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13 <title>var</title>
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29 <p><br clear="all">
30 </p>
31 <hr>
32 <h1>var</h1>
33 <blockquote>
34 <p>1. <a href="#1."> Declaring a variable of built-in type</a></p>
35 <p>2. <a href="#2."> Declaring a variable of referenced type</a></p>
36 <p>3. <a href="#3."> Multiple declaration of variables of the same type</a></p>
37 <p>4. <a href="#4.">Declaring a variable array</a></p>
38 </blockquote>
39 <hr align="left" width="75%">
40 <h4><a name="1.">1. Declaring a variable of built-in type</a></h4>
41 <hr align="left" width="50%">
42 <div align="center">
43 <center>
44 <table border="0" width="90%" bgcolor="#FFB599" cellpadding="4">
45 <tr>
46 <td width="100%">
47 <h3 align="center"><font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"><b>var </b></font> ( <font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"><b>bitstring</b></font> | <font face="Courier New"
48 color="#003258" size="5"><b>boolean</b></font> | <font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"><b>charstring</b></font> | <font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"><b>universal
49 charstring</b></font> | <font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"> <b>integer</b></font> | <font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"> <b>octetstring</b></font> | <font face="Courier New"
50 color="#003258" size="5"><b>objid</b></font> | <font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"><b>hexstring</b></font> | <font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"><b>verdicttype</b></font>
51 | <font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"><b>float</b></font> | <font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"><b>address</b></font> | <font face="Courier New" color="#003258"
52 size="5"><b>default</b></font> | <font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"><b>anytype</b></font> ) <i>var_identifier&nbsp;</i> [<font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"><b>:=</b></font>
53 <i> single_variable_expression</i> ]<font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"> <b>;</b></font></h3>
54 </td>
55 </tr>
56 </table>
57 </center>
58 </div>
59 <ul>
60 <li>
61 <p>The <font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="4"><b>var</b></font> keyword introduces the variable definition.</p>
62 </li>
63 <li>
64 <p><a href="bitstring.html" name="par1"><font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="4"><b>bitstring</b></font></a> denotes an a type whose distinguished values are the ordered sequences of
65 zero, one, or more bits.</p>
66 </li>
67 <li>
68 <p><a href="boolean.html"><font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="4"><b>boolean</b></font></a> is a simple basic type consisting of two distinguished values (namely true or false).</p>
69 </li>
70 <li>
71 <p><a href="charstring.html"><font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="4"><b>charstring</b></font></a> denotes a type whose distinguished values are the ordered sequences of characters of
72 ISO/IEC 646 as described in ITU-T Recommendation T.50.</p>
73 </li>
74 <li>
75 <p><a href="universal.html"><font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="4"><b>universal charstring</b></font></a> denotes a type whose distinguished values are the ordered sequences of UCS-4
76 coded representation of ISO/IEC 10646 characters.</p>
77 </li>
78 <li>
79 <p><a href="integer.html"><font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="4"><b>integer</b></font></a> denotes a a type with distinguished values which are the positive and negative whole
80 numbers, including zero.</p>
81 </li>
82 <li>
83 <p><a href="octetstring.html"><font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="4"><b>octetstring</b></font></a> stands for a a type whose distinguished values are the ordered sequences of zero or
84 a positive even number of hexadecimal digits (every pair of digits corresponding to an ordered sequence of eight bits).</p>
85 </li>
86 <li>
87 <p><a href="objid.html"><font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="4"><b>objid</b></font></a> defines a type whose distinguished values are the set of all object identifiers conforming to
88 clause 6.2 of ITU-T Recommendation X.660.</p>
89 </li>
90 <li>
91 <p><a href="hexstring.html"><font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="4"><b>hexstring</b></font></a> defines a type whose distinguished values are the ordered sequences of zero, one, or
92 more hexadecimal digits, each corresponding to an ordered sequence of four bits.</p>
93 </li>
94 <li>
95 <p><a href="verdicttype.html"><font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="4"><b>verdicttype</b></font></a> defines a type for use with test verdicts consisting of 5 distinguished values.</p>
96 </li>
97 <li>
98 <p><a href="float.html"><font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="4"><b>float</b></font></a> defines a type to describe floating-point numbers.</p>
99 </li>
100 <li>
