The validate_metadata_event() function prints the actual event match
count twice when a test fails. Printing the expected vs actual counts
was probably the intention of the original author.
Signed-off-by: Jérémie Galarneau <>
Change-Id: Ideac2593a5d4d239ee24f98f954dddf2b5be91fa
local count=$($BABELTRACE_BIN --output-format=ctf-metadata $metadata_path | grep $event_name | wc -l)
if [ "$count" -ne "$nr_event_id" ]; then
- fail "Metadata match with the metadata of $count event(s) named $event_name"
- diag "$count matching event id found in metadata"
+ fail "Metadata match with the metadata of $nr_event_id event(s) named $event_name"
+ diag "$count matching event names found in metadata"
- pass "Metadata match with the metadata of $count event(s) named $event_name"
+ pass "Metadata match with the metadata of $nr_event_id event(s) named $event_name"