950 set_file_name(TTCN_Runtime::is_single()
1951 ? (this->logfile_number_ == 1 ? "%e.%s" : "%e-part%i.%s")
1952 : (this->logfile_number_ == 1 ? "%e.%h-%r.%s" : "%e.%h-%r-part%i.%s"),
1953 false);
1954 }
1955 // Logging_Bits have only effect on the actual plug-in. (Filtering is
1956 // implemented at higher level.)
1957 Free(this->current_filename_);
1958 this->current_filename_ = get_file_name(this->logfile_index_);
1959 if (this->current_filename_ != NULL) {
1960 create_parent_directories(this->current_filename_);
1961 this->log_fp_ = fopen(this->current_filename_,
1962 this->append_file_ ? "a" : "w");
1963 if (this->log_fp_ == NULL)
1964 fatal_error("Opening of log file `%s' for writing failed.",
1965 this->current_filename_);
1966 if (!TTCN_Communication::set_close_on_exec(fileno(this->log_fp_))) {
1967 fclose(this->log_fp_);
1968 fatal_error("Setting the close-on-exec flag failed on log file `%s'.",
1969 this->current_filename_);
1970 }
1971 }
1973 this->is_configured_= true;
1974 this->logfile_bytes_ = 0;
1975 }
1977 void LegacyLogger::close_file()
1978 {
1979 if (!this->log_fp_) return;
1980 fclose(this->log_fp_);
1981 this->log_fp_ = NULL;
1982 }
1984 /** @brief Construct the log file name, performs substitutions.
1986 @return NULL if filename_skeleton is NULL or if the result would have been
1987 the empty string.
1988 @return an expstring_t with the actual filename. The caller is
1989 responsible for deallocating it with Free().
1990 **/
1991 char *LegacyLogger::get_file_name(size_t idx)
1992 {
1993 if (this->filename_skeleton_ == NULL) return NULL;
1994 enum { SINGLE, HC, MTC, PTC } whoami;
1995 if (TTCN_Runtime::is_single()) whoami = SINGLE;
1996 else if (TTCN_Runtime::is_hc()) whoami = HC;
1997 else if (TTCN_Runtime::is_mtc()) whoami = MTC;
1998 else whoami = PTC;
1999 bool h_present = false, p_present = false, r_present = false,
2000 i_present = false;
2001 this->format_c_present_ = false;
2002 this->format_t_present_ = false;
2003 char *ret_val = memptystr();
2004 for (size_t i = 0; this->filename_skeleton_[i] != '\0'; i++) {
2005 if (this->filename_skeleton_[i] != '%') {
2006 ret_val = mputc(ret_val, this->filename_skeleton_[i]);
2007 continue;
2008 }
2009 switch (this->filename_skeleton_[++i]) {
2010 case 'c': // %c -> name of the current testcase (only on PTCs)
2011 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, TTCN_Runtime::get_testcase_name());
2012 this->format_c_present_ = true;
2013 break;
2014 case 'e': // %e -> name of executable
2015 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, TTCN_Logger::get_executable_name());
2016 break;
2017 case 'h': // %h -> hostname
2018 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, TTCN_Runtime::get_host_name());
2019 h_present = true;
2020 break;
2021 case 'l': { // %l -> login name
2022 setpwent();
2023 struct passwd *p = getpwuid(getuid());
2024 if (p != NULL) ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, p->pw_name);
2025 endpwent();
2026 break; }
2027 case 'n': // %n -> component name (optional)
2028 switch (whoami) {
2029 case SINGLE:
2030 case MTC:
2031 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "MTC");
2032 break;
2033 case HC:
2034 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "HC");
2035 break;
2036 case PTC:
2037 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, TTCN_Runtime::get_component_name());
2038 break;
2039 default:
2040 break; }
2041 break;
2042 case 'p': // %p -> process id
2043 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "%ld", (long)getpid());
2044 p_present = true;
2045 break;
2046 case 'r': // %r -> component reference
2047 switch (whoami) {
2048 case SINGLE:
2049 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "single");
2050 break;
2051 case HC:
2052 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "hc");
2053 break;
2054 case MTC:
2055 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "mtc");
2056 break;
2057 case PTC:
2058 default:
2059 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "%d", (component)self);
2060 break;
2061 }
2062 r_present = true;
2063 break;
2064 case 's': // %s -> default suffix (currently: always "log")
2065 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, "log");
2066 break;
2067 case 't': // %t -> component type (only on PTCs)
2068 ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, TTCN_Runtime::get_component_type());
2069 this->format_t_present_ = true;
2070 break;
2071 case 'i': // %i -> log file index
2072 if (this->logfile_number_ != 1)
2073 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "%lu", (unsigned long)idx);
2074 i_present = true;
2075 break;
2076 case '\0': // trailing single %: leave as it is
2077 i--; // to avoid over-indexing in next iteration
2078 // no break
2079 case '%': // escaping: %% -> %
2080 ret_val = mputc(ret_val, '%');
2081 break;
2082 default: // unknown sequence: leave as it is
2083 ret_val = mputc(ret_val, '%');
2084 ret_val = mputc(ret_val, this->filename_skeleton_[i]);
2085 break;
2086 }
2087 }
2089 static bool already_warned = false;
2090 if (ret_val[0] == '\0') { // result is empty
2091 Free(ret_val);
2092 ret_val = NULL;
2093 } else if (whoami == HC && !already_warned) {
2094 already_warned = true;
2095 if (!h_present || (!p_present && !r_present))
2096 TTCN_warning("Skeleton `%s' does not guarantee unique log file name "
2097 "for every test system process. It may cause "
2098 "unpredictable results if several test components try to "
2099 "write into the same log file.", this->filename_skeleton_);
2100 }
2101 if (this->logfile_number_ != 1 && !i_present) {
2102 TTCN_warning("LogFileNumber = %lu, but `%%i' is missing from the log "
2103 "file name skeleton. `%%i' was appended to the skeleton.",
2104 (unsigned long)this->logfile_number_);
2105 this->filename_skeleton_ = mputstr(this->filename_skeleton_, "%i");
2106 ret_val = mputprintf(ret_val, "%lu", (unsigned long)idx);
2107 }
2108 return ret_val;
2109 }
2111 /** @brief Create all directories in a full path.
