babeltrace2-intro(7): add more changes since Babeltrace 1
[babeltrace.git] / doc / man / babeltrace2-intro.7.txt
1 = babeltrace2-intro(7)
2 :manpagetype: manual page
3 :revdate: 14 September 2019
6 == NAME
8 babeltrace2-intro - Introduction to Babeltrace 2
13 This manual page is an introduction to the Babeltrace~2 project.
15 The <<what-is,``WHAT IS BABELTRACE~2?''>> section describes the
16 parts of the project and shows the major changes from Babeltrace~1
17 to Babeltrace~2 while the <<concepts,``BABELTRACE~2
18 CONCEPTS''>> section defines the core concepts of Babeltrace~2.
20 The <<graph-repr,``TRACE PROCESSING GRAPH REPRESENTATION''>> section
21 shows how some <<concepts,concepts>> are visually represented in other
22 Babeltrace~2 manual pages.
25 [[what-is]]
28 Babeltrace~2 is an open-source software project of which the
29 purpose is to process or convert
32 The Babeltrace~2 project includes the following parts:
34 [[libbabeltrace2]]Babeltrace~2 library (libbabeltrace2)::
35 A shared library with a C API.
36 +
37 With libbabeltrace2, you can programmatically create <<plugin,plugins>>
38 and <<comp-cls,component classes>>, build and run <<graph,trace
39 processing graphs>>, and more (see the <<concepts,``BABELTRACE~2
40 CONCEPTS''>> section for more details about those concepts).
41 +
42 All the other Babeltrace~2 parts rely on this library.
44 [[babeltrace2]]`babeltrace2` command-line program::
45 A command-line interface which uses libbabeltrace2 to load plugins,
46 create a trace processing graph, create <<comp,components>>, connect
47 their <<port,ports>> correctly, and run the graph.
48 +
49 You can also use `babeltrace2` to list the available plugins or to
50 <<query,query>> an object from a component class.
51 +
52 See man:babeltrace2(1).
54 [[python-bindings]]Babeltrace~2 Python bindings::
55 A Python~3 package (`bt2`) which offers a Pythonic interface of
56 libbabeltrace2.
57 +
58 You can perform the same operations which are available in
59 libbabeltrace2 with the Python bindings, but more conveniently and with
60 less code. However, the Python bindings are less performant than
61 libbabeltrace2.
63 Babeltrace~2 project's plugins::
64 The Babeltrace~2 <<plugin,plugins>> shipped with the project.
65 +
66 Those plugins are not special in that they only rely on libbabeltrace2
67 and you don't need them to use libbabeltrace2, man:babeltrace2(1), or
68 the Python bindings. However, the project's plugins provide many widely
69 used trace format encoders/decoders as well as common <<graph,trace
70 processing graph>> utilities.
71 +
72 The Babeltrace~2 project's plugins are:
73 +
74 --
75 `ctf`::
76[Common Trace Format] (CTF) input/output,
77 including the LTTng live source.
78 +
79 See man:babeltrace2-plugin-ctf(7).
81 `lttng-utils`::
82 Graph utilities specific to[LTTng] traces.
83 +
84 See man:babeltrace2-plugin-lttng-utils(7).
86 `text`::
87 Plain text input/output.
88 +
89 See man:babeltrace2-plugin-text(7).
91 `utils`::
92 Common graph utilities (muxer, trimmer, counter, dummy sink).
93 +
94 See man:babeltrace2-plugin-utils(7).
95 --
98 === Changes since Babeltrace~1
100 This manual page is an introduction to Babeltrace~2, a rewrite of
101 Babeltrace~1 with a focus on extensibility, flexibility, and
102 interoperability.
104 Babeltrace~1 exists since 2010.
106 You can install both projects on the same file system as there are no
107 file name conflicts.
