#source: plt2.s #as: --32 #ld: -z now -melf_i386 #objdump: -dwr #target: i?86-*-* .*: +file format .* Disassembly of section .plt: 0+8048160 <.plt>: +[a-f0-9]+: ff 35 40 92 04 08 pushl 0x8049240 +[a-f0-9]+: ff 25 44 92 04 08 jmp \*0x8049244 +[a-f0-9]+: 00 00 add %al,\(%eax\) ... 0+8048170 : +[a-f0-9]+: ff 25 48 92 04 08 jmp \*0x8049248 +[a-f0-9]+: 68 00 00 00 00 push \$0x0 +[a-f0-9]+: e9 e0 ff ff ff jmp 8048160 <.plt> 0+8048180 : +[a-f0-9]+: ff 25 4c 92 04 08 jmp \*0x804924c +[a-f0-9]+: 68 08 00 00 00 push \$0x8 +[a-f0-9]+: e9 d0 ff ff ff jmp 8048160 <.plt> Disassembly of section .text: 0+8048190 <_start>: +[a-f0-9]+: e8 db ff ff ff call 8048170 +[a-f0-9]+: e8 e6 ff ff ff call 8048180 +[a-f0-9]+: 81 7c 24 04 70 81 04 08 cmpl \$0x8048170,0x4\(%esp\) #pass