Thu Aug 7 13:39:31 1997 Geoffrey Noer <>
[deliverable/binutils-gdb.git] / gdb / doc / refcard.tex
1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% gdb-refcard.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
3 %This file is TeX source for a reference card describing GDB, the GNU debugger.
4 %$Id$
5 %Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
6 %Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
7 %this reference provided the copyright notices and permission notices
8 %are preserved on all copies.
9 %
10 %TeX markup is a programming language; accordingly this file is source
11 %for a program to generate a reference.
12 %
13 %This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
14 %it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15 %the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
16 %any later version.
17 %
18 %This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
19 %WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 %General Public License for more details.
22 %
23 %You can find a copy of the GNU General Public License in the GDB
24 %manual; or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
25 %675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
26 %
27 %You can contact the author as:
28 %
29 % Roland Pesch
30 % Cygnus Support
31 % 814 University Ave.
32 % Palo Alto, CA 94301 USA
33 %
34 % +1 415 322 3811
35 %
36 % Uncomment the following `magnification' command if you want to print
37 % out in a larger font. Caution! You may need larger paper. You had
38 % best avoid using 3-column output if you try this. See the ``Three
39 % column format'' section below if you want to print in three column
40 % format.
41 %
42 %\magnification=\magstep 1
43 %
44 % NOTE ON INTENTIONAL OMISSIONS: This reference card includes most GDB
45 % commands, but due to space constraints there are some things I chose
46 % to omit. In general, not all synonyms for commands are covered, nor
47 % all variations of a command.
48 % The GDB-under-Emacs section omits gdb-mode functions without default
49 % keybindings. GDB startup options are not described.
50 % set print sevenbit-strings, set symbol-reloading omitted.
51 % printsyms, printpsyms, omitted since they're for GDB maintenance primarily
52 % share omitted due to obsolescence
53 % set check range/type omitted at least til code is in GDB.
54 %
55 {%
56 \def\$#1${{#1}}% Kluge: collect RCS revision info without $...$
57 \xdef\manvers{\$Revision$}%
58 }%
59 %-------------------- Three column format -----------------------
61 %%%% --- To disable three column format, comment out this entire section
63 % Three-column format for landscape printing on 8.5x11 paper
65 % We want output .25 inch *from paper edge*; i.e. -.75in from TeX default
66 \hoffset=-0.8in \voffset=-0.75in
67 \newdimen\fullhsize
68 \fullhsize=10.5in \hsize=3.3in
69 \def\fulline{\hbox to \fullhsize}
70 \let\lcr=L \newbox\leftcolumn\newbox\centercolumn
71 \output={\if L\lcr
72 \global\setbox\leftcolumn=\columnbox \global\let\lcr=C
73 \else
74 \if C\lcr
75 \global\setbox\centercolumn=\columnbox \global\let\lcr=R
76 \else \tripleformat \global\let\lcr=L
77 \fi
78 \fi
79 % \ifnum\outputpenalty>-20000 \else\dosupereject\fi
80 }
81 %
83 %
84 %For NO printed folding guide, comment out other \def\vdecor's and uncomment:
85 %\def\vdecor{\hskip .2in plus1fil}
86 %
87 %For SOLID LINE folding guide, comment out other \def\vdecor's and uncomment:
88 %\def\vdecor{\hskip .1in plus1fil \vrule width .1pt \hskip .1in plus1fil}
89 %
90 %For SMALL MARKS NEAR TOP AND BOTTOM as folding guide,
91 %comment out other \def\vdecor's and uncomment:
92 \def\vdecor{\hskip .1in plus1fil
