/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2000-2014 Ericsson Telecom AB * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html ******************************************************************************/ %option noyywrap %option yylineno %option never-interactive %option nounput %{ /* #define CHK_ACCESS */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "../common/version_internal.h" #include "repgen.h" #ifdef LICENSE #include "../common/license.h" #endif #define T_TITLE 199 #define T_NAME 200 #define T_SHORT 201 #define T_LONG 202 #define T_STR 203 #define T_CODE 204 #define T_LOGS 205 #define T_DUMP 206 #define T_DEST 207 #define T_TABLEN 208 #define T_FILLCOL 209 #define T_ERROR 210 int token, tok; struct listentry *first, *tclist; char *str; static char title[MAXLEN]; static char code_srcdir[MAXLEN], log_srcdir[MAXLEN], dump_srcdir[MAXLEN]; static char tcname[MAXLEN], dstdir[MAXLEN]; static int tablen, fillcol; char ch; %} %x PP TITLE NAME SHORT LONG CODE LOGS DUMP DEST TABLEN FILLCOL ERROR digit [0-9] octdigit [0-7] hexdigit [0-9a-fA-F] digits {digit}+ alpha [a-zA-Z_] alphanum {alpha}|{digit} whitespace [ \t\f\v] allwhite [ \t\f\b\v\r\n] whitespace2 [ \t\f\v] path [./~a-zA-Z_0-9\-] pp_title ^{allwhite}*"#Title"{allwhite}* pp_name ^{allwhite}*"#Testcase"{allwhite}* pp_short ^{allwhite}*"#Purpose"{whitespace}*[\n]* pp_long ^{allwhite}*"#Description"{whitespace}*[\n]* pp_code ^{allwhite}*"#TTCN-3 code"{allwhite}* pp_logs ^{allwhite}*"#TTCN-3 log"{allwhite}* pp_dump ^{allwhite}*"#Other log"{allwhite}* pp_dest ^{allwhite}*"#Destination"{allwhite}* pp_tablen ^{allwhite}*"#Tab length"{allwhite}* pp_fillcol ^{allwhite}*"#Column width"{allwhite}* pp_error ^{allwhite}*"#"{alphanum}* %% {pp_title} { BEGIN(TITLE); } {alpha}*{alphanum}* { strcat(title, yytext); } <TITLE>{whitespace}* { strcat(title, " "); } <TITLE>[\n]* { BEGIN(INITIAL); return T_TITLE; } <INITIAL>{pp_name} { BEGIN(NAME); } <NAME>{alpha}*{alphanum}* { strcpy(tcname, yytext); return T_NAME; } <NAME>{allwhite}* { BEGIN(INITIAL); } <INITIAL>{pp_code} { BEGIN(CODE); } <CODE>{path}*{alphanum}* { strcpy(code_srcdir, yytext); return T_CODE; } <CODE>{allwhite}* { BEGIN(INITIAL); } <INITIAL>{pp_logs} { BEGIN(LOGS); } <LOGS>{path}*{alphanum}* { strcpy(log_srcdir, yytext); return T_LOGS; } <LOGS>{allwhite}* { BEGIN(INITIAL); } <INITIAL>{pp_dump} { BEGIN(DUMP); } <DUMP>{path}*{alphanum}* { strcpy(dump_srcdir, yytext); return T_DUMP; } <DUMP>{allwhite}* { BEGIN(INITIAL); } <INITIAL>{pp_dest} { BEGIN(DEST); } <DEST>{path}*{alphanum}* { strcpy(dstdir, yytext); return T_DEST; } <DEST>{allwhite}* { BEGIN(INITIAL); } <INITIAL>{pp_short} { return T_SHORT; } <INITIAL>{pp_long} { return T_LONG; } <INITIAL>{pp_tablen} { BEGIN(TABLEN); } <TABLEN>{digit}* { tablen = atoi(yytext); return T_TABLEN; } <TABLEN>{allwhite}* { BEGIN(INITIAL); } <INITIAL>{pp_fillcol} { BEGIN(FILLCOL); } <FILLCOL>{digit}* { fillcol = atoi(yytext); return T_FILLCOL; } <FILLCOL>{allwhite}* { BEGIN(INITIAL); } <INITIAL>.|\n { ch = yytext[0]; return T_STR; } <INITIAL>{pp_error} | <*>.