109 The major improvements brought by Babeltrace~2 are:
111 General::
112 +
113 --
114 * Full <<plugin,plugin>> support: any user can distribute a Babeltrace~2
115 plugin and, as long as <<libbabeltrace2,libbabeltrace2>> finds it, any
116 application linked to libbabeltrace2 can load it and use it.
117 +
118 Plugins are not just trace format encoders and decoders: they package
119 source, filter, and sink <<comp-cls,component classes>> so that you can
120 connect specialized, reusable <<comp,components>> together in a
121 <<graph,trace processing graph>> to create a customized trace conversion
122 or analysis device.
123 +
124 This modular strategy is much like how the
126[GStreamer], and
127[DirectShow] projects approach
128 media stream processing.
130 * All the parts of the Babeltrace~2 project run on the major
131 operating systems, including Windows and macOS.
133 * Some <<comp-cls,component classes>>, such as compcls:sink.text.pretty
134 (similar to the `text` output format of man:babeltrace(1)) and
135 compcls:sink.text.details, can write color codes to the standard
136 output when it's connected to a color-enabled terminal.
137 +
138 The Babeltrace~2 log, printed to the standard output, can also be
139 colorized.
140 --
142 Command-line interface::
143 +
144 --
145 * Whereas you can convert traces from one format to another with
146 Babeltrace~1's CLI tool, man:babeltrace(1), you can also execute a
147 custom trace manipulation task with man:babeltrace2(1) thanks to the
148 man:babeltrace2-run(1) command.
150 * The man:babeltrace2-convert(1) command features an automatic source
151 component discovery algorithm to find the best suited components to
152 create for a given non-option argument (file or directory path, or
153 custom string like an[LTTng live] URL).
154 +
155 For example:
156 +
157 [role="term"]
158 ----
159 $ babeltrace2 /path/to/ctf/trace
160 ----
161 +
162 [role="term"]
163 ----
164 $ babeltrace2 net://localhost/host/myhost/my-session
165 ----
166 --
168[CTF] input/output::
169 +
170 --
171 * The compcls:source.ctf.fs component class, which is more or less the
172 equivalent of Babeltrace~1's `ctf` input format, has features
173 not found in Babeltrace~1:
174 +
175 --
176 ** The component handles many trace quirks which are the results of
177 known tracer bugs and corner cases (LTTng-UST, LTTng-modules, and
178[barectf]), making it possible to
179 decode malformed packets.
181 ** The component merges CTF traces sharing the same UUID into a single,
182 logical trace.
183 +
184 This feature supports LTTng~2.11's tracing session rotation trace
185 chunks.
186 --
188 * With a compcls:sink.ctf.fs component, you can create CTF traces on
189 the file system.
190 +
191 With man:babeltrace2-convert(1), you can use the `--output-format=ctf`
192 and manopt:babeltrace2-convert(1):--output options to create an implicit
193 compcls:sink.ctf.fs component.
194 +
195 For example:
196 +
197 [role="term"]
198 ----
199 $ babeltrace2 /path/to/input/trace \
200 --output-format=ctf --output=trace-dir
201 ----
202 --
204[LTTng live] input::
205 +
206 --
207 * The man:babeltrace(1) command exits successfully when it cannot find
208 an LTTng live (`--input-format=lttng-live` option) tracing session.
209 +
210 The manparam:source.ctf.lttng-live:session-not-found-action
211 initialization parameter controls what a compcls:source.ctf.lttng-live
212 <<msg-iter,message iterator>> does when it cannot find the remote
213 tracing session.
214 +
215 If the action is `end`, the message iterator does like man:babeltrace(1)
216 and simply ends successfully.
217 +
218 If the action is `continue` (the default), the message iterator never
219 ends: it keeps on trying until the tracing session exists, indeed
220 subscribing to the session.
221 --
223 Library::
224 +
225 --
226 * <<libbabeltrace2,libbabeltrace2>> shares nothing with libbabeltrace.
227 +
228 The Babeltrace~2 library C API has features such as:
229 +
230 --
231 * A single header file.
