[deliverable/titan.core.git] / logfilter.c
1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Copyright (c) 2000-2015 Ericsson Telecom AB
3 // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4 // are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6 // http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
7 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 /**************************
9 Log filter for TTCNv3
10 written by Gabor Tatarka
11 **************************/
12 #include <stdio.h>
13 #include <stdlib.h>
14 #include <unistd.h>
15 #include <string.h>
16 #include <errno.h>
17 #include "../common/version_internal.h"
19 #ifdef LICENSE
20 #include "../common/license.h"
21 #endif
23 #define Fail -1
24 #define False 0
25 #define True 1
27 #define ERR_NONE 0
28 #define ERR_WRITE 1
29 #define ERR_INVALID_LOG 2
31 /*filter flag values:*/
32 #define Write 1
33 #define DontWrite 2
34 /*0 is: act as Wothers*/
36 #define TimeLength 15
37 #define SecondLength 9
38 #define DateTimeLength 27
39 #define MaxTimeStampLength 27
40 #define BufferSize 512
41 #define YYYYMONDD 1 /*format of Date: year/month/day*/
43 static const char * const MON[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
44 "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
46 #define MaxType 15
47 typedef enum {/*If you add new types, add it to the end of the list, and
48 also add it to EventTypeNames! ET_Unknown has no representation
49 in text, and it must not be changed.Also change MaxType!*/
50 ET_Unknown=-1,ET_Error,ET_Warning,ET_Portevent,ET_Timerop,
51 ET_Verdictop,ET_Defaultop,ET_Action,ET_Testcase,ET_Function,
52 ET_User,ET_Statictics,ET_Parallel,ET_Matching,ET_Debug,
53 ET_Executor
54 } EventTypes;
55 static const char * const EventTypeNames[] = {
59 };
60 static int Wothers=Write;
61 static int Wflags[MaxType];
63 static int IsSecond(const char *str)/*Is timestamp format Seconds*/
64 {
65 int a;
66 if(*str<'0'||*str>'9')return False;/*first digit*/
67 while(*str>='0'&&*str<='9')str++;/*other digits*/
68 if(*str!='.')return False;/* '.' */
69 for(a=0;a<6;a++)if(*str<'0'||*str>'9')return False;/*microseconds(6 digits)*/
70 return True;
71 }
73 static int IsSecond2_6(const char *str)/*does string contain sec(2).usec(6)*/
74 {
75 int a;
76 for(a=0;a<SecondLength;a++) {
77 if(a==2) {
78 if(*str=='.') {
79 str++;continue;
80 } else return False;
81 }
82 if(*str<'0'||*str>'9')return False;
83 str++;
84 }
85 return True;
86 }
88 static int IsTime(const char *str)/*Is timestamp format Time*/
89 {
90 int a;
91 if(False==IsSecond2_6(str+6))return False;
92 for(a=0;a<6;a++){
93 if(a==2||a==5) {
94 if(*str==':') {
95 str++;continue;
96 } else return False;
97 }
98 if(*str<'0'||*str>'9')return False;
99 str++;
100 }
101 return True;
102 }
104 #ifdef YYYYMONDD /*Date format: year/month/day*/
105 # define FIRST_LEN 4
106 # define THIRD_LEN 2
107 #else /*Date format: day/month/year*/
108 # define FIRST_LEN 2
109 # define THIRD_LEN 4
110 #endif
112 static int IsDateTime(const char *str)/*is timestamp format Date/Time*/
113 {
114 int a,b;
115 if(False==IsTime(str+12))return False;
116 for(a=0;a<FIRST_LEN;a++) {/*YYYY or DD*/
117 if(*str<'0'||*str>'9')return False;
118 str++;
119 }
120 if(*str!='/')return False;/* '/' */
121 str++;
122 for(a=0,b=0;a<12;a++)if(0==strncmp(str,MON[a],3)){b=1;break;}/*MON*/
123 if(!b)return False;
124 str+=3;
125 if(*str!='/')return False;/* '/' */
126 str++;
127 for(a=0;a<THIRD_LEN;a++) {/*DD or YYYY*/
128 if(*str<'0'||*str>'9')return False;
129 str++;
130 }
131 return True;
132 }