|\n { return T_ERROR; } %% int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) { char sname[MAXLEN]; char lname[MAXLEN]; FILE *sfh = NULL; FILE *lfh = NULL; size_t i, offset; #ifndef MINGW mode_t mode = S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH; #endif #ifdef LICENSE license_struct lstr; #endif if ( argc != 2 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "Usage: %s inputfile [-h]\n", argv[0] ); return -1; } if ( strcmp ( argv[1], "-h" ) == 0 ) { fputs("HTML Report Generator for the TTCN-3 Test Executor\n" "Product number: " PRODUCT_NUMBER "\n" "Build date: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n" "Compiled with: " C_COMPILER_VERSION "\n\n" COPYRIGHT_STRING "\n\n" "Example input file is printed to standard output.\n", stderr); puts ("#Title Sample\n" "#Tab length 8\n" "#Column width 80\n" "#TTCN-3 code ./\n" "#TTCN-3 log ./\n" "#Other log ./\n" "#Destination ./\n" "\n" "#Testcase testcase1\n" "#Purpose\n" "The purpose of the test case comes here.\n" "#Description\n" "This section describes the test case in detail.\n" "\n" "#Testcase testcase2\n" "#Purpose\n" "The purpose of the test case comes here.\n" "#Description\n" "This section describes the test case in detail.\n" ); return 0; } #ifdef LICENSE init_openssl(); load_license(&lstr); if (!verify_license(&lstr)) { free_license(&lstr); free_openssl(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!check_feature(&lstr, FEATURE_LOGFORMAT)) { fputs("The license key does not allow the usage of HTML " "report generator.\n", stderr); return 2; } free_license(&lstr); free_openssl(); #endif if ( ( yyin = fopen ( argv[1], "r" ) ) == 0 ) { perror ( argv[1] ); exit ( 1 ); } sprintf ( dstdir, "./" ); tclist = (struct listentry *)malloc ( sizeof ( struct listentry ) ); tclist->next = NULL; first = tclist; while ( ( token = yylex() ) ) { switch(token) { case T_TITLE: tok = token; break; case T_NAME: strcpy ( tclist->tcname, tcname ); tclist->next = (struct listentry *)malloc ( sizeof ( struct listentry ) ); tclist = tclist->next; tclist->next = NULL; sprintf ( sname, "%s/%s.short", dstdir, tcname ); sprintf ( lname, "%s/%s.long", dstdir, tcname ); if ( sfh ) fclose ( sfh ); if ( ! ( sfh = fopen ( sname, "wt" ) ) ) { perror ( sname ); return -1; } if ( lfh ) fclose ( lfh ); if ( ! ( lfh = fopen ( lname, "wt" ) ) ) { perror ( lname ); return -1; } break; case T_SHORT: case T_LONG: tok = token; break; case T_STR: switch ( tok ) { case T_SHORT: putc(ch, sfh); break; case T_LONG: putc(ch, lfh); break; case T_STR: default: break; } break; case T_CODE: case T_LOGS: case T_DUMP: case T_TABLEN: case T_FILLCOL: break; case T_DEST: if ( dstdir[strlen(dstdir)-1] != '/' ) dstdir[strlen(dstdir)] = '/'; if ( mkdir ( dstdir #ifndef MINGW , mode #endif ) == -1 ) { if ( errno != EEXIST ) { fprintf ( stderr, "Cannot create directory: %s\n", dstdir ); return -1; } /* else fprintf ( stderr, "Directory already exists: %s\n", dstdir ); */ } offset = strlen ( dstdir ); for ( i = 0; i < strlen ( title ); i++ ) { if ( title[i] == ' ' ) dstdir[offset+i] = '_'; else dstdir[offset+i] = title[i]; } strcat ( dstdir, "-report" ); mkdir ( dstdir #ifndef MINGW , mode #endif ); break; case T_ERROR: default: if ( yytext[strlen(yytext)-1] == '\n' ) yytext[strlen(yytext)-1] = '\0'; fprintf ( stderr, "Parse error at line %d: %s\n", yylineno, yytext ); return -1; } } if ( sfh ) fclose ( sfh ); if ( lfh ) fclose ( lfh ); fclose ( yyin ); WriteCode ( first, code_srcdir, dstdir, tablen, fillcol ); WriteLog ( first, log_srcdir, dstdir ); WriteDump ( first, dump_srcdir, dstdir, tablen, fillcol ); Genhtml ( first, title, dstdir ); return 0; }