232 * Function precondition and postcondition checking.
233 * Object-oriented model with shared and unique objects.
234 * Strict C typing and `const` correctness.
235 * User-extensible classes.
236 * Rich, thread-safe error reporting.
237 * Per-<<comp,component>> and per-subsystem logging levels.
238 * Trace intermediate representation (IR) objects to make the API
239 trace-format-agnostic.
240 * A versioned protocol for message interchange between components to
241 enable forward and backward compatibility.
242 --
244 * You can build the library in developer mode to enable an extensive set
245 of function precondition and postcondition checks.
246 +
247 The developer mode can help detect programming errors early when you
248 develop a Babeltrace~2 <<plugin,plugin>> or an application using
249 libbabeltrace2.
250 +
251 See the project's `README` for build-time requirements and detailed
252 build instructions.
254 --
257 [[concepts]]
260 This section defines the main concepts of the Babeltrace~2 project.
262 These concepts translate into types and functions in
263 <<libbabeltrace2,libbabeltrace2>> and its <<python-bindings,Python
264 bindings>>, but also as command-line actions and options in the
265 <<babeltrace2,`babeltrace2` program>>. The other Babeltrace~2
266 manual pages assume that you are familiar with the following
267 definitions.
269 Some Babeltrace~2 concepts are interdependent: it is normal to jump
270 from one definition to another to understand the big picture.
272 [[comp-cls]]Component class::
273 A reusable class which you can instantiate as one or more
274 <<comp,components>> within a <<graph,trace processing graph>>.
275 +
276 There are three types of component classes used to create the three
277 types of components: source, filter, and sink.
278 +
279 A component class implements methods, one of which is an initialization
280 method, or constructor, to create a component. You pass _initialization
281 parameters_ to this method to customize the created component. For
282 example, the initialization method of the compcls:source.ctf.fs
283 component class accepts a mandatory manparam:source.ctf.fs:inputs
284 parameter which is an array of file system path(s) to the CTF trace(s).
285 It also accepts an optional manparam:source.ctf.fs:clock-class-offset-ns
286 parameter which is an offset, in nanoseconds, to add to all the clock
287 classes (descriptors of stream clocks) found in the traces's metadata.
288 +
289 A component class can have a description and a help text.
291 [[comp]]Component::
292 A node within a <<graph,trace processing graph>>.
293 +
294 There are three types of components:
295 +
296 --
297 Source component::
298 An input component which produces <<msg,messages>>.
299 +
300 Examples: CTF files input, log file input, LTTng live input, random
301 event generator.
303 Filter component::
304 An intermediate component which can transform the messages it
305 consumes, augment them, sort them, discard them, or create new ones.
306 +
307 Examples: filter which removes messages based on an expression,
308 filter which adds debugging information to selected events, message
309 muxer, trace trimmer.
311 Sink component::
312 An output component which consumes messages and usually writes them
313 to one or more formatted files.
314 +
315 Examples: log file output, CTF files output, pretty-printed plain text
316 output.
317 --
318 +
319 Components are connected together within a <<graph,trace processing
320 graph>> through their <<port,ports>>. Source components have output
321 ports, sink components have input ports, and filter components have
322 both.
323 +
324 A component is the instance of a <<comp-cls,component class>>. The terms
325 _component_ and _component class instance_ are equivalent.
326 +
327 Within a trace processing graph, each component has a unique name. This
328 is not the name of its component class, but an instance name. If `human`
329 is a component class name, than `Nancy` and `John` could be component
330 names.
331 +
332 Once a <<graph,graph>> is configured (the first time it runs), you
333 cannot add components to it for the remaining graph's lifetime.
335 [[port]]Port::
336 A connection point, on a <<comp,component>>, from which are sent or
337 where are received <<msg,messages>> when the <<graph,trace
338 processing graph>> runs.
