Titan Core Initial Contribution
[deliverable/titan.core.git] / function_test / Tools / SAtester.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 ###############################################################################
3 # Copyright (c) 2000-2014 Ericsson Telecom AB
4 # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
5 # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
6 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
7 # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
8 ###############################################################################
9 ##
10 ## File : SAtester.pl
11 ## Description: Tester utility for Semantic Analyser, TITAN
12 ## Written by : Endre Szalai (Endre.Szalai@ericsson.com)
13 ##
15 ## TODO: exit status always 0, investigate why; workaround: catch the notify
16 ## printout from the compiler
18 require 5.6.1;
20 use strict;
21 use Getopt::Long;
23 ###############################################################################
24 ### Global Variables
25 ###############################################################################
26 # Whether to stop on test case failures (1) or not (0)
27 my $sa_halt_on_errors = '';
28 # Whether to list available test cases or not
29 my $sa_list_TCs = 0;
30 # Whether to show info or not
31 my $sa_info = 0;
32 # Whether to use matching in test case selection
33 my $sa_tc_select = '';
34 # Name of the logfile
35 my $sa_logFile = '';
36 my $sa_LOG;
37 # Elapsed time in this session
38 my $sessionTime;
39 # Whether to show command line info or not
40 my $sa_printHelp_cmd = 0;
41 # Whether to show detailed info or not
42 my $sa_printHelp_doc = 0;
43 # Use function-test runtime or not
44 my $sa_titanRuntime2 = 0;
45 # Enable coverage or not
46 my $sa_coverageEnabled = 0;
47 # Files existed before a test case execution
48 my %sa_existedFiles;
49 # Store input TD files from which TCs are collected
50 my @sa_scriptFiles;
51 # Store information about the TCs to execute
52 my @sa_tcList2Execute;
53 # Store test case data
54 my @sa_TCInfo;
55 # Timeout for system calls in seconds
56 my $sa_timeout = 30;
57 # Max time to wait for a license, in multiple of 10 minutes
58 my $max_cycles = 6;
59 # Execution statistics
60 # Number of TCs: PASSED, FAILED, ERROR verdicts,
61 # abnormally terminated, memory leaked
62 my @sa_executionStatistics = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
63 # Command to invoke the titan compiler
64 my $sa_compilerCmd;
65 # Command to invoke the titan Makefile generator
66 my $sa_mfgenCmd;
67 # Command to invoke the runtime execution
68 my $sa_runtimeCmd;
69 # commonly used regexps
70 my $sa_re_TCheader = "\\n\\s*<\\s*TC\\s*-\\s*(.+?)\\s*>\\s*\\n";
71 my $sa_re_MODULEheader = "\\n\\s*<\\s*MODULE\\s+(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)\\s*>";
72 my $sa_re_MODULEbody = "${sa_re_MODULEheader}\\s*(.+?)\\n\\s*<\\s*END_MODULE\\s*>";
73 my $sa_re_RESULTheader = "\\n\\s*<\\s*RESULT\\s*(IF_PASS|IF_FAIL)?\\s*(LTRT|FTRT)?\\s*(POSITIVE|NEGATIVE)?\\s*(?:COUNT\\s+(\\d+))?.*?>";
74 my $sa_re_RESULTbody = "${sa_re_RESULTheader}\\s*(.*?)\\s*\\n\\s*<\\s*END_RESULT\\s*>";
75 my $sa_re_EXPECTEDbody = "\\s*<\\s*VERDICT_LEAF\\s+(PASS|FAIL)\\s*>\\s*";
76 my $sa_re_MemoryLeak = "(?:unallocated\\s+blocks\\s*:\\s*)|(?:Memory\\s+leakage\\s+detected)";
77 # separator for printouts
78 my $sa_separator = "===============================================================\n";
81 # Detailed info about the usage
82 my $sa_detailedInfo = '
83 Purpose
84 -------
85 The tester program was written especially for testing the semantic analyser
86 functionality in TITAN. A generic test flow looks like:
87 - generate input sources (TTCN-3 and/or ASN.1)
88 - compile them with the TITAN compiler
89 - check that the error messages are as expected (negative testing)
90 - check that the modules are compiled both with TITAN and gcc
91 (positive testing)
92 Test cases and all information needed to execute them are stored in one file, in
93 the Test Description files (*.script) in EDML format. The tester program uses
94 this file to execute the test according to the flow described above in a fully
95 automatic way..
96 Unlike in a simple test method, where a test may be passed or failed, in
97 regression test it might be important, why a test case is failed (e.g. due to a
98 not yet implemented feature). Therefore, each test case may have two separate
99 expected behaviour (called leaves later on). The first is the case when the test
100 purpose is expected to work in a specific way (IF_PASS leaf). The other, when
101 the test case is expected to fail, but why it fails is also interesting (IF_FAIL
102 leaf). Each test case may have both leaves and a specific selector points out
103 which leaf is expected to occur. This also means, that a test case passes, if
104 the selected leaf is passed (which may be the IF_FAIL leaf). Therefore, the
105 tester needs to check test cases that are failed, as only in those cases the
106 current result is not as expected.
108 Features
109 --------
110 The tester program has the following features:
111 1. Support for one-by-one and batched execution of test cases.
112 2. Support for unlimited number of input modules: ASN.1,
113 TTCN-3 and runtime config files for TITAN.
114 3. Support for compilation of the modules using TITAN and
115 GCC. It also supports single mode execution of the test suite.
116 Makefile and test port files generation is automatic.
117 5. Automatic cleanup after each test case.
