tests: add moultipart.py
[babeltrace.git] / tests / plugins / src.ctf.lttng-live / test_live
1 #!/bin/bash
2 #
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
4 #
5 # Copyright (C) 2019 Philippe Proulx <pproulx@efficios.com>
6 #
8 # This test validates that a `src.ctf.lttng-live` component successfully does
9 # various tasks that a `src.ctf.lttng-live` component is expected to do, like
10 # listing tracing sessions and receiving live traces / producing the expected
11 # messages out of it.
12 #
13 # A mock LTTng live server is used to feed data to the component.
15 SH_TAP=1
17 if [ -n "${BT_TESTS_SRCDIR:-}" ]; then
18 UTILSSH="$BT_TESTS_SRCDIR/utils/utils.sh"
19 else
20 UTILSSH="$(dirname "$0")/../../utils/utils.sh"
21 fi
23 # shellcheck source=../../utils/utils.sh
24 source "$UTILSSH"
26 function cleanup ()
27 {
28 # Disable trap for SIGTERM since the following kill to the
29 # pidgroup will be SIGTERM. Otherwise it loops.
30 # The '-' before the pid number ($$) indicates 'kill' to signal the
31 # whole process group.
32 trap - SIGTERM && kill -- -$$
33 }
35 # Ensure that background child jobs are killed on SIGINT/SIGTERM
36 trap cleanup SIGINT SIGTERM
38 this_dir_relative="plugins/src.ctf.lttng-live"
39 test_data_dir="$BT_TESTS_DATADIR/$this_dir_relative"
40 trace_dir="$BT_CTF_TRACES_PATH"
42 if [ "$BT_TESTS_OS_TYPE" = "mingw" ]; then
43 # Same as the above, but in Windows form (C:\foo\bar) instead of Unix form
44 # (/c/foo/bar).
45 trace_dir_native=$(cygpath -w "${trace_dir}")
46 else
47 trace_dir_native="${trace_dir}"
48 fi
50 lttng_live_server() {
51 local pid_file="$1"
52 local retcode_file="$2"
53 shift 2
54 local server_args=("$@")
56 local server_script="$test_data_dir/lttng_live_server.py"
58 # start server
59 diag "$BT_TESTS_PYTHON_BIN $server_script ${server_args[*]}"
60 run_python "$BT_TESTS_PYTHON_BIN" "$server_script" "${server_args[@]}" 1>&2 &
62 # write PID to file
63 echo $! > "$pid_file"
65 # wait for server to exit
66 wait
68 # write return code to file
69 echo $? > "$retcode_file"
70 }
72 kill_lttng_live_server() {
73 local pid_file="$1"
75 if [ ! -s "$pid_file" ]; then
76 return
77 fi
79 kill -9 "$(cat "$pid_file")"
80 }
82 get_cli_output_with_lttng_live_server() {
83 local cli_args_template="$1"
84 local cli_stdout_file="$2"
85 local cli_stderr_file="$3"
86 local port_file="$4"
87 local trace_path_prefix="$5"
88 shift 5
89 local server_args=("$@")
91 local i
92 local ret
93 local port
94 local cli_args
95 local server_pid_file
96 local server_retcode_file
98 server_args+=(--port-file "$port_file" --trace-path-prefix "$trace_path_prefix")
99 server_pid_file="$(mktemp -t test_live_server_pid.XXXXXX)"
100 server_retcode_file="$(mktemp -t test_live_server_ret.XXXXX)"
102 diag "Starting LTTng live server mockup"
104 # This starts the server, which eventually writes its listening
105 # port number to the `$port_file` file. The lttng_live_server()
106 # function itself writes the server's PID to the
107 # `$server_pid_file` file. When the server exits,
108 # lttng_live_server() writes its return code to the
109 # `$server_retcode_file` file.
110 lttng_live_server "$server_pid_file" "$server_retcode_file" "${server_args[@]}" &
112 # Get port number
113 i=0
114 while [ ! -s "$port_file" ]; do
115 sleep .1
117 # Timeout of 30 seconds
118 if [ "$i" -eq "300" ]; then
119 # too long, kill it
120 kill_lttng_live_server "$server_pid_file"
121 wait
122 rm -f "$server_pid_file"
123 rm -f "$server_retcode_file"
124 return 1
125 fi
127 i=$((i + 1))
128 done
130 port=$(<"$port_file")
132 diag "LTTng live port is $port"
134 cli_args=${cli_args_template//@PORT@/$port}
136 # Split argument string by spaces into an array.