134 static int ValidTS(const char *str)/*is timestamp of event valid*/
135 {
136 if(True==IsSecond(str))return True;
137 if(True==IsTime(str))return True;
138 if(True==IsDateTime(str))return True;
139 return False;
140 }
142 static EventTypes get_event_type(char *buf)
143 {
144 int a;
145 char *ptr1,*ptr2;
146 ptr1=buf+strlen(buf);
147 for(a=0;a<MaxType;a++) {
148 ptr2=strstr(buf,EventTypeNames[a]);
149 if(ptr2<ptr1&&ptr2!=NULL) {
150 ptr1=ptr2;
151 if(*(ptr2+strlen(EventTypeNames[a]))==' '&& *(ptr2-1)==' '
152 && *(ptr2+strlen(EventTypeNames[a])+1)!='|')
153 return a;
154 }
155 }
156 return ET_Unknown;
157 }
159 static int ProcessFile(FILE *out,FILE *in) /*filter infile to outfile*/
160 {
161 int b=0;
162 char line_buffer[BufferSize];
163 int last_event=0;
164 EventTypes current_event_type=ET_Unknown;
165 while(1) {
166 line_buffer[0]='\0';
167 if(NULL==fgets(line_buffer,sizeof(line_buffer),in)) last_event=1;
168 else if(ValidTS(line_buffer)) {
169 current_event_type=get_event_type(line_buffer);
170 b++;
171 }
172 if(current_event_type==ET_Unknown && Wothers==Write) {
173 if(0>fprintf(out,"%s",line_buffer))return ERR_WRITE;
174 } else if(Wflags[current_event_type]==Write ||
175 (Wflags[current_event_type]==0 && Wothers==Write)) {
176 if(0>fprintf(out,"%s",line_buffer))return ERR_WRITE;
177 }
178 if(last_event)break;
179 }
180 if(!b)return ERR_INVALID_LOG;
181 else return ERR_NONE;
182 }
184 static void Usage(const char *progname)
185 {
186 fprintf(stderr,
187 "Usage: %s [-o outfile] [infile.log] [eventtype+|-] [...]\n"
188 " or %s option\n"
189 "options:\n"
190 " -o outfile: write merged logs into file outfile\n"
191 " -v: print version\n"
192 " -h: print help (usage)\n"
193 " -l: list event types\n"
194 "If there is no outfile specified output is stdout.\n"
195 "If infile is omitted input is stdin.\n"
196 "Including and excluding event types at the same time is not allowed.\n"
197 "\n",progname,progname);
198 }
200 static void ListTypes(void)
201 {
202 int a;
203 fprintf(stderr,"Event types:\n");
204 for(a=0;a<MaxType;a++)fprintf(stderr,"\t%s\n",EventTypeNames[a]);
205 }
207 int main(int argc,char *argv[])
208 {
209 int a,b,c;
210 FILE *outfile = NULL, *infile = NULL;
211 char *outfile_name=NULL,*infile_name=NULL;
212 char tmp[20];
213 int vflag=0,oflag=0,hflag=0,lflag=0,plusflag=0,minusflag=0;
214 #ifdef LICENSE
215 license_struct lstr;
216 #endif
217 while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "lhvo:")) != -1) {
218 switch (c) {
219 case 'o':/*set outfile*/
220 outfile_name=optarg;
221 oflag = 1;
222 break;
223 case 'v':/*print version*/
224 vflag=1;
225 break;
226 case 'h':/*print help (usage)*/
227 hflag=1;
228 break;
229 case 'l':/*list event types*/
230 lflag=1;
231 break;
232 default:
233 Usage(argv[0]);
234 return EXIT_FAILURE;
235 }
236 }
237 if (oflag + vflag + hflag + lflag > 1) {
238 Usage(argv[0]);
239 return EXIT_FAILURE;
240 } else if (vflag) {
241 fputs("Log Filter for the TTCN-3 Test Executor\n"
242 "Product number: " PRODUCT_NUMBER "\n"
243 "Build date: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n"
244 "Compiled with: " C_COMPILER_VERSION "\n\n"
245 COPYRIGHT_STRING "\n\n", stderr);
246 #ifdef LICENSE
247 print_license_info();
248 #endif
249 return EXIT_SUCCESS;
250 } else if (hflag) {
251 Usage(argv[0]);
252 return EXIT_SUCCESS;
253 } else if(lflag) {
254 ListTypes();
255 return EXIT_SUCCESS;
256 }
257 #ifdef LICENSE
258 init_openssl();
259 load_license(&lstr);
260 if (!verify_license(&lstr)) {
261 free_license(&lstr);
262 free_openssl();
263 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