118 6. Flexible pattern matching for the test case printout using
119 Perl regexps combined with different matching logic.
120 7. Support for regression testing process.
122 Reference
123 ---------
124 For a list of command line options, execute the tester program with
125 SAtester.pl -help
127 A test case structure in the EDML files looks like:
128 test case block:
129 <TC - test case name>
130 compile block:
132 leaf selector block:
134 module block(s):
135 <MODULE TTCN|ASN|CFG modulename filename>
136 ... text from here is written to the filename specified above ...
138 ... several module sections may follow ...
139 result block(s):
141 ... pattern in Perl regexp format ...
143 ... several result sections may follow ...
145 <END_TC>
147 Each block header/footer must be single-line, i.e. newline is not allowed.
149 The compile block instructs the SAtester to:
150 COMPILE compile the modules using TITAN only
151 COMPILEGCC compile the modules using TITAN and GCC afterwards
152 (the Makefile is automatically generated)
153 EXECUTE after compilation, execute the executable test suite
154 the first runtime configuration file is passed to TITAN
155 (single mode execution)
156 EXECUTE_PARALLEL after compilation, execute the executable test suite
157 (parallel mode execution)
158 If any of the actions fail, the test case result will be "ERROR". This block is
159 optional, the default value is COMPILE.
161 The leaf selector block helps the regression testing process, where not only the
162 verdict itself, but the expected verdict is interesting. The value may be PASS
163 or FAIL. The leaf selector selects which RESULT blocks to use when matching the
164 printout from the compiler(s).
166 A module block instructs the SAtester to produce a source module
167 or a runtime configuration file:
168 TTCN The module is treated as a TTCN-3 module
169 ASN The module is treated as an ASN.1 module
170 CFG The module is treated as a runtime configuration file
171 modulename Name of the module
172 filename Name of the file to be produced
173 The text within this section is written as is to "filename". You may specify as
174 many modules as you need.
176 A result block instructs the SAtester how to check result as soon the actions in
177 the compile block is finished successfully.
178 Either:
179 POSITIVE Indicates a positive pattern match (i.e. =~ syntax in Perl)
180 with the supplied pattern is needed to continue
181 NEGATIVE Indicates a negative pattern match (i.e. !~ syntax in Perl)
182 with the supplied pattern is needed to continue
183 Or:
184 COUNT Indicates that instead of a direct pattern match, perform
185 a counting of the supplied pattern. If the number of pattern-
186 matches equals to the supplied number in COUNT section, the
187 execution continues
188 POSITIVE or NEGATIVE can be used for simple pattern match, i.e. whether the
189 pattern is present or not.
190 COUNT can be used to detect that a pattern how many times are present.
191 Result blocks are evaluated in the order of their appearence. If any of the
192 result block is failed, the verdict will be "FAILED" and execution continues
193 with the next test case (if any). Entries in the result header are optional, the
194 default value is "POSITIVE".
196 Memory leak printouts are automatically detected. If one is found, the current
197 verdict will be "FAIL".
199 Example
200 -------
201 //line comments are written for understanding only
203 // Name of the test case
204 <TC - TTCN-3::Subtypes, list of values: Anytype>
205 // compile with TITAN only
207 // "anytype" is not supported, so use the FAIL-leaf
208 // in result matching
210 // Specify one module
211 <MODULE TTCN ModuleA ModuleA.ttcn>
212 module ModuleA {
213 type anytype MyType ( 10, 11.0, Nonexi, false );
214 }
216 // PASS-leaf of the result matching
217 // used if VERDICT_LEAF is "PASS"
218 // expecting exactly 1 "no imported or local definition nonexi"
220 (?im)\berror\b.+?no.+?definition.+?nonexi
222 // expecting exactly 1 "error", so no other error shall
223 // occur than the previous error
225 (?is)\berror\b
227 // expecting a notification that no code is generated due
228 // to the error
230 (?im)\bnotify\b.+?\bcode\b.+?\bnot\b.+?\bgenerated\b
232 // FAIL-leaf of the result matching
233 // used if VERDICT_LEAF is "FAIL"
234 // expecting exactly 1 "parse error"
236 (?im)parse.+?error
238 // expecting exactly 1 "error", so no other error shall
239 // occur than the parse error
241 (?is)\berror\b
243 <END_TC>
245 Information about Perl regular expressions can be found at:
246 www.perl.com
248 Guides
249 ------
250 1. Use the IF_FAIL leaf only, if the test case is expected to fail because of a
251 missing functionality that will not be implemented in the current project. Using
252 IF_FAIL leaves for limitations that are expected to disappear within a project
253 is just an unnecessary overhead.
255 2. Whenever a TR is issued, this should be mentioned in the test case, within
256 the source module where the error occured, e.g.
257 <MODULE TTCN ModuleA ModuleA.ttcn>
258 module ModuleA {
259 // TR 623: length restriction of charstrings
260 type record of charstring MyType7 length(0..666-Nonexi);
261 }
264 3. Always expect a specific error message, but be a bit flexible in pattern
265 matching. Always check that no other errors occured. E.g.:
267 (?im)\berror\b.+?no.+?definition.+?nonexi
270 (?is)\berror\b
273 (?im)\bnotify\b.+?\bcode\b.+?\bnot\b.+?\bgenerated\b
275 Note the non-case sensitive matching; that only 1 error is expected and that no
276 code is expected to be generated.
