/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2000-2016 Ericsson Telecom AB * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Baji, Laszlo * Balasko, Jeno * Baranyi, Botond * Cserveni, Akos * Delic, Adam * Feher, Csaba * Forstner, Matyas * Kovacs, Ferenc * Kremer, Peter * Raduly, Csaba * Szabados, Kristof * Szabo, Janos Zoltan – initial implementation * Zalanyi, Balazs Andor * ******************************************************************************/ %option noyywrap %option never-interactive %option nounput %{ /* Tokenizer for TTCN-3 Core Language */ #include "../../common/dbgnew.hh" #include "compiler.h" #include "../string.hh" #include "../CompilerError.hh" #include "../Real.hh" #include "../Value.hh" #include "AST_ttcn3.hh" #include "Ttcnstuff.hh" // at least for PortTypeBody::PortOperationMode_t #include "Statement.hh" // for Statement::statementtype_t #include "Attributes.hh" #include #include #include namespace Common { class IndexedValue; class Location; } namespace Ttcn { class ParamRedirect; class Statement; class AltGuard; class IfClause; class IfClauses; class NamedTemplate; class NamedTemplates; class IndexedTemplate; class IndexedTemplates; class Templates; class CompTypeRefList; } using namespace Common; using namespace Ttcn; #include "compiler.tab.hh" #define yylval ttcn3_lval #define yylloc ttcn3_lloc /* global variable indicating the location of the returned token to bison */ extern YYLTYPE yylloc; extern bool is_erroneous_parsed; /* always points to the first character of the regexp to be recognized */ static int current_line, current_column; /* when reporting an error in linemarker or preprocessor * directive the real file name and line number is needed */ static const char* real_infile; /* real_lineno = current_line + real_lineno_offset */ static int real_lineno_offset; static bool dot_flag = false; /* type of the backup token (that was found after a dot) */ static int backup_token; /* semantic value of the backup token */ static YYSTYPE backup_lval; /* location of the backup token */ static YYLTYPE backup_lloc; static MD5_CTX md5_ctx; static void fill_location() { yylloc.first_line = current_line; yylloc.first_column = current_column; current_column += yyleng; yylloc.last_line = current_line; yylloc.last_column = current_column; } static void update_md5() { MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, yytext, yyleng); MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, " ", 1); } #define RETURN_SAVED_DOT \ do { \ yytext[0] = '\0'; \ yylloc.first_line = dot_line; \ yylloc.first_column = dot_column; \ yylloc.last_line = dot_line; \ yylloc.last_column = dot_column + 1; \ return '.'; \ } while (0) /* return macro for simple tokens without semantic value */ #define RETURN(ret_val) \ do { \ update_md5(); \ fill_location(); \ if (dot_flag) { \ backup_token = ret_val; \ backup_lloc = yylloc; \ RETURN_SAVED_DOT; \ } else return ret_val; \ } while (0) /* same as RETURN(ret_val) macro but without location update, * usually a return after an error */ #define RETURN_NOLOCUPD(ret_val) \ do { \ update_md5(); \ if (dot_flag) { \ backup_token = ret_val; \ backup_lloc = yylloc; \ RETURN_SAVED_DOT; \ } else return ret_val; \ } while (0) /* return macro for simple tokens with semantic value */ #define RETURN_LVAL(ret_val) \ do { \ update_md5(); \ fill_location(); \ if (dot_flag) { \ backup_token = ret_val; \ backup_lval = yylval; \ backup_lloc = yylloc; \ RETURN_SAVED_DOT; \ } else return ret_val; \ } while (0) /* return macro for special tokens that are glued together with previous dot */ #define RETURN_DOT(ret_val) \ do { \ update_md5(); \ if (dot_flag) { \ dot_flag = false; \ yylloc.first_line = dot_line; \ yylloc.first_column = dot_column; \ current_column += yyleng; \ yylloc.last_line = current_line; \ yylloc.last_column = current_column; \ return Dot##ret_val; \ } else { \ fill_location(); \ return ret_val; \ } \ } while (0) extern string *parse_charstring_value(const char *str, const Location& loc); %} NUMBER 0|([1-9][0-9]*) FLOAT ({NUMBER}\.[0-9]+)|({NUMBER}(\.[0-9]+)?[Ee][+-]?{NUMBER}) IDENTIFIER [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]* LINECOMMENT "//"[^\r\n]* WHITESPACE [ \t\v\f] NEWLINE \r|\n|\r\n LINEMARKER {NUMBER}{WHITESPACE}+\"([^\\\"\r\n]|\\[^\r\n])*\" TITAN "$#&&&(#TITANERRONEOUS$#&&^#% " %x SC_blockcomment SC_cstring %x SC_binstring SC_binstring_bad %% /* local variables of yylex() */ int start_line = 0, start_column = 0; /**< used by block comments and string literals */ int dot_line = 0, dot_column = 0; /**< location of the previous '.' token */ /* variables used when processing binary strings */ expstring_t binstr = NULL; /**< the string itself */ bool valid_bit = false, /**< binstr is valid bitstring */ valid_oct = false, /**< binstr is valid octetstring */ half_oct = false, /**< binstr is not a valid octetstr but a valid hexstr */ contains_match = false, /**< binstr contains matching symbol */ contains_ws = false; /**< binstr contains whitespace characters */ if (dot_flag) { if (backup_token == '.') { /* Two dots were found in the previous call: the first one was returned, * the second one is now in the backup. Let's assume that we have just * found the second one. */ dot_line = backup_lloc.first_line; dot_column = backup_lloc.first_column; } else { /* Return the token and its semantic value that was backed up after the * last token (which was a dot). */ dot_flag = false; yylval = backup_lval; yylloc = backup_lloc; return backup_token; } } {TITAN} { // hack: to avoid the erroneous parsing reporting a syntax error where it // also lists TTCN3ModuleKeyword as a possible nonterminal to use if (is_erroneous_parsed) { RETURN(TitanErroneousHackKeyword); } else { Location loc(infile, current_line, current_column, current_line, current_column + yyleng); loc.error("Unexpected `%s'.", yytext); } } /* Eat up comments and whitespaces */ "/*" { start_line = current_line; start_column = current_column; current_column += 2; BEGIN(SC_blockcomment); } /* -------- SC_blockcomment scope -------------- */ { "*/" { current_column += 2; BEGIN(INITIAL); } {NEWLINE} { current_line++; current_column = 0; } . current_column++; } /* SC_blockcomment */ {LINECOMMENT}?{NEWLINE} { current_line++; current_column = 0; } {LINECOMMENT} { current_column += yyleng; } {WHITESPACE}+ current_column += yyleng; /* C preprocessor line markers */ ^{WHITESPACE}*"#"({WHITESPACE}*"line")?