339 +
340 An output port is from where messages are sent. An input port is where
341 messages are received. Source components have output ports, sink
342 components have input ports, and filter components have both.
343 +
344 You can only connect an output port to a single input port.
345 +
346 All ports do not need to be connected.
347 +
348 A filter or sink component receiving messages from its input ports
349 is said to _consume_ messages.
350 +
351 The link between an output port and input port is a <<conn,connection>>.
352 +
353 Once a <<graph,graph>> is configured (the first time it runs), you
354 cannot connect ports for the remaining graph's lifetime.
356 [[conn]]Connection::
357 The link between an output <<port,port>> and an input port through
358 which <<msg,messages>> flow when a <<graph,trace processing
359 graph>> runs.
361 [[msg-iter]]Message iterator::
362 An iterator on an input <<port,port>> of which the returned elements
363 are <<msg,messages>>.
364 +
365 A <<comp,component>> or another message iterator can create many message
366 iterators on a single input port, before or while the <<graph,trace
367 processing graph>> runs.
369 [[msg]]Message::
370 The element of a <<msg-iter,message iterator>>.
371 +
372 Messages flow from output <<port,ports>> to input ports.
373 +
374 A source <<comp,component>> <<msg-iter,message iterator>> produces
375 messages, while a sink component consumes them. A filter component
376 message iterator can both consume and produce messages.
377 +
378 The main types of messages are:
379 +
380 --
381 Event::
382 A trace event record within a packet or within a stream.
384 Packet beginning::
385 The beginning of a packet within a stream.
386 +
387 A packet is a conceptual container of events.
389 Packet end::
390 The end of a packet within a stream.
392 Stream beginning::
393 The beginning of a stream.
394 +
395 A stream is a conceptual container of packets and/or events.
396 +
397 Usually, a given source component's output port sends packet and event
398 messages which belong to a single stream, but it's not required.
400 Stream end::
401 The end of a stream.
403 Discarded events::
404 A count of discarded events within a given time interval for a given
405 stream.
407 Discarded packets::
408 A count of discarded packets within a given time interval for a
409 given stream.
410 --
412 [[graph]]Trace processing graph::
413 A[filter graph] where
414 nodes are <<comp,components>> and <<msg,messages>> flow from
415 output <<port,ports>> to input ports.
416 +
417 You can build a trace processing graph with
418 <<libbabeltrace2,libbabeltrace2>>, with the
419 <<python-bindings,Babeltrace~2 Python bindings>>, or with the
420 man:babeltrace2-run(1) and man:babeltrace2-convert(1) CLI commands.
421 +
422 When a trace processing graph _runs_, the sink components consume
423 messages from their input ports, making all the graph's
424 <<msg-iter,message iterators>> work one message at a time to perform the
425 trace conversion or analysis duty.
427 [[plugin]]Plugin::
428 A container, or package, of <<comp-cls,component classes>> as a
429 shared library or Python module.
430 +
431 Each component class within a plugin has a type (source, filter, or
432 sink) and a name. The type and name pair is unique within a given
433 plugin.
434 +
435 <<libbabeltrace2,libbabeltrace2>> can load a plugin (`.so`, `.dll`, or
436 `.py` file) at run time: the result is a plugin object in which you can
437 find a specific component class and instantiate it within a
438 <<graph,trace processing graph>> as a <<comp,component>>.
439 +
440 The <<babeltrace2,`babeltrace2` program>> uses the
441 'COMP-CLS-TYPE.PLUGIN-NAME.COMP-CLS-NAME' format to identify a specific
442 component class within a specific plugin. 'COMP-CLS-TYPE' is either
443 `source` (or `src`), `filter` (or `flt`), or `sink`.
444 +
445 You can list the available Babeltrace~2 plugins with the
446 man:babeltrace2-list-plugins(1) command.
448 [[query]]Query::
449 An operation with which you can get a named object from a
450 <<comp-cls,component class>>, possibly with custom query parameters.
