/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2000-2015 Ericsson Telecom AB * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html ******************************************************************************/ %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../common/memory.h" #include "../../common/config_preproc.h" #include "../mctr/config_data.h" #include "../../core/Types.h" #include "../../core/RInt.hh" #define YYERROR_VERBOSE extern FILE *config_read_in; extern int config_read_lineno; extern char *config_read_text; extern int config_read_lex(); extern void config_read_restart(FILE *new_file); extern void config_read_reset(const char* fname); extern void config_read_close(); extern std::string get_cfg_read_current_file(); config_data *cfg; boolean error_flag = FALSE; static boolean local_addr_set = FALSE, tcp_listen_port_set = FALSE, kill_timer_set = FALSE, num_hcs_set = FALSE; static int config_read_parse(); int process_config_read_file(const char *file_name); static void check_duplicate_option(const char *option_name, boolean *option_flag); void config_read_warning(const char *warning_str, ...); void config_read_error(const char *error_str, ...); /* For parameters */ static char *group_name = NULL; string_map_t *config_defines; #ifndef NDEBUG union YYSTYPE; static void yyprint(FILE *file, int type, const YYSTYPE& value); #define YYPRINT(f,t,v) yyprint(f,t,v) #endif %} %union { char *str_val; BIGNUM *int_val; double float_val; boolean bool_val; cf_timestamp_format ts_val; execute_list_item execute_item_val; } %token ModuleParametersKeyword %token LoggingKeyword %token ProfilerKeyword %token TestportParametersKeyword %token ExecuteKeyword %token ExternalCommandsKeyword %token GroupsKeyword %token ComponentsKeyword %token MainControllerKeyword %token IncludeKeyword %token DefineKeyword %token ObjIdKeyword "objid" %token CharKeyword "char" %token ControlKeyword "control" %token MTCKeyword "mtc" %token SystemKeyword "system" %token NULLKeyword "NULL" %token nullKeyword "null" %token OmitKeyword "omit" %token AssignmentChar ":= or =" %token ConcatChar "&=" %token ComplementKeyword "complement" %token DotDot ".." %token SupersetKeyword "superset" %token SubsetKeyword "subset" %token PatternKeyword "pattern" %token PermutationKeyword "permutation" %token LengthKeyword "length" %token IfpresentKeyword "ifpresent" %token InfinityKeyword "infinity" %token LogFile "LogFile of FileName" %token EmergencyLogging %token EmergencyLoggingBehaviour %token EmergencyLoggingBehaviourValue "BufferAll or BufferMasked" %token EmergencyLoggingMask %token FileMask %token ConsoleMask %token TimestampFormat %token ConsoleTimestampFormat %token SourceInfoFormat "LogSourceInfo or SourceInfoFormat" %token AppendFile %token LogEventTypes %token LogEntityName %token MatchingHints %token LoggerPlugins %token BeginControlPart %token EndControlPart %token BeginTestCase %token EndTestCase %token Identifier %token ASN1LowerIdentifier "ASN.1 identifier beginning with a lowercase letter" %token MacroRValue %token Number MPNumber "integer value" %token Float MPFloat "float value" %token BooleanValue "true or false" %token VerdictValue %token Bstring "bit string value" %token Hstring "hex string value" %token Ostring "octet string value" %token BstringMatch "bit string template" %token HstringMatch "hex string template" %token OstringMatch "octet string template" %token Cstring "character string value" %token MPCstring "charstring value" %token DNSName "a host name" %token LoggingBit %token LoggingBitCollection %token TimestampValue "Time, Datetime or Seconds" %token SourceInfoValue "None, Single or