93 \vbox to \vsize{\hbox to .1pt{\vrule height 2pt width .1pt}\vfill
94 \hbox to .1pt{\vrule height 2pt width .1pt}}
95 \hskip .1in plus1fil}
96 %
98 %
99 \def\tripleformat{\shipout\vbox{\fulline{\box\leftcolumn\vdecor
100 \box\centercolumn\vdecor
101 \columnbox}
102 }
103 \advancepageno}
104 \def\columnbox{\leftline{\pagebody}}
105 \def\bye{\par\vfill
106 \supereject
107 \if R\lcr \null\vfill\eject\fi
108 \end}
110 %-------------------- end three column format -----------------------
112 %-------------------- Computer Modern font defs: --------------------
113 \font\bbf=cmbx10
114 \font\vbbf=cmbx12
115 \font\smrm=cmr6
116 \font\brm=cmr10
117 \font\rm=cmr7
118 \font\it=cmti7
119 \font\tt=cmtt8
120 %-------------------- end font defs ---------------------------------
122 %
123 \vsize=8in
124 \hyphenpenalty=5000\tolerance=2000\raggedright\raggedbottom
125 \normalbaselineskip=9pt\baselineskip=9pt
126 %
127 \parindent=0pt
128 \parskip=0pt
129 \footline={\vbox to0pt{\hss}}
130 %
131 \def\ctl#1{{\tt C-#1}}
132 \def\opt#1{{\brm[{\rm #1}]}}
133 \def\xtra#1{\noalign{\smallskip{\tt#1}}}
134 %
135 \long\def\sec#1;#2\endsec{\vskip 1pc
136 \halign{%
137 %COL 1 (of halign):
138 \vtop{\hsize=1.1in\tt
139 ##\par\vskip 2pt }\hfil
140 %COL 2 (of halign):
141 &\vtop{\hsize=2.1in\hangafter=1\hangindent=0.5em
142 \rm ##\par\vskip 2pt}\cr
143 %Tail of \long\def fills in halign body with \sec args:
144 \noalign{{\bbf #1}\vskip 2pt}
145 #2
146 }
147 }
149 {\vbbf GDB QUICK REFERENCE}\hfil{\smrm GDB Version 4}\qquad
151 \sec Essential Commands;
152 gdb {\it program} \opt{{\it core}}&debug {\it program} \opt{using
153 coredump {\it core}}\cr
154 b \opt{\it file\tt:}{\it function}&set breakpoint at {\it function} \opt{in \it file}\cr
155 run \opt{{\it arglist}}&start your program \opt{with {\it arglist}}\cr
156 bt& backtrace: display program stack\cr
157 p {\it expr}&display the value of an expression\cr
158 c &continue running your program\cr
159 n &next line, stepping over function calls\cr
160 s &next line, stepping into function calls\cr
161 \endsec
163 \sec Starting GDB;
164 gdb&start GDB, with no debugging files\cr
165 gdb {\it program}&begin debugging {\it program}\cr
166 gdb {\it program core}&debug coredump {\it core} produced by {\it
167 program}\cr
168 gdb --help&describe command line options\cr
169 \endsec
171 \sec Stopping GDB;
172 quit&exit GDB; also {\tt q} or {\tt EOF} (eg \ctl{d})\cr
173 INTERRUPT&(eg \ctl{c}) terminate current command, or send to running process\cr
174 \endsec
176 \sec Getting Help;
177 help&list classes of commands\cr
178 help {\it class}&one-line descriptions for commands in {\it class}\cr
179 help {\it command}&describe {\it command}\cr
180 \endsec
182 \sec Executing your Program;
183 run {\it arglist}&start your program with {\it arglist}\cr
184 run&start your program with current argument list\cr
185 run $\ldots$ <{\it inf} >{\it outf}&start your program with input, output
186 redirected\cr
187 \cr
188 kill&kill running program\cr
189 \cr
190 tty {\it dev}&use {\it dev} as stdin and stdout for next {\tt run}\cr
191 set args {\it arglist}&specify {\it arglist} for next
192 {\tt run}\cr
193 set args&specify empty argument list\cr
194 show args&display argument list\cr
195 \cr
196 show environment&show all environment variables\cr
197 show env {\it var}&show value of environment variable {\it var}\cr
198 set env {\it var} {\it string}&set environment variable {\it var}\cr
199 unset env {\it var}&remove {\it var} from environment\cr
200 \endsec
202 \sec Shell Commands;
203 cd {\it dir}&change working directory to {\it dir}\cr
204 pwd&Print working directory\cr
205 make $\ldots$&call ``{\tt make}''\cr
