Update some manual pages for LTTng-tools 2.13
[deliverable/lttng-tools.git] / doc / man / lttng-event-rule.7.txt
1 lttng-event-rule(7)
2 ===================
3 :revdate: 19 April 2021
7 ----
8 lttng-event-rule - Common LTTng event rule specification
12 --------
13 Specify an event rule to match Linux kernel tracepoint or system call
14 events:
16 [verse]
17 option:--domain=kernel option:--type=(tracepoint | syscall[:entry|:exit|:entry+exit])]
18 pass:[[]option:--name='NAME'] [option:--filter='EXPR']
20 Specify an event rule to match Linux kernel kprobe or user space
21 probe events:
23 [verse]
24 option:--domain=kernel option:--type=(kprobe | uprobe) option:--location='LOC'
25 pass:[[]option:--event-name='EVENTNAME'] [option:--filter='EXPR']
27 Specify an event rule to match user space tracepoint events:
29 [verse]
30 option:--domain=user [option:--type=tracepoint] [option:--name='NAME'] [option:--exclude-name='XNAME']...
31 pass:[[]option:--log-level=('LOGLEVEL' | 'LOGLEVEL'.. | ..)] [option:--filter='EXPR']
33 Specify an event rule to match Java/Python logging events:
35 [verse]
36 option:--domain=(jul | log4j | python) [option:--type=logging] [option:--name='NAME']
37 pass:[[]option:--log-level=('LOGLEVEL' | 'LOGLEVEL'.. | ..)] [option:--filter='EXPR']
41 -----------
42 This manual page shows how to specify an LTTng event rule on the command
43 line.
45 As of LTTng{nbsp}{lttng_version}, the command-line options documented
46 here only apply to the `event-rule-matches` trigger condition specifier
47 (see man:lttng-add-trigger(1)).
49 [NOTE]
50 ====
51 This manual page only describes the common event rule options. The
52 man:lttng(1) commands which require an event rule specification may
53 accept or require other options and arguments, depending on the context.
55 For example, the man:lttng-add-trigger(1) command also accepts
56 nloption:--capture options with the `event-rule-matches` trigger
57 condition.
58 ====
61 Core concepts
62 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
63 An _instrumentation point_ is a point, within a piece of software,
64 which, when executed, creates an LTTng _event_.
66 LTTng offers various types of instrumentation; see the
67 <<inst-point-type-cond,Instrumentation point type condition>> section
68 below to learn about them.
70 An _event rule_ is a set of conditions to match a set of events.
72 When LTTng creates an event{nbsp}__E__, a event rule{nbsp}__ER__ is said
73 to __match__{nbsp}__E__ when{nbsp}__E__ satisfies *all* the conditions
74 of{nbsp}__ER__. This concept is similar to a regular expression which
75 matches a set of strings.
77 When an event rule matches an event, LTTng _emits_ the event,
78 therefore attempting to execute one or more actions.
80 [NOTE]
81 ====
82 The event creation and emission processes are documentation concepts to
83 help understand the journey from an instrumentation point to the
84 execution of actions.
86 The actual creation of an event can be costly because LTTng needs to
87 evalute the arguments of the instrumentation point.
89 In practice, LTTng implements various optimizations for the Linux kernel
90 and user space tracing domains (option:--domain=++kernel++ and
91 option:--domain=++user++ options) to avoid actually creating an event
92 when the tracer knows, thanks to properties which are independent from
93 the event payload and current context, that it would never emit such an
94 event. Those properties are:
96 * The instrumentation point type (see the
97 <<inst-point-type-cond,Instrumentation point type>> section below).
98 * The instrumentation point name (or event name)
99 (see the <<event-name-cond,Event name condition>> section below).
100 * The instrumentation point log level (see the
101 <<inst-point-log-level-cond,Instrumentation point log level condition>>
102 section below).
104 In other words: if, for a given instrumentation point{nbsp}__IP__, the
105 LTTng tracer knows that it would never emit an event,
106 executing{nbsp}__IP__ represents a simple boolean variable check.
107 ====
110 Event rule overview
111 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
112 For LTTng to emit an event{nbsp}__E__,{nbsp}__E__ must satisfy *all* the
113 conditions of an event rule, that is:
115 * The instrumentation point from which LTTng creates{nbsp}__E__ has a
116 specific type.
117 +
118 See the <<inst-point-type-cond,Instrumentation point type condition>>
119 section below.