278 Known issues
279 ------------
280 On cygwin, fork does not always work and Perl stops with an error like:
281 264 [main] perl 2216 fork_copy: linked dll data/bss pass 0 failed,
282 0x412000..0x412370, done 0, windows pid 1832, Win32 error 487
284 ';
289 # easterEgg
290 my $sa_egg = '
291 \\\\\\\\|////
292 \\\\ - - //
293 #( @ @ )#
294 \ o /
295 \ * /
296 ---------------------oOOo--oOOo-------------------------
297 "Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda
298 ------------------------ooooO---Ooooo-------------------
299 ( ) ( )
300 \ | | /
301 (_| |_)
302 -- This amazing code was created by McHalls --
304 ';
307 ###############################################################################
308 ## Subs
309 ###############################################################################
310 sub sa_commandLineInfo();
311 sub sa_log($);
312 sub sa_processArgs($);
313 sub sa_processCommandLine();
314 sub sa_readFile($);
315 sub sa_writeFile($$);
316 sub sa_collectTCs();
317 sub sa_isInList(\@$);
318 sub sa_getTCInfo(\@$$);
319 sub sa_parseTCs();
320 sub sa_writeModulesOfTC(\@);
321 sub sa_deleteModulesOfTC(\@);
322 sub sa_fetchExecutableName();
323 sub sa_executeCommand($);
324 sub sa_compileTC(\@);
325 sub sa_printResult($$);
326 sub sa_checkTCResult(\@$);
327 sub sa_executeTCs();
329 # Print command line information
330 sub sa_commandLineInfo () {
331 sa_log("\nPerl utility to execute test cases for Semantic Analyser\n");
332 sa_log("Contact: Endre Szalai (Endre.Szalai\@ericsson.com)\n");
333 sa_log("Usage: SA_tester.pl\n");
334 sa_log(" [-halt] [-list] [-help] [-doc] [-rt2] [-coverage]\n");
335 sa_log(" [-select <pattern>]\n");
336 sa_log(" [-timeout <timeout>]\n");
337 sa_log(" [<TDfile1.script>] ... [<TDfileN.script>]\n");
338 sa_log(" [\"<test case name1>\"] ... [\"<test case nameM>\"]\n");
339 sa_log(" [-log <logfilename>]\n");
340 sa_log("Where\n");
341 sa_log(" -halt halt on any errors\n");
342 sa_log(" -list list available test cases\n");
343 sa_log(" -help display command line parameters\n");
344 sa_log(" -doc display complete documentation\n");
345 sa_log(" -rt2 use function-test runtime\n");
346 sa_log(" -coverage enable coverage");
347 sa_log(" <pattern> select test cases if pattern is present in the\n");
348 sa_log(" name of the test case\n");
349 sa_log(" <timeout> maximum execution time of a system call\n");
350 sa_log(" in seconds (default is $sa_timeout)\n");
351 sa_log(" <logfilename> name of the logfile\n");
352 sa_log(" NOTE: do NOT use the .log file extension !\n");
353 sa_log(" <TDfile.script> name of the TD file(s) to collect test cases from\n");
354 sa_log(" <test case name> name of the test case(s) to execute\n");
355 sa_log("If no TDfile(s) are defined, all script files from the current\n");
356 sa_log("directory are considered.\n");
357 sa_log("If no test cases are defined, all test cases from the script files\n");
358 sa_log("are executed.\n\n");
359 }
361 # Log entries
362 sub sa_log($) {
363 print $_[0];
364 if (defined($sa_LOG)) { print $sa_LOG $_[0]; }
365 }
367 # Process the command line
368 sub sa_processArgs($) {
369 if ($_[0] =~ /\.script$/m) { $sa_scriptFiles[scalar @sa_scriptFiles] = $_[0]; }
370 else { $sa_tcList2Execute[scalar @sa_tcList2Execute] = $_[0]; }
371 }
372 sub sa_processCommandLine() {
374 die unless (GetOptions('halt' => \$sa_halt_on_errors,
375 'list' => \$sa_list_TCs,
376 'credit' => \$sa_info,
377 'help' => \$sa_printHelp_cmd,
378 'doc' => \$sa_printHelp_doc,
379 'rt2' => \$sa_titanRuntime2,
380 'coverage' => \$sa_coverageEnabled,
381 'log=s' => \$sa_logFile,
382 'timeout=s' => \$sa_timeout,
383 'select=s' => \$sa_tc_select,
384 'maxcycle=s'=> \$max_cycles,
385 "<>" => \&sa_processArgs));
386 if ($sa_info) {print $sa_egg; exit(1);}
387 if ($sa_logFile ne '') {
388 die "Never use '.log' extension as TITAN's cleanup may remove it, specify a different name\n"
389 unless ($sa_logFile !~ /.*\.log$/is);
390 open ($sa_LOG, ">$sa_logFile") or die "Cannot open log file: '$sa_logFile': $!\n";}
391 if ($sa_printHelp_cmd) {sa_commandLineInfo(); exit(1);}
392 if ($sa_printHelp_doc) {sa_log ($sa_detailedInfo); exit(1);}
393 }
395 # Read and return the content of a file
396 sub sa_readFile($) {
397 # $_[0] : name of the file