206 shell {\it cmd}&execute arbitrary shell command string\cr
207 \endsec
209 \vfill
210 \line{\smrm \opt{ } surround optional arguments \hfill $\ldots$ show
211 one or more arguments}
212 \vskip\baselineskip
213 \centerline{\smrm \copyright 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\qquad Permissions on back}
214 \eject
215 \sec Breakpoints and Watchpoints;
216 break \opt{\it file\tt:}{\it line}\par
217 b \opt{\it file\tt:}{\it line}&set breakpoint at {\it line} number \opt{in \it file}\par
218 eg:\quad{\tt break main.c:37}\quad\cr
219 break \opt{\it file\tt:}{\it function}&set breakpoint at {\it
220 function} \opt{in \it file}\cr
221 break +{\it offset}\par
222 break -{\it offset}&set break at {\it offset} lines from current stop\cr
223 break *{\it addr}&set breakpoint at address {\it addr}\cr
224 break&set breakpoint at next instruction\cr
225 break $\ldots$ if {\it expr}&break conditionally on nonzero {\it expr}\cr
226 cond {\it n} \opt{\it expr}&new conditional expression on breakpoint
227 {\it n}; make unconditional if no {\it expr}\cr
228 tbreak $\ldots$&temporary break; disable when reached\cr
229 rbreak {\it regex}&break on all functions matching {\it regex}\cr
230 watch {\it expr}&set a watchpoint for expression {\it expr}\cr
231 catch {\it x}&break at C++ handler for exception {\it x}\cr
232 \cr
233 info break&show defined breakpoints\cr
234 info watch&show defined watchpoints\cr
235 \cr
236 clear&delete breakpoints at next instruction\cr
237 clear \opt{\it file\tt:}{\it fun}&delete breakpoints at entry to {\it fun}()\cr
238 clear \opt{\it file\tt:}{\it line}&delete breakpoints on source line \cr
239 delete \opt{{\it n}}&delete breakpoints
240 \opt{or breakpoint {\it n}}\cr
241 \cr
242 disable \opt{{\it n}}&disable breakpoints
243 \opt{or breakpoint {\it n}}
244 \cr
245 enable \opt{{\it n}}&enable breakpoints
246 \opt{or breakpoint {\it n}}
247 \cr
248 enable once \opt{{\it n}}&enable breakpoints \opt{or breakpoint {\it n}};
249 disable again when reached
250 \cr
251 enable del \opt{{\it n}}&enable breakpoints \opt{or breakpoint {\it n}};
252 delete when reached
253 \cr
254 \cr
255 ignore {\it n} {\it count}&ignore breakpoint {\it n}, {\it count}
256 times\cr
257 \cr
258 commands {\it n}\par
259 \qquad \opt{\tt silent}\par
260 \qquad {\it command-list}&execute GDB {\it command-list} every time breakpoint {\it n} is reached. \opt{{\tt silent} suppresses default
261 display}\cr
262 end&end of {\it command-list}\cr
263 \endsec
265 \sec Program Stack;
266 backtrace \opt{\it n}\par
267 bt \opt{\it n}&print trace of all frames in stack; or of {\it n}
268 frames---innermost if {\it n}{\tt >0}, outermost if {\it n}{\tt <0}\cr
269 frame \opt{\it n}&select frame number {\it n} or frame at address {\it
270 n}; if no {\it n}, display current frame\cr
271 up {\it n}&select frame {\it n} frames up\cr
272 down {\it n}&select frame {\it n} frames down\cr
273 info frame \opt{\it addr}&describe selected frame, or frame at
274 {\it addr}\cr
275 info args&arguments of selected frame\cr
276 info locals&local variables of selected frame\cr
277 info reg \opt{\it rn}\par
278 info all-reg \opt{\it rn}&register values \opt{for reg {\it rn\/}} in
279 selected frame; {\tt all-reg} includes floating point\cr
280 info catch&exception handlers active in selected frame\cr
281 \endsec
283 \vfill\eject
284 \sec Execution Control;
285 continue \opt{\it count}\par
286 c \opt{\it count}&continue running; if {\it count} specified, ignore
287 this breakpoint next {\it count} times\cr
288 \cr
289 step \opt{\it count}\par
290 s \opt{\it count}&execute until another line reached; repeat {\it count} times if
291 specified\cr