121 * A pattern matches the name of{nbsp}__E__ while another pattern
122 doesn't.
123 +
124 See the <<event-name-cond,Event name condition>> section below.
126 * The log level of the instrumentation point from which LTTng
127 creates{nbsp}__E__ is at least as severe as some value, or is exactly
128 some value.
129 +
130 See the <<inst-point-log-level-cond,Instrumentation point log level
131 condition>> section below.
133 * The fields of the payload of{nbsp}__E__ and the current context fields
134 satisfy a filter expression.
135 +
136 See the <<filter-cond,Event payload and context filter condition>>
137 section below.
139 The dedicated command-line options of most conditions are optional: if
140 you don't specify the option, the associated condition is always
141 satisfied.
144 [[inst-point-type-cond]]
145 Instrumentation point type condition
146 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
147 An event{nbsp}__E__ satisfies the instrumentation point type condition
148 of an event rule if the instrumentation point from which LTTng
149 creates{nbsp}__E__ is:
151 For the Linux kernel tracing domain (option:--domain=++kernel++ option)::
152 With the option:--type=++tracepoint++ option or without any option:--type option:::
153 An LTTng kernel tracepoint, that is, a statically defined point
154 in the source code of the kernel image or of a kernel module
155 with LTTng kernel tracer macros.
156 +
157 As of LTTng{nbsp}{lttng_version}, this is the default instrumentation
158 point type of the Linux kernel tracing domain, but this may change in
159 the future.
160 +
161 List the available Linux kernel tracepoints with `lttng list --kernel`.
162 See man:lttng-list(1) to learn more.
164 With the option:--type=++syscall++, option:--type=++syscall:entry++, option:--type=++syscall:exit++, or option:--type=++syscall:entry+exit++ option:::
165 The entry, exit, or entry and exit of a Linux kernel system
166 call.
167 +
168 List the available Linux kernel system call instrumentation points with
169 `lttng list --kernel --syscall`. See man:lttng-list(1) to learn more.
171 With the option:--type=++kprobe++ option:::
172 A Linux kprobe, that is, a single probe dynamically placed in
173 the compiled kernel code.
174 +
175 You must specify the kprobe location with the option:--location option.
176 +
177 The payload of a Linux kprobe event is empty.
179 With the option:--type=++uprobe++ option:::
180 A Linux user space probe, that is, a single probe dynamically
181 placed at the entry of a compiled user space application/library
182 function through the kernel.
183 +
184 LTTng{nbsp}{lttng_version} supports the ELF and SystemTap User-level
185 Statically Defined Tracing (USDT; a DTrace-style marker) probing
186 methods. LTTng only supports USDT probes which are :not:
187 reference-counted.
188 +
189 You must specify the user space probe location with the
190 option:--location option.
191 +
192 The payload of a Linux user space probe event is empty.
194 For the user space tracing domain (option:--domain=++user++ option)::
195 With or without the option:--type=++tracepoint++ option:::
196 An LTTng user space tracepoint, that is, a statically defined point
197 in the source code of a C/$$C++$$ application/library
198 with LTTng user space tracer macros.
199 +
200 As of LTTng{nbsp}{lttng_version}, this is the default and sole
201 instrumentation point type of the user space tracing domain, but this
202 may change in the future.
203 +
204 List the available user space tracepoints with `lttng list --userspace`.
205 See man:lttng-list(1) to learn more.
207 For the `java.util.logging` (option:--domain=++jul++ option), Apache log4j (option:--domain=++log4j++ option), and Python (option:--domain=++python++ option) tracing domains::
208 With or without the option:--type=++logging++ option:::
209 A logging statement.
210 +
211 As of LTTng{nbsp}{lttng_version}, this is the default and sole
212 instrumentation point type of the `java.util.logging`, Apache log4j, and
213 Python tracing domains, but this may change in the future.
214 +
215 List the available Java and Python loggers with `lttng list --jul`,
216 `lttng list --log4j`, and `lttng list --python`. See man:lttng-list(1)
217 to learn more.
