common: Annotate some methods in ByteBuffer
[deliverable/tracecompass.git] / ctf / org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf.core / src / org / eclipse / tracecompass / ctf / core / event / io /
1 /*******************************************************************************.
2 * Copyright (c) 2011, 2014 Ericsson, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal and others
3 *
4 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made
5 * available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
6 * accompanies this distribution, and is available at
7 *
8 *
9 * Contributors:
10 * Matthew Khouzam - Initial Design and implementation + overhaul
11 * Francis Giraldeau - Initial API and implementation
12 * Philippe Proulx - Some refinement and optimization
13 * Etienne Bergeron <> - fix zero size read + cleanup
14 *******************************************************************************/
16 package;
18 import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
19 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
20 import java.nio.ByteOrder;
22 import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
23 import org.eclipse.tracecompass.ctf.core.CTFException;
25 /**
26 * <b><u>BitBuffer</u></b>
27 * <p>
28 * A bitwise buffer capable of accessing fields with bit offsets.
29 */
30 public final class BitBuffer {
32 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 // Constants
34 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 /* default bit width */
37 private static final int BIT_CHAR = Byte.SIZE; // yum
38 private static final int BYTE_MASK = (1 << BIT_CHAR) - 1;
39 private static final int BIT_SHORT = Short.SIZE;
40 private static final int SHORT_MASK = (1 << BIT_SHORT) - 1;
41 private static final int BIT_INT = Integer.SIZE;
42 private static final long INT_MASK = (1L << BIT_INT) - 1;
43 private static final int BIT_LONG = Long.SIZE;
45 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 // Attributes
47 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
49 private final @NonNull ByteBuffer fBuffer;
50 private final long fBitCapacity;
52 /**
53 * Bit-buffer's position, maximum value = Integer.MAX_VALUE * 8
54 */
55 private long fPosition;
56 private ByteOrder fByteOrder;
58 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 // Constructors
60 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 /**
62 * Default constructor, makes a big-endian buffer
63 */
64 public BitBuffer() {
65 this(ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(0), ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
66 }
68 /**
69 * Constructor, makes a big-endian buffer
70 *
71 * @param buf
72 * the bytebuffer to read
73 */
74 public BitBuffer(@NonNull ByteBuffer buf) {
75 this(buf, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
76 }
78 /**
79 * Constructor that is fully parameterizable
80 *
81 * @param buf
82 * the buffer to read
83 * @param order
84 * the byte order (big-endian, little-endian, network?)
85 */
86 public BitBuffer(@NonNull ByteBuffer buf, ByteOrder order) {
87 fBuffer = buf;
88 setByteOrder(order);
89 resetPosition();
90 fBitCapacity = (long) fBuffer.capacity() * BIT_CHAR;
91 }
93 private void resetPosition() {
94 fPosition = 0;
95 }
97 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 // 'Get' operations on buffer
99 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 /**
102 * Relative <i>get</i> method for reading 32-bit integer.
103 *
104 * Reads next four bytes from the current bit position according to current
105 * byte order.
106 *
107 * @return The int value (signed) read from the buffer
108 * @throws CTFException
109 * An error occurred reading the long. This exception can be
110 * raised if the buffer tries to read out of bounds
111 */
112 public int getInt() throws CTFException {
113 return getInt(BIT_INT, true);
114 }
116 /**
117 * Relative <i>get</i> method for reading 64-bit integer.
118 *
119 * Reads next eight bytes from the current bit position according to current
120 * byte order.
121 *
122 * @return The long value (signed) read from the buffer
123 * @throws CTFException
124 * An error occurred reading the long. This exception can be
125 * raised if the buffer tries to read out of bounds
126 */
127 public long getLong() throws CTFException {
128 return get(BIT_LONG, true);
129 }
131 /**
132 * Relative <i>get</i> method for reading long of <i>length</i> bits.
133 *
134 * Reads <i>length</i> bits starting at the current position. The result is
135 * signed extended if <i>signed</i> is true. The current position is
136 * increased of <i>length</i> bits.
137 *
138 * @param length
139 * The length in bits of this integer
140 * @param signed
141 * The sign extended flag
142 * @return The long value read from the buffer
143 * @throws CTFException
144 * An error occurred reading the data. If more than 64 bits at a
145 * time are read, or the buffer is read beyond its end, this
146 * exception will be raised.