398 my $Buffer;
399 sa_log("Parsing file $_[0]...\n");
400 open (TMP, "$_[0]") or die "Cannot open script file: '$_[0]': $!\n";
401 read(TMP, $Buffer, -s "$_[0]");
402 close (TMP);
403 # remove carriage returns
404 # Unix/windows: \n \r combo
405 if ($Buffer =~ /\n/s) {$Buffer =~ s/\r//g;}
406 # Mac: only \r
407 else {$Buffer =~ s/\r/\n/g;}
408 return $Buffer;
409 }
411 # Write a file
412 sub sa_writeFile($$) {
413 # $_[0] : name of the file
414 # $_[1] : content of the file
415 sa_log("Flushing file $_[0]...\n");
416 open (TMP, ">$_[0]") or die "Cannot open file: '$_[0]': $!\n";
417 print(TMP $_[1]);
418 close (TMP);
419 }
421 # Checks whether a TC is on the list
422 sub sa_isInList(\@$) {
423 my $poi = $_[0];
424 foreach my $val (@{$poi}) {
425 if ($val eq $_[1]) {return 1;}
426 }
427 return 0;
428 }
429 # Collect test cases from command line and/or script files
430 sub sa_collectTCs() {
431 # No script files are defined, collect all script files from
432 # current directory
433 if (scalar @sa_scriptFiles == 0) {
434 my @list = split (/\s/, `ls *.script`);
435 foreach my $filename (@list) { $sa_scriptFiles[scalar @sa_scriptFiles] = $filename; }
436 }
437 # no test cases specified, collect from available script files
438 if (scalar @sa_tcList2Execute == 0) {
439 foreach my $filename (@sa_scriptFiles) {
440 my $Buffer = sa_readFile($filename);
441 while ($Buffer =~ s/^.*?${sa_re_TCheader}//s) {
442 my $tcName = $1;
443 if (sa_isInList(@sa_tcList2Execute,$tcName))
444 {sa_log( "WARNING: Test case name is not unique: '$tcName'\n");}
445 # execute test case if match with pattern or no pattern available
446 if ((not $sa_tc_select) or
447 ($sa_tc_select and ($tcName =~ /$sa_tc_select/))) {
448 $sa_tcList2Execute[scalar @sa_tcList2Execute] = $tcName;
449 }
450 }
451 }
452 }
453 my $sa_nrOfTCs2Execute = scalar @sa_tcList2Execute;
454 my $nrOfScriptFiles = scalar @sa_scriptFiles;
455 sa_log( "$sa_nrOfTCs2Execute test cases from $nrOfScriptFiles script files to be executed\n");
456 my $tmp = ($sa_halt_on_errors) ? "halting on errors\n" : "ignoring errors\n";
457 sa_log( "Mode: $tmp");
458 }
461 # Gather execution information according to:
462 # [N] Nth test case
463 # [0] test case name
465 # [2][N] Nth module
466 # [0] module type ("ASN", "TTCN" or "CFG")
467 # [1] module name (if ASN or TTCN)/execution mode (if CFG)
468 # [2] filename to use for the module
469 # [3] content of the module
470 # [3]{'PASS'|'FAIL'}[N] Nth result for expected result leaf PASS|FAIL
471 # [0] result type ("POSITIVE" or "NEGATIVE")
472 # [1] match expression
473 # [2] number of coccurances (if "COUNT" used in RESULT)
474 # [4] name of the source script file
475 # [5] expected test case result leaf selector (PASS, FAIL)
476 # [6] verdict of the TC
477 # [7] flag whether memory leak is detected or not (defined/not defined)
478 # [8] flag whether abnormal termination is detected or not (defined/not defined)
479 sub sa_getTCInfo(\@$$) {
480 my ($poi, $Buffer, $filename) = @_;
481 my $tcidx = scalar @{$poi};
482 if ($Buffer =~ s/${sa_re_TCheader}//s) { $poi->[$tcidx][0] = $1; }
483 else { die "ERROR: Cannot find test case name in current block\n"; }
484 if ($Buffer =~ s/<\s*EXECUTE\s*>//m) { $poi->[$tcidx][1] = 'EXECUTE'; }
485 elsif ($Buffer =~ s/<\s*EXECUTE_PARALLEL\s*>//m) { $poi->[$tcidx][1] = 'EXECUTE_PARALLEL'; }
486 elsif ($Buffer =~ s/<\s*COMPILEGCC\s*>//m) { $poi->[$tcidx][1] = 'COMPILEGCC'; }
487 else { $poi->[$tcidx][1] = 'COMPILE'; }
488 if ($Buffer =~ /${sa_re_EXPECTEDbody}/m) { $poi->[$tcidx][5] = $1; }
489 else { $poi->[$tcidx][5] = 'PASS'; }
490 my $idx = 0;
491 while ($Buffer =~ s/${sa_re_MODULEbody}//s) {
492 $poi->[$tcidx][2][$idx][0] = $1;
493 $poi->[$tcidx][2][$idx][1] = $2;
494 $poi->[$tcidx][2][$idx][2] = $3;
495 $poi->[$tcidx][2][$idx][3] = $4;
496 $idx++;
497 }
498 while ($Buffer =~ s/${sa_re_RESULTbody}//s) {
499 my $expectedVerdict;
500 if (defined($1)) {
501 $expectedVerdict = ($1 eq 'IF_FAIL') ? 'FAIL':'PASS';
502 } else { $expectedVerdict = 'PASS'; }
503 my $idx = (defined($poi->[$tcidx][3]{$expectedVerdict}))
504 ? scalar @{$poi->[$tcidx][3]{$expectedVerdict}} : 0;
505 if (defined($2)) {
506 # Skip matching strings intended for the load-test run-time when
507 # "-rt2" is used. Vice versa.