{WHITESPACE}+{LINEMARKER}[^\r\n]*{NEWLINE} { bool error_flag = false; int real_lineno = current_line + real_lineno_offset; /* skipping the leading whitespaces */ int marker_begin = 0; while (yytext[marker_begin] != '#') marker_begin++; /* skipping the trailing whitespaces and newline */ int marker_end = yyleng - 1; while (yytext[marker_end] == '\r' || yytext[marker_end] == '\n' || yytext[marker_end] == ' ' || yytext[marker_end] == '\t') marker_end--; marker_end++; Location loc(real_infile, real_lineno, current_column + marker_begin, real_lineno, current_column + marker_end); Error_Context cntxt(&loc, "In preprocessor line marker"); /* parsing out the line number */ int lineno_begin = marker_begin + 1; while (!isdigit((unsigned char)yytext[lineno_begin])) lineno_begin++; int lineno_end = lineno_begin + 1; while (isdigit((int)yytext[lineno_end])) lineno_end++; errno = 0; int new_lineno = strtol(yytext + lineno_begin, NULL, 10); if (errno != 0) { Location lineno_loc(real_infile, real_lineno, current_column + lineno_begin, real_lineno, current_column + lineno_end); string lineno_str(lineno_end - lineno_begin, yytext + lineno_begin); lineno_loc.error("Line number `%s' is too large for being represented in " "memory: %s", lineno_str.c_str(), strerror(errno)); error_flag = true; } /* parsing out the file name */ int filename_begin = lineno_end + 1; while (yytext[filename_begin] != '"') filename_begin++; filename_begin++; int filename_end = filename_begin; while (yytext[filename_end] != '"') { if (yytext[filename_end] == '\\') filename_end += 2; else filename_end++; } Location filename_loc(real_infile, real_lineno, current_column + filename_begin - 1, real_lineno, current_column + filename_end + 1); string filename_str(filename_end - filename_begin, yytext + filename_begin); string *parsed_filename = parse_charstring_value(filename_str.c_str(), filename_loc); if (!parsed_filename) error_flag = true; /* updating the line/column counters */ if (error_flag) { /* the line marker is erroneous, use the real line numbers */ infile = real_infile; current_line = real_lineno + 1; real_lineno_offset = 0; } else { /* set the given line number */ infile = Location::add_source_file_name(*parsed_filename); current_line = new_lineno; real_lineno_offset = real_lineno + 1 - new_lineno; } current_column = 0; delete parsed_filename; } ^{WHITESPACE}*"#"[^\r\n]* { int real_lineno = current_line + real_lineno_offset; /* skip the leading and trailing whitespaces */ int marker_begin = 0; while (yytext[marker_begin] != '#') marker_begin++; int marker_end = yyleng - 1; while (yytext[marker_end] == ' ' || yytext[marker_end] == '\t') marker_end--; marker_end++; Location loc(real_infile, real_lineno, current_column + marker_begin, real_lineno, current_column + marker_end); loc.error("Invalid/unsupported preprocessor directive or line marker: `%s'", string(marker_end - marker_begin, yytext + marker_begin).c_str()); current_column += yyleng; } /* Keywords */ action RETURN(ActionKeyword); activate RETURN(ActivateKeyword); address RETURN(AddressKeyword); alive RETURN_DOT(AliveKeyword); all RETURN(AllKeyword); alt RETURN(AltKeyword); altstep RETURN(AltstepKeyword); and RETURN(AndKeyword); and4b RETURN(And4bKeyword); any RETURN(AnyKeyword); anytype RETURN(AnyTypeKeyword); apply RETURN_DOT(ApplyKeyword); bitstring RETURN(BitStringKeyword); boolean RETURN(BooleanKeyword); break RETURN(BreakKeyword); call RETURN_DOT(CallOpKeyword); case RETURN(CaseKeyword); catch RETURN_DOT(CatchOpKeyword); char RETURN(CharKeyword); charstring RETURN(CharStringKeyword); check RETURN_DOT(CheckOpKeyword); clear RETURN_DOT(ClearOpKeyword); complement RETURN(ComplementKeyword); component RETURN(ComponentKeyword); connect RETURN(ConnectKeyword); const RETURN(ConstKeyword); continue RETURN(ContinueKeyword); control