Fix IllegalArgumentException in CTF multi-trace indexing
[deliverable/tracecompass.git] / org.eclipse.linuxtools.ctf.core / src / org / eclipse / linuxtools / ctf / core / trace /
1 /*******************************************************************************
2 * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Ericsson, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal and others
3 *
4 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made
5 * available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
6 * accompanies this distribution, and is available at
7 *
8 *
9 * Contributors: Matthew Khouzam - Initial API and implementation
10 * Contributors: Alexandre Montplaisir - Initial API and implementation
11 *******************************************************************************/
13 package org.eclipse.linuxtools.ctf.core.trace;
15 import java.util.Collection;
16 import java.util.HashMap;
17 import java.util.PriorityQueue;
18 import java.util.Set;
19 import java.util.Vector;
21 import org.eclipse.linuxtools.ctf.core.event.EventDefinition;
22 import org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.ctf.core.Activator;
23 import org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.ctf.core.trace.Stream;
24 import org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.ctf.core.trace.StreamInput;
25 import org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.ctf.core.trace.StreamInputPacketIndexEntry;
26 import org.eclipse.linuxtools.internal.ctf.core.trace.StreamInputReaderTimestampComparator;
28 /**
29 * Reads the events of a trace.
30 */
32 public class CTFTraceReader {
34 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 // Attributes
36 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 /**
39 * The trace to read from.
40 */
41 private final CTFTrace trace;
43 /**
44 * Vector of all the trace file readers.
45 */
46 private final Vector<StreamInputReader> streamInputReaders = new Vector<StreamInputReader>();
48 /**
49 * Priority queue to order the trace file readers by timestamp.
50 */
51 protected PriorityQueue<StreamInputReader> prio;
53 /**
54 * Array to count the number of event per trace file.
55 */
56 private int[] eventCountPerTraceFile;
58 /**
59 * Timestamp of the first event in the trace
60 */
61 private long startTime;
63 /**
64 * Timestamp of the last event read so far
65 */
66 private long endTime;
69 protected void setEndTime(long endTime) {
70 this.endTime = endTime;
71 }
73 /**
74 * Current event index
75 */
76 private long fIndex;
78 private final HashMap<Integer, Long> startIndex;
80 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
81 // Constructors
82 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
84 /**
85 * Constructs a TraceReader to read a trace.
86 *
87 * @param trace
88 * The trace to read from.
89 * @throws CTFReaderException
90 */
91 public CTFTraceReader(CTFTrace trace) {
92 this.trace = trace;
94 /**
95 * Create the trace file readers.
96 */
97 createStreamInputReaders();
99 /**
100 * Populate the timestamp-based priority queue.
101 */
102 populateStreamInputReaderHeap();
104 /**
105 * Get the start Time of this trace
106 * bear in mind that the trace could be empty.
107 */
108 this.startTime = 0;// prio.peek().getPacketReader().getCurrentPacket().getTimestampBegin();
109 if (hasMoreEvents()) {
110 this.startTime = prio.peek().getCurrentEvent().getTimestamp();
111 this.setEndTime(this.startTime);
112 this.fIndex = 0;
113 }
114 startIndex = new HashMap<Integer, Long>();
115 }
117 /**
118 * Copy constructor
119 */
120 public CTFTraceReader copyFrom() {
121 CTFTraceReader newReader = null;
123 newReader = new CTFTraceReader(this.trace);
124 newReader.startTime = this.startTime;
125 newReader.setEndTime(this.endTime);
126 return newReader;
127 }
129 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
130 // Getters/Setters/Predicates
131 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
133 /**
134 * Return the start time of this trace (== timestamp of the first event)
135 *
136 * @return the trace start time
137 */
138 public long getStartTime() {
139 return this.startTime;
140 }
142 /**
143 * @return the index
144 */
145 public long getIndex() {
146 return fIndex;
147 }
149 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
150 // Operations
151 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
153 /**
154 * Creates one trace file reader per trace file contained in the trace.
155 */
156 private void createStreamInputReaders() {
157 Collection<Stream> streams = this.trace.getStreams().values();
159 /*
160 * For each stream.
161 */
162 for (Stream stream : streams) {
163 Set<StreamInput> streamInputs = stream.getStreamInputs();
165 /*
166 * For each trace file of the stream.
167 */
168 for (StreamInput streamInput : streamInputs) {
169 /*
170 * Create a reader.
171 */
172 StreamInputReader streamInputReader = new StreamInputReader(
173 streamInput);
175 /*
176 * Add it to the group.
177 */
178 this.streamInputReaders.add(streamInputReader);
179 }
180 }
182 /*
183 * Create the array to count the number of event per trace file.
184 */
185 this.eventCountPerTraceFile = new int[this.streamInputReaders.size()];
186 }
188 /**
189 * Initializes the priority queue used to choose the trace file with the
190 * lower next event timestamp.
191 */
192 private void populateStreamInputReaderHeap() {
193 /*
194 * Create the priority queue with a size twice as bigger as the number
195 * of reader in order to avoid constant resizing.