137 IFS=' ' read -ra cli_args <<< "$cli_args"
139 if ! bt_cli "$cli_stdout_file" "$cli_stderr_file" "${cli_args[@]}"; then
140 # CLI failed: cancel everything else
141 kill_lttng_live_server "$server_pid_file"
142 wait
143 rm -f "$server_pid_file"
144 rm -f "$server_retcode_file"
145 return 1
146 fi
148 # get server's return code
149 i=0
150 while [ ! -s "$server_retcode_file" ]; do
151 sleep .1
153 # Timeout of 30 seconds
154 if [ "$i" -eq "300" ]; then
155 # too long, kill it
156 kill_lttng_live_server "$server_pid_file"
157 wait
158 rm -f "$server_pid_file"
159 rm -f "$server_retcode_file"
160 return 1
161 fi
163 i=$((i + 1))
164 done
166 wait
168 ret=$(<"$server_retcode_file")
170 rm -f "$server_pid_file"
171 rm -f "$server_retcode_file"
172 return "$ret"
173 }
175 run_test() {
176 local test_text="$1"
177 local cli_args_template="$2"
178 local expected_stdout="$3"
179 local expected_stderr="$4"
180 local trace_path_prefix="$5"
181 shift 5
182 local server_args=("$@")
184 local cli_stderr
185 local cli_stdout
186 local port_file
187 local port
189 cli_stderr="$(mktemp -t test_live_stderr.XXXXXX)"
190 cli_stdout="$(mktemp -t test_live_stdout.XXXXXX)"
191 port_file="$(mktemp -t test_live_server_port.XXXXXX)"
193 get_cli_output_with_lttng_live_server "$cli_args_template" "$cli_stdout" \
194 "$cli_stderr" "$port_file" "$trace_path_prefix" "${server_args[@]}"
195 port=$(<"$port_file")
197 bt_diff "$expected_stdout" "$cli_stdout"
198 ok $? "$test_text - stdout"
199 bt_diff "$expected_stderr" "$cli_stderr"
200 ok $? "$test_text - stderr"
202 rm -f "$cli_stderr"
203 rm -f "$cli_stdout"
204 rm -f "$port_file"
205 }
207 test_list_sessions() {
208 # Test the basic listing of sessions.
209 # Ensure that a multi-domain trace is seen as a single session.
210 # run_test() is not used here because the port is needed to craft the
211 # expected output.
213 local port
214 local port_file
215 local tmp_stdout_expected
216 local template_expected
218 local test_text="CLI prints the expected session list"
219 local cli_args_template="-i lttng-live net://localhost:@PORT@"
220 local server_args=("$test_data_dir/list_sessions.json")
222 template_expected=$(<"$test_data_dir/cli-list-sessions.expect")
223 cli_stderr="$(mktemp -t test_live_list_sessions_stderr.XXXXXX)"
224 cli_stdout="$(mktemp -t test_live_list_sessions_stdout.XXXXXX)"
225 port_file="$(mktemp -t test_live_list_sessions_server_port.XXXXXX)"
226 tmp_stdout_expected="$(mktemp -t test_live_list_sessions_stdout_expected.XXXXXX)"
228 get_cli_output_with_lttng_live_server "$cli_args_template" "$cli_stdout" \
229 "$cli_stderr" "$port_file" "$trace_dir_native" "${server_args[@]}"
230 port=$(<"$port_file")
232 # Craft the expected output. This is necessary since the port number
233 # (random) of a "relayd" is present in the output.
234 template_expected=${template_expected//@PORT@/$port}
236 echo "$template_expected" > "$tmp_stdout_expected"
238 bt_diff "$tmp_stdout_expected" "$cli_stdout"
239 ok $? "$test_text - stdout"
240 bt_diff "/dev/null" "$cli_stderr"
241 ok $? "$test_text - stderr"
243 rm -f "$cli_stderr"
244 rm -f "$cli_stdout"
245 rm -f "$port_file"
246 rm -f "$tmp_stdout_expected"
247 }
249 test_base() {
250 # Attach and consume data from a multi packets ust session with no
251 # discarded events.
252 local test_text="CLI attach and fetch from single-domains session - no discarded events"
253 local cli_args_template="-i lttng-live net://localhost:@PORT@/host/hostname/trace-with-index -c sink.text.details"
254 local server_args=("$test_data_dir/base.json")
255 local expected_stdout="${test_data_dir}/cli-base.expect"
256 local expected_stderr="/dev/null"
258 run_test "$test_text" "$cli_args_template" "$expected_stdout" \
259 "$expected_stderr" "$trace_dir_native" "${server_args[@]}"
260 }
262 test_multi_domains() {
263 # Attach and consume data from a multi-domains session with discarded
264 # events.
265 local test_text="CLI attach and fetch from multi-domains session - discarded events"
266 local cli_args_template="-i lttng-live net://localhost:@PORT@/host/hostname/multi-domains -c sink.text.details"
267 local server_args=("${test_data_dir}/multi_domains.json")
268 local expected_stdout="$test_data_dir/cli-multi-domains.expect"
269 local expected_stderr="/dev/null"
271 run_test "$test_text" "$cli_args_template" "$expected_stdout" \
272 "$expected_stderr" "$trace_dir_native" "${server_args[@]}"
273 }
275 test_rate_limited() {
276 # Attach and consume data from a multi packets ust session with no
277 # discarded events. Enforce a server side limit on the stream data
278 # requests size. Ensure that babeltrace respect the returned size and that
279 # many requests per packet works as expected.
280 # The packet size of the test trace is 4k. Limit requests to 1k.