RETURN(ControlKeyword); create RETURN_DOT(CreateKeyword); deactivate RETURN(DeactivateKeyword); default RETURN(DefaultKeyword); derefers RETURN(DerefersKeyword); disconnect RETURN(DisconnectKeyword); display RETURN(DisplayKeyword); do RETURN(DoKeyword); done RETURN_DOT(DoneKeyword); else RETURN(ElseKeyword); encode RETURN(EncodeKeyword); enumerated RETURN(EnumKeyword); error RETURN(ErrorKeyword); except RETURN(ExceptKeyword); exception RETURN(ExceptionKeyword); execute RETURN(ExecuteKeyword); extends RETURN(ExtendsKeyword); extension RETURN(ExtensionKeyword); external RETURN(ExtKeyword); fail RETURN(FailKeyword); false RETURN(FalseKeyword); float RETURN(FloatKeyword); for RETURN(ForKeyword); friend RETURN(FriendKeyword); from RETURN(FromKeyword); function RETURN(FunctionKeyword); getcall RETURN_DOT(GetCallOpKeyword); getreply RETURN_DOT(GetReplyOpKeyword); getverdict RETURN(GetVerdictKeyword); goto RETURN(GotoKeyword); group RETURN(GroupKeyword); halt RETURN_DOT(HaltKeyword); hexstring RETURN(HexStringKeyword); if RETURN(IfKeyword); ifpresent RETURN(IfPresentKeyword); import RETURN(ImportKeyword); in RETURN(InParKeyword); inconc RETURN(InconcKeyword); infinity RETURN(InfinityKeyword); inout RETURN(InOutParKeyword); integer RETURN(IntegerKeyword); interleave RETURN(InterleavedKeyword); kill RETURN_DOT(KillKeyword); killed RETURN_DOT(KilledKeyword); label RETURN(LabelKeyword); language RETURN(LanguageKeyword); length RETURN(LengthKeyword); log RETURN(LogKeyword); map RETURN(MapKeyword); match RETURN(MatchKeyword); message RETURN(MessageKeyword); mixed RETURN(MixedKeyword); mod RETURN(ModKeyword); modifies RETURN(ModifiesKeyword); module RETURN(TTCN3ModuleKeyword); modulepar RETURN(ModuleParKeyword); mtc RETURN(MTCKeyword); noblock RETURN(NoBlockKeyword); none RETURN(NoneKeyword); not RETURN(NotKeyword); not_a_number RETURN(NaNKeyword); not4b RETURN(Not4bKeyword); nowait RETURN(NowaitKeyword); null RETURN(NullKeyword); objid RETURN(ObjectIdentifierKeyword); octetstring RETURN(OctetStringKeyword); of RETURN(OfKeyword); omit RETURN(OmitKeyword); on RETURN(OnKeyword); optional RETURN(OptionalKeyword); or RETURN(OrKeyword); or4b RETURN(Or4bKeyword); out RETURN(OutParKeyword); override RETURN(OverrideKeyword); param RETURN(ParamKeyword); pass RETURN(PassKeyword); pattern RETURN(PatternKeyword); permutation RETURN(PermutationKeyword); port RETURN(PortKeyword); present RETURN(PresentKeyword); private RETURN(PrivateKeyword); procedure RETURN(ProcedureKeyword); public RETURN(PublicKeyword); raise RETURN_DOT(RaiseKeyword); read RETURN_DOT(ReadKeyword); receive RETURN_DOT(ReceiveOpKeyword); record RETURN(RecordKeyword); recursive RETURN(RecursiveKeyword); refers RETURN(RefersKeyword); rem RETURN(RemKeyword); repeat RETURN(RepeatKeyword); reply RETURN_DOT(ReplyKeyword); return RETURN(ReturnKeyword); running RETURN_DOT(RunningKeyword); runs RETURN(RunsKeyword); select RETURN(SelectKeyword); self RETURN(SelfKeyword); send RETURN_DOT(SendOpKeyword); sender RETURN(SenderKeyword); set RETURN(SetKeyword); setverdict RETURN(SetVerdictKeyword); signature RETURN(SignatureKeyword); start RETURN_DOT(StartKeyword); stop RETURN_DOT(StopKeyword); subset RETURN(SubsetKeyword); superset RETURN(SupersetKeyword); system RETURN(SystemKeyword); template RETURN(TemplateKeyword); testcase RETURN(TestcaseKeyword); timeout RETURN_DOT(TimeoutKeyword); timer RETURN(TimerKeyword); to