Sync with 5.4.0
[deliverable/titan.core.git] / core / LoggerPluginManager.hh
1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Copyright (c) 2000-2015 Ericsson Telecom AB
3 // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4 // are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6 //
7 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
11 #include "Types.h"
12 #include "Logger.hh"
13 #include "LoggerPlugin.hh"
14 #include "TitanLoggerApi.hh"
15 // The above includes TTCN3.hh, which pulls in everything in the runtime
16 #include "LoggingParam.hh"
18 struct Logging_Bits;
19 struct component_id_t;
20 struct disk_full_action_t;
22 #ifdef __GNUC__
23 #define MUST_CHECK __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__))
24 #else
25 #define MUST_CHECK
26 #endif
28 namespace LoggerAPI
29 {
30 class TitanLogEvent;
31 }
34 class RingBuffer
35 {
36 TitanLoggerApi::TitanLogEvent* buffer;
37 unsigned int head;
38 unsigned int tail;
39 unsigned int size;
41 public:
42 explicit RingBuffer() : buffer(NULL), head(0), tail(0),
43 size(TTCN_Logger::get_emergency_logging()) {}
44 ~RingBuffer();
46 bool get(TitanLoggerApi::TitanLogEvent& data) MUST_CHECK;
47 void put(TitanLoggerApi::TitanLogEvent data);
48 void clear();
49 unsigned int get_size() const { return size; }
50 void set_size(unsigned int new_size);
51 bool isFull() const { return (head + 1) % (size + 1) == tail; }
52 bool isEmpty() const {return head == tail; }
53 };
55 class LoggerPluginManager
56 {
57 friend class ILoggerPlugin;
59 public:
60 void ring_buffer_dump(bool do_close_file);
62 // Sends a single log event to all logger plugins.
63 void internal_log_to_all(const TitanLoggerApi::TitanLogEvent& event,
64 bool log_buffered, bool separate_file, bool use_emergency_mask);
65 // If an event appears before any logger is configured we have to pre-buffer it.
66 void internal_prebuff_logevent(const TitanLoggerApi::TitanLogEvent& event);
67 // When the loggers get configured we have to log everything we have buffered so far
68 void internal_log_prebuff_logevent();
69 public:
70 explicit LoggerPluginManager();
71 ~LoggerPluginManager();
73 void register_plugin(const component_id_t comp, char *identifier, char *filename);
74 void load_plugins(component component_reference, const char *component_name);
75 void unload_plugins();
76 void reset();
78 bool add_parameter(const logging_setting_t& logging_param);
79 void set_parameters(component component_reference, const char *component_name);
81 bool plugins_ready() const;
83 /// Backward compatibility functions to handle top level configuration file
84 /// parameters. All logger plug-ins will receive these settings, but they
85 /// can simply ignore them.
86 bool set_file_mask(component_id_t const& comp, const Logging_Bits& new_file_mask);
87 bool set_console_mask(component_id_t const& comp,
88 const Logging_Bits& new_console_mask);
89 void set_file_name(const char *new_filename_skeleton, bool from_config);
90 void set_append_file(bool new_append_file);
91 /// Return true if the given configuration file parameter was set multiple
92 /// times. (The return value is used by the configuration file parser.)
93 bool set_file_size(component_id_t const& comp, int p_size);
94 bool set_file_number(component_id_t const& cmpt, int p_number);
95 bool set_disk_full_action(component_id_t const& comp,
96 TTCN_Logger::disk_full_action_t p_disk_full_action);
97 void open_file();
98 void close_file();
99 void fill_common_fields(TitanLoggerApi::TitanLogEvent& event,
100 const TTCN_Logger::Severity& severity);
101 void append_event_str(const char *str);
103 /// returns a copy of the current event string
104 char* get_current_event_str();
106 /// Do the actual call to the plug-ins with EVENT. Flush the buffers if
107 /// necessary. It is called at the end of each log_* function. The
108 /// complete event handling is part of LoggerPluginManager.