220 [[event-name-cond]]
221 Event name condition
222 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
223 An event{nbsp}__E__ satisfies the event name condition of an event
224 rule{nbsp}__ER__ if the two following statements are true:
226 * You don't specify the option:--name='NAME' option or, depending on the
227 instrumentation type condition (see the
228 <<inst-point-type-cond,Instrumentation point type condition>> section
229 above) of{nbsp}__ER__, 'NAME' matches:
230 +
231 --
232 LTTng tracepoint::
233 The full name of the tracepoint from which LTTng creates{nbsp}__E__.
234 +
235 Note that the full name of a user space tracepoint is
236 __PROVIDER__++:++__NAME__, where __PROVIDER__ is the tracepoint provider
237 name and __NAME__ is the tracepoint name.
239 Logging statement::
240 The name of the Java or Python logger from which LTTng
241 creates{nbsp}__E__.
243 Linux system call::
244 The name of the system call, without any `sys_` prefix, from which
245 LTTng creates{nbsp}__E__.
246 --
248 * You don't specify any option:--exclude-name='XNAME' option or
249 none of the 'XNAME' arguments matches the full name of the user space
250 tracepoint from which LTTng creates{nbsp}__E__.
251 +
252 The option:--exclude-name option is only available with the
253 option:--domain=++user++ option.
255 This condition is only meaningful for the LTTng tracepoint, logging
256 statement, and Linux system call instrumentation point types: it's
257 always satisfied for the other types.
259 In all cases, 'NAME' and 'XNAME' are globbing patterns: the `*`
260 character means ``match anything''. To match a literal `*` character,
261 use :escwc:.
263 IMPORTANT: Make sure to **single-quote** 'NAME' and 'XNAME' when they
264 contain the `*` character and when you run an man:lttng(1) command from
265 a shell.
267 As of LTTng{nbsp}{lttng_version}, not specifying the option:--name
268 option is equivalent to specifying option:--name=++\'*\'++, but this
269 default may change in the future.
272 [[inst-point-log-level-cond]]
273 Instrumentation point log level condition
274 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
275 An event{nbsp}__E__ satisfies the instrumentation point log level
276 condition of an event rule if either:
278 * You specify the option:--log-level=++..++ option or you don't specify
279 the option:--log-level option.
280 +
281 Defaulting to option:--log-level=++..++ when you don't specify the
282 option:--log-level option is specific to LTTng{nbsp}{lttng_version} and
283 may change in the future.
285 * The log level of the LTTng user space tracepoint or logging statement
286 from which LTTng creates{nbsp}__E__ is:
287 With the option:--log-level=__LOGLEVEL__++..++ option::
288 At least as severe as 'LOGLEVEL'.
290 With the option:--log-level=__LOGLEVEL__ option::
291 Exactly 'LOGLEVEL'.
293 As of LTTng{nbsp}{lttng_version}, the ++..++__LOGLEVEL__ and
294 __LOGLEVEL__++..++__LOGLEVEL__ formats are :not: supported.
296 This condition is only meaningful for the LTTng user space tracepoint
297 and logging statement instrumentation point types: it's always satisfied
298 for other types.
300 The available values of 'LOGLEVEL' are, depending on the tracing domain,
301 from the most to the least severe:
303 User space (option:--domain=++user++ option)::
304 Shortcuts such as `system` are allowed.
305 +
306 * `TRACE_EMERG` (0)
307 * `TRACE_ALERT` (1)
308 * `TRACE_CRIT` (2)
309 * `TRACE_ERR` (3)
310 * `TRACE_WARNING` (4)
311 * `TRACE_NOTICE` (5)
312 * `TRACE_INFO` (6)
317 * `TRACE_DEBUG_UNIT` (11)
319 * `TRACE_DEBUG_LINE` (13)
320 * `TRACE_DEBUG` (14)
322 `java.util.logging` (option:--domain=++jul++ option)::
323 Shortcuts such as `severe` are allowed.
324 +
325 * `JUL_OFF` (`INT32_MAX`)
326 * `JUL_SEVERE` (1000)
327 * `JUL_WARNING` (900)
328 * `JUL_INFO` (800)
329 * `JUL_CONFIG` (700)
330 * `JUL_FINE` (500)
331 * `JUL_FINER` (400)
332 * `JUL_FINEST` (300)
333 * `JUL_ALL` (`INT32_MIN`)