292 stepi \opt{\it count}\par
293 si \opt{\it count}&step by machine instructions rather than source
294 lines\cr
295 \cr
296 next \opt{\it count}\par
297 n \opt{\it count}&execute next line, including any function calls\cr
298 nexti \opt{\it count}\par
299 ni \opt{\it count}&next machine instruction rather than source
300 line\cr
301 \cr
302 until \opt{\it location}&run until next instruction (or {\it
303 location})\cr
304 finish&run until selected stack frame returns\cr
305 return \opt{\it expr}&pop selected stack frame without executing
306 \opt{setting return value}\cr
307 signal {\it num}&resume execution with signal {\it s} (none if {\tt 0})\cr
308 jump {\it line}\par
309 jump *{\it address}&resume execution at specified {\it line} number or
310 {\it address}\cr
311 set var={\it expr}&evaluate {\it expr} without displaying it; use for
312 altering program variables\cr
313 \endsec
315 \sec Display;
316 print \opt{\tt/{\it f}\/} \opt{\it expr}\par
317 p \opt{\tt/{\it f}\/} \opt{\it expr}&show value of {\it expr} \opt{or
318 last value \tt \$} according to format {\it f}:\cr
319 \qquad x&hexadecimal\cr
320 \qquad d&signed decimal\cr
321 \qquad u&unsigned decimal\cr
322 \qquad o&octal\cr
323 \qquad t&binary\cr
324 \qquad a&address, absolute and relative\cr
325 \qquad c&character\cr
326 \qquad f&floating point\cr
327 call \opt{\tt /{\it f}\/} {\it expr}&like {\tt print} but does not display
328 {\tt void}\cr
329 x \opt{\tt/{\it Nuf}\/} {\it expr}&examine memory at address {\it expr};
330 optional format spec follows slash\cr
331 \quad {\it N}&count of how many units to display\cr
332 \quad {\it u}&unit size; one of\cr
333 &{\tt\qquad b}\ individual bytes\cr
334 &{\tt\qquad h}\ halfwords (two bytes)\cr
335 &{\tt\qquad w}\ words (four bytes)\cr
336 &{\tt\qquad g}\ giant words (eight bytes)\cr
337 \quad {\it f}&printing format. Any {\tt print} format, or\cr
338 &{\tt\qquad s}\ null-terminated string\cr
339 &{\tt\qquad i}\ machine instructions\cr
340 disassem \opt{\it addr}&display memory as machine instructions\cr
341 \endsec
343 \sec Automatic Display;
344 display \opt{\tt/\it f\/} {\it expr}&show value of {\it expr} each time
345 program stops \opt{according to format {\it f}\/}\cr
346 display&display all enabled expressions on list\cr
347 undisplay {\it n}&remove number(s) {\it n} from list of
348 automatically displayed expressions\cr
349 disable disp {\it n}&disable display for expression(s) number {\it
350 n}\cr
351 enable disp {\it n}&enable display for expression(s) number {\it
352 n}\cr
353 info display&numbered list of display expressions\cr
354 \endsec
356 \vfill\eject
358 \sec Expressions;
359 {\it expr}&an expression in C, C++, or Modula-2 (including function calls), or:\cr
360 {\it addr\/}@{\it len}&an array of {\it len} elements beginning at {\it
361 addr}\cr
362 {\it file}::{\it nm}&a variable or function {\it nm} defined in {\it
363 file}\cr
364 $\tt\{${\it type}$\tt\}${\it addr}&read memory at {\it addr} as specified
365 {\it type}\cr
366 \$&most recent displayed value\cr
367 \${\it n}&{\it n}th displayed value\cr
368 \$\$&displayed value previous to \$\cr
369 \$\${\it n}&{\it n}th displayed value back from \$\cr
370 \$\_&last address examined with {\tt x}\cr
371 \$\_\_&value at address \$\_\cr
372 \${\it var}&convenience variable; assign any value\cr
373 \cr
374 show values \opt{{\it n}}&show last 10 values \opt{or surrounding
375 \${\it n}}\cr
376 show convenience&display all convenience variables\cr
377 \endsec
379 \sec Symbol Table;
380 info address {\it s}&show where symbol {\it s} is stored\cr
381 info func \opt{\it regex}&show names, types of defined functions
382 (all, or matching {\it regex})\cr