196 */
197 this.prio = new PriorityQueue<StreamInputReader>(
198 this.streamInputReaders.size() * 2,
199 new StreamInputReaderTimestampComparator());
201 int pos = 0;
203 for (StreamInputReader reader : this.streamInputReaders) {
204 /*
205 * Add each trace file reader in the priority queue, if we are able
206 * to read an event from it.
207 */
208 if (reader.readNextEvent()) {
209 this.prio.add(reader);
211 this.eventCountPerTraceFile[pos] = 0;
212 reader.setName(pos);
214 pos++;
215 }
216 }
217 }
219 /**
220 * Get the current event, which is the current event of the trace file
221 * reader with the lowest timestamp.
222 *
223 * @return An event definition, or null of the trace reader reached the end
224 * of the trace.
225 */
226 public EventDefinition getCurrentEventDef() {
227 StreamInputReader top = getTopStream();
229 return (top != null) ? top.getCurrentEvent() : null;
230 }
232 /**
233 * Go to the next event.
234 *
235 * @return True if an event was read.
236 */
237 public boolean advance() {
238 /*
239 * Index the
240 */
241 /*
242 * Remove the reader from the top of the priority queue.
243 */
244 StreamInputReader top = this.prio.poll();
246 /*
247 * If the queue was empty.
248 */
249 if (top == null) {
250 return false;
251 }
252 /*
253 * index if needed
254 */
255 if (hasMoreEvents()) {
256 StreamInputPacketReader packetReader = top.getPacketReader();
257 boolean packetHasMoreEvents = packetReader.hasMoreEvents();
258 StreamInputPacketIndexEntry currentPacket = packetReader
259 .getCurrentPacket();
260 if (!packetHasMoreEvents) {
261 int n = this.streamInputReaders.indexOf(top);
262 if (!startIndex.containsKey(n)) {
263 startIndex.put(n, 0L);
264 }
265 currentPacket.setIndexBegin(startIndex.get(n));
266 currentPacket.setIndexEnd(fIndex);
267 startIndex.put(n, fIndex + 1);
268 }
269 }
270 /*
271 * Read the next event of this reader.
272 */
273 if (top.readNextEvent()) {
274 /*
275 * Add it back in the queue.
276 */
277 this.prio.add(top);
278 final long topEnd = top.getCurrentEvent().getTimestamp() + this.getTrace().getOffset();
279 this.setEndTime( Math.max(topEnd, this.getEndTime()));
280 this.eventCountPerTraceFile[top.getName()]++;
281 /*
282 * increment the index
283 */
284 fIndex++;
285 }
286 boolean hasMoreEvents = hasMoreEvents();
288 /*
289 * If there is no reader in the queue, it means the trace reader reached
290 * the end of the trace.
291 */
292 return hasMoreEvents;
293 }
295 /**
296 * Go to the last event in the trace.
297 *
298 * @throws CTFReaderException
299 */
300 public void goToLastEvent() throws CTFReaderException {
302 for (StreamInputReader streamInputReader : this.streamInputReaders) {
303 /*
304 * Seek the trace reader.
305 */
306 streamInputReader.goToLastEvent();
307 }
308 int count = prio.size();
309 for (int i = 0; i < (count - 1); i++) {
310 advance();
311 }
312 }
314 /**
315 * Seeks to a given timestamp It will go to the event just after the
316 * timestamp or the timestamp itself. if a if a trace is 10 20 30 40 and
317 * you're looking for 19, it'll give you 20, it you want 20, you'll get 20,
318 * if you want 21, you'll get 30. You want -inf, you'll get the first
319 * element, you want +inf, you'll get the end of the file with no events.
320 *
321 * @param timestamp
322 * the timestamp to seek to
323 * @return true if the trace has more events following the timestamp
324 */
325 public boolean seek(long timestamp) {
326 /*
327 * Remove all the trace readers from the priority queue
328 */
329 this.prio.clear();
330 fIndex = 0;
331 long offset = 0;
332 for (StreamInputReader streamInputReader : this.streamInputReaders) {
333 /*
334 * Seek the trace reader.
335 */
336 offset +=;
338 /*
339 * Add it to the priority queue if there is a current event.
340 */
342 }
343 for (StreamInputReader streamInputReader : this.streamInputReaders) {
344 if (streamInputReader.getCurrentEvent() != null) {
345 this.prio.add(streamInputReader);
346 fIndex = Math.max(fIndex, streamInputReader.getPacketReader()
347 .getCurrentPacket().getIndexBegin()
348 + offset);
349 }
350 }
351 return hasMoreEvents();
352 }
354 public boolean seekIndex(long index) {
355 this.prio.clear();
357 long tempIndex = Long.MIN_VALUE;
358 long tempTimestamp = Long.MIN_VALUE;
359 try {
360 for (StreamInputReader streamInputReader : this.streamInputReaders) {
361 /*
362 * Seek the trace reader.
363 */
364 final long streamIndex = streamInputReader.seekIndex(index);
365 if (streamInputReader.getCurrentEvent() != null) {
366 tempIndex = Math.max(tempIndex, streamIndex);
367 EventDefinition currentEvent = streamInputReader
368 .getCurrentEvent();
369 /*
370 * Maybe we're at the beginning of a trace.