109 void log(const TitanLoggerApi::TitanLogEvent& event);
110 void log_va_list(TTCN_Logger::Severity msg_severity, const char *fmt_str,
111 va_list p_var);
112 void buffer_event(const TitanLoggerApi::TitanLogEvent& event);
113 void begin_event(TTCN_Logger::Severity msg_severity, bool log2str);
114 void end_event();
115 CHARSTRING end_event_log2str();
116 void finish_event();
117 void log_event_str(const char *str_ptr);
118 void log_char(char c);
119 void log_event_va_list(const char *fmt_str, va_list p_var);
120 void log_unhandled_event(TTCN_Logger::Severity severity,
121 const char *message_ptr, size_t message_len);
122 void log_log_options(const char *message_ptr, size_t message_len);
124 /** @name New, one-per-event log functions.
125 * @{ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
126 void log_timer_read(const char *timer_name, double start_val);
127 void log_timer_start(const char *timer_name, double start_val);
128 void log_timer_guard(double start_val);
129 void log_timer_stop(const char *timer_name, double stop_val);
130 void log_timer_timeout(const char *timer_name, double timeout_val);
131 void log_timer_any_timeout();
132 void log_timer_unqualified(const char *message);
134 void log_testcase_started (const qualified_name& testcase_name);
135 void log_testcase_finished(const qualified_name& testcase_name,
136 verdicttype verdict, const char *reason);
138 void log_controlpart_start_stop(const char *module_name, int finished);
139 void log_controlpart_errors(unsigned int error_count);
141 void log_setverdict(verdicttype new_verdict, verdicttype old_verdict,
142 verdicttype local_verdict, const char *old_reason = NULL, const char *new_reason = NULL);
143 void log_getverdict(verdicttype verdict);
144 void log_final_verdict(bool is_ptc, verdicttype ptc_verdict,
145 verdicttype local_verdict, verdicttype new_verdict,
146 const char *verdict_reason = NULL, int notification = -1,
147 int ptc_compref = UNBOUND_COMPREF, const char *ptc_name = NULL);
149 void log_verdict_statistics(size_t none_count, double none_percent,
150 size_t pass_count, double pass_percent,
151 size_t inconc_count, double inconc_percent,
152 size_t fail_count, double fail_percent,
153 size_t error_count, double error_percent);
155 void log_defaultop_activate (const char *name, int id);
156 void log_defaultop_deactivate(const char *name, int id);
157 void log_defaultop_exit (const char *name, int id, int x);
159 /// EXECUTOR_RUNTIME, fixed strings only (no params)
160 void log_executor_runtime(TitanLoggerApi::ExecutorRuntime_reason reason);
161 // EXECUTOR_RUNTIME with parameters
162 void log_HC_start(const char *host);
163 void log_fd_limits(int fd_limit, long fd_set_size);
164 void log_not_overloaded(int pid);
165 void log_testcase_exec(const char *tc, const char *module);
166 void log_module_init(const char *module, bool finish);
167 void log_mtc_created(long pid);
169 void log_configdata(int reason, const char *str);
171 void log_executor_component(int reason); // and some more
173 void log_executor_misc(int reason, const char *name, const char *address,
174 int port);
176 void log_extcommand(TTCN_Logger::extcommand_t action, const char *cmd);
178 void log_matching_done(TitanLoggerApi::MatchingDoneType_reason reason,
179 const char *type, int ptc, const char *return_type);
181 void log_matching_problem(int reason, int operation,
182 boolean check, boolean anyport, const char *port_name);
184 void log_matching_success(int port_type, const char *port_name, int compref,
185 const CHARSTRING& info);
186 void log_matching_failure(int port_type, const char *port_name, int compref,
187 int reason, const CHARSTRING& info);
189 void log_matching_timeout(const char *timer_name);
191 void log_random(int action, double v, unsigned long u);
193 void log_portconnmap(int operation, int src_compref, const char *src_port,
194 int dst_compref, const char *dst_port);
196 void log_par_ptc(int reason, const char *module, const char *name, int compref,
