.TH ttcn3_makefilegen 1 "October 2014" "Ericsson Telecom AB" "TTCN-3 Tools" .SH NAME ttcn3_makefilegen \- Makefile Generator .SH SYNOPSIS .B ttcn3_makefilegen .RB "[\| " \-acdfglpRsw " \|]" .RB "[\| " \-e .IR " ETS_name" " \|]" .RB "[\| " \-o .IR " dir|file" " \|]" .RB "[\| " \-O .IR " file" " \|] ..." TTCN3_module[.ttcn] ... ASN1_module[.asn] ... Testport_name[.cc] ... .br or .br .B ttcn3_makefilegen .B \-v .SH DESCRIPTION This manual page is a quick reference for the Makefile Generator of the TTCN-3 Test Executor. It only summarizes the meaning of all command line options. For more details please consult the .B Programmer's Technical Reference for TITAN TTCN-3 Test Executor. .SH OPTIONS The following options are supported (in alphabetical order): .TP 10 .B \-a Refer to files using .I absolute path names in the generated Makefile. By default the Makefile uses relative path names to access files located outside the current working directory of the compiler. Files from the current working directory are always referenced using only the file name without any directory. .TP .B \-c Generate a Makefile that is capable of using pre-compiled C++ and object files from .I central directories in order to save disk space and compilation time. .TP .B \-d .I Dump the internal data structures used for Makefile generation. This option is mainly useful for debugging. .TP .BI \-e " ETS_name" Sets the name of the target binary program (i.e. the executable test suite) to .I ETS_name in the generated Makefile. If this option is omitted, the name of the first TTCN-3 module will be used as default. .TP .B \-f Forces the Makefile Generator to .I overwrite the output files even if they exist or are unchanged. .TP .B \-g Generates a Makefile that can be used with .I GNU make only. The resulting Makefile will be smaller and less redundant. It exploits the pattern substitution features of GNU make, which may cause syntax errors with other versions of make. .TP .BI \-o " dir|file" Write the Makefile to the given directory or file. The current working directory is the default otherwise. If the given argument is an existing directory, the generated .I Makefile will be placed into that directory. Otherwise the given argument is assumed to be the name of the generated .I Makefile. .TP .BI \-O " file" Add .I file to the list of .I other files in the generated Makefile without analyzing the file's contents and suffix. This option can be used to temporarily exclude some TTCN-3, ASN.1 or C++ files from the build process, but add them to the archive created by the command .I make archive. .TP .B \-l Enable dynamic linking. All files of the project will be compiled with .I -fPIC and for each (static) object, a new shared object will be created. Then, these shared objects will be linked to the final executable instead of the (static) objects. It can be used to speed up the linking phase, in the price of somewhat lower performance and increased memory usage. It's recommended to use this flag only in the development phase of the project. This option is not supported on Windows. .TP .B \-p Generate Makefile with .I TTCN-3 preprocessing. All the TTCN-3 source files with the .I ttcnpp extension will be preprocessed using the C preprocessor. .TP .B \-R Use function test runtime (TITAN_RUNTIME_2). Generates a Makefile that compiles and links the source code using the function test runtime. .TP .B \-s Generates a Makefile, which links the executable test suite with the .I single mode version of the base library. If this switch is omitted the executable is built for parallel mode by default. .TP .B \-v Prints .I version and license key information and exits. .TP 10 .B \-w Suppresses all .I warning messages. .SH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES .TP .SM TTCN3_DIR The installation directory where the uncompressed binary package of TTCN-3 Test Executor can be found. .TP .SM TTCN3_LICENSE_FILE It shall point to the .I file .RB ( NB: .I not to its directory) that contains the personalized license key for the current user or host. .SH BUGS .LP For trouble reporting use the tool .BR "MTTSMS" "." For TR writers guide please visit the web page: .I http://ttcn.ericsson.se. .SH SEE ALSO .TP .SM Ericsson document 2/198 17-CRL 113 200 Uen: .B Programmer's Technical Reference for TITAN TTCN-3 Test Executor .SH AUTHOR This manpage is written by Janos Zoltan Szabo, Ericsson Telecom AB .br Copyright (c) 2000-2014 Ericsson Telecom AB .br All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at .br http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html