147 */
148 public long get(int length, boolean signed) throws CTFException {
149 if (length > BIT_LONG) {
150 throw new CTFException("Cannot read a long longer than 64 bits. Rquested: " + length); //$NON-NLS-1$
151 }
152 if (length > BIT_INT) {
153 final int highShift = length - BIT_INT;
154 long a = getInt();
155 long b = getInt(highShift, false);
156 long retVal;
157 /* Cast the signed-extended int into a unsigned int. */
158 a &= INT_MASK;
159 b &= (1L << highShift) - 1L;
161 retVal = (fByteOrder == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) ? ((a << highShift) | b) : ((b << BIT_INT) | a);
162 /* sign extend */
163 if (signed) {
164 int signExtendBits = BIT_LONG - length;
165 retVal = (retVal << signExtendBits) >> signExtendBits;
166 }
167 return retVal;
168 }
169 long retVal = getInt(length, signed);
170 return (signed ? retVal : (retVal & INT_MASK));
171 }
173 /**
174 * Relative bulk <i>get</i> method.
175 *
176 * <p>
177 * This method transfers <strong>bytes</strong> from this buffer into the
178 * given destination array. This method currently only supports reads
179 * aligned to 8 bytes. It is up to the developer to shift the bits in
180 * post-processing to do unaligned reads.
181 *
182 * @param dst
183 * the bytes to write to
184 * @throws BufferUnderflowException
185 * - If there are fewer than length bytes remaining in this
186 * buffer
187 */
188 public void get(byte @NonNull [] dst) {
189 fBuffer.position((int) (fPosition / BIT_CHAR));
190 fBuffer.get(dst);
191 fPosition += dst.length * BIT_CHAR;
192 }
194 /**
195 * Relative <i>get</i> method for reading integer of <i>length</i> bits.
196 *
197 * Reads <i>length</i> bits starting at the current position. The result is
198 * signed extended if <i>signed</i> is true. The current position is
199 * increased of <i>length</i> bits.
200 *
201 * @param length
202 * The length in bits of this integer
203 * @param signed
204 * The sign extended flag
205 * @return The int value read from the buffer
206 * @throws CTFException
207 * An error occurred reading the data. When the buffer is read
208 * beyond its end, this exception will be raised.
209 */
210 private int getInt(int length, boolean signed) throws CTFException {
212 /* Nothing to read. */
213 if (length == 0) {
214 return 0;
215 }
217 /* Validate that the buffer has enough bits. */
218 if (!canRead(length)) {
219 throw new CTFException("Cannot read the integer, " + //$NON-NLS-1$
220 "the buffer does not have enough remaining space. " + //$NON-NLS-1$
221 "Requested:" + length + " Available:" + (fBitCapacity - fPosition)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
222 }
224 /* Get the value from the byte buffer. */
225 int val = 0;
226 boolean gotIt = false;
228 /*
229 * Try a fast read when the position is byte-aligned by using
230 * java.nio.ByteBuffer's native methods
231 */
232 /*
233 * A faster alignment detection as the compiler cannot guaranty that pos
234 * is always positive.