383 info var \opt{\it regex}&show names, types of global variables (all,
384 or matching {\it regex})\cr
385 whatis \opt{\it expr}\par
386 ptype \opt{\it expr}&show data type of {\it expr} \opt{or \tt \$}
387 without evaluating; {\tt ptype} gives more detail\cr
388 ptype {\it type}&describe type, struct, union, or enum\cr
389 \endsec
391 \sec GDB Scripts;
392 source {\it script}&read, execute GDB commands from file {\it
393 script}\cr
394 \cr
395 define {\it cmd}\par
396 \qquad {\it command-list}&create new GDB command {\it cmd};
397 execute script defined by {\it command-list}\cr
398 end&end of {\it command-list}\cr
399 document {\it cmd}\par
400 \qquad {\it help-text}&create online documentation
401 for new GDB command {\it cmd}\cr
402 end&end of {\it help-text}\cr
403 \endsec
405 \sec Signals;
406 handle {\it signal} {\it act}&specify GDB actions for {\it signal}:\cr
407 \quad print&announce signal\cr
408 \quad noprint&be silent for signal\cr
409 \quad stop&halt execution on signal\cr
410 \quad nostop&do not halt execution\cr
411 \quad pass&allow your program to handle signal\cr
412 \quad nopass&do not allow your program to see signal\cr
413 info signals&show table of signals, GDB action for each\cr
414 \endsec
416 \sec Debugging Targets;
417 target {\it type} {\it param}&connect to target machine, process, or file\cr
418 help target&display available targets\cr
419 attach {\it param}&connect to another process\cr
420 detach&release target from GDB control\cr
421 \endsec
423 \vfill\eject
424 \sec Controlling GDB;
425 set {\it param} {\it value}&set one of GDB's internal parameters\cr
426 show {\it param}&display current setting of parameter\cr
427 \xtra{\rm Parameters understood by {\tt set} and {\tt show}:}
428 \quad complaints {\it limit}&number of messages on unusual symbols\cr
429 \quad confirm {\it on/off}&enable or disable cautionary queries\cr
430 \quad editing {\it on/off}&control {\tt readline} command-line editing\cr
431 \quad height {\it lpp}&number of lines before pause in display\cr
432 \quad language {\it lang}&Language for GDB expressions ({\tt auto}, {\tt c} or
433 {\tt modula-2})\cr
434 \quad listsize {\it n}&number of lines shown by {\tt list}\cr
435 \quad prompt {\it str}&use {\it str} as GDB prompt\cr
436 \quad radix {\it base}&octal, decimal, or hex number representation\cr
437 \quad verbose {\it on/off}&control messages when loading
438 symbols\cr
439 \quad width {\it cpl}&number of characters before line folded\cr
440 \quad write {\it on/off}&Allow or forbid patching binary, core files
441 (when reopened with {\tt exec} or {\tt core})
442 \cr
443 \quad history $\ldots$\par
444 \quad h $\ldots$&groups with the following options:\cr
445 \quad h exp {\it off/on}&disable/enable {\tt readline} history expansion\cr
446 \quad h file {\it filename}&file for recording GDB command history\cr
447 \quad h size {\it size}&number of commands kept in history list\cr
448 \quad h save {\it off/on}&control use of external file for
449 command history\cr
450 \cr
451 \quad print $\ldots$\par
452 \quad p $\ldots$&groups with the following options:\cr
453 \quad p address {\it on/off}&print memory addresses in stacks,
454 values\cr
455 \quad p array {\it off/on}&compact or attractive format for
456 arrays\cr
457 \quad p demangl {\it on/off}&source (demangled) or internal form for C++
458 symbols\cr
459 \quad p asm-dem {\it on/off}&demangle C++ symbols in
460 machine-instruction output\cr
461 \quad p elements {\it limit}&number of array elements to display\cr
462 \quad p object {\it on/off}&print C++ derived types for objects\cr
463 \quad p pretty {\it off/on}&struct display: compact or indented\cr