335 Apache log4j (option:--domain=++log4j++ option)::
336 Shortcuts such as `severe` are allowed.
337 +
338 * `LOG4J_OFF` (`INT32_MAX`)
339 * `LOG4J_FATAL` (50000)
340 * `LOG4J_ERROR` (40000)
341 * `LOG4J_WARN` (30000)
342 * `LOG4J_INFO` (20000)
343 * `LOG4J_DEBUG` (10000)
344 * `LOG4J_TRACE` (5000)
345 * `LOG4J_ALL` (`INT32_MIN`)
347 Python (option:--domain=++python++ option)::
348 Shortcuts such as `critical` are allowed.
349 +
350 * `PYTHON_CRITICAL` (50)
351 * `PYTHON_ERROR` (40)
352 * `PYTHON_WARNING` (30)
353 * `PYTHON_INFO` (20)
354 * `PYTHON_DEBUG` (10)
355 * `PYTHON_NOTSET` (0)
358 [[filter-cond]]
359 Event payload and context filter condition
360 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
361 An event{nbsp}__E__ satisfies the event payload and context filter
362 condition of an event rule if the option:--filter='EXPR' option is
363 missing or if 'EXPR' is _true_.
365 'EXPR' can contain references to the payload fields of{nbsp}__E__ and
366 to the current context fields.
368 IMPORTANT: Make sure to **single-quote** 'EXPR' when you run an
369 man:lttng(1) command from a shell, as filter expressions typically
370 include characters having a special meaning for most shells.
372 The expected syntax of 'EXPR' is similar to the syntax of a
373 C{nbsp}language conditional expression (an expression which an `if`
374 statement can evaluate), but there are a few differences:
376 * A _NAME_ expression identifies an event payload field named
377 _NAME_ (a C{nbsp}identifier).
378 +
379 Use the C{nbsp}language dot and square bracket notations to access
380 nested structure and array/sequence fields. You can only use a constant,
381 positive integer number within square brackets. If the index is out of
382 bounds, 'EXPR' is _false_.
383 +
384 The value of an enumeration field is an integer.
385 +
386 When a field expression doesn't exist, 'EXPR' is _false_.
387 +
388 Examples: `my_field`, `target_cpu`, `seq[7]`, `msg.user[1].data[2][17]`.
390 * A ++$ctx.++__TYPE__ expression identifies the statically-known context
391 field having the type _TYPE_ (a C{nbsp}identifier).
392 +
393 List the available statically-known context field names with the
394 man:lttng-add-context(1) command.
395 +
396 When a field expression doesn't exist, 'EXPR' is _false_.
397 +
398 Examples: `$ctx.prio`, `$ctx.preemptible`,
399 `$ctx.perf:cpu:stalled-cycles-frontend`.
401 * A ++$app.++__PROVIDER__++:++__TYPE__ expression identifies the
402 application-specific context field having the type _TYPE_ (a
403 C{nbsp}identifier) from the provider _PROVIDER_ (a C{nbsp}identifier).
404 +
405 When a field expression doesn't exist, 'EXPR' is _false_.
406 +
407 Example: `$app.server:cur_user`.
409 * Compare strings, either string fields or string literals
410 (double-quoted), with the `==` and `!=` operators.
411 +
412 When comparing to a string literal, the `*` character means ``match
413 anything''. To match a literal `*` character, use :escwc:.
414 +
415 Examples: `my_field == "user34"`, `my_field == my_other_field`,
416 `my_field == "192.168.*"`.
418 * The precedence table of the operators which are supported in 'EXPR'
419 is as follows. In this table, the highest precedence is{nbsp}1:
420 +
421 [options="header"]
422 |===
423 |Precedence |Operator |Description |Associativity
424 |1 |`-` |Unary minus |Right-to-left
425 |1 |`+` |Unary plus |Right-to-left
426 |1 |`!` |Logical NOT |Right-to-left
427 |1 |`~` |Bitwise NOT |Right-to-left
428 |2 |`<<` |Bitwise left shift |Left-to-right
429 |2 |`>>` |Bitwise right shift |Left-to-right
430 |3 |`&` |Bitwise AND |Left-to-right
431 |4 |`^` |Bitwise XOR |Left-to-right
432 |5 |`\|` |Bitwise OR |Left-to-right
433 |6 |`<` |Less than |Left-to-right
434 |6 |`<=` |Less than or equal to |Left-to-right
435 |6 |`>` |Greater than |Left-to-right
436 |6 |`>=` |Greater than or equal to |Left-to-right
437 |7 |`==` |Equal to |Left-to-right
438 |7 |`!=` |Not equal to |Left-to-right
439 |8 |`&&` |Logical AND |Left-to-right
440 |9 |`\|\|` |Logical OR |Left-to-right
441 |===
442 +
443 Parentheses are supported to bypass the default order.
444 +
445 IMPORTANT: Unlike the C{nbsp}language, the bitwise AND and OR operators
446 (`&` and `|`) in 'EXPR' take precedence over relational operators (`<`,
447 `<=`, `>`, `>=`, `==`, and `!=`). This means the expression `2 & 2 == 2`
448 is _true_ while the equivalent C{nbsp}expression is _false_.