235 */
236 if ((fPosition & (BitBuffer.BIT_CHAR - 1)) == 0) {
237 switch (length) {
238 case BitBuffer.BIT_CHAR:
239 // Byte
240 val = fBuffer.get((int) (fPosition / BIT_CHAR));
241 if (!signed) {
242 val = val & BYTE_MASK;
243 }
244 gotIt = true;
245 break;
247 case BitBuffer.BIT_SHORT:
248 // Word
249 val = fBuffer.getShort((int) (fPosition / BIT_CHAR));
250 if (!signed) {
251 val = val & SHORT_MASK;
252 }
253 gotIt = true;
254 break;
256 case BitBuffer.BIT_INT:
257 // Double word
258 val = fBuffer.getInt((int) (fPosition / BIT_CHAR));
259 gotIt = true;
260 break;
262 default:
263 break;
264 }
265 }
267 /* When not byte-aligned, fall-back to a general decoder. */
268 if (!gotIt) {
269 // Nothing read yet: use longer methods
270 if (fByteOrder == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) {
271 val = getIntLE(fPosition, length, signed);
272 } else {
273 val = getIntBE(fPosition, length, signed);
274 }
275 }
276 fPosition += length;
278 return val;
279 }
281 private int getIntBE(long index, int length, boolean signed) {
282 if ((length <= 0) || (length > BIT_INT)) {
283 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Length must be between 1-32 bits"); //$NON-NLS-1$
284 }
285 long end = index + length;
286 int startByte = (int) (index / BIT_CHAR);
287 int endByte = (int) ((end + (BIT_CHAR - 1)) / BIT_CHAR);
288 int currByte, lshift, cshift, mask, cmask, cache;
289 int value = 0;
291 currByte = startByte;
292 cache = fBuffer.get(currByte) & BYTE_MASK;
293 boolean isNeg = (cache & (1 << (BIT_CHAR - (index % BIT_CHAR) - 1))) != 0;
294 if (signed && isNeg) {
295 value = ~0;
296 }
297 if (startByte == (endByte - 1)) {
298 cmask = cache >>> ((BIT_CHAR - (end % BIT_CHAR)) % BIT_CHAR);
299 if (((length) % BIT_CHAR) > 0) {
300 mask = ~((~0) << length);
301 cmask &= mask;
302 }
303 value <<= length;
304 value |= cmask;
305 return value;
306 }
307 cshift = (int) (index % BIT_CHAR);
308 if (cshift > 0) {
309 mask = ~((~0) << (BIT_CHAR - cshift));
310 cmask = cache & mask;
311 lshift = BIT_CHAR - cshift;
312 value <<= lshift;
313 value |= cmask;
314 currByte++;
315 }
316 for (; currByte < (endByte - 1); currByte++) {
317 value <<= BIT_CHAR;
318 value |= fBuffer.get(currByte) & BYTE_MASK;
319 }
320 lshift = (int) (end % BIT_CHAR);
321 if (lshift > 0) {
322 mask = ~((~0) << lshift);
323 cmask = fBuffer.get(currByte) & BYTE_MASK;
324 cmask >>>= BIT_CHAR - lshift;
325 cmask &= mask;
326 value <<= lshift;
327 value |= cmask;
328 } else {
329 value <<= BIT_CHAR;
330 value |= fBuffer.get(currByte) & BYTE_MASK;
331 }
332 return value;
333 }
335 private int getIntLE(long index, int length, boolean signed) {
336 if ((length <= 0) || (length > BIT_INT)) {
337 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Length must be between 1-32 bits"); //$NON-NLS-1$
338 }
339 long end = index + length;
340 int startByte = (int) (index / BIT_CHAR);
341 int endByte = (int) ((end + (BIT_CHAR - 1)) / BIT_CHAR);
342 int currByte, lshift, cshift, mask, cmask, cache, mod;
343 int value = 0;
345 currByte = endByte - 1;
346 cache = fBuffer.get(currByte) & BYTE_MASK;
347 mod = (int) (end % BIT_CHAR);
348 lshift = (mod > 0) ? mod : BIT_CHAR;
349 boolean isNeg = (cache & (1 << (lshift - 1))) != 0;
350 if (signed && isNeg) {
351 value = ~0;
352 }
353 if (startByte == (endByte - 1)) {
354 cmask = cache >>> (index % BIT_CHAR);
355 if (((length) % BIT_CHAR) > 0) {
356 mask = ~((~0) << length);
357 cmask &= mask;
358 }
359 value <<= length;
360 value |= cmask;
361 return value;
362 }
363 cshift = (int) (end % BIT_CHAR);
364 if (cshift > 0) {
365 mask = ~((~0) << cshift);
366 cmask = cache & mask;
367 value <<= cshift;
368 value |= cmask;
369 currByte--;
370 }
371 for (; currByte >= (startByte + 1); currByte--) {
372 value <<= BIT_CHAR;
373 value |= fBuffer.get(currByte) & BYTE_MASK;
374 }
375 lshift = (int) (index % BIT_CHAR);
376 if (lshift > 0) {
377 mask = ~((~0) << (BIT_CHAR - lshift));
378 cmask = fBuffer.get(currByte) & BYTE_MASK;
379 cmask >>>= lshift;
380 cmask &= mask;
381 value <<= (BIT_CHAR - lshift);
382 value |= cmask;
383 } else {
384 value <<= BIT_CHAR;
385 value |= fBuffer.get(currByte) & BYTE_MASK;
386 }
387 return value;
388 }
390 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
391 // 'Put' operations on buffer
392 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
394 /**
395 * Relative <i>put</i> method to write signed 32-bit integer.
