/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2000-2016 Ericsson Telecom AB * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Balasko, Jeno * Baranyi, Botond * Raduly, Csaba * Szabados, Kristof * Szabo, Janos Zoltan – initial implementation * Zalanyi, Balazs Andor * ******************************************************************************/ /* Parser for "extension" attributes of functions, external functions and * port types related to message encoding. */ %{ #include "../../common/dbgnew.hh" #include "../string.hh" #include "../Identifier.hh" #include "../Setting.hh" #include "../Type.hh" #include "AST_ttcn3.hh" #include "Attributes.hh" #include "Ttcnstuff.hh" #include "../stack.hh" using namespace Ttcn; using namespace Common; /* Various C macros */ #define YYERROR_VERBOSE #define yytext coding_attrib_text /* C/C++ declarations */ extern char *yytext; extern int yylex(); extern const char *coding_attrib_infile; /* Init the lexer. Located in coding_attrib_la.l */ extern void init_coding_attrib_lex(const AttributeSpec& attrib); extern void cleanup_coding_attrib_lex(); ExtensionAttributes *extatrs = 0; static void yyerror(const char *str); %} /********************************************************************* * Bison declarations *********************************************************************/ %name-prefix="coding_attrib_" %output="coding_attrib_p.cc" %expect 0 /********************************************************************* * The union-type *********************************************************************/ %union { ErrorBehaviorList *errorbehaviorlist; ErrorBehaviorSetting *errorbehaviorsetting; PrintingType *printing; Identifier *id; Ttcn::Reference *reference; string *str; Type *type; Types *types; TypeMapping *typemapping; TypeMappings *typemappings; TypeMappingTarget *typemappingtarget; TypeMappingTargets *typemappingtargets; struct { Type::MessageEncodingType_t encoding_type; string *encoding_options; } encdec_attribute; struct { Type::MessageEncodingType_t encoding_type; string *encoding_options; ErrorBehaviorList *eb_list; } encdec_mapping; struct { TypeMappings *in_mappings, *out_mappings; } in_out_mappings; struct { Ttcn::Reference *port_type_ref; TypeMappings *in_mappings, *out_mappings; } user_attribute; Def_Function_Base::prototype_t prototype; Type::typetype_t typetype; Type::MessageEncodingType_t encoding_type; ExtensionAttributes *extattrs; ExtensionAttribute *extattr; int number; } /********************************************************************* * Tokens with semantic value *********************************************************************/ %token PrototypeSetting %token EncodingType %token EncodingOption %token ErrorBehaviorString %token IDentifier "Identifier" %token Number %token CustomEncoding /********************************************************************* * Tokens without semantic value *********************************************************************/ /* TTCN-3 keywords */ %token AddressKeyword "address" %token AnyTypeKeyword "anytype" %token BitStringKeyword "bitstring" %token BooleanKeyword "boolean" %token CharStringKeyword "charstring" %token DefaultKeyword "default" %token EncodeKeyword "encode" %token FloatKeyword "float" %token FunctionKeyword "function" %token HexStringKeyword "hexstring" %token InKeyword "in" %token IntegerKeyword "integer" %token ObjectIdentifierKeyword "objid" %token OctetStringKeyword "octetstring" %token OutKeyword "out" %token UniversalKeyword "universal" %token VerdictTypeKeyword "verdicttype" %token VersionKeyword "version" %token RequiresKeyword "requires" %token ReqTitanKeyword "requiresTitan" /* Non-standard keywords used by the attributes with context-sensitive * recognition */ %token DecodeKeyword "decode" %token DiscardKeyword "discard" %token ErrorBehaviorKeyword "errorbehavior" %token InternalKeyword "internal" %token PrototypeKeyword "prototype" %token ProviderKeyword "provider" %token SimpleKeyword "simple" %token UserKeyword "user" %token TransparentKeyword "transparent" %token PrintingKeyword "printing" %token CompactKeyword "compact" %token PrettyKeyword "pretty" %token RedirectSymbol "->" %token '.' %token '<' %token '>' %token '/' /********************************************************************* * Semantic