Stack" %token YesNo "Yes or No" /* from LOGGING section */ %token LocalAddress %token TCPPort %token KillTimer %token NumHCs %token UnixSocketEnabled %token YesToken "yes" /* from MAIN_CONTROLLER section */ %token NoToken "no" %token Detailed %token Compact %token SubCategories %token LogFileSize %token LogFileNumber %token DiskFullAction %token Error %token Stop %token Re_try /* Retry clashes with an enum in Qt */ %token Delete %token DisableProfilerKeyword "DisableProfiler" %token DisableCoverageKeyword "DisableCoverage" %token DatabaseFileKeyword "DatabaseFile" %token AggregateDataKeyword "AggregateData" %token StatisticsFileKeyword "StatisticsFile" %token DisableStatisticsKeyword "DisableStatistics" %token StatisticsFilterKeyword "StatisticsFilter" %token StartAutomaticallyKeyword "StartAutomatically" %token NetLineTimesKeyword "NetLineTimes" %token NetFunctionTimesKeyword "NetFunctionTimes" %token ProfilerStatsFlag "profiler statistics flag" %type IntegerValue %type FloatValue KillTimerValue %type HostName StringValue LogFileName %type ComponentName %type ComponentLocation %type ExecuteItem %destructor { Free($$); } Identifier DNSName HostName ComponentName ComponentLocation Cstring MPCstring StringValue LogFileName %destructor { Free($$.module_name); Free($$.testcase_name); } ExecuteItem %destructor { BN_free($$); } IntegerValue Number MPNumber %left '&' /* to avoid shift/reduce conflicts */ %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' %left UnarySign %expect 1 /* Source of conflicts (1 S/R): 1.) 1 conflict When seeing a '*' token after a module parameter expression the parser cannot decide whether the token is a multiplication operator (shift) or it refers to all modules in the next module parameter (reduce). The built-in Bison behavior always chooses the shift over the reduce (the * is interpreted as multiplication). */ %% ConfigFile: /* empty */ | ConfigFile Section ; Section: ModuleParametersSection | LoggingSection | ProfilerSection | TestportParametersSection | ExecuteSection | ExternalCommandsSection | GroupsSection | ComponentsSection | MainControllerSection | IncludeSection | DefineSection ; /******************* [MODULE_PARAMETERS] section *******************/ ModuleParametersSection: ModuleParametersKeyword ModuleParameters ; ModuleParameters: /* empty */ | ModuleParameters ModuleParameter optSemiColon ; ModuleParameter: ParameterName ParamOpType ParameterValue ; ParameterName: ParameterNameSegment | '*' '.' ParameterNameSegment ; ParameterNameSegment: ParameterNameSegment '.' Identifier { Free($3); } | ParameterNameSegment IndexItemIndex | Identifier { Free($1); } ParameterValue: ParameterExpression | ParameterExpression LengthMatch | ParameterExpression IfpresentKeyword | ParameterExpression LengthMatch IfpresentKeyword ; LengthMatch: LengthKeyword '(' LengthBound ')' | LengthKeyword '(' LengthBound DotDot LengthBound ')' | LengthKeyword '(' LengthBound DotDot InfinityKeyword ')' ; LengthBound: ParameterExpression ; ParameterExpression: SimpleParameterValue | ParameterReference | '(' ParameterExpression ')' | '+' ParameterExpression %prec UnarySign | '-' ParameterExpression %prec UnarySign | ParameterExpression '+' ParameterExpression | ParameterExpression '-' ParameterExpression | ParameterExpression '*' ParameterExpression | ParameterExpression '/' ParameterExpression | ParameterExpression '&' ParameterExpression ; ParameterReference: ParameterNameSegment ; SimpleParameterValue: MPNumber { BN_free($1); } | MPFloat | BooleanValue | ObjIdValue | VerdictValue | BitstringValue | HexstringValue | OctetstringValue | MPCstring { Free($1); } | UniversalCharstringValue | OmitKeyword | NULLKeyword | nullKeyword | '?' | '*' | IntegerRange | FloatRange | StringRange | PatternKeyword PatternChunk | BstringMatch | HstringMatch | OstringMatch | CompoundValue | MTCKeyword | SystemKeyword ; PatternChunk: MPCstring { Free($1); } | Quadruple ; IntegerRange: '(' '-' InfinityKeyword DotDot MPNumber ')' { BN_free($5); } | '(' MPNumber DotDot MPNumber ')' { BN_free($2); BN_free($4); } | '(' MPNumber DotDot InfinityKeyword ')' { BN_free($2); } ; FloatRange: '(' '-' InfinityKeyword DotDot MPFloat ')' | '(' MPFloat DotDot MPFloat ')' | '(' MPFloat DotDot InfinityKeyword ')' ; StringRange: '(' UniversalCharstringFragment DotDot UniversalCharstringFragment ')' IntegerValue: Number { $$ = $1; } | '(' IntegerValue ')' { $$ = $2; } | '+' IntegerValue %prec UnarySign { $$ = $2; } | '-' IntegerValue %prec UnarySign { BN_set_negative($2, !BN_is_negative($2)); $$ = $2; } | IntegerValue '+' IntegerValue { $$ = BN_new(); BN_add($$, $1, $3); BN_free($1); BN_free($3); } | IntegerValue '-' IntegerValue { $$ = BN_new(); BN_sub($$, $1, $3); BN_free($1); BN_free($3); } | IntegerValue '*' IntegerValue { $$ = BN_new(); BN_CTX *ctx = BN_CTX_new(); BN_CTX_init(ctx); BN_mul($$, $1, $3, ctx); BN_CTX_free(ctx); BN_free($1); BN_free($3); } | IntegerValue '/' IntegerValue { $$ = BN_new(); BIGNUM *BN_0 = BN_new(); BN_set_word(BN_0, 0); if (BN_cmp($3, BN_0) == 0) { config_read_error("Integer division by zero."); $$ = BN_0; } else { BN_CTX *ctx = BN_CTX_new(); BN_CTX_init(ctx); BN_div($$, NULL, $1, $3, ctx); BN_CTX_free(ctx); BN_free(BN_0); } BN_free($1); BN_free($3); } ; FloatValue: Float { $$ = $1; } | '(' FloatValue ')' { $$ = $2; } | '+' FloatValue %prec UnarySign { $$ = $2; } | '-' FloatValue %prec UnarySign { $$ = -$2; } | FloatValue '+' FloatValue { $$ = $1 + $3; } | FloatValue '-' FloatValue { $$ = $1 - $3; } | FloatValue '*' FloatValue { $$ = $1 * $3; } | FloatValue '/' FloatValue { if ($3 == 0.0) { config_read_error("Floating point division by zero."); $$ = 0.0; } else $$ = $1 / $3; } ; ObjIdValue: ObjIdKeyword '{' ObjIdComponentList '}' ; ObjIdComponentList: ObjIdComponent | ObjIdComponentList ObjIdComponent ; ObjIdComponent: NumberForm | NameAndNumberForm ; NumberForm: MPNumber { BN_free($1); } ; NameAndNumberForm: Identifier '(' MPNumber ')' { Free($1); BN_free($3); } ; BitstringValue: Bstring ; HexstringValue: Hstring ; OctetstringValue: Ostring ; UniversalCharstringValue: Quadruple ; UniversalCharstringFragment: MPCstring { Free($1); } | Quadruple ; Quadruple: CharKeyword '(' ParameterExpression ',' ParameterExpression ',' ParameterExpression ',' ParameterExpression ')' ; StringValue: Cstring { $$ = $1; } | StringValue '&' Cstring { $$ = mputstr($1, $3); Free($3); } ; CompoundValue: '{' '}' | '{' FieldValueList '}' | '{' ArrayItemList '}' | '{' IndexItemList '}' | '(' ParameterValue ',' TemplateItemList ')' /* at least 2 elements to avoid shift/reduce conflicts with the ParameterExpression rule */ | ComplementKeyword '(' TemplateItemList ')' | SupersetKeyword '(' TemplateItemList ')' | SubsetKeyword '(' TemplateItemList ')' ; ParameterValueOrNotUsedSymbol: ParameterValue | '-' ; TemplateItemList: ParameterValue | TemplateItemList ',' ParameterValue ; FieldValueList: FieldValue | FieldValueList ',' FieldValue ; FieldValue: FieldName AssignmentChar ParameterValueOrNotUsedSymbol ; FieldName: Identifier { Free($1); } | ASN1LowerIdentifier ; ArrayItemList: ArrayItem | ArrayItemList ',' ArrayItem ; ArrayItem: ParameterValueOrNotUsedSymbol | PermutationKeyword '(' TemplateItemList ')' ; IndexItemList: IndexItem | IndexItemList ',' IndexItem ; IndexItem: IndexItemIndex AssignmentChar