449 +
450 The arithmetic operators are :not: supported.
451 +
452 LTTng first casts all integer constants and fields to signed 64-bit
453 integers. The representation of negative integers is two's complement.
454 This means that, for example, the signed 8-bit integer field 0xff (-1)
455 becomes 0xffffffffffffffff (still -1) once casted.
456 +
457 Before a bitwise operator is applied, LTTng casts all its operands to
458 unsigned 64-bit integers, and then casts the result back to a signed
459 64-bit integer. For the bitwise NOT operator, it's the equivalent of
460 this C{nbsp}expression:
461 +
462 [source,c]
463 ----
464 (int64_t) ~((uint64_t) val)
465 ----
466 +
467 For the binary bitwise operators, it's the equivalent of those
468 C{nbsp}expressions:
469 +
470 [source,c]
471 ----
472 (int64_t) ((uint64_t) lhs >> (uint64_t) rhs)
473 (int64_t) ((uint64_t) lhs << (uint64_t) rhs)
474 (int64_t) ((uint64_t) lhs & (uint64_t) rhs)
475 (int64_t) ((uint64_t) lhs ^ (uint64_t) rhs)
476 (int64_t) ((uint64_t) lhs | (uint64_t) rhs)
477 ----
478 +
479 If the right-hand side of a bitwise shift operator (`<<` and `>>`) is
480 not in the [0,{nbsp}63] range, then 'EXPR' is _false_.
482 'EXPR' examples:
484 ----------------------------
485 msg_id == 23 && size >= 2048
486 ----------------------------
488 -------------------------------------------------
489 $ctx.procname == "lttng*" && (!flag || poel < 34)
490 -------------------------------------------------
492 ---------------------------------------------------------
493 $app.my_provider:my_context == 17.34e9 || some_enum >= 14
494 ---------------------------------------------------------
496 ---------------------------------------
497 $ctx.cpu_id == 2 && filename != "*.log"
498 ---------------------------------------
500 ------------------------------------------------
501 eax_reg & 0xff7 == 0x240 && x[4] >> 12 <= 0x1234
502 ------------------------------------------------
505 Migration from a recording event rule specification
506 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
507 Since LTTng{nbsp}2.13, what this manual page documents is the standard,
508 common way to specify an LTTng event rule.
510 With the man:lttng-enable-event(1) command, you also specify an event
511 rule, but with deprecated options and arguments.
513 The following table shows how to translate from the
514 man:lttng-enable-event(1) options and arguments to the common event
515 rule specification options:
517 [options="header"]
518 |===
519 |Recording event rule option(s)/argument(s) |Common event rule option(s)
521 |nloption:--kernel |option:--domain=++kernel++
522 |nloption:--userspace |option:--domain=++user++
523 |nloption:--jul |option:--domain=++jul++
524 |nloption:--log4j |option:--domain=++log4j++
525 |nloption:--python |option:--domain=++python++
526 |nloption:--tracepoint (with nloption:--kernel/nloption:--userspace) |option:--type=++tracepoint++ or no option:--type option
527 |nloption:--tracepoint (with nloption:--jul/nloption:--log4j/nloption:--python) |option:--type=++logging++ or no option:--type option
528 |nloption:--syscall |option:--type=++syscall++ or option:--type=++syscall:entry+exit++
529 |nloption:--probe='LOC' and 'RECORDNAME' (non-option) |option:--type=++kprobe++, option:--location='LOC', and option:--event-name='RECORDNAME'
530 |nloption:--userspace-probe='LOC' and 'RECORDNAME' (non-option) |option:--type=++uprobe++, option:--location='LOC', and option:--event-name='RECORDNAME'
531 |nloption:--function='LOC' and 'RECORDNAME' (non-option) |Not available as of LTTng{nbsp}{lttng_version}
532 |'NAME' (non-option) |option:--name='NAME'
533 |nloption:--all |option:--name=++\'*\'++ or no option:--name option
534 |nloption:--exclude=__XNAME__[++,++__XNAME__]... |option:--exclude-name='XNAME' for each 'XNAME'
535 |nloption:--loglevel='LOGLEVEL' |option:--log-level=__LOGLEVEL__++..++
536 |nloption:--loglevel-only='LOGLEVEL' |option:--log-level=__LOGLEVEL__
537 |nloption:--filter='EXPR' |option:--filter='EXPR'
538 |===
542 -------
543 Tracing domain
544 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
545 option:-d 'DOMAIN', option:--domain='DOMAIN'::
546 Only match events which LTTng creates in the tracing domain
547 'DOMAIN'.