508 if ($2 eq 'LTRT' and $sa_titanRuntime2
509 or $2 eq 'FTRT' and not $sa_titanRuntime2) { next; }
510 }
511 if (defined($3)) {
512 $poi->[$tcidx][3]{$expectedVerdict}[$idx][0] = ($3 ne '') ? $3 : 'POSITIVE';}
513 else {$poi->[$tcidx][3]{$expectedVerdict}[$idx][0] = 'POSITIVE';}
514 if (defined($4)) { $poi->[$tcidx][3]{$expectedVerdict}[$idx][2] = $4; }
515 $poi->[$tcidx][3]{$expectedVerdict}[$idx][1] = $5;
516 eval { '' =~ /$poi->[$tcidx][3]{$expectedVerdict}[$idx][1]/ };
517 if ($@) {
518 sa_log("In file $filename, test case '$poi->[$tcidx][0]'\n");
519 sa_log " Syntax error in provided pattern:\n $poi->[$tcidx][3]{$expectedVerdict}[$idx][1]\n$@\n";
520 exit(1);
521 }
522 }
523 $poi->[$tcidx][4] = $filename;
524 $poi->[$tcidx][6] = 'NONE';
525 }
526 # Parse test case data
527 sub sa_parseTCs() {
528 # give only a list of the test cases
529 if ($sa_list_TCs) {
530 sa_log( "Collected test cases:\n");
531 my $idx = 1;
532 # collect test case data from all specified script files
533 foreach my $filename (@sa_scriptFiles) {
534 my $Buffer = sa_readFile($filename);
535 while ($Buffer =~ s/^.*?(${sa_re_TCheader}.+?<END_TC>)//s) {
536 sa_getTCInfo(@sa_TCInfo, $1, $filename);
537 }
538 }
539 foreach my $poi (@sa_TCInfo) {
540 sa_log( "$idx. '$poi->[0]' \n");
541 sa_log( " source:$poi->[4]; leaf:$poi->[5]\n");
542 $idx++;
543 }
544 exit(1);
545 }
546 foreach my $filename (@sa_scriptFiles) {
547 my $Buffer = sa_readFile($filename);
548 while ($Buffer =~ s/^.*?(${sa_re_TCheader}.+?<END_TC>)//s) {
549 if (not sa_isInList(@sa_tcList2Execute,$2)) { next; }
550 sa_getTCInfo(@sa_TCInfo, $1, $filename);
551 }
552 }
553 }
555 # Writes the modules of the TC
556 sub sa_writeModulesOfTC(\@) {
557 my $root = $_[0];
558 foreach my $poi (@{$root->[2]}) {
559 open(TMP, "> $poi->[2]") or die "Can't create file '$poi->[2]': $!\n";
560 sa_log("Module $poi->[1] (file $poi->[2]):\n");
561 sa_log("$poi->[3]\n");
562 print TMP $poi->[3] . "\n";
563 close (TMP);
564 }
565 }
566 # Deletes the files(modules) of the TC
567 sub sa_deleteModulesOfTC(\@) {
568 my $root = $_[0];
569 sa_log( "Cleanup... ");
570 if (-f 'Makefile') {
571 my $makefile;
572 `make clean 2>&1`;
573 $makefile = sa_readFile('Makefile');
574 while ($makefile =~ s/^(\s*USER_SOURCES\s*=\s*)(\w+\.cc)/$1/im) {
575 if (not exists($sa_existedFiles{$2})) {
576 if (unlink $2) {sa_log( "$2 ");}
577 }
578 }
579 while ($makefile =~ s/^(\s*USER_HEADERS\s*=\s*)(\w+\.hh)/$1/im) {
580 if (not exists($sa_existedFiles{$2})) {
581 if (unlink $2) {sa_log( "$2 ");}
582 }
583 }
584 }
585 if (unlink "Makefile") {sa_log( "Makefile ");}
586 foreach my $poi (@{$root->[2]}) {
587 if (unlink $poi->[2]) {sa_log( "$poi->[2] ");}
588 # remove possible generated code
589 if ($poi->[0] eq 'TTCN') {
590 if (unlink "$poi->[1].cc") {sa_log( "$poi->[1].cc ");}
591 if (unlink "$poi->[1].hh") {sa_log( "$poi->[1].hh ");}
592 } else {
593 my $tmp = $poi->[1];
594 $tmp =~ s/\-/_/g;
595 if (unlink "$tmp.cc") {sa_log( "$tmp.cc ");}
596 if (unlink "$tmp.hh") {sa_log( "$tmp.hh ");}
597 }
598 }
599 sa_log("\n");
600 }
602 # Fetch the executable name from Makefile
603 sub sa_fetchExecutableName() {
604 my $makefile = sa_readFile('Makefile');
605 if ($makefile =~ /^\s*EXECUTABLE\s*=\s*(\w+)/im) { return $1; }
606 die "ERROR: Executable name is not found in generated Makefile\n";
607 }
609 # Perform a system call
610 # return value: (status, output)
611 # status = 0 on success
612 # status = 1 on command timeout
613 # status = 2 on abnormal termination
614 # output: collected printout from the process
615 sub sa_executeCommand($) {
616 # Silly Perl does not allow to capture STDERR, only STDOUT.