197 const char *compname, const char *tc_loc, int alive_pid, int status);
199 void log_port_queue(int operation, const char *port_name, int compref, int id,
200 const CHARSTRING& address, const CHARSTRING& param);
202 void log_port_state(int operation, const char *port_name);
204 void log_procport_send(const char *portname, int operation,
205 int compref, const CHARSTRING& system, const CHARSTRING& param);
206 void log_procport_recv(const char *portname, int operation, int compref,
207 boolean check, const CHARSTRING& param, int id);
208 void log_msgport_send(const char *portname, int compref,
209 const CHARSTRING& param);
210 void log_msgport_recv(const char *portname, int operation, int compref,
211 const CHARSTRING& system, const CHARSTRING& param, int id);
213 void log_dualport_map(boolean incoming, const char *target_type,
214 const CHARSTRING& value, int id);
215 void log_dualport_discard(boolean incoming, const char *target_type,
216 const char *port_name, boolean unhandled);
218 void log_port_misc(int reason, const char *port_name, int remote_component,
219 const char *remote_port, const char *ip_address, int tcp_port, int new_size);
221 /** @} * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
222 LoggerPlugin *find_plugin(const char *name);
224 void clear_param_list();
225 void clear_plugin_list();
227 private:
228 explicit LoggerPluginManager(const LoggerPluginManager&);
229 LoggerPluginManager& operator=(const LoggerPluginManager&);
231 void apply_parameter(const logging_setting_t& logparam);
232 void send_parameter_to_plugin(LoggerPlugin* plugin, const logging_setting_t& logparam);
234 void load_plugin(const char *identifier, const char *filename);
236 enum event_destination_t
237 {
238 ED_NONE, // To be discarded.
239 ED_FILE, // Event goes to log file or console, it's a historic name.
240 ED_STRING // Event goes to CHARSTRING.
241 };
243 private:
244 /// Circular buffer for emergency logging
245 RingBuffer ring_buffer;
247 /// Number of loaded plug-ins. Should be at least 1.
248 size_t n_plugins_;
250 /// List of active (dynamic/static) logger plug-ins.
251 LoggerPlugin **plugins_;
253 // This is for the fast events.
254 struct LogEntry
255 {
256 TitanLoggerApi::TitanLogEvent event_;
257 LogEntry *next_entry_;
258 } *entry_list_;
260 // This is for the active events (~ stack).
261 struct ActiveEvent
262 {
263 /// Space for a TitanLogEvent aligned as a long int.
264 long event_[(sizeof(TitanLoggerApi::TitanLogEvent) - 1 + sizeof(long))
265 / sizeof(long)];
267 char *event_str_; // Speed up event string handling.
268 size_t event_str_len_; ///< Actual length of the string.
269 size_t event_str_size_; ///< Size of the allocated memory.
270 event_destination_t event_destination_; // Used only be active events.
271 ActiveEvent *outer_event_;
272 // For better space efficiency, all the pieces are kept concatenated as always,
273 // but we remember offsets into the concatenated string.
274 size_t num_pieces_;
275 size_t *pieces_; // the end of each piece
276 // Only (num_pieces_-1) elements are allocated, so the last accessible
277 // element is at num_pieces_-2. The end of the last piece is event_str_len_
279 /// True if the event is for log2str, in which case @p event_ is blank.
280 bool fake_;
282 /** Constructor
283 *
284 * @param fake_event true if the event is for log2str, in which case
285 * @p event_ is not initialized.
286 * @param dest event destination (logfile, string or none)
287 */
288 ActiveEvent(bool fake_event, event_destination_t dest);
289 ~ActiveEvent();
290 TitanLoggerApi::TitanLogEvent& get_event()
291 {
292 return *reinterpret_cast<TitanLoggerApi::TitanLogEvent*>((void*)&event_);
293 }
294 } *current_event_;
296 logging_setting_t* logparams_head;
297 logging_setting_t* logparams_tail;
299 logging_plugin_t* logplugins_head;
300 logging_plugin_t* logplugins_tail;
301 };
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