396 *
397 * Write four bytes starting from current bit position in the buffer
398 * according to the current byte order. The current position is increased of
399 * <i>length</i> bits.
400 *
401 * @param value
402 * The int value to write
403 * @throws CTFException
404 * An error occurred writing the data. If the buffer is written
405 * beyond its end, this exception will be raised.
406 */
407 public void putInt(int value) throws CTFException {
408 putInt(BIT_INT, value);
409 }
411 /**
412 * Relative <i>put</i> method to write <i>length</i> bits integer.
413 *
414 * Writes <i>length</i> lower-order bits from the provided <i>value</i>,
415 * starting from current bit position in the buffer. Sequential bytes are
416 * written according to the current byte order. The sign bit is carried to
417 * the MSB if signed is true. The sign bit is included in <i>length</i>. The
418 * current position is increased of <i>length</i>.
419 *
420 * @param length
421 * The number of bits to write
422 * @param value
423 * The value to write
424 * @throws CTFException
425 * An error occurred writing the data. If the buffer is written
426 * beyond its end, this exception will be raised.
427 */
428 public void putInt(int length, int value) throws CTFException {
429 final long curPos = fPosition;
431 if (!canRead(length)) {
432 throw new CTFException("Cannot write to bitbuffer, " //$NON-NLS-1$
433 + "insufficient space. Requested: " + length); //$NON-NLS-1$
434 }
435 if (length == 0) {
436 return;
437 }
438 if (fByteOrder == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) {
439 putIntLE(curPos, length, value);
440 } else {
441 putIntBE(curPos, length, value);
442 }
443 fPosition += length;
444 }
446 private void putIntBE(long index, int length, int value) {
447 if ((length <= 0) || (length > BIT_INT)) {
448 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Length must be between 1-32 bits"); //$NON-NLS-1$
449 }
450 long end = index + length;
451 int startByte = (int) (index / BIT_CHAR);
452 int endByte = (int) ((end + (BIT_CHAR - 1)) / BIT_CHAR);
453 int currByte, lshift, cshift, mask, cmask;
454 int correctedValue = value;
456 /*
457 * mask v high bits. Works for unsigned and two complement signed
458 * numbers which value do not overflow on length bits.
459 */
461 if (length < BIT_INT) {
462 correctedValue &= ~(~0 << length);
463 }
465 /* sub byte */
466 if (startByte == (endByte - 1)) {
467 lshift = (int) ((BIT_CHAR - (end % BIT_CHAR)) % BIT_CHAR);
468 mask = ~((~0) << lshift);
469 if ((index % BIT_CHAR) > 0) {
470 mask |= (~(0)) << (BIT_CHAR - (index % BIT_CHAR));
471 }
472 cmask = correctedValue << lshift;
473 /*
474 * low bits are cleared because of left-shift and high bits are
475 * already cleared
476 */
477 cmask &= ~mask;
478 int b = fBuffer.get(startByte) & BYTE_MASK;
479 fBuffer.put(startByte, (byte) ((b & mask) | cmask));
480 return;
481 }
483 /* head byte contains MSB */
484 currByte = endByte - 1;
485 cshift = (int) (end % BIT_CHAR);
486 if (cshift > 0) {
487 lshift = BIT_CHAR - cshift;
488 mask = ~((~0) << lshift);
489 cmask = correctedValue << lshift;
490 cmask &= ~mask;
491 int b = fBuffer.get(currByte) & BYTE_MASK;
492 fBuffer.put(currByte, (byte) ((b & mask) | cmask));
493 correctedValue >>>= cshift;
494 currByte--;
495 }
497 /* middle byte(s) */
498 for (; currByte >= (startByte + 1); currByte--) {
499 fBuffer.put(currByte, (byte) correctedValue);
500 correctedValue >>>= BIT_CHAR;
501 }
502 /* end byte contains LSB */
503 if ((index % BIT_CHAR) > 0) {
504 mask = (~0) << (BIT_CHAR - (index % BIT_CHAR));
505 cmask = correctedValue & ~mask;
506 int b = fBuffer.get(currByte) & BYTE_MASK;
507 fBuffer.put(currByte, (byte) ((b & mask) | cmask));
508 } else {
509 fBuffer.put(currByte, (byte) correctedValue);
510 }
511 }
513 private void putIntLE(long index, int length, int value) {
514 if ((length <= 0) || (length > BIT_INT)) {
515 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Length must be between 1-32 bits"); //$NON-NLS-1$
516 }
517 long end = index + length;
518 int startByte = (int) (index / BIT_CHAR);
519 int endByte = (int) ((end + (BIT_CHAR - 1)) / BIT_CHAR);
520 int currByte, lshift, cshift, mask, cmask;
521 int correctedValue = value;
523 /*
524 * mask v high bits. Works for unsigned and two complement signed
525 * numbers which value do not overflow on length bits.