617 # As a workaround, ask the shell to redirect STDERR to STDOUT.
618 # It's OK until TITAN writes everything to STDERR (as it is today)
619 my $command = "$_[0] 2>&1";
620 my $subRes = "";
621 my $pid;
622 my $exitStatus = 0;
623 sa_log( "$_[0]\n");
624 # run as a separate Perl program to be able to use timeout
625 eval {
626 local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "timeout\n" }; # NB: \n required
627 alarm $sa_timeout; # send an alarm signal in specified time
628 # call via exec to be able to catch the exit status
629 # (without exec, the shell always return with 0 exit status)
630 $pid = open(TMP, "exec $command |");
631 die "ERROR: Cannot fork: $!\n" unless ($pid);
632 while (<TMP>) { $subRes .= $_; }
633 close(TMP);
634 $exitStatus = $? & 128; # whether core dump occured
635 alarm 0;
636 };
637 sa_log("$subRes\n");
638 if ($@) { # an error occured (thought, not only at timeout)
639 sa_log("\nSoftly killing forked process $pid\n");
640 kill 1, $pid;
641 sa_log("ERROR: system call '$command' is not finished within $sa_timeout seconds\n");
642 return (1, $subRes);
643 }
644 if ($exitStatus) { # core dump occured
645 sa_log("\nERROR: system call '$command' is terminated abnormally\n");
646 return (2, $subRes);
647 }
648 return (0, $subRes);
649 }
651 # Compile the stuff now
652 # return value: (status, output)
653 # status = 0 on success
654 # status = 1 on ERROR
655 # status = 2 on test case FAIL (compiler related ERROR)
656 sub sa_compileTC(\@) {
657 my $root = $_[0];
658 my $modules2compile = '';
659 my $configFile = '';
660 my $subRes = '';
661 my $res;
662 my $cycles = 0;
663 foreach my $poi (@{$root->[2]}) {
664 if ($poi->[0] eq "CFG") {$configFile = $poi->[2]; next;}
665 $modules2compile .= " $poi->[2]";
666 }
667 if ($modules2compile eq '') {
668 sa_log( "WARNING: test case '$root->[0]' does not contain any modules, skipping\n");
669 return (1, '');
670 }
671 sa_log( "Compiling sources...\n");
672 my $runtimeOption = '';
673 if ($sa_titanRuntime2) { $runtimeOption = '-R'; }
674 do {
675 if ($cycles) { sleep(60 * 10); }
676 $cycles++;
677 ($res, $subRes) = sa_executeCommand("$sa_compilerCmd $runtimeOption $modules2compile");
678 # Purify message, when no floating license available. Sleep for a while
679 # and retry.
680 # -continue-without-license=yes
681 } while (($subRes =~ /\-continue\-without\-license\=yes/mi) and ($cycles <= $max_cycles));
682 if ($res) { return (2, $subRes); }
683 my $resultBuffer = $subRes;
684 if ($root->[1] eq "COMPILE") { return (0, $resultBuffer); }
686 sa_log( "Generating test port skeletons...\n");
687 ($res, $subRes) = sa_executeCommand("$sa_compilerCmd $runtimeOption -t -f $modules2compile");
688 if ($res) { return (1, $subRes); }
689 $resultBuffer .= $subRes;
691 sa_log( "Generating Makefile...\n");
692 ($res, $subRes) = sa_executeCommand("$sa_mfgenCmd $runtimeOption -s -f $modules2compile *.cc*");
693 if ($res) { return (1, $subRes); }
694 $resultBuffer .= $subRes;
695 if (not (-e 'Makefile')) {
696 sa_log( "ERROR: Makefile could not be generated\n");
697 sa_log ($subRes);
698 return (1, $subRes);
699 }
700 if ($root->[1] eq "EXECUTE_PARALLEL") {
701 sa_log("Patching Makefile for parallel mode...\n");
702 my $Buffer = sa_readFile('Makefile');
703 $Buffer =~ s/^\s*TTCN3_LIB\s*=\s*(ttcn3\S*)\s*$/TTCN3_LIB = $1-parallel/im;
704 unlink 'Makefile';
705 sa_writeFile('Makefile', $Buffer);
706 }
707 sa_log("Building...\n");
708 my $coverage_args = $sa_coverageEnabled ? "CXXFLAGS=\"-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -g\" LDFLAGS=\"-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -g -lgcov\"" : "";
709 ($res, $subRes) = sa_executeCommand("make " . $coverage_args);
710 if ($res) { return (1, $subRes); }
711 $resultBuffer .= $subRes;
712 my $exeName = sa_fetchExecutableName();
713 if (not (-e $exeName)) {
714 sa_log( "ERROR: GCC compilation error, no executable produced ('$exeName')\n");
715 if ($sa_halt_on_errors) {
716 sa_log( "\nTest execution interrupted (no cleanup).\n\n");
717 exit(1);
718 }
720 return (1, $subRes);
721 }
722 if ($root->[1] eq "COMPILEGCC") { return (0, $resultBuffer); }