548 +
549 'DOMAIN' is one of:
550 +
551 --
552 `kernel`:::
553 Linux kernel
554 `user`:::
555 `userspace`:::
556 User space tracing
557 `jul`:::
558 `java.util.logging`
559 `log4j`:::
560 Apache log4j
561 `python`:::
562 Python
563 --
564 +
565 This option is mandatory.
568 Instrumentation point type condition
569 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
570 See the <<inst-point-type-cond,Instrumentation point type condition>>
571 section above.
573 option:-E 'NAME', option:--event-name='NAME'::
574 With the option:--type=++kprobe++ or option:--type=++uprobe++
575 option, set the name of the emitted events to 'NAME' instead of the
576 'LOC' argument of the option:--location='LOC' option.
577 +
578 Defaulting to 'LOC' is specific to LTTng{nbsp}{lttng_version} and may
579 change in the future.
581 option:-L 'LOC', option:--location='LOC'::
582 With the option:--type=++kprobe++ option:::
583 Set the location of the Linux kprobe to insert to 'LOC'.
584 +
585 'LOC' is one of:
586 +
587 * An address (`0x` hexadecimal prefix supported).
588 * A symbol name.
589 * A symbol name and an offset (__SYMBOL__++pass:[+]++__OFFSET__ format).
591 With the option:--type=++uprobe++ option:::
592 Set the location of the user space probe to insert to 'LOC'.
593 +
594 'LOC' is one of:
595 +
596 \[++elf:++]__PATH__++:++__SYMBOL__::::
597 An available symbol within a user space application or library.
598 +
599 --
600 'PATH'::
601 Application or library path.
602 +
603 One of:
604 +
605 * An absolute path.
606 * A relative path.
607 * The name of an application as found in the directories listed in the
608 `PATH` environment variable.
610 'SYMBOL'::
611 Symbol name of the function of which to instrument the entry.
612 +
613 'SYMBOL' can be any defined code symbol in the output of the man:nm(1)
614 command, including with its nloption:--dynamic option, which lists
615 dynamic symbols.
616 --
617 +
618 As of LTTng{nbsp}{lttng_version}, not specifying `elf:` is equivalent to
619 specifying it, but this default may change in the future.
620 +
621 Examples:
622 +
623 * `/usr/lib/libc.so.6:malloc`
624 * `./myapp:createUser`
625 * `elf:httpd:ap_run_open_htaccess`
627 ++sdt:++__PATH__++:++__PROVIDER__++:++__NAME__::::
628 A SystemTap User-level Statically Defined Tracing (USDT) probe
629 within a user space application or library.
630 +
631 --
632 'PATH'::
633 Application or library path.
634 +
635 This can be:
636 +
637 * An absolute path.
638 * A relative path.
639 * The name of an application as found in the directories listed in the
640 `PATH` environment variable.
642 'PROVIDER'::
643 'NAME'::
644 USDT provider and probe names.
645 +
646 For example, with the following USDT probe:
647 +
648 [source,c]
649 ----
650 DTRACE_PROBE2("server", "accept_request",
651 request_id, ip_addr);
652 ----
653 +
654 The provider/probe name pair is `server:accept_request`.
655 --
656 +
657 Example: `sdt:./build/server:server:accept_request`
659 option:-t 'TYPE', option:--type='TYPE'::
660 Only match events which LTTng creates from an instrumentation point
661 having the type 'TYPE'.
662 +
663 'TYPE' is one of:
664 +
665 --
666 `tracepoint`::
667 LTTng tracepoint.
668 +
669 Only available with the option:--domain=++kernel++ and
670 option:--domain=++user++ options.
671 +
672 As of LTTng{nbsp}{lttng_version}, this is the default instrumentation
673 point type of the Linux kernel and user space tracing domains, but this
674 may change in the future.