281 local test_text="CLI many requests per packet"
282 local cli_args_template="-i lttng-live net://localhost:@PORT@/host/hostname/trace-with-index -c sink.text.details"
283 local server_args=(--max-query-data-response-size 1024 "$test_data_dir/rate_limited.json")
284 local expected_stdout="${test_data_dir}/cli-base.expect"
285 local expected_stderr="/dev/null"
287 run_test "$test_text" "$cli_args_template" "$expected_stdout" \
288 "$expected_stderr" "$trace_dir_native" "${server_args[@]}"
289 }
291 test_compare_to_ctf_fs() {
292 # Compare the details text sink or ctf.fs and ctf.lttng-live to ensure
293 # that the trace is parsed the same way.
294 # Do the same with the session swapped on the relayd side. This validate
295 # that ordering is consistent between live and ctf fs.
296 local test_text="CLI src.ctf.fs vs src.ctf.lttng-live"
297 local cli_args_template="-i lttng-live net://localhost:@PORT@/host/hostname/multi-domains -c sink.text.details --params with-trace-name=false,with-stream-name=false"
298 local server_args=("$test_data_dir/multi_domains.json")
299 local server_args_inverse=("$test_data_dir/multi_domains_inverse.json")
300 local expected_stdout
301 local expected_stderr
303 expected_stdout="$(mktemp -t test_live_compare_stdout_expected.XXXXXX)"
304 expected_stderr="$(mktemp -t test_live_compare_stderr_expected.XXXXXX)"
306 bt_cli "$expected_stdout" "$expected_stderr" "${trace_dir}/succeed/multi-domains" -c sink.text.details --params "with-trace-name=false,with-stream-name=false"
307 bt_remove_cr "${expected_stdout}"
308 bt_remove_cr "${expected_stderr}"
309 run_test "$test_text" "$cli_args_template" "$expected_stdout" \
310 "$expected_stderr" "$trace_dir_native" "${server_args[@]}"
311 diag "Inverse session order from lttng-relayd"
312 run_test "$test_text" "$cli_args_template" "$expected_stdout" \
313 "$expected_stderr" "$trace_dir_native" "${server_args_inverse[@]}"
315 rm -f "$expected_stdout"
316 rm -f "$expected_stderr"
317 }
319 test_inactivity_discarded_packet() {
320 # Attach and consume data from a multi-packet trace with discarded
321 # packets and emit an inactivity beacon during the discarded packets
322 # period.
323 #
324 # | pkt seq:0 |<-------discarded packets------>| pkt seq:8 |
325 # 0 20 121 140
326 #
327 # This test was introduced to cover the following bug:
328 #
329 # When reading this type of trace locally, the CTF source is expected
330 # to introduce a "Discarded packets" message between packets 0 and 8.
331 # The timestamps of this message are [pkt0.end_ts, pkt8.begin_ts].
332 #
333 # In the context of a live source, the tracer could report an inactivity
334 # period during the interval of the "Discarded packets" message.
335 # Those messages eventually translate into a
336 # "Iterator inactivity" message with a timestamp set at the end of the
337 # inactivity period.
338 #
339 # If the tracer reports an inactivity period that ends at a point
340 # between pkt0 and pkt7 (resulting in an "Iterator inactivity" message),
341 # the live source could send a "Discarded packets" message that starts
342 # before the preceding "Iterator inactivity" message. This would break
343 # the monotonicity constraint of the graph.
344 local test_text="CLI attach and fetch from single-domains session - inactivity discarded packet"
345 local cli_args_template="-i lttng-live net://localhost:@PORT@/host/hostname/7_lost_between_2_with_index -c sink.text.details"
346 local server_args=("$test_data_dir/inactivity_discarded_packet.json")
347 local expected_stdout="$test_data_dir/inactivity_discarded_packet.expect"
348 local expected_stderr="/dev/null"
350 run_test "$test_text" "$cli_args_template" "$expected_stdout" \
351 "$expected_stderr" "$trace_dir_native" "${server_args[@]}"
352 }
354 test_split_metadata() {
355 # Consume a metadata stream sent in two parts. This testcase tests the
356 # behaviour of Babeltrace when the tracing session was cleared (lttng
357 # clear) but the metadata is not yet available to the relay. In such
358 # cases, when asked for metadata, the relay will return the
359 # `LTTNG_VIEWER_METADATA_OK` status and a data length of 0. The viewer
360 # need to consider such case as a request to retry fetching metadata.
361 #
362 # This testcase emulates such behaviour by adding empty metadata
363 # packets.
365 local test_text="CLI attach and fetch from single-domain session - Receive metadata in two sections separated by a empty section"
366 local cli_args_template="-i lttng-live net://localhost:@PORT@/host/hostname/split_metadata -c sink.text.details"
367 local server_args=("$test_data_dir/split_metadata.json")
368 local expected_stdout="${test_data_dir}/split_metadata.expect"
369 local expected_stderr="/dev/null"
371 run_test "$test_text" "$cli_args_template" "$expected_stdout" \
372 "$expected_stderr" "$trace_dir_native" "${server_args[@]}"
373 }
375 plan_tests 16
377 test_list_sessions
378 test_base
379 test_multi_domains
380 test_rate_limited
381 test_compare_to_ctf_fs
382 test_inactivity_discarded_packet
383 test_split_metadata
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