724 # go on with execution
725 sa_log("Fetched executable name: $exeName\n");
726 if ($root->[1] eq "EXECUTE") {
727 sa_log( "Executing in single mode...\n");
728 if ($configFile eq '') {
729 sa_log( "ERROR: No runtime config file is specified in the test case\n");
730 return (1, $subRes);
731 }
732 ($res, $subRes) = sa_executeCommand("./$exeName $configFile");
733 if ($res) { return (1, $subRes); }
734 $resultBuffer .= $subRes;
735 return (0, $resultBuffer);
736 } else {
737 sa_log( "Executing in parallel mode...\n");
738 if ($configFile eq '') {
739 ($res, $subRes) = sa_executeCommand("$sa_runtimeCmd $exeName");
740 } else {
741 ($res, $subRes) = sa_executeCommand("$sa_runtimeCmd $exeName $configFile");
742 }
743 if ($res) { return (1, $subRes); }
744 $resultBuffer .= $subRes;
745 return (0, $resultBuffer);
746 }
747 }
750 # Print a test case result
751 # $_[0] name of the test case
752 # $_[1] verdict
753 sub sa_printResult($$) {
754 sa_log( "\nTest case '$_[0]' \n '$_[1]'\n".$sa_separator);
755 }
757 # Check test case result based on RESULT lists
758 sub sa_checkTCResult(\@$) {
759 my ($root, $resultBuffer) = @_;
760 my $result = 'PASS';
761 my $expectedResult = $root->[5];
762 if (not defined($root->[3])) {
763 sa_log( "ERROR: No RESULT section in test case '$root->[0]'\n");
764 sa_printResult($root->[0], 'ERROR');
765 $root->[6] = 'ERROR';
766 return;
767 }
768 foreach my $poi (@{$root->[3]{$expectedResult}}) {
769 # match with each result
770 if ($poi->[1] !~ /\S/) {next;}
771 if (($poi->[0] eq 'POSITIVE') and defined($poi->[2])) { # counter match
772 my $counter = 0;
773 my $tmpBuf = $resultBuffer;
774 while ($tmpBuf =~ s/$poi->[1]//) { $counter++; }
775 if ($counter != $poi->[2]) {
776 sa_log( "Failing at counting: pattern '$poi->[1]'\nexpected '$poi->[2]' times, found '$counter' times\n");
777 $result = 'FAIL'; last;
778 } else { sa_log("Passed matching pattern (counting $counter times): '$poi->[1]'\n"); }
779 } else { # simple pattern match
780 if ($poi->[0] eq 'POSITIVE') {
781 if ($resultBuffer !~ /$poi->[1]/si) {
782 sa_log( "Failing at pattern (expected, not found):\n$poi->[1]\n");
783 $result = 'FAIL'; last;
784 } else { sa_log("Passed matching pattern (expected): '$poi->[1]'\n"); }
785 } else { # NEGATIVE
786 if ($resultBuffer =~ /$poi->[1]/si) {
787 sa_log( "Failing at pattern (not expected but found):\n$poi->[1]\n");
788 $result = 'FAIL'; last;
789 } else { sa_log("Passed matching pattern (not expected): '$poi->[1]'\n"); }
790 }
791 }
792 }
793 # Check if there is any memory leak in compiler
794 if ($resultBuffer =~ /${sa_re_MemoryLeak}/mi) {
795 sa_log( "WARNING: Memory leak detected in compiler, setting verdict to 'FAIL'\n");
796 $root->[7] = 'memory leak detected';
797 $result = 'FAIL';
798 }
799 sa_printResult($root->[0], $result);
800 if ($sa_halt_on_errors and ($result ne 'PASS')) {
801 sa_log( "\nTest execution interrupted (no cleanup).\n\n");
802 exit(1);
803 }
804 $root->[6] = $result;
805 }
807 # Execute test cases
808 sub sa_executeTCs() {
809 my $flag;
810 # Log general info
811 sa_log($sa_separator);
812 sa_log("Date : " . `date`);
813 sa_log("User : " . `whoami`);
814 if (defined($ENV{HOST})) {
815 sa_log("Host : $ENV{HOST}\n");
816 } else {
817 sa_log("Host : <unknown>\n");
818 }
819 sa_log("Platform : " . `uname -a`);
820 sa_log("g++ : " . `which g++ | grep g++`);
821 sa_log("g++ vers.: " . `g++ -dumpversion`);
822 if (defined($ENV{TTCN3_DIR})) {
823 sa_log( "compiler : $sa_compilerCmd\n");
824 sa_log( "TTCN3_DIR: $ENV{TTCN3_DIR}\n");
825 } else {
826 sa_log( "compiler : " . `which compiler | grep compiler`);
827 sa_log( "TTCN3_DIR: <undefined>\n");
828 }
829 sa_log("Location : $ENV{PWD}\n");
830 sa_log( `$sa_compilerCmd -v 2>&1` . "\n");
831 my $sa_nrOfTCs2Execute = scalar @sa_tcList2Execute;
832 my $sa_nrOfTCs2Executed = 1;
833 # test case execution
834 foreach my $poi (@sa_TCInfo) {
835 sa_log ("\n\n$sa_separator Executing test case: '$poi->[0]'\n");
836 sa_log (" leaf: $poi->[5] ; mode: $poi->[1] ; source: $poi->[4] ;");
837 sa_log (" index: $sa_nrOfTCs2Executed of $sa_nrOfTCs2Execute\n$sa_separator");