264 }
265 if (!check_feature(&lstr, FEATURE_LOGFORMAT)) {
266 fputs("The license key does not allow the filtering of log files.\n",
267 stderr);
268 return 2;
269 }
270 free_license(&lstr);
271 free_openssl();
272 #endif
273 /*
274 switches: -v -o -h -l
275 filter parameters: parameter+ or parameter-
276 */
277 for(a=0;a<MaxType;a++)Wflags[a]=0;
278 for(a=1;a<argc;a++) {
279 if(*argv[a]=='-'){if(*(argv[a]+1)=='o')a++;continue;}/*switch*/
280 if(*(argv[a]+strlen(argv[a])-1)=='-') {/*type to ignore*/
281 for(b=0,c=0;b<MaxType;b++)
282 if(0==strncmp(EventTypeNames[b],argv[a],
283 strlen(EventTypeNames[b]))&&strlen(EventTypeNames[b])==
284 strlen(argv[a])-1) {
285 Wflags[b]=DontWrite;
286 c=1;
287 }
288 if(!c) {/*Undefined type*/
289 strncpy(tmp,argv[a],sizeof(tmp)-1);
290 if(strlen(argv[a])>sizeof(tmp)-1)
291 for(c=2;c<5;c++)tmp[sizeof(tmp)-c]='.';
292 else tmp[strlen(argv[a])-1]='\0';
293 tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1]='\0';
294 if(strlen(tmp))fprintf(stderr,"Warning: %s is not a valid "
295 "event-type name.\n",tmp);
296 else fprintf(stderr,"Warning: `-\' without an event-type "
297 "name.\n");
298 }
299 Wothers=Write;
300 minusflag=1;
301 continue;
302 }
303 if(*(argv[a]+strlen(argv[a])-1)=='+') {/*type to write out*/
304 for(b=0,c=0;b<MaxType;b++)
305 if(0==strncmp(EventTypeNames[b],argv[a],
306 strlen(EventTypeNames[b]))&&strlen(EventTypeNames[b])==
307 strlen(argv[a])-1) {
308 Wflags[b]=Write;
309 c=1;
310 }
311 if(!c) {/*Undefined type*/
312 strncpy(tmp,argv[a],sizeof(tmp)-1);
313 if(strlen(argv[a])>sizeof(tmp)-1)
314 for(c=2;c<5;c++)tmp[sizeof(tmp)-c]='.';
315 else tmp[strlen(argv[a])-1]='\0';
316 tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1]='\0';
317 if(strlen(tmp))fprintf(stderr,"Warning: %s is not a valid "
318 "event-type name.\n",tmp);
319 else fprintf(stderr,"Warning: `+\' without an event-type "
320 "name.\n");
321 }
322 Wothers=DontWrite;
323 plusflag=1;
324 continue;
325 }
326 if(infile_name!=NULL) {/*only one input file at once*/
327 fprintf(stderr,"Error: more than one input file specified.\n");
328 return EXIT_FAILURE;
329 }
330 infile_name=argv[a];
331 }
332 if(minusflag&&plusflag) {/*type1+ and type2- at the same time could cause
333 types that are not defined what to do with, to act based on the
334 last filter definition. Thus it is not allowed.*/
335 fprintf(stderr,"Error: include and exclude at the same time.\n");
336 return EXIT_FAILURE;
337 }
338 if(infile_name==NULL)infile=stdin;/*if no infile specified use stdin*/
339 else {
340 infile=fopen(infile_name,"r");
341 if(infile==NULL) {
342 fprintf(stderr,"Error opening %s : %s\n",infile_name,
343 strerror(errno));
344 return EXIT_FAILURE;
345 }
346 }
347 if(oflag) {
348 outfile=fopen(outfile_name,"w");
349 if(outfile==NULL) {
350 fprintf(stderr,"Error creating %s : %s\n",outfile_name,
351 strerror(errno));
352 return EXIT_FAILURE;
353 }
354 } else outfile=stdout;/*if no outfile specified use stdout*/
355 a=ProcessFile(outfile,infile);/*filter infile to outfile*/
356 if(a==ERR_INVALID_LOG) {
357 if(infile_name!=NULL)fprintf(stderr,"Error: the file %s is not a valid "
358 "log file.\n",infile_name);
359 else fprintf(stderr,"Error: invalid format received from standard "
360 "input.\n");
361 return EXIT_FAILURE;
362 } else if(a==ERR_WRITE) {
363 if(errno)fprintf(stderr,"Error writing to output: %s\n",
364 strerror(errno));
365 else fprintf(stderr,"Error writing to output\n");
366 return EXIT_FAILURE;
367 }
368 return EXIT_SUCCESS;
369 }
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