############################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2000-2014 Ericsson Telecom AB # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html ############################################################################### [MODULE_PARAMETERS] // Integer assignment.tsp_integer_native := 42 tsp_integer_native_init := 43 tsp_integer_openssl := 1000000000000 tsp_integer_openssl_init := 1000000000001 // Float tsp_float_1 := 42.0 tsp_float_1_init := 43.0 tsp_float_2 := 4.2e+1 tsp_float_2_init := 4.3e+1 // Boolean tsp_boolean_false := false *.tsp_boolean_false_init := false tsp_boolean_true := true tsp_boolean_true_init := true // Verdict tsp_verdict_none := none tsp_verdict_inc := inconc tsp_verdict_pass := pass tsp_verdict_fail := fail tsp_verdict_error := error tsp_verdict_error_init := error // Objid tsp_objid_number := objid {0 4 0 12345 6789} tsp_objid_number_init := objid {0 4 0 12345 6789} tsp_objid_name_number := objid {itu_t(0) identified_organization(4) etsi(0) 12345 6789} tsp_objid_name_number_init := objid {itu_t(0) identified_organization(4) etsi(0) 12345 6789} // Bitstring tsp_bitstring_0 := '00000000'B tsp_bitstring_0_init := '00000000'B tsp_bitstring_128 := '10000000'B // Hexstring tsp_hexstring_0:= '0'H tsp_hexstring_0_init := '0'H tsp_hexstring_FF := 'FF'H // Charstring tsp_charstring_empty := "" tsp_charstring_empty_init := "" tsp_charstring_fox := "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" // Universal charstring tsp_univ_charstr_empty := "" tsp_univ_charstr_1 := "Character " & char(0, 0, 1, 113) & " is a hungarian letter." // Enumerated tsp_enum1 := ENUM_1 tsp_enum1_init := ENUM_1 tsp_enum2 := ENUM_2 // Union tsp_MyUnion_field1 := { field1 := 1} tsp_MyUnion_field1_init := { field1 := 1} tsp_MyUnion_field2 := { field2 := 2} tsp_MyUnion_duplicate1 := { field1 := 1, field1 := 2 } tsp_MyUnion_duplicate2 := { field1 := 1, field2 := 2 } // Record tsp_record_empty := {} tsp_record_empty_init := {} tsp_record_MyRec := { field1 := 1, field2 := 2} tsp_record_MyRec_init := {field1 := 1, field2 := 2} tsp_record_MyRec1 := {field1 := 3} tsp_record_MyRec_duplicate := { field1 := 1, field1 := 2, field1 := 3 } tsp_record_MyRecursive1 := {field1 := 5} tsp_record_MyRecursive2 := {field1 := 1, field2 := {field1 := 2, field2 := {field1 := 3}}} enum := {enum := 42} // Set tsp_set_empty := {} tsp_set_empty_init := {} tsp_set_MySet := { field1 := 1, field2 := 2} tsp_set_MySet_init := {field1 := 1, field2 := 2} tsp_set_MySet1 := {field1 := 3} tsp_set_MyRecursiveSet1 := {field1 := 5} tsp_set_MyRecursiveSet2 := {field1 := 1, field2 := {field1 := 2, field2 := {field1 := 3}}} // Record of tsp_ROI_empty := {} tsp_ROI := {1, 2, 3} tsp_ROI := {1, -, 3} tsp_ROI2 := {1, -, 3} tsp_ROI_indexed := {[2] := 6, [3] := 28, [5] := 496, [7] := 8128} tsp_ROI_indexed2 := {[2] := 6, [5] := 496} tsp_ROI_indexed2 := {[3] := 28} tsp_ROI_indexed2 := {[7] := 8128} tsp_ROROI := {{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}} tsp_ROROROI := {{{1}, {2}}, {{2}, {3}}, {{3}, {4}}} tsp_ROROROI_2 := {{{1,2}, {3,4}}, {{5,6}, {7,8}}, {{9,10}, {11,12}}} // Set of tsp_SOI_empty := {} tsp_SOI := {1, 2, 3} tsp_SOI := {1, -, 3} tsp_SOI2 := {1, -, 3} tsp_SOI_indexed := {[2] := 6, [3] := 28, [5] := 496, [7] := 8128} tsp_SOI_indexed2 := {[2] := 6, [5] := 496} tsp_SOI_indexed2 := {[3] := 28} tsp_SOI_indexed2 := {[7] := 8128} tsp_SOSOI := {{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}} tsp_SOSOSOI := {{{1}, {2}}, {{2}, {3}}, {{3}, {4}}} tsp_SOSOSOI_2 := {{{1,2}, {3,4}}, {{5,6}, {7,8}}, {{9,10}, {11,12}}} // Array tsp_array_2 := {[0] := 1, [2] := 3} tsp_array_3 := {1, -, 3} tsp_array_4 := {1, -, 3} tsp_array_4 := {-, 2, -} tsp_array_5 := {2, 2, -} tsp_array_5 := {4, 5, 6} // Anytype tsp_anytype_int := {integer := 42} tsp_anytype_float := {float := 42.0} tsp_anytype_MyRec := {MyRec := {field1 := 1, field2 := 2}} // Component tsp_component_null := null // Default tsp_default := null // Nested array, record of & set of tsp_nested.roi := { 4, 5 }; tsp_nested.soi := { 6, 7, 8 }; tsp_nested.roi[2] := 9; tsp_ro_nested[0].roi := { 4, 5 }; tsp_ro_nested[0].soi := { 6, 7, 8 }; tsp_ro_nested[1].roi := { 14, 15 }; tsp_ro_nested[1].soi := { 16, 17, 18 }; tsp_ro_nested[2].roi := { 24, 25 }; tsp_ro_nested[2].soi := { 26, 27, 28 }; tsp_ro_nested[2].roi[2] := 29; tsp_has_nested.recs[0].roi := { 3, 2, 1 }; tsp_has_nested.recs[0].soi := { 9, 6, 3 }; tsp_has_nested.recs[1] := { { 2, 4, 6, 8 }, { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 } }; tsp_nested_arr[2].soi := { 29, 28, 27 }; tsp_nested_arr[1].roi := { 19, 18, 17 }; // Nested array, record of & set of template tsp_templ_nested.roi := { 4, 5 }; tsp_templ_nested.soi := { 6, 7, 8 }; tsp_templ_nested.roi[2] := 9; tsp_templ_ro_nested[0].roi := { 4, 5 }; tsp_templ_ro_nested[0].soi := { 6, 7, 8 }; tsp_templ_ro_nested[1].roi := { 14, 15 }; tsp_templ_ro_nested[1].soi := { 16, 17, 18 }; tsp_templ_ro_nested[2].roi := { 24, 25 }; tsp_templ_ro_nested[2].soi := { 26, 27, 28 }; tsp_templ_ro_nested[2].roi[2] := 29; tsp_templ_has_nested.recs[0].roi := { 3, 2, 1 }; tsp_templ_has_nested.recs[0].soi := { 9, 6, 3 }; tsp_templ_has_nested.recs[1] := { { 2, 4, 6, 8 }, { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 } }; tsp_templ_nested_arr[2].soi := { 29, 28, 27 }; tsp_templ_nested_arr[1].roi := { 19, 18, 17 }; [EXECUTE] assignment.control