.TH ttcn3_logmerge 1 "October 2014" "Ericsson Telecom AB" "TTCN-3 Tools" .SH NAME ttcn3_logmerge \- TTCN-3 log file merge utility .SH SYNOPSIS .B ttcn3_logmerge .RB "[\| " \-o .IR "outfile" " \|]" .IR file.log " ..." .br or .br .B ttcn3_logmerge .B \-v .SH DESCRIPTION This manual page is a quick reference for the TTCN-3 logmerge utility of the TTCN-3 Test Executor. The .B ttcn3_logmerge utility, which can be found in .I $TTCN3_DIR/bin, merges all files given in the command argument into a single output file. The output of .B ttcn3_logmerge is sorted based on the timestamps found in the log files. .br It is useful for test suites that are run in parallel mode. It can merge the logs of different PTC into one single file based on the timestamps. .SH OPTIONS Available command line switches are: .TP 10 .BI \-o " outfile" Merges all input log files into .IR outfile "." If the file outfile exists its contents will be overwritten. This switch is optional, when omitted merged logs will be printed to standard output. .TP .B \-v Prints .I version and license key information and exits. .SH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES .TP .SM TTCN3_DIR The installation directory where the uncompressed binary package of TTCN-3 Test Executor can be found. .TP .SM TTCN3_LICENSE_FILE It shall point to the .I file .RB ( NB: .I not to its directory) that contains the personalized license key for the current user or host. .SH BUGS None known at this time .LP .SH SEE ALSO ttcn3_logformat(1), ttcn3_logfilter(1) .LP The .B User Documentation for the TTCN-3 .B Test Executor. .SH AUTHOR This manpage is written by Csaba Koppany, Ericsson Telecom AB .br Copyright (c) 2000-2014 Ericsson Telecom AB .br All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at .br http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html