676 `logging`::
677 Logging statement.
678 +
679 Only available with the option:--domain=++jul++,
680 option:--domain=++log4j++, and option:--domain=++python++ options.
681 +
682 As of LTTng{nbsp}{lttng_version}, this is the default instrumentation
683 point type of the `java.util.logging`, Apache log4j, and Python tracing
684 domains, but this may change in the future.
686 `syscall`::
687 As of LTTng{nbsp}{lttng_version}, equivalent to
688 `syscall:entry+exit`, but this default may change in the future.
689 +
690 Only available with the option:--domain=++kernel++ option.
692 `syscall:entry`::
693 Linux system call entry.
694 +
695 Only available with the option:--domain=++kernel++ option.
697 `syscall:exit`::
698 Linux system call exit.
699 +
700 Only available with the option:--domain=++kernel++ option.
702 `syscall:entry+exit`::
703 Linux system call entry and exit (two distinct instrumentation
704 points).
705 +
706 Only available with the option:--domain=++kernel++ option.
708 `kprobe`::
709 Linux kprobe.
710 +
711 Only available with the option:--domain=++kernel++ option.
712 +
713 You must specify the location of the kprobe to insert with the
714 option:--location option.
715 +
716 You may specify the name of the emitted events with the
717 option:--event-name option.
719 `uprobe` or `userspace-probe`::
720 Linux user space probe.
721 +
722 Only available with the option:--domain=++kernel++ option.
723 +
724 You must specify the location of the user space probe to insert with the
725 option:--location option.
726 +
727 You may specify the name of the emitted events with the
728 option:--event-name option.
729 --
732 Event name condition
733 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
734 See the <<event-name-cond,Event name condition>> section above.
736 option:-n 'NAME', option:--name='NAME'::
737 Only match events of which 'NAME' matches:
738 +
739 --
740 With the option:--domain=++kernel++ or option:--domain=++user++ option, with the option:--type=++tracepoint++ option or without the option:--type option:::
741 The full name of the LTTng tracepoint.
743 With the option:--domain=++jul++, option:--domain=++log4j++, or option:--domain=++python++ option:::
744 The Java or Python logger name.
746 With the option:--domain=++kernel++ option and one of the option:--type=++syscall++, option:--type=++syscall:entry++, option:--type=++syscall:exit++, and option:--type=++syscall:entry+exit++ options:::
747 The name of the system call, without any `sys_` prefix.
748 --
749 +
750 This option is :not: available with the option:--type=++kprobe++ and
751 option:--type=++uprobe++ options.
752 +
753 As of LTTng{nbsp}{lttng_version}, not specifying this option is
754 equivalent to specifying option:--name=++\'*\'++ (when it applies), but
755 this default may change in the future.
757 option:-x 'XNAME', option:--exclude='XNAME'::
758 Only match events of which 'XNAME' does :not: match the full name of
759 the LTTng user space tracepoint.
760 +
761 Only available with the option:--domain=++user++ option.
763 'NAME' and 'XNAME' are globbing patterns: the `*` character means
764 ``match anything''. To match a literal `*` character, use :escwc:.
767 Instrumentation point log level condition
768 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
769 See the <<inst-point-log-level-cond,Instrumentation point log level
770 condition>> section above.
772 option:-l 'LOGLEVELSPEC', option:--log-level='LOGLEVELSPEC'::
773 Only match events of which the log level of the LTTng tracepoint or
774 logging statement is, depending on the format of 'LOGLEVELSPEC':
775 +
776 --
777 __LOGLEVEL__++..++::
778 At least as severe as 'LOGLEVEL'.
780 'LOGLEVEL'::
781 Exactly 'LOGLEVEL'.
783 ++..++::
784 Anything.
785 --
786 +
787 This option is :not: available with the option:--domain=++kernel++
788 option.
789 +
790 As of LTTng{nbsp}{lttng_version}, not specifying this option is
791 equivalent to specifying option:--log-level=++..++ (when it applies),
792 but this default may change in the future.
795 Event payload and context filter condition
796 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
797 See the <<filter-cond,Event payload and context filter condition>>
798 section above.
800 option:-f 'EXPR', option:--filter='EXPR'::
801 Only match events of which 'EXPR', which can contain references to
802 event payload and current context fields, is _true_.
806 --------
807 man:lttng(1),
808 man:lttng-add-trigger(1)
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