101 <p><a href="address.html"><font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="4"><b>address</b></font></a> denotes a user defined type to allow addressing specific entities inside the system under
102 test.</p>
103 </li>
104 <li>
105 <p><a href="default.html"><font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="4"><b>default</b></font></a> is a reference to an activated default resulting from an activate operation.</p>
106 </li>
107 </ul>
108 <div align="center">
109 <center>
110 <table border="0" width="100%" bgcolor="#C9C2BB" cellpadding="4">
111 <tr>
112 <td width="100%">
113 <blockquote>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<u>TITAN specific restriction compared to the standard</u>: anytype is not implemented yet.</blockquote>
114 <ul>
115 <li>
116 <p><a href="anytype.html"><font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="4"><b>anytype</b></font></a> defines as a shorthand for the union of all defined types, imported ASN.1 and other
117 imported external types.</p>
118 </li>
119 </ul>
120 </td>
121 </tr>
122 </table>
123 </center>
124 </div>
125 <ul>
126 <li>
127 <p><i>var_identifier</i> is the&nbsp;name used to refer to the variable. Must begin with a letter, may contain letters, numbers and underscore characters.&nbsp;<br>
128 According to the&nbsp; Naming convention, the following prefixes are recommended:&nbsp;</p>
129 <ul>
130 <li><b>v_</b> for variables declared in the test component type definition,</li>
131 <li><b>vc_</b> for variables defined within a component type and used to store component instance references (returned by a <b><font face="Courier New">create</font></b> operation),</li>
132 <li><b>vd_</b> for variables defined within a component type used to store references to activated defaults (returned by an <b><font face="Courier New">activate</font></b> statement),;</li>
133 <li><b>vl_</b> for variables declared in testcases, functions, altsteps, block of statements or in the control part,</li>
134 <li><b>vlc_</b> for variables defined in testcases or functions and used to store component instance references (returned by a <b><font face="Courier New">create</font></b> operation),</li>
135 <li>
136 <p><b>vld_</b> for variables defined in testcases or functions used to store references to activated defaults (returned by an <b><font face="Courier New">activate</font></b> statement),</p>
137 </li>
138 </ul>
139 </li>
140 <li>
141 <p>The optional <i>single_variable_expression</i> is used to define an initial value. It may contain variables and literal values as operands. The result of the expression must correspond to the
142 type of the variable.</p>
143 </li>
144 </ul>
145 <p><a href="#Ex1">Example</a></p>
146 <hr align="left" width="75%" color="#0094D2">
147 <h4><a name="2.">2. Declaring a variable of referenced type</a></h4>
148 <hr align="left" width="50%" color="#0094D2">
149 <div align="center">
150 <center>
151 <table border="0" width="90%" bgcolor="#FFB599" cellpadding="4">
152 <tr>
153 <td width="100%">
154 <h3 align="center"><font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"><b>var </b></font> [ <i>module_id</i> [.<i>obj_id</i> ].] <i>type_reference</i> [.<i>field_reference</i> ] <i>var_identifier&nbsp;</i>
155 [<font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"><b>:=</b></font> &nbsp;<br>
156 <i>single_variable_expression</i> | <i>value_list</i> | <i>value_assginment_list</i> ]<font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"><b>;</b></font></h3>
157 </td>
158 </tr>
159 </table>
160 </center>
161 </div>
162 <ul>
163 <li>
164 <p>The <font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="4"><b>var</b></font> keyword introduces the variable definition.</p>
165 </li>
166 <li>
167 <p><i><a href="BNF.html#moduleidentifier">module_id</a></i> is needed when the referenced type is defined in another TTCN-3 module and denotes the name of that module.</p>
168 </li>
169 </ul>
170 <div align="center">
171 <center>
172 <table border="0" width="100%" bgcolor="#C9C2BB" cellpadding="4">
173 <tr>
174 <td width="100%">
175 <blockquote>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<u>TITAN specific restriction compared to the standard</u>: objid&nbsp; is not implemented yet; it is discarded when encountered.</blockquote>
176 <ul>
177 <li>
178 <p><i><a href="BNF.html#objidcomponent">obj_id</a></i> is an optional object identifier which may follow the TTCN-3 module identifier.</p>
179 </li>
180 </ul>
181 </td>
182 </tr>
183 </table>
184 </center>
185 </div>
186 <ul>
187 <li>
188 <p><i><a name="par2">type_reference</a></i> refers to an already defined (structured or simple) <a href="type.html">type</a>.</p>
189 </li>
190 </ul>
191 <table border="0" width="100%" bgcolor="#C9C2BB" cellpadding="4">
192 <tr>
193 <td width="100%">
194 <blockquote>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<u>TITAN specific restriction compared to the standard</u>: field reference can only be used with structured variables defined in the module definition
195 part.</blockquote>
196 <ul>
197 <p>
198 <li><i><a href="BNF.html#extendedfieldreference">field_reference</a></i> optionally stands for a field of a structured type.