ParameterValue ; IndexItemIndex: '[' ParameterExpression ']' ; /******************* [LOGGING] section *******************/ LoggingSection: LoggingKeyword LoggingParamList ; LoggingParamList: /* empty */ | LoggingParamList LoggingParamLines optSemiColon ; LoggingParamLines: LoggingParam | ComponentId '.' LoggingParam | ComponentId '.' LoggerPluginId '.' LoggingParam | LoggerPlugins AssignmentChar '{' LoggerPluginList '}' | ComponentId '.' LoggerPlugins AssignmentChar '{' LoggerPluginList '}' ; LoggerPluginId: '*' | Identifier { Free($1); } ; LoggingParam: FileMask AssignmentChar LoggingBitMask | ConsoleMask AssignmentChar LoggingBitMask | LogFileSize AssignmentChar Number { BN_free($3); } | EmergencyLogging AssignmentChar Number { BN_free($3); } | EmergencyLoggingBehaviour AssignmentChar EmergencyLoggingBehaviourValue | EmergencyLoggingMask AssignmentChar LoggingBitMask | LogFileNumber AssignmentChar Number { BN_free($3); } | DiskFullAction AssignmentChar DiskFullActionValue | LogFile AssignmentChar LogFileName { cfg->set_log_file($3); } | TimestampFormat AssignmentChar TimestampValue | ConsoleTimestampFormat AssignmentChar TimestampValue {cfg->tsformat=$3;} | SourceInfoFormat AssignmentChar SourceInfoSetting | AppendFile AssignmentChar YesNoOrBoolean | LogEventTypes AssignmentChar LogEventTypesValue | LogEntityName AssignmentChar YesNoOrBoolean | MatchingHints AssignmentChar MatchVerbosityValue | Identifier AssignmentChar StringValue { Free($1); Free($3); } ; LoggerPluginList: LoggerPlugin | LoggerPluginList ',' LoggerPlugin ; LoggerPlugin: Identifier { Free($1); } | Identifier AssignmentChar StringValue { Free($1); Free($3); } ; DiskFullActionValue: Error | Stop | Re_try | Re_try '(' Number ')' { BN_free($3); } | Delete ; LogFileName: StringValue { $$ = $1; } ; //optTestComponentIdentifier: /* empty */ /* | Identifier '.' { Free($1); } | Number '.' | MTCKeyword '.' | '*' '.' ;*/ LoggingBitMask: LoggingBitorCollection | LoggingBitMask ListOp LoggingBitorCollection ; ListOp: /* empty */ /*|*/ '|' ; LoggingBitorCollection: LoggingBit | LoggingBitCollection ; SourceInfoSetting: SourceInfoValue | YesNoOrBoolean ; YesNoOrBoolean: YesNo | BooleanValue ; LogEventTypesValue: YesNoOrBoolean | Detailed | SubCategories ; MatchVerbosityValue: Compact | Detailed ; /*********************** [PROFILER] ********************************/ ProfilerSection: ProfilerKeyword ProfilerSettings ; ProfilerSettings: /* empty */ | ProfilerSettings ProfilerSetting optSemiColon ; ProfilerSetting: DisableProfilerSetting | DisableCoverageSetting | DatabaseFileSetting | AggregateDataSetting | StatisticsFileSetting | DisableStatisticsSetting | StatisticsFilterSetting | StartAutomaticallySetting | NetLineTimesSetting | NetFunctionTimesSetting ; DisableProfilerSetting: DisableProfilerKeyword AssignmentChar BooleanValue ; DisableCoverageSetting: DisableCoverageKeyword AssignmentChar BooleanValue ; DatabaseFileSetting: DatabaseFileKeyword AssignmentChar StringValue { Free($3); } ; AggregateDataSetting: AggregateDataKeyword AssignmentChar BooleanValue ; StatisticsFileSetting: StatisticsFileKeyword AssignmentChar StringValue { Free($3); } ; DisableStatisticsSetting: DisableStatisticsKeyword AssignmentChar BooleanValue ; StatisticsFilterSetting: StatisticsFilterKeyword AssignmentChar ProfilerStatsFlags | StatisticsFilterKeyword ConcatChar ProfilerStatsFlags ; ProfilerStatsFlags: ProfilerStatsFlag | ProfilerStatsFlag '&' ProfilerStatsFlags | ProfilerStatsFlag '|' ProfilerStatsFlags ; StartAutomaticallySetting: StartAutomaticallyKeyword AssignmentChar BooleanValue ; NetLineTimesSetting: NetLineTimesKeyword AssignmentChar