RETURN(ToKeyword); trigger RETURN_DOT(TriggerOpKeyword); true RETURN(TrueKeyword); type RETURN(TypeDefKeyword); union RETURN(UnionKeyword); universal RETURN(UniversalKeyword); unmap RETURN(UnmapKeyword); value RETURN(ValueKeyword); valueof RETURN(ValueofKeyword); var RETURN(VarKeyword); variant RETURN(VariantKeyword); verdicttype RETURN(VerdictTypeKeyword); while RETURN(WhileKeyword); with RETURN(WithKeyword); xor RETURN(XorKeyword); xor4b RETURN(Xor4bKeyword); /* modifier keywords */ "@nocase" RETURN(NocaseKeyword); "@lazy" RETURN(LazyKeyword); /* special TITAN specific keywords */ "@try" RETURN(TitanSpecificTryKeyword); "@catch" RETURN(TitanSpecificCatchKeyword); "@profiler" RETURN(TitanSpecificProfilerKeyword); /* Predefined function identifiers */ bit2hex RETURN(bit2hexKeyword); bit2int RETURN(bit2intKeyword); bit2oct RETURN(bit2octKeyword); bit2str RETURN(bit2strKeyword); char2int RETURN(char2intKeyword); char2oct RETURN(char2octKeyword); decomp RETURN(decompKeyword); float2int RETURN(float2intKeyword); float2str RETURN(float2strKeyword); hex2bit RETURN(hex2bitKeyword); hex2int RETURN(hex2intKeyword); hex2oct RETURN(hex2octKeyword); hex2str RETURN(hex2strKeyword); int2bit RETURN(int2bitKeyword); int2char RETURN(int2charKeyword); int2enum RETURN(int2enumKeyword); int2float RETURN(int2floatKeyword); int2hex RETURN(int2hexKeyword); int2oct RETURN(int2octKeyword); int2str RETURN(int2strKeyword); int2unichar RETURN(int2unicharKeyword); isvalue RETURN(isvalueKeyword); isbound RETURN(isboundKeyword); ischosen RETURN(ischosenKeyword); ispresent RETURN(ispresentKeyword); lengthof RETURN(lengthofKeyword); oct2bit RETURN(oct2bitKeyword); oct2char RETURN(oct2charKeyword); oct2hex RETURN(oct2hexKeyword); oct2int RETURN(oct2intKeyword); oct2str RETURN(oct2strKeyword); regexp RETURN(regexpKeyword); replace RETURN(replaceKeyword); rnd RETURN(rndKeyword); sizeof RETURN(sizeofKeyword); str2bit RETURN(str2bitKeyword); str2float RETURN(str2floatKeyword); str2hex RETURN(str2hexKeyword); str2int RETURN(str2intKeyword); str2oct RETURN(str2octKeyword); substr RETURN(substrKeyword); unichar2int RETURN(unichar2intKeyword); unichar2char RETURN(unichar2charKeyword); log2str RETURN(log2strKeyword); enum2int RETURN(enum2intKeyword); encvalue RETURN(encvalueKeyword); decvalue RETURN(decvalueKeyword); testcasename RETURN(testcasenameKeyword); ttcn2string RETURN(ttcn2stringKeyword); string2ttcn RETURN(string2ttcnKeyword); unichar2oct RETURN(unichar2octKeyword); oct2unichar RETURN(oct2unicharKeyword); remove_bom RETURN(remove_bomKeyWord); get_stringencoding RETURN(get_stringencodingKeyWord); encode_base64 RETURN(encode_base64KeyWord); decode_base64 RETURN(decode_base64KeyWord); /* Values */ {NUMBER} { Location loc(infile, current_line, current_column, current_line, current_column + yyleng); yylval.int_val = new int_val_t(yytext, loc); RETURN_LVAL(Number); } {FLOAT} { Location loc(infile, current_line, current_column, current_line, current_column + yyleng); yylval.float_val = string2Real(yytext, loc); RETURN_LVAL(FloatValue); } NULL RETURN(NullValue); "'" { binstr=memptystr(); valid_bit=true; valid_oct=true; half_oct=false; contains_match=false; contains_ws=false; start_line = current_line; start_column = current_column; current_column++; MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, yytext, yyleng); BEGIN(SC_binstring); } \" { yylval.str = memptystr(); start_line = current_line; start_column = current_column; current_column++; MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, yytext, yyleng); BEGIN(SC_cstring); } /* -------- SC_binstring scope -------------- */ { {WHITESPACE}+ { contains_ws = true; current_column += yyleng; } {WHITESPACE}*{NEWLINE} { contains_ws = true; current_line++; current_column = 0; } [01] { binstr = mputc(binstr, yytext[0]); half_oct = !half_oct; current_column++; } [2-9A-F] { binstr = mputc(binstr, yytext[0]); valid_bit = false; half_oct = !half_oct; current_column++; } [a-f] { binstr = mputc(binstr, yytext[0] - 'a' + 'A'); valid_bit = false; half_oct = !half_oct; current_column++; } "?"|"*" { binstr = mputc(binstr, yytext[0]); contains_match = true; if (half_oct) valid_oct = false; current_column++; } "'"[bBhHoO] { yylloc.first_line = start_line; yylloc.first_column = start_column; yylloc.last_line = current_line; yylloc.last_column = current_column + 2; Location loc(infile, yylloc); int ret_val = TOK_errval; switch (yytext[1]) { case 'b': { Location loc2(infile, current_line, current_column + 1, current_line, current_column + 2); loc2.warning("The last character of a bitstring literal should be " "`B' instead of `b'"); /* no break */ } case 'B': if (valid_bit) { if (contains_ws) loc.warning("Bitstring %s contains whitespace and/or " "newline character(s)", contains_match ? "match" : "value"); ret_val = contains_match ? BitStringMatch : Bstring; yylval.string_val = new string(binstr); } else loc.error("Bitstring value contains invalid character"); break; case 'h': { Location loc2(infile, current_line, current_column + 1, current_line, current_column + 2); loc2.warning("The last character of a hexstring literal should be " "`H' instead of `h'"); /* no break */ } case 'H': if (contains_ws) loc.warning("Hexstring %s contains whitespace and/or " "newline character(s)", contains_match ? "match" : "value"); ret_val = contains_match ? HexStringMatch : Hstring; yylval.string_val = new string(binstr); break; case 'o': { Location loc2(infile, current_line, current_column + 1, current_line, current_column + 2); loc2.warning("The last character of an octetstring literal should be " "`O' instead of `o'"); /* no break */ } case 'O': if (valid_oct && !half_oct) { if (contains_ws) loc.warning("Octetstring %s contains whitespace " "and/or newline character(s)", contains_match ? "match" : "value"); ret_val = contains_match ? OctetStringMatch : Ostring; yylval.string_val = new string(binstr); } else if (contains_match) { loc.error("Octetstring match contains half octet(s)"); } else { loc.error("Octetstring value contains odd number of hexadecimal " "digits"); } } MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, binstr, strlen(binstr)); Free(binstr); update_md5(); BEGIN(INITIAL); current_column += 2; if (dot_flag) { backup_token = ret_val; backup_lval = yylval; backup_lloc = yylloc; RETURN_SAVED_DOT; } else return ret_val; } "'" { yylloc.first_line = start_line; yylloc.first_column = start_column; current_column++; yylloc.last_line = current_line; yylloc.last_column = current_column; Location loc(infile, yylloc); loc.error("Invalid binary string literal. Expecting `B', `H' or `O' after " "the closing `''"); MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, binstr, strlen(binstr)); Free(binstr); BEGIN(INITIAL); RETURN_NOLOCUPD(TOK_errval); } . { Location loc(infile, current_line, current_column, current_line, current_column + 1); int c = (unsigned char)yytext[0]; loc.error("Invalid character `%c' (0x%02X) in binary string", isprint(c) ? c : '?', c); MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, binstr, strlen(binstr)); Free(binstr); MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, yytext, 1); current_column++; BEGIN(SC_binstring_bad); } } /* SC_binstring scope */ /* -------- SC_binstring_bad scope -------------- */ { {WHITESPACE}+ current_column += yyleng; {WHITESPACE}*{NEWLINE} { current_line++; current_column = 0; } "'"[bBhHoO]? { current_column += yyleng; yylloc.first_line = start_line; yylloc.first_column = start_column; yylloc.last_line = current_line; yylloc.last_column = current_column; BEGIN(INITIAL); RETURN_NOLOCUPD(TOK_errval); } . { MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, yytext, yyleng); current_column++; } } /* SC_binstring_bad scope */ /* -------- SC_cstring scope -------------- */ { \\?{NEWLINE} { /* newline possibly preceded by backslash */ yylval.str = mputstr(yylval.str, yytext); current_line++; current_column = 0; } \"\"|\\. { /* two doublequotes or any backslash-escaped char */ yylval.str = mputstr(yylval.str, yytext); current_column += 2; /* Note that both get added ("external representation"). * parse_charstring_value() in charstring_la.l is responsible * for transforming the string to "internal representation" */ } \" { current_column++; yylloc.first_line = start_line; yylloc.first_column = start_column; yylloc.last_line = current_line; yylloc.last_column = current_column; MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, yylval.str, strlen(yylval.str)); update_md5(); BEGIN(INITIAL); if (dot_flag) { backup_token = Cstring; backup_lval = yylval; backup_lloc = yylloc; RETURN_SAVED_DOT; } else return Cstring; } . { yylval.str = mputc(yylval.str, yytext[0]); current_column++; } } /* SC_cstring scope */ /* Macros */ "%moduleId" { yylval.macrotype = Value::MACRO_MODULEID; RETURN_LVAL(MacroValue); } "%fileName" { yylval.macrotype = Value::MACRO_FILENAME; RETURN_LVAL(MacroValue); } "%lineNumber" { yylval.macrotype = Value::MACRO_LINENUMBER; RETURN_LVAL(MacroValue); } "%definitionId" { yylval.macrotype = Value::MACRO_DEFINITIONID; RETURN_LVAL(MacroValue); } "%testcaseId" { yylval.macrotype = Value::MACRO_TESTCASEID; RETURN_LVAL(MacroValue); } "%"{IDENTIFIER} { fill_location(); Location loc(infile, yylloc); loc.error("Invalid macro notation: `%s'", yytext); RETURN_NOLOCUPD(TOK_errval); } "__MODULE__" { yylval.macrotype = Value::MACRO_MODULEID; RETURN_LVAL(MacroValue); } "__FILE__" { yylval.macrotype = Value::MACRO_FILEPATH; RETURN_LVAL(MacroValue); } "__BFILE__" { yylval.macrotype = Value::MACRO_BFILENAME; RETURN_LVAL(MacroValue); } "__LINE__" { yylval.macrotype = Value::MACRO_LINENUMBER_C; RETURN_LVAL(MacroValue); } "__SCOPE__" { yylval.macrotype = Value::MACRO_SCOPE; RETURN_LVAL(MacroValue); } "__TESTCASE__" { yylval.macrotype = Value::MACRO_TESTCASEID; RETURN_LVAL(MacroValue); } "__"{IDENTIFIER}"__" { fill_location(); Location loc(infile, yylloc); loc.error("Invalid macro notation: `%s'", yytext); RETURN_NOLOCUPD(TOK_errval); } /* Multi-character operators */ ":=" RETURN(AssignmentChar); "\.\." RETURN(DotDot); "->" RETURN(PortRedirectSymbol); "==" RETURN(EQ); "!