2113 Ensures that all directories in the specified path exist (similar to mkdir
2114 -p). Existing directories are skipped, non-existing directories are
2115 created. Calls fatal_error() if a directory cannot be stat'ed or a
2116 non-existing directory cannot be created.
2118 @param path_name full path to log file name
2119 **/
2120 void LegacyLogger::create_parent_directories(const char *path_name)
2121 {
2122 char *path_backup = NULL;
2123 bool umask_saved = false;
2124 mode_t old_umask = 0;
2125 size_t i = 0;
2126 // if path_name is absolute skip the leading '/'(s)
2127 while (path_name[i] == '/') i++;
2128 while (path_name[i] != '\0') {
2129 if (path_name[i] != '/') {
2130 i++;
2131 continue;
2132 }
2133 // path_name up to index i should contain a directory name
2134 if (path_backup == NULL) path_backup = mcopystr(path_name);
2135 path_backup[i] = '\0';
2136 struct stat buf;
2137 if (stat(path_backup, &buf) < 0) {
2138 if (errno == ENOENT) {
2139 // if the directory does not exist: create it
2140 errno = 0;
2141 if (!umask_saved) {
2142 old_umask = umask(0);
2143 umask_saved = true;
2144 }
2145 if (mkdir(path_backup, 0755) < 0) {
2146 fatal_error("Creation of directory `%s' failed when trying to open "
2147 "log file `%s'.", path_backup, path_name);
2148 }
2149 } else {
2150 fatal_error("stat() system call failed on `%s' when creating parent "
2151 "directories for log file `%s'.", path_backup, path_name);
2152 }
2153 }
2154 path_backup[i] = '/';
2155 // skip over the duplicated slashes
2156 while (path_name[++i] == '/') ;
2157 }
2158 if (umask_saved) umask(old_umask);
2159 Free(path_backup);
2160 }
2162 void LegacyLogger::chk_logfile_data()
2163 {
2164 if (this->logfile_size_ == 0 && this->logfile_number_ != 1) {
2165 TTCN_warning("Invalid combination of LogFileSize (= %lu) and "
2166 "LogFileNumber (= %lu). LogFileNumber was reset to 1.",
2167 (unsigned long)this->logfile_size_,
2168 (unsigned long)this->logfile_number_);
2169 this->logfile_number_ = 1;
2170 }
2171 if (this->logfile_size_ > 0 && this->logfile_number_ == 1) {
2172 TTCN_warning("Invalid combination of LogFileSize (= %lu) and "
2173 "LogFileNumber (= %lu). LogFileSize was reset to 0.",
2174 (unsigned long)this->logfile_size_,
2175 (unsigned long)this->logfile_number_);
2176 this->logfile_size_ = 0;
2177 }
2178 if (this->logfile_number_ == 1 &&
2179 this->disk_full_action_.type == TTCN_Logger::DISKFULL_DELETE) {
2180 TTCN_warning("Invalid combination of LogFileNumber (= 1) and "
2181 "DiskFullAction (= Delete). DiskFullAction was reset to "
2182 "Error.");
2183 this->disk_full_action_.type = TTCN_Logger::DISKFULL_ERROR;
2184 }
2185 if (this->logfile_number_ != 1 && this->append_file_) {
2186 TTCN_warning("Invalid combination of LogFileNumber (= %lu) and "
2187 "AppendFile (= Yes). AppendFile was reset to No.",
2188 (unsigned long)this->logfile_number_);
2189 this->append_file_ = false;
2190 }
2191 }
2193 void LegacyLogger::set_file_name(const char *new_filename_skeleton,
2194 boolean from_config)
2195 {
2196 Free(this->filename_skeleton_);
2197 this->filename_skeleton_ = mcopystr(new_filename_skeleton);
2198 if (from_config) this->skeleton_given_ = true;
2199 }
2201 bool LegacyLogger::set_file_size(int p_size)
2202 {
2203 this->logfile_size_ = p_size;
2204 return true;
2205 }
2207 bool LegacyLogger::set_file_number(int p_number)
2208 {
2209 this->logfile_number_ = p_number;
2210 return true;
2211 }
2213 bool LegacyLogger::set_disk_full_action(
2214 TTCN_Logger::disk_full_action_t p_disk_full_action)
2215 {
2216 this->disk_full_action_ = p_disk_full_action;
2217 return true;
2218 }
2220 // LegacyLogger should be the only provider of log2str().
2221 CHARSTRING LegacyLogger::log2str(const TitanLoggerApi::TitanLogEvent& event)
2222 {
2223 char *event_str = event_to_str(event, true);
2224 // mstrlen can handle NULL; it will result in a bound but empty CHARSTRING
2225 CHARSTRING ret_val(mstrlen(event_str), event_str);
2226 if (event_str == NULL) {
2227 TTCN_warning("No text for event");
2228 }
2229 else Free(event_str);
2230 return ret_val;
2231 }
2233 void LegacyLogger::set_append_file(bool new_append_file)
2234 {
2235 this->append_file_ = new_append_file;
2236 }
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