199 </p>
200 </li>
201 </ul>
202 </td>
203 </tr>
204 </table>
205 <ul>
206 <li>
207 <p><i>var_identifier</i> is the&nbsp;name used to refer to the variable. Must begin with a letter, may contain letters, numbers and underscore characters.</p>
208 </li>
209 <li>
210 <p>The optional <a href="BNF.html#singleconstexpression"><i>single_variable_expression</i> </a> may contain variables and literal values as operands. The result of the expression
211 must correspond to the type of the variable. Used with simple types to define an initial value.</p>
212 </li>
213 <li>
214 <p>The optional <a href="BNF.html#arrayconstexpression"><i>value_list</i></a> is a comma-separated list of the variable values between curly brackets. Used with structured types
215 to define an initial value</p>
216 </li>
217 </ul>
218 <div align="center">
219 <center>
220 <table border="0" width="100%" bgcolor="#C9C2BB" cellpadding="4">
221 <tr>
222 <td width="100%">
223 <blockquote>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<u>TITAN specific restriction compared to the standard</u>: value assignment can only be used with structured variables defined in the module definition
224 part.</blockquote>
225 <ul>
226 <li>
227 <p>The optional <a href="BNF.html#fieldconstexpressionspec"><i>value_assignment_list</i></a> is a comma-separated list of the field name - variable value pairs between curly
228 brackets. Used with structured types to define an initial value.</p>
229 </li>
230 </ul>
231 </td>
232 </tr>
233 </table>
234 </center>
235 </div>
236 <p><a href="#Ex2">Example</a></p>
237 <hr align="left" width="75%" color="#0094D2">
238 <h4><a name="3.">3. Multiple declaration of variables of the same type</a></h4>
239 <hr align="left" width="50%" color="#0094D2">
240 <div align="center">
241 <center>
242 <table border="0" width="90%" bgcolor="#FFB599" cellpadding="4">
243 <tr>
244 <td width="100%">
245 <h3 align="center"><font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"><b>var </b></font> <i>type&nbsp;</i> <i>identifier<sub>1</sub>&nbsp;</i>[ <font face="Courier New" color="#003258"
246 size="5"> <b>:=</b></font> <i> variable_expression<sub>1</sub></i><font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"><b>],</b></font><i> identifier<sub>2</sub>&nbsp;</i> [<font face="Courier New"
247 color="#003258" size="5"><b>:=</b></font> <i> variable_expression<sub>2</sub> </i>]<i></i> <font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"> <b>;</b></font></h3>
248 </td>
249 </tr>
250 </table>
251 </center>
252 </div>
253 <ul>
254 <li>
255 <p>The <font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="4"><b>var</b></font> keyword introduces the variable definition.</p>
256 </li>
257 <li>
258 <p align="left"><i>type</i> is one of the built-in types mentioned in <a href="#par1">paragraph 1</a> or referenced types mentioned in <a href="#par2">paragraph 2</a> .</p>
259 </li>
260 <li>
261 <p><i>identifier<sub>n</sub></i> is the&nbsp;name used to refer to the n<sup>th</sup> variable.</p>
262 </li>
263 <li>
264 <p>The optional <i>variable_expression<sub>n</sub></i> determines the initial value of the n<sup>th</sup> variable.</p>
265 </li>
266 </ul>
267 <p><a href="#Ex3">Example</a></p>
268 <hr align="left" width="75%" color="#0094D2">
269 <h4><a name="4.">4. Declaring a variable array</a></h4>
270 <hr align="left" width="50%" color="#0094D2">
271 <div align="center">
272 <center>
273 <table border="0" width="90%" bgcolor="#FFB599" cellpadding="4">
274 <tr>
275 <td width="100%">
276 <h3 align="center"><font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"><b>var </b></font> <i>type var_identifier </i> <font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"><b>[ </b></font> <i>array_index</i>
277 <font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"><b> ]</b> </font>[<font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="5"><b>:=</b></font> <i>value_list</i><font face="Courier New" color="#003258"
278 size="5">]<b>;</b></font></h3>
279 </td>
280 </tr>
281 </table>
282 </center>
283 </div>
284 <ul>
285 <li>
286 <p>The <font face="Courier New" color="#003258" size="4"><b>var</b></font> keyword introduces the variable definition.</p>