=" RETURN(NE); ">=" RETURN(GE); "<=" RETURN(LE); "<<" RETURN(SL); ">>" RETURN(SR); "<@" RETURN(RL); "@>" RETURN(_RR); "++" | "--" { fill_location(); Location loc(infile, yylloc); loc.error("Operator `%s' is reserved for future use", yytext); } /* Invalid operators */ "::=" { fill_location(); Location loc(infile, yylloc); loc.error("`::=' is not a valid assignment operator in TTCN-3. Did you mean " "`:='?"); RETURN_NOLOCUPD(AssignmentChar); } "=" { fill_location(); Location loc(infile, yylloc); loc.error("A single `=' character cannot be used in TTCN-3. Did you mean " "the assignment sign `:=' or the equality operator `=='?"); /* the former is more probable than the latter */ RETURN_NOLOCUPD(AssignmentChar); } "<>" { fill_location(); Location loc(infile, yylloc); loc.error("`<>' is not a valid comparison operator in TTCN-3. Did you mean " "`!='?"); RETURN_NOLOCUPD(NE); } /* Identifiers */ {IDENTIFIER} { yylval.id = new Identifier(Identifier::ID_TTCN, string(yyleng, yytext)); RETURN_LVAL(IDentifier); } /* Single character tokens (brackets, operators, etc.) */ \. { update_md5(); if (dot_flag) { /* store this dot in the backup */ backup_token = '.'; backup_lloc.first_line = current_line; backup_lloc.first_column = current_column; current_column++; backup_lloc.last_line = current_line; backup_lloc.last_column = current_column; /* return the dot that was found previously */ RETURN_SAVED_DOT; } else { dot_flag = true; dot_line = current_line; dot_column = current_column; current_column++; } } [()\[\]{}+\-\*/&:;,<>\?!] RETURN(*yytext); /* Invalid characters */ . { fill_location(); Location loc(infile, yylloc); int c = (unsigned char)yytext[0]; loc.error("Character `%c' (0x%02X) is not used in TTCN-3", isprint(c) ? c : '?', c); } /* EOF rule */ <*><> { if (YY_START != INITIAL) { Location loc(infile, start_line, start_column, current_line, current_column); switch (YY_START) { case SC_blockcomment: loc.error("Unterminated block comment"); break; case SC_binstring: Free(binstr); /* no break */ case SC_binstring_bad: loc.error("Unterminated binary string literal"); break; case SC_cstring: Free(yylval.str); loc.error("Unterminated character string literal"); } BEGIN(INITIAL); } if (dot_flag) { dot_flag = false; RETURN_SAVED_DOT; } else { yylloc.first_line = current_line; yylloc.first_column = current_column; yylloc.last_line = current_line; yylloc.last_column = current_column + 1; return EOF; } } %% void init_ttcn3_lex() { dot_flag = false; current_line = 1; current_column = 0; real_infile = infile; real_lineno_offset = 0; MD5_Init(&md5_ctx); } void init_erroneous_lex(const char* p_infile, int p_line, int p_column) { infile = p_infile; current_line = p_line; current_column = p_column; real_infile = infile; real_lineno_offset = 0; dot_flag = false; } void free_dot_flag_stuff() { if (dot_flag) { dot_flag = false; /* clean up the semantic value of the token that was backed up */ switch (backup_token) { case IDentifier: delete backup_lval.id; break; case Bstring: case Hstring: case Ostring: case BitStringMatch: case HexStringMatch: case OctetStringMatch: delete backup_lval.string_val; break; case Cstring: Free(backup_lval.str); default: break; } } } void free_ttcn3_lex() { free_dot_flag_stuff(); fclose(ttcn3_in); ttcn3_lex_destroy(); } /* called from ttcn3_parse_file to finalize MD5 and add it to the module */ void set_md5_checksum(Ttcn::Module *m) { unsigned char md5_sum[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH]; MD5_Final(md5_sum, &md5_ctx); m->set_checksum(sizeof(md5_sum), md5_sum); }