BooleanValue ; NetFunctionTimesSetting: NetFunctionTimesKeyword AssignmentChar BooleanValue ; /******************* [TESTPORT_PARAMETERS] section *******************/ TestportParametersSection: TestportParametersKeyword TestportParameterList ; TestportParameterList: /* empty */ | TestportParameterList TestportParameter optSemiColon ; TestportParameter: ComponentId '.' TestportName '.' TestportParameterName AssignmentChar TestportParameterValue ; ComponentId: Identifier { Free($1); } | Number { BN_free($1); } | MTCKeyword | '*' | SystemKeyword | Cstring { Free($1); } ; TestportName: Identifier { Free($1); } | Identifier ArrayRef { Free($1); } | '*' ; ArrayRef: '[' IntegerValue ']' { BN_free($2); } | ArrayRef '[' IntegerValue ']' { BN_free($3); } ; TestportParameterName: Identifier { Free($1); } ; TestportParameterValue: StringValue { Free($1); } ; /******************* [EXECUTE] section *******************/ ExecuteSection: ExecuteKeyword ExecuteList ; ExecuteList: /* empty */ | ExecuteList ExecuteItem optSemiColon { cfg->add_exec($2); } ; ExecuteItem: Identifier { $$.module_name = $1; $$.testcase_name = NULL; } | Identifier '.' ControlKeyword { $$.module_name = $1; $$.testcase_name = NULL; } | Identifier '.' Identifier { $$.module_name = $1; $$.testcase_name = $3; } | Identifier '.' '*' { $$.module_name = $1; $$.testcase_name = mcopystr("*"); } ; /******************* [EXTERNAL_COMMANDS] section *******************/ ExternalCommandsSection: ExternalCommandsKeyword ExternalCommandList ; ExternalCommandList: /* empty */ | ExternalCommandList ExternalCommand optSemiColon ; ExternalCommand: BeginControlPart AssignmentChar Command | EndControlPart AssignmentChar Command | BeginTestCase AssignmentChar Command | EndTestCase AssignmentChar Command ; Command: StringValue { Free($1); } ; /******************* [GROUPS] section *******************/ GroupsSection: GroupsKeyword GroupList ; GroupList: /* empty */ | GroupList Group optSemiColon ; Group: GroupName AssignmentChar GroupMembers { Free(group_name); group_name = NULL; } ; GroupName: Identifier { group_name = $1; } ; GroupMembers: '*' { if (group_name != NULL) cfg->add_host(group_name, NULL); } | seqGroupMember ; seqGroupMember: HostName { if (group_name != NULL && $1 != NULL) cfg->add_host(group_name, $1); Free($1); } | seqGroupMember ',' HostName { if (group_name != NULL && $3 != NULL) cfg->add_host(group_name, $3); Free($3); } ; HostName: DNSName { $$ = $1; } | Identifier { $$ = $1; if ($$ != NULL) { size_t string_len = strlen($$); for (size_t i = 0; i < string_len; i++) $$[i] = tolower($$[i]); } } ; /******************* [COMPONENTS] section *******************/ ComponentsSection: ComponentsKeyword ComponentList ; ComponentList: /* empty */ | ComponentList ComponentItem optSemiColon ; ComponentItem: ComponentName AssignmentChar ComponentLocation { if ($3 != NULL) cfg->add_component($3, $1); //Free($1); //Free($3); } ; ComponentName: Identifier { $$ = $1; } | '*' { $$ = NULL; } ; ComponentLocation: Identifier { $$ = $1; } | DNSName { $$ = $1; } ; /******************* [MAIN_CONTROLLER] section *******************/ MainControllerSection: MainControllerKeyword MCParameterList ; MCParameterList: /* empty */ | MCParameterList MCParameter optSemiColon ; MCParameter: LocalAddress AssignmentChar HostName { check_duplicate_option("LocalAddress", &local_addr_set); Free(cfg->local_addr); cfg->local_addr = $3; } | TCPPort AssignmentChar IntegerValue { check_duplicate_option("TCPPort", &tcp_listen_port_set); BIGNUM *BN_0 = BN_new(); BN_set_word(BN_0, 0); BIGNUM *BN_65535 = BN_new(); BN_set_word(BN_65535, 65535); char *int_val_str = BN_bn2dec($3); if (BN_cmp($3, BN_0) < 0 || BN_cmp($3, BN_65535) > 0) config_read_error("An integer value within range 0 .. 