287 </li>
288 <li>
289 <p align="left"><i>type</i> is one of the built-in types mentioned in <a href="#par1">paragraph 1</a> or referenced types mentioned in <a href="#par2">paragraph 2</a> .</p>
290 </li>
291 <li>
292 <p><i>var_identifier</i> is the&nbsp;name used to refer to the variable. Must begin with a letter, may contain letters, numbers and underscore characters.</p>
293 </li>
294 <li>
295 <p><i><a href="BNF.html#arraydef">array index</a></i> is a non-negative integer value corresponding to the number of elements in the array.&nbsp;<br>
296 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Alternatively, the lower and upper index values are given joined by two dots.</p>
297 </li>
298 <li>
299 <p>The optional <a href="BNF.html#arrayconstexpression"><i>value_list</i> </a> is a comma-separated list of the initial variable values between curly brackets.</p>
300 </li>
301 </ul>
302 <p><a href="#Ex4">Example</a></p>
303 <hr align="left" width="50%">
304 <hr align="left" width="50%">
305 <p><a name="Ex1">Example 1a</a>:
306 <p><font face="Courier New">var integer v_myVariable := 127;</font>
307 <p>A variable called v_MyVariable is defined. The variable will have the initial value one hundred twenty seven.</p>
308 <hr align="left" width="50%">
309 <p>Example 1b:
310 <p><font face="Courier New">var bitstring v_myGarland := '00101101'B;&nbsp;<br>
311 var bitstring v_myBiggerGarland := v_myGarland &amp; '11000010'B;</font></p>
312 <p>Two variables are defined. The one called v_myBiggerGarland initially will have the binary value 11101111.</p>
313 <hr align="left" width="50%">
314 <p><a name="Ex2">Example 2a</a>:
315 <p><font face="Courier New">type record E_Rec {integer field1, boolean field2}; //defined in Elsewhere</font></p>
316 <p><font face="Courier New">var Elsewhere.E_Rec v_CurrVar := {17, true};</font></p>
317 <p>A record called E_Rec have been defined in the TTCN-3 module Elsewhere. In the current module we define a variable named v_CurrVar and assign values to all of its fields. In TITAN, the value
318 notation as shown above may only be used in the module definition part.</p>
319 <hr align="left" width="50%">
320 <p>Example 2b:
321 <p><font face="Courier New">type record G_Rec {float first_field, hexstring last_field};&nbsp;<br>
322 var G_Rec.last_field v_FuzerVar;</font></p>
323 <p>First we define a record called G_Rec. Then we define a variable named v_FuzerVar derived from the second field of the referred type and assign no initial value to it.&nbsp;</p>
324 <hr align="left" width="50%">
325 <p>Example 2c:
326 <p><font face="Courier New">type record G_Rec {float first_field, hexstring last_field};&nbsp;<br>
327 var G_Rec v_UeppigVar := {<br>
328 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; first_field := 5.77,<br>
329 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; last_field := '55'H;<br>
330 }</font></p>
331 <p>First we define a record called G_Rec. Then we define a variable named v_UeppigVar and assign initial values to both of its fields using assignment notation.</p>
332 <hr align="left" width="50%">
333 <p><a name="Ex3">Example 3</a>:
334 <p><font face="Courier New">var boolean v_MyVar2 := true, v_MyVar3;</font></p>
335 <p>Two variables (v_MyVar2 and v_MyVar3) are declared within one operation.&nbsp;The latter variable has no initial value assigned.</p>
336 <hr align="left" width="50%">
337 <p><a name="Ex4">Example 4a</a>:
338 <p><font face="Courier New">var boolean v_MinVar[3] := { true, false, false };</font></p>
339 <p>The array defined v_MinVar consists of three elements indexed from 0 to 2.</p>
340 <hr align="left" width="50%">
341 <p>Example 4b:
342 <p><font face="Courier New">var boolean v_DinVar[7..9] := { true, false, false };</font></p>
343 <p>The array defined v_DinVar consists also of three elements as in the example 4a, but here the indices run from 7 to 9.</p>
344 <hr align="left" width="25%">
345 <hr align="left" width="25%">
346 <p><a HREF="BNF.html#varinstance">BNF definition</a> of <font face="Courier New"> var</font></p>
347 </body>
348 </html>
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