This extension point is used to contribute new trace types or experiment types to the generic components of the TMF framework. a fully qualified identifier of the target extension point an optional identifier of the extension instance an optional name of the extension instance a unique name that will be used to identify this category a translatable name that will be used in the UI for this category The unique ID that identifies this trace type. The type name as it is displayed to the end user. An optional attribute that is composed of the category ID. The referenced category must be declared in a corresponding category element. The fully qualified name of a class that implements the <samp>ITmfTrace</samp> interface. The fully qualified name of a class that implements the <samp>ITmfEvent</samp> interface Indicates whether the trace type is for traces that are directories (true) or files (false) The unique ID that identifies this experiment type. The type name as it is displayed to the end user. An optional attribute that is composed of the category ID. The referenced category must be declared in a corresponding category element. The fully qualified name of a class that extends the <samp>TmfExperiment</samp> class 3.0 Example use of the tmftracetype extension point for generic CTF traces (CtfTmfTrace) and a category-less generic experiment type: <extension point="org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.tracetype"> <category id="org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.category.ctf" name="Common Trace Format"> </category> <type category="org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.category.ctf" event_type="org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.ctfadaptor.CtfTmfEvent" id="org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.type.ctf" name="Generic CTF Trace" trace_type="org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.ctfadaptor.CtfTmfTrace"> </type> <experiment id="org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.experiment.generic" name="Generic experiment" experiment_type="org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.trace.TmfExperiment"> </experiment> </extension> Trace types using this extension point have to specify the two following classes: * trace_type: Has to implement ITmfTrace. It's *highly* recommend to extend 'TmfTrace' to get default implementations. * event_type: Has to implement ITmfEvent. Once again, TmfEvent provides a reference implementation that should work in most cases. Experiment types using this extension point have to specify the following class: * experiment_type: Has to extend TmfExperiment. This class is the default experiment class, to be used to analyse sets of traces, where each trace is treated equally. Copyright (c) 2014 Ericsson All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at <a href=""></a>