526 */
528 if (length < BIT_INT) {
529 correctedValue &= ~(~0 << length);
530 }
532 /* sub byte */
533 if (startByte == (endByte - 1)) {
534 lshift = (int) (index % BIT_CHAR);
535 mask = ~((~0) << lshift);
536 if ((end % BIT_CHAR) > 0) {
537 mask |= (~(0)) << (end % BIT_CHAR);
538 }
539 cmask = correctedValue << lshift;
540 /*
541 * low bits are cleared because of left-shift and high bits are
542 * already cleared
543 */
544 cmask &= ~mask;
545 int b = fBuffer.get(startByte) & BYTE_MASK;
546 fBuffer.put(startByte, (byte) ((b & mask) | cmask));
547 return;
548 }
550 /* head byte */
551 currByte = startByte;
552 cshift = (int) (index % BIT_CHAR);
553 if (cshift > 0) {
554 mask = ~((~0) << cshift);
555 cmask = correctedValue << cshift;
556 cmask &= ~mask;
557 int b = fBuffer.get(currByte) & BYTE_MASK;
558 fBuffer.put(currByte, (byte) ((b & mask) | cmask));
559 correctedValue >>>= BIT_CHAR - cshift;
560 currByte++;
561 }
563 /* middle byte(s) */
564 for (; currByte < (endByte - 1); currByte++) {
565 fBuffer.put(currByte, (byte) correctedValue);
566 correctedValue >>>= BIT_CHAR;
567 }
568 /* end byte */
569 if ((end % BIT_CHAR) > 0) {
570 mask = (~0) << (end % BIT_CHAR);
571 cmask = correctedValue & ~mask;
572 int b = fBuffer.get(currByte) & BYTE_MASK;
573 fBuffer.put(currByte, (byte) ((b & mask) | cmask));
574 } else {
575 fBuffer.put(currByte, (byte) correctedValue);
576 }
577 }
579 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
580 // Buffer attributes handling
581 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
583 /**
584 * Can this buffer be read for thus amount of bits?
585 *
586 * @param length
587 * the length in bits to read
588 * @return does the buffer have enough room to read the next "length"
589 */
590 public boolean canRead(int length) {
591 return ((fPosition + length) <= fBitCapacity);
592 }
594 /**
595 * Sets the order of the buffer.
596 *
597 * @param order
598 * The order of the buffer.
599 */
600 public void setByteOrder(ByteOrder order) {
601 fByteOrder = order;
602 fBuffer.order(order);
603 }
605 /**
606 * Sets the order of the buffer.
607 *
608 * @return The order of the buffer.
609 */
610 public ByteOrder getByteOrder() {
611 return fByteOrder;
612 }
614 /**
615 * Sets the position in the buffer.
616 *
617 * @param newPosition
618 * The new position of the buffer.
619 * @throws CTFException
620 * Thrown on out of bounds exceptions
621 */
622 public void position(long newPosition) throws CTFException {
624 if (newPosition > fBitCapacity) {
625 throw new CTFException("Out of bounds exception on a position move, attempting to access position: " + newPosition); //$NON-NLS-1$
626 }
627 fPosition = newPosition;
628 }
630 /**
631 *
632 * Sets the position in the buffer.
633 *
634 * @return order The position of the buffer.
635 */
636 public long position() {
637 return fPosition;
638 }
640 /**
641 * Gets the byte buffer
642 *
643 * @return The byte buffer
644 */
645 public ByteBuffer getByteBuffer() {
646 return fBuffer;
647 }
649 /**
650 * Resets the bitbuffer.
651 */
652 public void clear() {
653 resetPosition();
654 fBuffer.clear();
655 }
657 }
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