371 */
372 if (currentEvent == null) {
373 streamInputReader.readNextEvent();
374 currentEvent = streamInputReader.getCurrentEvent();
375 }
376 if (currentEvent != null) {
377 tempTimestamp = Math.max(tempTimestamp,
378 currentEvent.getTimestamp());
379 } else {
380 /*
381 * probably beyond the last event
382 */
383 tempIndex = goToZero();
384 }
385 }
387 }
388 } catch (CTFReaderException e) {
389 /*
390 * Important, if it failed, it's because it's not yet indexed, so we
391 * have to manually advance to the right value.
392 */
393 tempIndex = goToZero();
394 }
395 for (StreamInputReader streamInputReader : this.streamInputReaders) {
396 /*
397 * Add it to the priority queue if there is a current event.
398 */
400 if (streamInputReader.getCurrentEvent() != null) {
401 this.prio.add(streamInputReader);
402 }
403 }
404 if (tempIndex == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
405 tempIndex = 0;
406 }
407 long pos = tempIndex;
408 if (index > tempIndex) {
409 /*
410 * advance for offset
411 */
412 while ((prio.peek().getCurrentEvent().getTimestamp() < tempTimestamp)
413 && hasMoreEvents()) {
414 this.advance();
415 }
417 for (pos = tempIndex; (pos < index) && hasMoreEvents(); pos++) {
418 this.advance();
419 }
420 }
421 this.fIndex = pos;
422 return hasMoreEvents();
423 }
425 /**
426 * Go to the first entry of a trace
427 *
428 * @return 0, the first index.
429 */
430 private long goToZero() {
431 long tempIndex;
432 for (StreamInputReader streamInputReader : this.streamInputReaders) {
433 /*
434 * Seek the trace reader.
435 */
437 }
438 tempIndex = 0;
439 return tempIndex;
440 }
442 public StreamInputReader getTopStream() {
443 return this.prio.peek();
444 }
446 /**
447 * Does the trace have more events?
448 *
449 * @return true if yes.
450 */
451 public boolean hasMoreEvents() {
452 return this.prio.size() > 0;
453 }
455 /**
456 * Prints the event count stats.
457 */
458 public void printStats() {
459 printStats(60);
460 }
462 /**
463 * Prints the event count stats.
464 *
465 * @param width
466 * Width of the display.
467 */
468 public void printStats(int width) {
469 int numEvents = 0;
470 if (width == 0) {
471 return;
472 }
474 for (int i : this.eventCountPerTraceFile) {
475 numEvents += i;
476 }
478 for (int j = 0; j < this.eventCountPerTraceFile.length; j++) {
479 StreamInputReader se = this.streamInputReaders.get(j);
481 int len = (width * this.eventCountPerTraceFile[se.getName()])
482 / numEvents;
484 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(se.getFilename() + "\t["); //$NON-NLS-1$
486 for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
487 sb.append('+');
488 }
490 for (int i = len; i < width; i++) {
491 sb.append(' ');
492 }
494 sb.append("]\t" + this.eventCountPerTraceFile[se.getName()] + " Events"); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
495 Activator.getDefault().log(sb.toString());
496 }
497 }
499 public long getEndTime() {
500 return this.endTime;
501 }
503 @Override
504 public int hashCode() {
505 final int prime = 31;
506 int result = 1;
507 result = (prime * result) + (int) (endTime ^ (endTime >>> 32));
508 result = (prime * result) + (int) (startTime ^ (startTime >>> 32));
509 result = (prime * result)
510 + ((streamInputReaders == null) ? 0 : streamInputReaders
511 .hashCode());
512 result = (prime * result) + ((trace == null) ? 0 : trace.hashCode());
513 return result;
514 }
516 @Override
517 public boolean equals(Object obj) {
518 if (this == obj) {
519 return true;
520 }
521 if (obj == null) {
522 return false;
523 }
524 if (!(obj instanceof CTFTraceReader)) {
525 return false;
526 }
527 CTFTraceReader other = (CTFTraceReader) obj;
528 if (endTime != other.endTime) {
529 return false;
530 }
531 if (startTime != other.startTime) {
532 return false;
533 }
534 if (streamInputReaders == null) {
535 if (other.streamInputReaders != null) {
536 return false;
537 }
538 } else if (!streamInputReaders.equals(other.streamInputReaders)) {
539 return false;
540 }
541 if (trace == null) {
542 if (other.trace != null) {
543 return false;
544 }
545 } else if (!trace.equals(other.trace)) {
546 return false;
547 }
548 return true;
549 }
551 /*
552 * (non-Javadoc)
553 *
554 * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
555 */
556 @Override
557 public String toString() {
558 /* Only for debugging, shouldn't be externalized */
559 return "CTFTraceReader [trace=" + trace + ']'; //$NON-NLS-1$
560 }
562 public CTFTrace getTrace() {
563 return trace;
564 }
565 }
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