451 +
452 The plain text metadata stream of a CTF trace and the available LTTng
453 live sessions of a given LTTng relay daemon are examples of query
454 objects.
455 +
456 You can use <<libbabeltrace2,libbabeltrace2>>, the
457 <<python-bindings,Babeltrace~2 Python bindings>>, or the
458 man:babeltrace2-query(1) CLI command to query a component class's
459 object.
462 [[graph-repr]]
465 In the Babeltrace~2 manual pages, a component is represented with a
466 box. The box has the <<comp-cls,component class>> type,
467 <<plugin,plugin>> name, and component class name at the top. Just below,
468 between square brackets, is its component name within the <<graph,trace
469 processing graph>>. Each <<port,port>> is represented with an `@` symbol
470 on the border(s) of the component box with its name inside the box.
471 Output ports are on the box's right border while input ports are on the
472 box's left border.
474 For example, here's a source component box:
476 ----
477 +------------+
478 | src.ctf.fs |
479 | [my-src] |
480 | |
481 | stream0 @
482 | stream1 @
483 | stream2 @
484 +------------+
485 ----
487 This one is an instance of the compcls:source.ctf.fs component class
488 named `my-src`. It has three output ports named `stream0`, `stream1`,
489 and `stream2`.
491 A trace processing graph is represented with multiple component boxes
492 connected together. The <<conn,connections>> are arrows from output
493 ports to input ports.
495 For example, here's a simple conversion graph:
497 ----
498 +------------+ +-----------------+ +------------------+
499 | src.ctf.fs | | flt.utils.muxer | | sink.text.pretty |
500 | [ctf] | | [muxer] | | [text] |
501 | | | | | |
502 | stream0 @--->@ in0 out @--->@ in |
503 | stream1 @--->@ in1 | +------------------+
504 | stream2 @--->@ in2 |
505 +------------+ @ in3 |
506 +-----------------+
507 ----
509 Note that input port `in3` of component `muxer` is not connected in this
510 example.
512 Sometimes, we symbolically represent other resources which are consumed
513 from or produced by components. In this case, arrows are used, but they
514 do not go to or from port symbols (`@`), except for messages. For
515 example, in the graph above, the `ctf` source component consumes a CTF
516 trace and the `text` sink component prints plain text to the terminal,
517 so here's a more complete diagram:
519 ----
520 CTF trace
521 |
522 | +------------+ +-----------------+ +------------------+
523 | | src.ctf.fs | | flt.utils.muxer | | sink.text.pretty |
524 '-->| [ctf] | | [muxer] | | [text] |
525 | | | | | |
526 | stream0 @--->@ in0 out @--->@ in |
527 | stream1 @--->@ in1 | +-----+------------+
528 | stream2 @--->@ in2 | |
529 +------------+ @ in3 | '--> Terminal
530 +-----------------+
531 ----
533 Here's another example of a more complex graph which splits a specific
534 stream using some criteria:
536 ----
537 +------------+ +-----------------+ +------------------+
538 | src.ctf.fs | | flt.utils.muxer | | sink.text.pretty |
539 | [ctf-in] | | [muxer] | | [text] |
540 | | | | | |
541 | stream0 @--->@ in0 out @--->@ in |
542 | stream1 @--->@ in1 | +------------------+
543 | stream2 @-. @ in2 |
544 +------------+ | +-----------------+ +-------------+
545 | | sink.ctf.fs |
546 | | [ctf-out0] |
547 | +-------------------+ | |
548 | | flt.some.splitter | .->@ in |
549 | | [splitter] | | +-------------+
550 | | | |
551 '->@ in A @-' +-------------+
552 | B @-. | sink.ctf.fs |
553 +-------------------+ | | [ctf-out1] |
554 | | |
555 '->@ in |
556 +-------------+
557 ----
560 include::common-footer.txt[]
563 == SEE ALSO
565 man:babeltrace2(1)
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