types of nonterminals *********************************************************************/ %type ErrorBehaviorSetting %type ErrorBehaviorSettingList ErrorBehaviorAttribute %type PrintingAttribute PrintingType %type FunctionMapping FunctionReference PortTypeReference ReferencedType %type EncodingOptions %type Type %type TypeList %type TypeMapping %type TypeMappingList %type TypeMappingTarget %type TypeMappingTargetList %type DecodeAttribute EncDecAttributeBody EncodeAttribute %type DecodeMapping EncodeMapping %type InOutTypeMapping InOutTypeMappingList %type UserAttribute %type PrototypeAttribute %type PredefinedType %type ExtensionAttribute ExternalFunctionAttribute PortTypeAttribute AnyTypeAttribute EncDecValueAttribute VersionAttribute RequiresAttribute TransparentAttribute %type ExtensionAttributes /********************************************************************* * Destructors *********************************************************************/ %destructor { delete $$; } EncodingOption EncodingOptions ErrorBehaviorAttribute ErrorBehaviorSetting ErrorBehaviorSettingList ErrorBehaviorString FunctionMapping FunctionReference IDentifier PortTypeReference ReferencedType Type TypeList TypeMapping TypeMappingList TypeMappingTarget TypeMappingTargetList ExtensionAttribute ExtensionAttributes ExternalFunctionAttribute PortTypeAttribute AnyTypeAttribute EncDecValueAttribute VersionAttribute RequiresAttribute PrintingAttribute PrintingType CustomEncoding %destructor { delete $$.encoding_options; } DecodeAttribute EncDecAttributeBody EncodeAttribute %destructor { delete $$.encoding_options; delete $$.eb_list; } DecodeMapping EncodeMapping %destructor { delete $$.in_mappings; delete $$.out_mappings; } InOutTypeMapping InOutTypeMappingList %destructor { delete $$.port_type_ref; delete $$.in_mappings; delete $$.out_mappings; } UserAttribute %expect 4 %% /********************************************************************* * Grammar *********************************************************************/ GrammarRoot: ExtensionAttributes { if (extatrs == 0) extatrs = $1; else { extatrs->import($1); delete $1; } } ; ExtensionAttributes: /* empty */ { $$ = new ExtensionAttributes; } | ExtensionAttributes ExtensionAttribute { $$=$1; if ($2 != NULL) $$->add($2); } ; ExtensionAttribute: ExternalFunctionAttribute | PortTypeAttribute | AnyTypeAttribute | EncDecValueAttribute | VersionAttribute | RequiresAttribute | TransparentAttribute ; VersionAttribute: VersionKeyword IDentifier { // version R2D2 $$ = new ExtensionAttribute(NULL, 0, 0, 0, $2); // VERSION $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); if ($$->get_type() == ExtensionAttribute::NONE) { $$->error("Incorrect version data '%s'", $2->get_name().c_str()); delete $2; delete $$; $$ = NULL; } } | VersionKeyword '<' IDentifier '>' { // version $$ = new ExtensionAttribute(NULL, 0, 0, 0, $3, ExtensionAttribute::VERSION_TEMPLATE); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); if ($$->get_type() == ExtensionAttribute::NONE) { $$->error("Incorrect version template '<%s>'", $3->get_name().c_str()); delete $3; delete $$; $$ = NULL; } } | VersionKeyword IDentifier Number Number IDentifier { // version CNL 113 200 R2D2 $$ = new ExtensionAttribute($2->get_dispname().c_str(), $3, $4, 0, $5); // VERSION $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); if ($$->get_type() == ExtensionAttribute::NONE) { $$->error("Incorrect version data '%s %d %d %s'", $2->get_dispname().c_str(), $3, $4, $5->get_dispname().c_str()); delete $5; delete $$; $$ = NULL; } delete $2; } | VersionKeyword IDentifier Number Number '<' IDentifier '>' { // version CNL 113 200 $$ = new ExtensionAttribute($2->get_dispname().c_str(), $3, $4, 0, $6, ExtensionAttribute::VERSION_TEMPLATE); // VERSION $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); if ($$->get_type() == ExtensionAttribute::NONE) { $$->error("Incorrect version data '%s %d %d <%s>'", $2->get_dispname().c_str(), $3, $4, $6->get_dispname().c_str()); delete $6; delete $$; $$ = NULL; } delete $2; } | VersionKeyword IDentifier Number Number '/' Number IDentifier { // version CNL 113 200 / 1 R2D2 $$ = new ExtensionAttribute($2->get_dispname().c_str(), $3, $4, $6, $7); // VERSION $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); if ($$->get_type() == ExtensionAttribute::NONE) { $$->error("Incorrect version data '%s %d %d / %d %s'", $2->get_dispname().c_str(), $3, $4, $6, $7->get_dispname().c_str()); delete $7; delete $$; $$ = NULL; } delete $2; } | VersionKeyword IDentifier Number Number '/' Number '<' IDentifier '>' { // version CNL 113 200 / 1 $$ = new ExtensionAttribute($2->get_dispname().c_str(), $3, $4, $6, $8, ExtensionAttribute::VERSION_TEMPLATE); // VERSION $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); if ($$->get_type() == ExtensionAttribute::NONE) { $$->error("Incorrect version data '%s %d %d / %d <%s>'", $2->get_dispname().c_str(), $3, $4, $6, $8->get_dispname().c_str()); delete $8; delete $$; $$ = NULL; } delete $2; } ; RequiresAttribute: RequiresKeyword IDentifier IDentifier { // module R1B $$ = new ExtensionAttribute($2, NULL, 0, 0, 0, $3); // REQUIRES $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); if ($$->get_type() == ExtensionAttribute::NONE) { /* parsing the version has failed */ $$->error("Incorrect version data '%s'", $3->get_name().c_str()); delete $2; delete $3; delete $$; $$ = NULL; } } | RequiresKeyword IDentifier IDentifier Number Number IDentifier { // module CNL xxx xxx R1A $$ = new ExtensionAttribute($2, $3->get_dispname().c_str(), $4, $5, 0, $6); // REQUIRES $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); if ($$->get_type() == ExtensionAttribute::NONE) { $$->error("Incorrect version data '%s %d %d %s'", $3->get_dispname().c_str(), $4, $5, $6->get_dispname().c_str()); delete $2; delete $6; delete $$; $$ = NULL; } delete $3; } | RequiresKeyword IDentifier IDentifier Number Number '/' Number IDentifier { // module CNL xxx xxx / 1 R9A $$ = new ExtensionAttribute($2, $3->get_dispname().c_str(), $4, $5, $7, $8); // REQUIRES $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); if ($$->get_type() == ExtensionAttribute::NONE) { $$->error("Incorrect version data '%s %d %d / %d %s'", $3->get_dispname().c_str(), $4, $5, $7, $8->get_dispname().c_str()); delete $2; delete $8; delete $$; $$ = NULL; } delete $3; } | ReqTitanKeyword IDentifier { // R1A $$ = new ExtensionAttribute(NULL, 0, 0, 0, $2, ExtensionAttribute::REQ_TITAN); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); if ($$->get_type() == ExtensionAttribute::NONE) { /* parsing the version has failed */ $$->error("Incorrect version data '%s'", $2->get_name().c_str()); delete $2; delete $$; $$ = NULL; } } | ReqTitanKeyword IDentifier Number Number IDentifier { // CRL 113 200 R1A $$ = new ExtensionAttribute($2->get_dispname().c_str(), $3, $4, 0, $5, ExtensionAttribute::REQ_TITAN); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); if ($$->get_type() == ExtensionAttribute::NONE) { $$->error("Incorrect version data '%s %d %d %s'", $2->get_dispname().c_str(), $3, $4, $5->get_dispname().c_str()); delete $5; delete $$; $$ = NULL; } delete $2; } | ReqTitanKeyword IDentifier Number Number '/' Number IDentifier { // CRL 113 200 / 2 R1A $$ = new ExtensionAttribute($2->get_dispname().c_str(), $3, $4, $6, $7, ExtensionAttribute::REQ_TITAN); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); if ($$->get_type() == ExtensionAttribute::NONE) { $$->error("Incorrect version data '%s %d %d / %d %s'", $2->get_dispname().c_str(), $3, $4, $6, $7->get_dispname().c_str()); delete $7; delete $$; $$ = NULL; } delete $2; } ; TransparentAttribute: TransparentKeyword { $$ = new ExtensionAttribute(ExtensionAttribute::TRANSPARENT); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } ; EncDecValueAttribute: InOutTypeMappingList { $$ = new ExtensionAttribute($1.in_mappings, $1.out_mappings); // ENCDECVALUE $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } ; /* FunctionAttribute is covered by the PrototypeAttribute branch */ ExternalFunctionAttribute: PrototypeAttribute { $$ = new ExtensionAttribute($1); // PROTOTYPE $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } | EncodeAttribute { $$ = new ExtensionAttribute(ExtensionAttribute::ENCODE, $1.encoding_type, $1.encoding_options); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } | DecodeAttribute { $$ = new ExtensionAttribute(ExtensionAttribute::DECODE, $1.encoding_type, $1.encoding_options); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } | ErrorBehaviorAttribute { $$ = new ExtensionAttribute($1); // ERRORBEHAVIOR $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } | PrintingAttribute { $$ = new ExtensionAttribute($1); // PRINTING $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } ; PortTypeAttribute: InternalKeyword { $$ = new ExtensionAttribute(PortTypeBody::TP_INTERNAL); // PORT_API $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } | AddressKeyword { $$ = new ExtensionAttribute(PortTypeBody::TP_ADDRESS); // PORT_API $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } | ProviderKeyword { $$ = new ExtensionAttribute(ExtensionAttribute::PORT_TYPE_PROVIDER); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } | UserAttribute { $$ = new ExtensionAttribute($1.port_type_ref, $1.in_mappings, $1.out_mappings); // PORT_TYPE_USER $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } ; PrototypeAttribute: PrototypeKeyword '(' PrototypeSetting ')' { $$ = $3; } ; EncodeAttribute: EncodeKeyword EncDecAttributeBody { $$ = $2; } ; DecodeAttribute: DecodeKeyword EncDecAttributeBody { $$ = $2; } ; EncDecAttributeBody: '(' EncodingType ')' { $$.encoding_type = $2; $$.encoding_options = 0; } | '(' EncodingType ':' EncodingOptions ')' { $$.encoding_type = $2; $$.encoding_options = $4; } | '(' CustomEncoding ')' { $$.encoding_type = Type::CT_CUSTOM; $$.encoding_options = $2; } ; EncodingOptions: EncodingOption { $$ = $1; } | EncodingOptions EncodingOption { $$ = $1; *$$ += ' '; *$$ += *$2; delete $2; } ; ErrorBehaviorAttribute: ErrorBehaviorKeyword '(' ErrorBehaviorSettingList ')' { $$ = $3; $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } ; ErrorBehaviorSettingList: ErrorBehaviorSetting { $$ = new ErrorBehaviorList(); $$->add_ebs($1); } | ErrorBehaviorSettingList ',' ErrorBehaviorSetting { $$ = $1; $$->add_ebs($3); } ; ErrorBehaviorSetting: ErrorBehaviorString ':' ErrorBehaviorString { $$ = new ErrorBehaviorSetting(*$1, *$3); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); delete $1; delete $3; } ; PrintingAttribute: PrintingKeyword '(' PrintingType ')' { $$ = $3; $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } ; PrintingType: CompactKeyword { $$ = new PrintingType(); $$->set_printing(PrintingType::PT_COMPACT); } | PrettyKeyword { $$ = new PrintingType(); $$->set_printing(PrintingType::PT_PRETTY); } ; UserAttribute: UserKeyword PortTypeReference InOutTypeMappingList { $$.port_type_ref = $2; $$.in_mappings = $3.in_mappings; $$.out_mappings = $3.out_mappings; } ; PortTypeReference: IDentifier { $$ = new Ttcn::Reference($1); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } | IDentifier '.' IDentifier { $$ = new Ttcn::Reference($1, $3); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } ; InOutTypeMappingList: InOutTypeMapping { $$ = $1; } | InOutTypeMappingList InOutTypeMapping { if ($1.in_mappings) { $$.in_mappings = $1.in_mappings; if ($2.in_mappings) { $$.in_mappings->steal_mappings($2.in_mappings); delete $2.in_mappings; } } else $$.in_mappings = $2.in_mappings; if ($1.out_mappings) { $$.out_mappings = $1.out_mappings; if ($2.out_mappings) { $$.out_mappings->steal_mappings($2.out_mappings); delete $2.out_mappings; } } else $$.out_mappings = $2.out_mappings; } ; InOutTypeMapping: InKeyword '(' TypeMappingList ')' { $$.in_mappings = $3; $$.in_mappings->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); $$.out_mappings = 0; } | OutKeyword '(' TypeMappingList ')' { $$.in_mappings = 0; $$.out_mappings = $3; $$.out_mappings->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } ; TypeMappingList: TypeMapping { $$ = new TypeMappings(); $$->add_mapping($1); } | TypeMappingList ';' TypeMapping { $$ = $1; $$->add_mapping($3); } ; TypeMapping: Type RedirectSymbol TypeMappingTargetList { $$ = new TypeMapping($1, $3); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } ; TypeMappingTargetList: TypeMappingTarget { $$ = new TypeMappingTargets(); $$->add_target($1); } | TypeMappingTargetList ',' TypeMappingTarget { $$ = $1; $$->add_target($3); } ; TypeMappingTarget: Type ':' SimpleKeyword { $$ = new TypeMappingTarget($1, TypeMappingTarget::TM_SIMPLE); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } | '-' ':' DiscardKeyword { $$ = new