838 opendir(DIR, '.') || die "can't opendir '.': $!";
839 foreach my $f (readdir(DIR)) { $sa_existedFiles{$f} = $f; }
840 closedir DIR;
841 sa_writeModulesOfTC(@{$poi});
842 my ($res, $resultBuffer) = sa_compileTC(@{$poi});
843 if ($res == 1) { # error
844 sa_printResult($poi->[0], 'ERROR');
845 $poi->[6] = 'ERROR';
846 next;
847 } elsif ($res == 2) { # compiler hanged or terminated abnormally
848 sa_printResult($poi->[0], 'FAIL');
849 $poi->[6] = 'FAIL';
850 $poi->[8] = 'hanged or abnormal termination';
851 next;
852 }
853 # Check result now
854 sa_checkTCResult(@{$poi}, $resultBuffer);
855 sa_deleteModulesOfTC(@{$poi});
856 $sa_nrOfTCs2Executed++;
857 }
859 sa_log("\n\n$sa_separator");
861 $flag = 0;
862 sa_log("The following test cases passed:\n");
863 sa_log("================================\n");
864 foreach my $poi (@sa_TCInfo) {
865 if ($poi->[6] eq 'PASS') {
866 sa_log(" [$poi->[4]]: '$poi->[0]' \n");
867 $sa_executionStatistics[0]++;
868 $flag = 1;
869 }
870 }
871 if (not $flag) { sa_log(" None.\n"); }
873 $flag = 0;
874 sa_log("The following test cases failed:\n");
875 sa_log("================================\n");
876 foreach my $poi (@sa_TCInfo) {
877 if ($poi->[6] eq 'FAIL') {
878 sa_log(" [$poi->[4]]: '$poi->[0]' \n");
879 $sa_executionStatistics[1]++;
880 $flag = 1;
881 }
882 }
883 if (not $flag) { sa_log(" None.\n"); }
885 $flag = 0;
886 sa_log("The following test cases are inconclusive:\n");
887 sa_log("==========================================\n");
888 foreach my $poi (@sa_TCInfo) {
889 if ($poi->[6] eq 'ERROR') {
890 sa_log(" [$poi->[4]]: '$poi->[0]' \n");
891 $sa_executionStatistics[2]++;
892 $flag = 1;
893 }
894 }
895 if (not $flag) { sa_log(" None.\n"); }
897 $flag = 0;
898 sa_log("\nMemory leak detected in the following test cases:\n");
899 foreach my $poi (@sa_TCInfo) {
900 if (defined($poi->[7])) {
901 sa_log(" [$poi->[4]]: '$poi->[0]' \n");
902 $sa_executionStatistics[4]++;
903 $flag = 1;
904 }
905 }
906 if (not $flag) { sa_log(" None.\n"); }
908 $flag = 0;
909 sa_log("\nAbnormal termination occured during the following test cases:\n");
910 foreach my $poi (@sa_TCInfo) {
911 if (defined($poi->[8])) {
912 sa_log(" [$poi->[4]]: '$poi->[0]' \n");
913 $sa_executionStatistics[3]++;
914 $flag = 1;
915 }
916 }
917 if (not $flag) { sa_log(" None.\n"); }
919 my $sa_nrOfTCs2Execute = scalar @sa_tcList2Execute;
920 my $nrOfScriptFiles = scalar @sa_scriptFiles;
921 sa_log("\n\n$sa_separator");
922 sa_log("$sa_nrOfTCs2Execute test cases from $nrOfScriptFiles script files were executed\n");
923 sa_log("Total number of executed test cases: $sa_nrOfTCs2Execute\n");
924 sa_log(" PASSED test cases: $sa_executionStatistics[0]\n");
925 sa_log(" FAILED test cases: $sa_executionStatistics[1]\n");
926 sa_log(" INCONCLUSIVE test cases: $sa_executionStatistics[2]\n");
927 sa_log(" Abnormally terminated test cases: $sa_executionStatistics[3]\n");
928 sa_log(" Memory leaked test cases: $sa_executionStatistics[4]\n");
929 if ($sa_nrOfTCs2Execute != $sa_executionStatistics[0] + $sa_executionStatistics[1] +
930 $sa_executionStatistics[2]) { sa_log( "INTERNAL ERROR: Statistics mismatch\n"); }
932 if (defined($sa_LOG)) {sa_log("Session saved to log file '$sa_logFile'\n");}
933 return ($sa_nrOfTCs2Execute==$sa_executionStatistics[0]);
934 }
936 ###############################################################################
937 ## M A I N
938 ###############################################################################
940 $sessionTime = time();
941 $sa_compilerCmd = (defined $ENV{TTCN3_DIR}) ?
942 "$ENV{TTCN3_DIR}/bin/compiler" : 'compiler';
943 $sa_mfgenCmd = (defined $ENV{TTCN3_DIR}) ?
944 "$ENV{TTCN3_DIR}/bin/ttcn3_makefilegen" : 'ttcn3_makefilegen';
945 $sa_runtimeCmd = (defined $ENV{TTCN3_DIR}) ?
946 "$ENV{TTCN3_DIR}/bin/ttcn3_start" : 'ttcn3_start';
947 sa_processCommandLine();
948 sa_collectTCs();
949 sa_parseTCs();
950 my $isAllPassed = sa_executeTCs();
951 $sessionTime = time() - $sessionTime;
952 sa_log("Elapsed time in this session: $sessionTime seconds\n");
953 if (defined($sa_LOG)) { close $sa_LOG; }
954 exit($isAllPassed?0:1);
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