65535 was " "expected for parameter TCPPort instead of %s.", int_val_str); else cfg->tcp_listen_port = (unsigned short)BN_get_word($3); BN_free(BN_0); BN_free(BN_65535); BN_free($3); OPENSSL_free(int_val_str); } | KillTimer AssignmentChar KillTimerValue { check_duplicate_option("KillTimer", &kill_timer_set); if ($3 >= 0.0) cfg->kill_timer = $3; else config_read_error("A non-negative numeric value was expected for " "parameter KillTimer instead of %g.", $3); } | NumHCs AssignmentChar IntegerValue { check_duplicate_option("NumHCs", &num_hcs_set); BIGNUM *BN_0 = BN_new(); BN_set_word(BN_0, 0); char *int_val_str = BN_bn2dec($3); if (BN_cmp($3, BN_0) <= 0) config_read_error("A positive integer value was expected for " "parameter NumHCs instead of %s.", int_val_str); else cfg->num_hcs = (int)BN_get_word($3); BN_free(BN_0); // Check if we really need to free this! BN_free($3); OPENSSL_free(int_val_str); } | UnixSocketEnabled AssignmentChar YesToken { cfg->unix_sockets_enabled = true; } | UnixSocketEnabled AssignmentChar NoToken { cfg->unix_sockets_enabled = false; } | UnixSocketEnabled AssignmentChar HostName { config_read_error("Only 'yes' or 'no' is accepted instead of '%s'", $3); } ; KillTimerValue: FloatValue { $$ = $1; } | IntegerValue { double tmp = (double)BN_get_word($1); if (BN_is_negative($1)) tmp *= -1; $$ = tmp; BN_free($1); } ; /******************* [INCLUDE] section *******************/ IncludeSection: IncludeKeyword IncludeFiles ; IncludeFiles: /* empty */ | IncludeFiles IncludeFile ; IncludeFile: Cstring { Free($1); } ; /******************* [DEFINE] section *******************/ DefineSection: DefineKeyword ; /********************************************************/ ParamOpType: AssignmentChar | ConcatChar ; optSemiColon: /* empty */ | ';' ; %% int process_config_read_file(const char *file_name, config_data *pcfg) { // reset "locals" local_addr_set = FALSE; tcp_listen_port_set = FALSE; kill_timer_set = FALSE; num_hcs_set = FALSE; error_flag = FALSE; string_chain_t *filenames=NULL; cfg = pcfg; /* Initializing parameters to default values */ cfg->clear(); if(preproc_parse_file(file_name, &filenames, &config_defines)) error_flag=TRUE; while(filenames) { char *fn=string_chain_cut(&filenames); config_read_lineno=1; /* The lexer can modify config_process_in * when it's input buffer is changed */ config_read_in = fopen(fn, "r"); if (config_read_in == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open configuration file: %s (%s)\n", fn, strerror(errno)); error_flag=TRUE; } else { FILE* tmp_cfg = config_read_in; config_read_restart(config_read_in); config_read_reset(fn); if(config_read_parse()) error_flag=TRUE; fclose(tmp_cfg); /* During parsing flex or libc may use some system calls (e.g. ioctl) * that fail with an error status. Such error codes shall be ignored in * future error messages. */ errno = 0; } Free(fn); } config_read_close(); string_map_free(config_defines); config_defines=NULL; return error_flag ? -1 : 0; } static void check_duplicate_option(const char *option_name, boolean *option_flag) { if (*option_flag) { config_read_warning("Option `%s' was given more than once in section " "[MAIN_CONTROLLER].", option_name); } else *option_flag = TRUE; } #ifndef NDEBUG void yyprint(FILE *file, int type, const YYSTYPE& value) { switch (type) { case DNSName: case Identifier: case Cstring: fprintf(file, "'%s'", value.str_val); break; case Number: { char *string_repr = BN_bn2dec(value.int_val); fprintf(file, "%s", string_repr); OPENSSL_free(string_repr); break; } default: break; } } #endif