TypeMappingTarget(0, TypeMappingTarget::TM_DISCARD); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } | Type ':' FunctionMapping { $$ = new TypeMappingTarget($1, TypeMappingTarget::TM_FUNCTION, $3); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } | Type ':' EncodeMapping { $$ = new TypeMappingTarget($1, TypeMappingTarget::TM_ENCODE, $3.encoding_type, $3.encoding_options, $3.eb_list); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } | Type ':' DecodeMapping { $$ = new TypeMappingTarget($1, TypeMappingTarget::TM_DECODE, $3.encoding_type, $3.encoding_options, $3.eb_list); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } ; FunctionMapping: FunctionKeyword '(' FunctionReference ')' { $$ = $3; } ; FunctionReference: IDentifier { $$ = new Ttcn::Reference($1); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } | IDentifier '.' IDentifier { $$ = new Ttcn::Reference($1, $3); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } ; EncodeMapping: EncodeAttribute { $$.encoding_type = $1.encoding_type; $$.encoding_options = $1.encoding_options; $$.eb_list = 0; } | EncodeAttribute ErrorBehaviorAttribute { $$.encoding_type = $1.encoding_type; $$.encoding_options = $1.encoding_options; $$.eb_list = $2; } ; DecodeMapping: DecodeAttribute { $$.encoding_type = $1.encoding_type; $$.encoding_options = $1.encoding_options; $$.eb_list = 0; } | DecodeAttribute ErrorBehaviorAttribute { $$.encoding_type = $1.encoding_type; $$.encoding_options = $1.encoding_options; $$.eb_list = $2; } ; Type: PredefinedType { $$ = new Type($1); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } | ReferencedType { $$ = new Type(Type::T_REFD, $1); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } ; PredefinedType: /* typetype_t */ BitStringKeyword { $$ = Type::T_BSTR; } | BooleanKeyword { $$ = Type::T_BOOL; } | CharStringKeyword { $$ = Type::T_CSTR; } | UniversalKeyword CharStringKeyword { $$ = Type::T_USTR; } | IntegerKeyword { $$ = Type::T_INT; } | OctetStringKeyword { $$ = Type::T_OSTR; } | HexStringKeyword { $$ = Type::T_HSTR; } | VerdictTypeKeyword { $$ = Type::T_VERDICT; } | FloatKeyword { $$ = Type::T_REAL; } | AddressKeyword { $$ = Type::T_ADDRESS; } | DefaultKeyword { $$ = Type::T_DEFAULT; } | AnyTypeKeyword { Location loc(coding_attrib_infile, @$); loc.error("Type `anytype' as a field of `anytype' is not supported"); $$ = Type::T_ERROR; } | ObjectIdentifierKeyword { $$ = Type::T_OID; } ; ReferencedType: /* a Reference* */ IDentifier { $$ = new Ttcn::Reference($1); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } | IDentifier '.' IDentifier { $$ = new Ttcn::Reference($1, $3); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } ; AnyTypeAttribute: AnyTypeKeyword TypeList { $$ = new ExtensionAttribute($2); // ANYTYPELIST $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } TypeList: Type { $$ = new Types; $$->add_type($1); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } | TypeList ',' Type { $$ = $1; $$->add_type($3); $$->set_location(coding_attrib_infile, @$); } ; %% static void yyerror(const char *str) { Location loc(coding_attrib_infile, yylloc); if (*yytext) { // the most recently parsed token is known loc.error("at or before token `%s': %s", yytext, str); } else { // the most recently parsed token is unknown loc.error("%s", str); } } /** Parse all extension attributes in a "with" statement */ ExtensionAttributes * parse_extattributes(WithAttribPath *w_attrib_path) { extatrs = 0; if (!w_attrib_path) FATAL_ERROR("parse_extattributes(): NULL pointer"); // Collect attributes from outer scopes vector const& real_attribs = w_attrib_path->get_real_attrib(); const size_t nof_attribs = real_attribs.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nof_attribs; i++) { SingleWithAttrib *attrib = real_attribs[i]; if (attrib->get_attribKeyword() == SingleWithAttrib::AT_EXTENSION) { Qualifiers *qualifiers = attrib->get_attribQualifiers(); if (!qualifiers || qualifiers->get_nof_qualifiers() == 0) { // Only care about extension attributes without qualifiers Error_Context cntxt(attrib, "In `extension' attribute"); init_coding_attrib_lex(attrib->get_attribSpec()); int result = yyparse(); /* 0=ok, 1=error, 2=out of memory */ (void)result; cleanup_coding_attrib_lex(); } // if no qualifiers } // if AT_EXTENSION } // for return extatrs; }