464 \quad p union {\it on/off}&display of union members\cr
465 \quad p vtbl {\it off/on}&display of C++ virtual function
466 tables\cr
467 \cr
468 show commands&show last 10 commands\cr
469 show commands {\it n}&show 10 commands around number {\it n}\cr
470 show commands +&show next 10 commands\cr
471 \endsec
473 \sec Working Files;
474 file \opt{\it file}&use {\it file} for both symbols and executable;
475 with no arg, discard both\cr
476 core \opt{\it file}&read {\it file} as coredump; or discard\cr
477 exec \opt{\it file}&use {\it file} as executable only; or discard\cr
478 symbol \opt{\it file}&use symbol table from {\it file}; or discard\cr
479 load {\it file}&dynamically link {\it file\/} and add its symbols\cr
480 add-sym {\it file} {\it addr}&read additional symbols from {\it file},
481 dynamically loaded at {\it addr}\cr
482 info files&display working files and targets in use\cr
483 path {\it dirs}&add {\it dirs} to front of path searched for
484 executable and symbol files\cr
485 show path&display executable and symbol file path\cr
486 info share&list names of shared libraries currently loaded\cr
487 \endsec
489 \vfill\eject
490 \sec Source Files;
491 dir {\it names}&add directory {\it names} to front of source path\cr
492 dir&clear source path\cr
493 show dir&show current source path\cr
494 \cr
495 list&show next ten lines of source\cr
496 list -&show previous ten lines\cr
497 list {\it lines}&display source centered around {\it lines},
498 specified as one of:\cr
499 \quad{\opt{\it file\tt:}\it num}&line number \opt{in named file}\cr
500 \quad{\opt{\it file\tt:}\it function}&beginning of function \opt{in
501 named file}\cr
502 \quad{\tt +\it off}&{\it off} lines after last printed\cr
503 \quad{\tt -\it off}&{\it off} lines previous to last printed\cr
504 \quad{\tt*\it address}&line containing {\it address}\cr
505 list {\it f},{\it l}&from line {\it f} to line {\it l}\cr
506 info line {\it num}&show starting, ending addresses of compiled code for
507 source line {\it num}\cr
508 info source&show name of current source file\cr
509 info sources&list all source files in use\cr
510 forw {\it regex}&search following source lines for {\it regex}\cr
511 rev {\it regex}&search preceding source lines for {\it regex}\cr
512 \endsec
514 \sec GDB under GNU Emacs;
515 M-x gdb&run GDB under Emacs\cr
516 \ctl{h} m&describe GDB mode\cr
517 M-s&step one line ({\tt step})\cr
518 M-n&next line ({\tt next})\cr
519 M-i&step one instruction ({\tt stepi})\cr
520 \ctl{c} \ctl{f}&finish current stack frame ({\tt finish})\cr
521 M-c&continue ({\tt cont})\cr
522 M-u&up {\it arg} frames ({\tt up})\cr
523 M-d&down {\it arg} frames ({\tt down})\cr
524 \ctl{x} \&&copy number from point, insert at end\cr
525 \ctl{x} SPC&(in source file) set break at point\cr
526 \endsec
528 \sec GDB License;
529 show copying&Display GNU General Public License\cr
530 show warranty&There is NO WARRANTY for GDB. Display full no-warranty
531 statement.\cr
532 \endsec
535 \vfill
536 {\smrm\parskip=6pt
537 \centerline{Copyright \copyright 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.}
538 \centerline{Roland Pesch (, January 1992---\manvers}
539 \centerline{The author assumes no responsibility for any errors on this card.}
541 This card may be freely distributed under the terms of the GNU
542 General Public License.
544 \centerline{Please contribute to development of this card by
545 annotating it.}
547 GDB itself is free software; you are welcome to distribute copies of
548 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. There is
549 absolutely no warranty for GDB.
550 }
551 \end
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