Each time you update the update site: - Go to the root of the update site - ./addDownloadStats.sh . Good to know: - artifacts.xml.original will be the original artifacts.xml - New links will be created automatically in /proj/TTCN/www/ttcn/root/download/eclipse_stats for new feature versions (e.g. 2.1.0), timestamp doesn't count - If a version is removed old links needs to be removed by hand from /proj/TTCN/www/ttcn/root/download/eclipse_stats - Use etccadmi1 as user tcc-all as group and chmod everything to 664 or 774 etc. - There's only one PHP script, which simply prints a timestamp on each installation of a given feature - There're links to this single PHP script for each feature and version References: http://wiki.eclipse.org/Equinox_p2_download_stats http://wiki.eclipse.org/WTP/Releng/Tools/addRepoProperties